AutoCad :: Import Layers From A Template To Drawing With Different Template
Jun 9, 2011Can you import layers from a template to a drawing with a different template
View 3 RepliesCan you import layers from a template to a drawing with a different template
View 3 RepliesI am attempting to import an external drawing into my own template. However this particular drawing refuses to insert. I have inserted quite a few from the same source but this one will not insert.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to import a template into an existing drawing?
I created a template, AFTER the drawing was created, and would like the drawing to HAVE that template.
I need creating a custom template for my drawings with custom layers, text, and dimensions
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was presented with a little renovation project and need to setup my own drawing. I've worked on CAD for a number of years while at a structural firm, an engineering firm and took classes in school but one thing I never had to do was setup was my own professional drawing from scratch. I know enough that it's crucial I start off on the foot. The engineering firm I worked at had everything ready so whenever I used CAD it was in an existing drawing or preparing a detail which the drafters imported. When I did some drafting work for an architect, he also had the drawing setup for me.
Since I'm now on my own I need to setup my own template drawing with a title block, layers, etc. Whats the best route for setting up my own sheets?
At my firm we always worked in a 1:1 scale & engineering units but since I'm doing floor plans for renovation work I plan on using the industry standard.
Converting a default part template to a custom template?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOur customer supplied us with an Autocad template, complete with attributes, that I would lite to use as an Inventor template.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem where I am unsure if my upgraded template is incompatible with Revit 2013 or is there something else at play.
If I create a precast stair in default template I get "end with riser" turned on automaticaly. If I copy that stair to my template and create new stair, "end with riser" is turned off and I manually have to adjust stair afterwards.
Problem is "end with riser" is now an instance parameter of stairs and I can't find where to change the default value.
Why is the stair type that works in default template stuffed when copied to my template?
I am an archaeologist working with survey equipment and Map3D for a few years but now I have the following problem.
When I import the shapefiles created in my leica/topcon equipment into Map3D (mapimport) there is the possibility to select which attributes are going to be imported with an import profile file (.ipf).
How do I create the above and save it so that I do not have to go through the same process again?
I have created an iLogic panel which allows me to control my revision a lot easier and puts my entered data into the parameters of the sheet itself, is there a way to have this show up on the drawing itself for a template?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSetting up a tabulated ipart drawing template. Which is drawing file with a table or individual drawings for each tabulation? Also does one method work better than the other when introducing vault?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've recently made a new drawing template with ilogic prompts for entering data for all fields within the template. It also sets view sizes etc. I have lots of master drawings, which are reused when sizes etc change for a contract, which i would like to transfer to this new template. Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard does not offer this function.
I could get all drawings in a folder copied to specific sheet size on the master template.As the template will probably be developed further in the future I'm very loathed to do this take manually.
I am working on the template for my company and making all the styles, labels, etc all consistent to our company standards. This also includes our standards layer names. There are 2 layers that I can't get rid of because they are in use somewhere. C-ROAD-CNTR-STAN and O_PROF-VIEW-TEXT both of these layers do not meet our standards and I can't get rid of them. I went through every style and label to see if I could find where they were being used, but couldn't find them anywhere. I made sure I check the layers for plan, profile, model and section on the display tab of each style.
Since there are so many styles to go through I wanted to try to narrow it down, so I started a new drawing from the template. I purged all of the styles, purged the layers, but they were still there. I set the object layers all to 0. I made sure that every label style default setting was also set to 0. Then I even created all new styles and labels for everything, did a "replace with" and made sure only the new styles were in use, removed the old styles and did a purge. But these layers still are being used somewhere. I tried using LAYTRANS to translate them into the 0 layer, but it doesn't work. There are no blocks in the drawing that are using these layers.
The only command that works to get rid of them is LAYDEL, but doing that makes me concerned that a setting may not have a layer set up for it and it may cause problems in the future.
Attached is a dwg file that I have stripped down as described above. I am using Civil 3D 2012, SP 2. Where a layer is in use? How you can now find where a style is in being referenced?
I have a company template file with standard layers that I need to match the layer properties of with a drawing I have already created. How do I do this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to set up a company layer structure and want to use LISP. Therefore I'd like to use a template file and set every layer with it's specific linetype and color there. If I change something in the template, say the color of a layer, it should update this in the drawing when I hit the LISP command.
View 9 Replies View RelatedDoes an template already made with all of the SDSFIE layers in it? The airport I am working with requires this layering system and I thought I would check to see if I took on the long task of creating one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to open dwg from template:
DocumentCollection acDocMgr = Application.DocumentManager;
Document acDoc;
try {
But on the line "acDocMgr.MdiActiveDocument = acDoc" AutoCAD is hanging and in around 10 sec AutoCAD closes.
How does the new document from template set active (do current)?
need to know how to set up a drawing template
View 2 Replies View RelatedI seem to recall there is a method of substituting old drawing templates with the latest version on open drawings, but for the life of me can neither remember what the command is or enter anything into the ACAD Help search that results in anything remotely useful .
View 9 Replies View RelatedI drew in the wrong template and now i cant change it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI think I have erased my template folder. So setting up new drawing has been a problem. Can I load a new template folder?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've created a set of templates, A3, A2, A1 A0 etc.
When I open the .dwt at A0 it is fine, the correct dimensions for A0, everything is how it should be.
Now, when I'm in a drawing and go on the tabs, right click, "From Template", select the A0 template and it opens a new tab as normal.
However, the paper size is correct, A0. But the actual frame with the attributes is very small in the cornet, about 25 times smaller, so I'm thinking units, mm to inches, but all the INSUNITS are set to 6.
When I import a layout from template it takes about 5-10 min of ACA not responding before it will actually import the layout from my template file. It will do this on any new file the first time and then it will work just fine after that. This was happening with ACA 2013 and now with 2014.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn my seemingly never-ending battle with standardizing, I have created a template with all the layers I expect to use in the future. The template will be used by both surveyors and engineers so I have layers that won't ever be used by surveyors. What I don't want is the surveyor to purge the drawing and delete all the layers that the engineers will need. I found the link below explaining and .lisp to replace deleted layers.
Now, I am completely new at .lisp and how to use them. Also, this template is used in a program called BricsCad (some of the older generation still uses it instead of Autocad) and using .dws and checking isn't an option for them.
I've tried this one Autodesk Developer Guide. But it hangs.
What i need to do is copy all objects into a new drawingtemplate and automaticaly run some code over this.
And close the drawing where i started the program.
I have crated a drawing of the part. Now I must be updating the drawing template. How I can update the drawing templates to old drawings?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow I can create new drawing(.dwg) file using drawing template(.dwt)file in back end (Means with out showing in front end).
View 4 Replies View RelatedStill working with INVENTOR 10.
When editing the Title Box in a Drawing Template and attempting to insert a LOGO (bmp file) the logo file justs show an icon for the Logo and not the Logo
On my company's default drawing template, I have a text block on there with some drawing notes. We often edit some of the notes on the end at each drawing so I didn't create it on the "title block" layer, rather it's on the "top" layer. I also added (in the template) a revision table with Rev. A being "Released for Production" (because we are weird). How can I constrain those on the sheet so when I change sheet size, they stay in the same position relative to the corners of the sheet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to modify some of the dimensions (text only) in a standard template of outline drawing for different cases. I tried to identify the dimensions which need modification by using handle.
But after that i have no idea how to change the text in it.
i use Inventor 2012 and Vault Collaboration 2012, and I often find drawing template cannot be open. with error message The template file is open. Please close it and try again
in fact, I did not open the template file.