I've created a set of templates, A3, A2, A1 A0 etc.
When I open the .dwt at A0 it is fine, the correct dimensions for A0, everything is how it should be.
Now, when I'm in a drawing and go on the tabs, right click, "From Template", select the A0 template and it opens a new tab as normal.
However, the paper size is correct, A0. But the actual frame with the attributes is very small in the cornet, about 25 times smaller, so I'm thinking units, mm to inches, but all the INSUNITS are set to 6.
I am using Autocad 2012, I made a drawing frame template up in model space, then saved it into the DWT template folder, when I go into Layout and into insert to insert the template it will not show up.
I reloaded the DWT template back into model space and saved it as a DXF and I am able to insert the dxf template in Layout using the insert Block.
I can get the job done by using the dxf template but I would like to be able to insert the DWT template.
Is it possible to insert a "field" instruction in the drawing template to get automatically the stations (beginning and end) of the long profile for the sheet considered ?
I am trying to insert OS Tiles into a drawing using the insert x-ref command. I have managed to insert 192 tiles but still need to add 29 more tiles to complete. When I try to insert another x reference AutoCAD just goes into a continual loop. Have to force AutoCAD to crash after ten minutes.
I am using AutoCAD 2014 MAP and have just had a new system built (i5 processor, 8GB RAM).
I need to make a Template.idw file with my company logo. and i did that by using insert image options. Then i saved it as template file and when i try to use that tempate file for new drawing, it shows a message that the reference file path is not the part of active project. So there is any option availabe like copy image and paste in template in place of insert image with link option?
I have created an iLogic panel which allows me to control my revision a lot easier and puts my entered data into the parameters of the sheet itself, is there a way to have this show up on the drawing itself for a template?
Setting up a tabulated ipart drawing template. Which is better...one drawing file with a table or individual drawings for each tabulation? Also does one method work better than the other when introducing vault?
I've recently made a new drawing template with ilogic prompts for entering data for all fields within the template. It also sets view sizes etc. I have lots of master drawings, which are reused when sizes etc change for a contract, which i would like to transfer to this new template. Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard does not offer this function.
I could get all drawings in a folder copied to specific sheet size on the master template.As the template will probably be developed further in the future I'm very loathed to do this take manually.
Any way to use iLogic to create custom iProperties from the cells in an Excel spreadsheet (both text and numbers) for a .dwg template. The only thing even close has been a user who already knew how to do it and was having a different problem. I am using Inventor 2012 and Excel 2003 and have very little experience with VB. I currently have a family of assemblies, consisting of two parts linked to an Excel spreadsheet to control the various parameters for each variation of the assembly.
I need creating an iLogic rule that will:
Go to a specific tab (I have four different tabs/worksheets) in an Excel spreadsheet.
Make a specfic row of that worksheet the current row based on the part number used to generate the models of the assembly shown in a .dwg.
Use the contents of a cell in that row (text or numeric or a combination of both) to generate a custom iProperty for the .dwg template.
Use the custom iProperties to fill in the title block of the template.
I was able to turn the background to white. However I am still trying to figure out how to insert my image into this template so I can then have photoshop manage the color and print it with my Epson 3800 printer. When I click on the template it says could not complete your request because more than one layer is selected. This what Avery sent in the download. Do I have to do this in layers? I just want to insert the photo and print my images on the postcard templates I bought from Avery.
I am wondering if there is a way to insert a template that I have created into a project that already exists. I have created a template for the company I work for and we already have all of our plans for our homes drawn up. So I either have to redraw these homes starting with the new template or if it is possible load in a template.
I'm new to illustrator and I want to make iPhone graphics, is there a easy way for me to get a templete or out line of a iPhone and put my designs and logos I want in it?
Using Photoshop CS6, I am trying to insert two same size images into a predesigned template. I can insert the first image just fine. However,when I try to add the second image below the first one, the template rejects the second image and just leaves a blank space.
I seem to recall there is a method of substituting old drawing templates with the latest version on open drawings, but for the life of me can neither remember what the command is or enter anything into the ACAD Help search that results in anything remotely useful .
When editing the Title Box in a Drawing Template and attempting to insert a LOGO (bmp file) the logo file justs show an icon for the Logo and not the Logo
On my company's default drawing template, I have a text block on there with some drawing notes. We often edit some of the notes on the end at each drawing so I didn't create it on the "title block" layer, rather it's on the "top" layer. I also added (in the template) a revision table with Rev. A being "Released for Production" (because we are weird). How can I constrain those on the sheet so when I change sheet size, they stay in the same position relative to the corners of the sheet?
I need to modify some of the dimensions (text only) in a standard template of outline drawing for different cases. I tried to identify the dimensions which need modification by using handle.
But after that i have no idea how to change the text in it.
i use Inventor 2012 and Vault Collaboration 2012, and I often find drawing template cannot be open. with error message The template file is open. Please close it and try again
I created a standard title block template drawing for my student classwork exercises, and when I constructed the title block I keyed in real dimensions to ensure the title block would completely print on a piece of 8.5 X 11 paper. Now whenever I attempt to draw a large scale drawing (say a 36" dia circle, it draws the circle well outside my title block. I know why this is happening, I just need some tips about how to allow a title block template to be constructed around my current drawing reguardless of the drawing scale.
I have created a drawing template for survey and I need to distribute it to the field crews and eventually put it on the server. The template contains description keys, point styles, point label styles, custom point file formats, figure styles, figure prefix database, line code sets, etc.
How do I transfer all the external files along with the drawing template? Is it a straight forward copy? Etransmit doesn't seem to do it unless additional files are manually included, but I can't figure out what files to include or where they live.