I want to plot 100+ drawings to PDF's and was wondering if there is a way to change the base file location it saves, to a location I can choose? I am currently using the PDF to DWG.pc3 file in a plotting script. Is there also a way to get rid of the PDF viewer when the script is running?
I have a surface, to which I've added data from a ENZ file. No problems - I had a workable surface. I want to be able to work on the drawing at home as well as work. So I brought home the DWG as well as the ENZ file thinking that if both were in the same directory, it would work OK. But I get an error saying the Point file can't be found. I can't see any way to make the file reference relative, rather than absolute.
I have a standard install of Inventor 2012 SP2, but for some reason it cant seem to find the images for IBL effects. See attached Screen shot, when I go to select an item there is nothing there.
I have found the files in the "c:userspublicautodeskenviroments" folder but why Inventor cant see them?I have looked in "App options" in the "file" tab and in the project file and I cant see any pathing options that relate to the enviroments?
The default images for textures and bumpmaps are all found OK just not the IBL files? How I can set the path to these enviroment images?
I'm working on creating iparts for fasteners. Initially I had the O.D. of all the fasteners as nominal, which created an issue when using analyze interference. All hole features are based on the minor diameter, so they are displayed correctly on the .idw. Nominal fasteners with minor diameter holes means interference.
I am currently referencing the thread.xls spreadsheet, located in the Inventor Design Data folder, within my fastener ipart spreadsheet. This allows me to maintain a constant connection to the thread.xls file if there are ever changes from Autodesk.
My issue comes about when I am placing the ipart files within assemblies. I am asked for the location of thread.xls. Once I re-establish the link, Inventor tells me it's not part of the active project. BUT, if you look at the Project - Folder Options - Design Data, it is the same location. So the project does have a link to the folder structure.
Would I have to create a library in each project so the link can be established.
I have just upgraded from C3D 2011 to C3D 2013. I know it should be simple to copy my custom CUI file from one release to another, but somehow I'm missing it. In 2013, I open Workspace/Customize, then swith to the Transfer tab (right sofar?). In the pull down, I choose Open. Now at this point, I think I should just browse for my 2011 CUI file, but for some reason, I can't find it. If I search my C drive, I still can't find it. With 2011 open, in Workspace, the name of the CUI that I use is "Randy", so I'm assuming the file name to search for would be randy.cui.
Using 2011 on W7 64 bit machine. When I try to set the location for the "Autosave File Location" or the "Temp Dwg File Location", I get the attached error message. I've done everything I know to fix it to no avail. I am on my personal laptop, I am an admin will full control rights of course, I've made sure the folders are not read only...
I have only been using Inventor since late winter . I have create a "master" folder with an assembly, drawing, and excel cutlist. This folder also contains sub folders with the sub-assemblies and parts.
In my master assembly I created ILogic rules to change dimensions of the parts, to select different profiles and to select different sub assembly configurations (on/off). It works fine as is.
Now, the idea was to copy the whole "master" folder and rename it to a job, launch the master assembly and configure it, then save it. The issue is that, even though the master assembly is in a new folder, it still references the sub-assemblies and parts from the "master" folder. How do I write a rule to "save as" all these sub-assemblies and parts to the new location?
I have inserted a jpeg into autocad (a map to roughly draw more information on). In model space it only shows the map and the info I want but in layout space it has a print along the jpeg showing where the image is saved. How can I get rid of the print?
The default file location for the template .dwt file in my AutoCAD options keeps resetting to None (see attaached, red arrow). It should be the same location as the line below it (see attached, green arrow). I have reset it a few times now, but it keeps reverting back to None. Do you know why this is happening and/or how I can fix it so the setting will stay?
Looking for a reference that shows what the default file path locations are for various AutoCAD user files. Specifically, I had my AutoCAD file paths changed and cannot find where my blocks are saved. I'd like to save the blocks I create in a specific folder.
When our tech was here to install Vault for us I had several pressing tasks going on and did not learn how to find and alter our content center files. I now have a little time over the Christmas break to work on this. Where do I look in the settings to see where the content center is located? I plan to copy the files to my machine as I will not have access to the server over the break and I will need to know where to reset the file search at. Is this done through the project folders? If so how do I accsee read/write? I do have admin rights and we are using 2012.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1 Vault 2013- plain vanilla version HP G71 notebook celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system Win 7 home premium
Is it possible to identify the location of a part in an assembly file?
