I have a dwg that when dimensioned (or when inserting new text) the dimensions are off the 0 axis on the z. The only reason I think that, is it looks blurry till I flatten it(checked the properties before flattening and it says 0). What I don't understand is why its still happening after the whole drawing has been flattened.
I'm currently making some drawings of a piping system for an oil rigg process system I made in Inventor. I was now supposed to draw an Isometric drawing of some pipes, but i don't think i knew what isometric meant so i made it in 3D. So i made a full xyz 3d drawing instead of drawing 3d on an xy axis. Still, i don't think there will be problems because i'm only supposed to take pictures of this and add it to a repport.
The problem i have is adding dimensions to the lines on the z-axis, they keeb gluing to the xy-axis. It's probably a stupid question, but I just can't seem figure it out. I added a picture of it. Now if i made an ISOmetric drawing i would not have had this problem, hope i don't have to start again.
i try to make an animation. I create a cylinder and i want to rotate it by longitudinal axis. i click 'components', select the cylinder and after i click 'position' to select the axis that axis system appears in the right side of the cylinder not in the middle. If i continue whit this settings the cylinder will rotate by a circle not by his longitudinal axis. How can i move that axis sistem in the middle of the cylinder? I can drag it but can't place it exactly in the middle.
Is there any way I can extract the rotation of a block relative to the yz axis and xy axis. I can extract the insertion point and xy rotation but not the yz and xz.
I'm rigging a shoulder pad to a biped and I'd like it to only rotate on one axis. Google hasn't been that useful, and I hope I don't need scripting for this kind of minor thing. I'm rather new to 3Ds Max Design but I'm learning fast and liking it so far!
I've attached what I want to effectively accomplish. I'm looking for a way to lock the z-axis of the object with the upper arm's z-axis.
I was adding a lot of aligned dimensions to a drawing and some where along the way they changed from aligned dimensions to rotated dimensions, even in the same string of dimensions.
My locked viewport floats horizontally, all of the time. It does it on all my drawings. Is there a fix for this phenomenon? Is AutoCAD planning on fixing this?
Somehow, in some way, I created a floating toobar for the layers manager. When I click on the layers property button, a "floating" version of it appears. I can close it, dock it, auto-hide it, etc., but can't get rid of it permanently.
I'm using LT 2011, which feels odd after two decades of running the "full strength" versions.
I have a dual monitor setup and I maximize acad2011 on monitor 2 and have my toolbars on monitor 1.
I like to have my toolbars floating, but justified to the side with the 'gap' between the montiors so the tool bars fly out and I can see my email or reference docs or whatever on monitor 1 also. Sadly every time I close and re-open acad my toolbars re-justify to the center of monitor 1. I've tried unlocking and locking but that doesn't work. I am using the 'better', errr, excuse me, 'classic' workspace.
I'm having a problem with my properties window or floating palette. When I select an object, such as a "line", my properties palette refreshes itself for about 3 seconds. When I hit esc, or deselect the line, it takes another 3 seconds to refresh itself. You can even see the properties palette start at the top and go blank as it travels downward. Very slow process, I can not get anything done. IF I close my properties palette, it does not have the delay, but I can not work without it. When I reboot, it works fine for about 5-6 selections, then jams back up.
ACA 2012 sp1 with Win 7 Pro 64bit sp1 Intel i7 hex 3.0 16 gb ram Nvidia Quadro 4000
I can undock the draw-panel to get it in "floating" mode, but I would like it to display all the icons in one single column (so all the icons from top to bottom). I googled around, and found that it should be possible to resize the floating panel (mousepointer should change when you move it to any side). However, my floating panel doesn't allow me to do that. It always displays the icons in a 4x3 or 3x3 matrix. (depending on the orientation).
Ok I am attempting to add a floating curve from the end of a simple straight alignment. No matter what I do the curve is created from the left end of the alignment. I first created an alignment from objects. I tried reversing the alignment and it still comes from the same point. I tried creating an alignment and drawing the objects using a fixed line. Still from the same point. How do you get it to create the floating curve from the opposite end?
I've noticed some issues with Osnap tracking not working consistently with a floating command line. It seems to happen especially when trying to track back along an object.
No problems whatsoever when command line is docked.
I have had this issue for about two weeks. I am not aware of any changes to my system though Windows 7 updates automatically.
Often, but not all the time, when I am in a floating viewport which is locked and I zoom in, the part of the drawing disappears as if the view on the viewport has adjusted to one side so that I cannot see any of what I am working on. If I escape the command and 'undo' last command it takes me back to the correct view but in paperspace.
This is a pain as I cannot zoom in to locate a point accurately. It only happens when I zoom in quite close. The viewports are locked and it is only a problem recently. I have used CAD for 20 years and LT 2008 for the last 4-5 years so I dont think it is a user issue. Maybe a settings issue or bug, but I have not knowingly changed any settings which would do this and cannot see why this would be a 'feature'.
Floating command line width gets shorter and shorter everytime you open up AutoCAD? Civil 3D is real bad, I used it to shoot the above video. In regular AutoCAD, it still shrinks, but it shrinks a lot less.
Any tips for keeping it floating but making the width stay constant?
In Illustrator CS6 - Cloud - there's an annoying box floating above my canvas in the upper left hand corner. It is a transparent fill with a black stroke and a dark outer glow.
I've tried turning off every palette and window view, yet it still appears "above" the canvas window. It goes away when the application loses focus but then returns after the application is brought to the foreground. This has to be a bug?
Mac Lion + Macbook Pro + 8GB + CS6 Cloud + Illustrator
How do I get Photoshop to open with floating windows and the histogram in compact RGB mode? I have to reset this every time I open a new photo. I can't believe how hard it is to change modes in the histogram.I have to undock it, change it to expanded view, change the mode, change it back to compact view and redock it. This made sense to someone? I tried saving the workspace.
Is there a way to have the new NEX tools window undocked when starting up Maya? I can undock it after Maya 2014 starts. But I'd like to have it this way on launch. Currently it reverts back.
I want to stretch the content of a floating selection to fulfill a path completely. For example, in the image below, how to automatically scale/distort/stretch etc... all pixels inside yellow antline to make it fit to the circle path outside.
When I am working with various pictures in PS, I have like 10 open and every time I go out of photoshop and come back, they have all closed down to the docking window. I have to re-open them again from there, I want to STOP THEM from closing when I go to desktop or somewhere else. I want them to stay afloat. I know I can click Ctrl + mouse and "restore all windows" but that is also a nuisance because it resized my PS window and I have to push up teh layers palette again.