AutoCad :: Dimensions On Layout Mode - Match Properties
Nov 12, 2012
I'm doing dimensions on Layout and I'm facing a problem: Using the same configurations of dimensions, sometimes I get the right dimension, but sometimes, without changing any configurations, I get wrong dimensions.
At the same drawing, with the same configurations, I get different dimensions to the same line. The only way that I'm being able to correct it is by using Match Properties (from a correct dimension to the one that went wrong).
why i can't not match properties (MP) multileader texts, as you can see on the pic, i want the Mleader text on the right to be the same size as on the left, they are in the same layer, same mleader style but when click MP to match with the one on the left, nothing happen?
I’m not sure about the current “annotation scale” in case of lay out mode.
Annotation scale option is displayed only in the model and viewport mode but not in the lay out mode (attached)!
Based on what annotative objects living on the lay out but neither in the model (or viewport) are re-sized? At this mode, there is no option to choose the annotation scale?
On other words, how to choose the annotation scale in the lay out mode?
My colleague is using AutoCAD 2012 LT. He was wondering is it possible to hatch an un-hatched object by matching it with the properties of a hatched source object?
I was working on one of the existing cad drawing, i came across this problem. I tried to match my Mtext with the existing text style, after M.P (match prop) everything look the same except the fonts style would not match, why is that? Does it have to be on the same layer?
I'm adding some rectangles to a drawing and want the hatching to match what it aready there. I thought the simplest way would be to match the properties, which works 99% of the time, but for some reason when I do that on the drawing I'm currently working on the scale is different.
I am using LT 2013. I cannot figure out how to match properties for text. I click on the 2 options and the box witdth, orientation, layer will match but not the style or font. I have tried using Quick Properties to select but have not had any success with this tool. Here is what I did:
Created a style and named it Arial.
Open the Quickselect box.
Apply to : click the box and select the various mtext objects.
Object Type: mText
Properties: Style
Operator: Select All
Include in New Selection Set is checked.
I click Ok and the objects are selected.
Next I go to the Properties Manager and change the style to the one I want to use, bu the text does not change. If Idoubleclick a text object it shows the correct style, but not the correct font. What have I missed doing?
When doing a match properties from one hatch to another, I end up with two hatches having identical properties (pattern, scale, etc) but that look completely different. See the attached image.
I tried the old snapbase trick and also tried various hatch origin settings, but without success.
Dim style is set to scale dims to match vp but when I layout a dimension it is not correct. I ran the "dimreassociate" command and that fixes it but only on the dim that I fix/selected. What am I missing? This is an existing legacy drawing so there must be some setting that has been changed.
In AutoCAD it is possible to set the orientating of a block to the orientating of the layout.
This can be done to run the " block" command, select the block to change, and and activate " Annotative" and " Match block orientating to layout"
For example, you may want to have a block presenting the locating of an elevator automatically orientated to every layout.
In a layout with a rotated viewport by 90 degrees, all the elevator blocks are shown according the layout. Is it possible to set the block orientating to match the layout in .NET ?
Is it possible to set the block orientating to match the layout even the block is not annotative?
We've just upgraded to AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and I discovered that my match properties command (MA) is now on steroids. In the process of making an existing plan into a demo plan, I put a toilet on a demo layer. I intended to use match properties to put other select items on the same demo layer, but when I touched the lavatory, it turned into a toilet. I've never had this happen before. In trying to solve the issue, I've discovered the same thing happens with other AEC objects (couches, urnials, chairs -- all became toilets) and it happens in multiple files. Only walls and doors remain intact with only the layer, color and linetype changing (which is what I was expecting).
I looked at the settings inside the match properties command and none of them seemed to apply. I deselected the special properties options anyway, but the problem remains.
Why is it that whenever i use a command for pan and match properties, the hatch from the other areas do not display but when i exit the command the hatch is there. the problem is you cannot match the properties of from one hatch to another.
In 2011 AutoCAD Mechanical, I used to be able to match dimension override properties including the entered text. Not sure how it worked, but the manual entered text would be matched/transferred to the new default dimension. Now using 2012 and this function is not working. This feature is quite handy for the type of work we do. All match property settings are enabled.
why is it that whenever i use a command for pan and match properties, the hatch from the other areas do not display or miss its visibility but when i exit the command the hatch is there. the problem is you cannot match the properties of from one point to another.