I cannot access (or find access to) global locations, just local. You may ask, whats the problem? Well, right now, I have 10 subAssemblies and they are all "located" at (0,0,0), which means I have 10 solids sharing the exact same space. This problem can be easily fixed if I can compare the Global Origin to a Local Origin, but I can only find the "work axes origin" which is worthless to me.
Whenever I double-click on a single line of text, I get an AutoCAD message "Unable to find main dictionary. Could not start speller." I am using AutoCAD 2012. I have not changed to the path in my main customization file. It is:
C:UsersDan Potyrajappdata oamingautodeskautocad 2012 - english 18.2enusupportacad.cuix.
I’m trying to save myself a bit of time and was wondering if it is possible to have part of the file location displayed in the title block?
The current title block we are using shows the full file location of the drawing but I was wondering if it is possible to show only part of this?
The reason I am asking is that when a project progresses to the next stage we have to go through each drawing and change the status to warrant, tender, construction etc. so I am looking for a way that this can be done automatically and I was thinking if only part of the file location could be used this process could be done by simply moving the drawings to the next folder? Our projects folders are split down in to subfolders for planning, warrant, tender etc. which corresponds with the status field on your layout. So instead of having to update this status manually every time the project progresses this would update to the folder that the drawings are in.
I know I can go into the AeccSetNetworkCatalog command and set the file path but I want to do it pragmatically. Is there any way to do this? If so I don't know where it is located?
how to change the publish settings so that it prompts asking for a location to save when I publish to PDF? Right now it's just saving to the default output location and I need it to ask every time where I want to save the file.
I wrote this small program to automate plotting a drawing to pdf. Everything work fine except I cannot figure out how to allow it to let me pick where I want the file created and what I want to call it. In this routine, the "" at the 3rd from the end place will just automatically name the file and put it in the parent folder. If I replace the "" with pause, it lets me change the name, but will not let me choose the location.
What I'm looking for is for a dialogue box to pop up (explorer style) that will let me choose a location and name the file. This is what happens if you do it "long hand" inside ACAD, how to do it in the code.
I have a Civil3D file with Drawing Settings = WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North Map3D coordinate system = WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North a USGS DEM from HYDROsheds data set (tile = N40E80) also note this DEM is a folder of multiple ADF files when using FDO provider the DEM comes in just fine but it lands in the wrong location thousands of kilometers away.
When I load the same shape files into ArcMAP10 with spatial reference as WGS84 UTM-Zone44 North everything lines up perfectly.
The header prj.adf file is this:
Using (setq Filetab (vla-get-files (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))(vlax-dump-object Filetab) returns most pathname as specified under Options. However, the Action Recorder path is missing. How do I retrieve this path?
When I issue the Wblock Command I can not find the Dialog box to select objects and file location... This happens in the Layer Dialog when I try to change the color of a layer, the Color Dialog box can not be found. When I use the Block command the dialog box pops up, so I can see it.
I would like to put our company programming on a Dropbox folder. I have not fully tested everything out yet, like locations of lisp files and image name...
One thing I am struggling with is an absolute path in my lisp file:
(setq FL:FLAYTAB "C:\Users\dvanerem\Dropbox\Canova and Stone\Customizations\Autodesk AutoCAD 2010\Programming\OENV-RCP.TAB")(FL:LoadTable)
I am confused how this would work with other users? Or does AutoCAD automatically correct for this?
I've been working on a drawing that requires me to take .dwg files of 3D equipment and place them into my one drawing for general arrangement purposes. I used it once before but now I'm having a slight issue when I use the flatshot command. I seem to remember Flatshot making my new 2d block at the same coordinates as the existing model and that it would be at zero in the Zed axis (x,y,0). My block now appears and various locations, even when i specify coordinates or basepoint it can be off by a good amount. Is there an option that I'm forgetting or something, so I dont have to manaully move my block back to the desired coordinates?
This isn't a major problem since I can manually match the block back up with the coordinates my model is at and then move it to x,y,0 but I feel like theres a way to ensure I dont have to worry about doing that at all.
I have created a new item in content center in my personnel library. When i am creating a new item in content center its creating *.ipt file somewhere ? If so from which location i can open the part file ?