Since it's a snow day here I have some time to work on some office stuff. I've created my new template now I want to update my blocks. Because I have to place blocks that show a direction for operation I have created 4 blocks of the same symbol-up, down, left, right. I do this because these blocks have text with them that needs to be orientated to the layout (otherwise I get a nasty letter back from the fire marshal). Now for the text that is constant I just use a annotative text style and have the text match the layout but the text that is an attribute I'm not sure if that can be annotative and match the layout as well.
When I'm into reference edit mode (REFEDIT) I can make match properties command also on objects which are not in working set - this was not possible to do before and it is pretty annoying. Is this a bug or some new function, hopefully turnable on/off?
Also I never understood, why is not possible to copy anything from reference edit mode, but it is possible to paste into, also there are no problems in Block editor mode? It seems to me like artificial set limit with no obvius explanation why would that be good especially when I see that it is possible to match properties on outside objects.
I've been looking for commant that will allow me to copy a selection of entities to another layer for details. I'll need to be able to select several objets all at once and have each of them maintain the correct colors, linetypes, lineweights. Most everything is set as bylayer but that makes everything change once the objects are moved to a new layer.
How can I keep the everything looking like it never changed except for the fact that it will be moved to a new layer - layer 0 in this situation?
I have a drawing I am working on regardless of whether I use DVIEW Twist or UCS rotate I encounter the same issue. I start with MTEXT that is parallel to my intended view. However, as soon as I make it annotative and set it to Match Layout the text rotates 90-degrees and is no longer plan readable.The text lives in model space, not paper space. I've even roated the layout viewports in this specific drawing to match, and the text appears correct when viewed through a viewport, but when I jump back to model it is turned on end 90-degrees again! Have I missed a setting somewhere? Shouldnt the text reamin oriented with current view in model space?
I am uploading a link to a video which shows this problem in detail. URL...
Normally when applying the matchprop command in CAD, one has to first pick the template element, and then select the elements which should have this template element's properties copied to/matched.
is it possible (via lisp perhaps?) to reverse this order, so that i can select a bunch of elements (e.g. through the quickselect icon) and THEN apply a matchpropertieslisp command, then select a single template element which the initially selected elements should mimic?
I have used Autocad since 1991, and my current job required me to use Microstation. One feature I liked from Microstation is the ability to select and open an external DGN reference, and then match the view of the parent DGN, called the "EXCHANGE" command. In AutoCAD, you can also select and open an xref, but the DWG opens to the previous saved view, and not to the desired view that matches the layout.
My thought was to experiment with lisp or script and export the "Viewctr", "Viewtwist" and "Viewsize" variables to a text file, then importing the text file and using the "Viewtwist" as my "SNAPANG" value, then "Viewctr" as my "ZOOM, CENTER" value, and finally the "Viewsize" as the "Enter magnification or height:" value.
But, alas, I have no time, and not quite the knowledge to duplicate MicroStation's open-xref-and-zoom-to-view feature. I hesitate using the REFEDIT, which works fine for regular AutoCAD, but not so much for Civil 3D and the objects it creates (labels and other items with data shortcuts).
I'm trying to create dimensions that only reference the layout tab.
Example- When I dimension from two end points within the same viewport, the dimension reads out 50' because that's the length of the line regardless of the scale the viewport displays. Now I add another viewport and try to dimension between viewports and the dimension references the layout. Regardless if it's the same viewport or not I need the dimension to reference the layout/paper space.
I have used Autocad since 1991, and my current job required me to use Microstation. One feature I liked from Microstaiton is the ability to select and open an external DGN reference, and then match the view of the parent DGN. In AutoCAD, you can also select and open an xref, but the DWG opens to the previous saved view, and not to the desired view that matches the layout.
My thought was to experienting with lisp or scipt and export the "Viewctr", "Viewtwist" and "Viewsize" variables to a text file, then importing the text file and using the "Viewtwist" as my "SNAPANG" value, then "Viewctr" as my "ZOOM, CENTER" value, and finally the "Viewsize" as the "Enter magnification or height:" value.
But, alas, have no time, and not quite the knowledge to duplicate MicroStation's open-xref-and-zoom-to-view feature.
I'm trying to figure out two things that have changed:
1) Lets say i create a polyline, lets say its 15 inches long. I used to be able to click on it and have the length show up in my properties. it no longer does that.
2) Lets say i create a polyline, it's green and has a dot pattern. I decided i wanted to change it to yellow and hidden pattern. I can no longer select the line and change it under the properties, it will change it in properties, but not on my screen. then when i draw a new line it will be yellow and hidden. I end up having to matchprop to make it work.