AutoCAD .NET :: Changing Palettes File Location?

May 26, 2011

I would like to change the: Options --> Tool Palettes File Location to point to a different location.

I know how to do that in vba but i am totaly lost in

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Tool Palettes - Change Source File Location?

Oct 14, 2013

Due to circumstances beyond my control the directory path that my tool palettes are mapped to needs to be changed.

From:    T:Toolpalettesetc...

To:        X:Toolpalettesetc...

I have hundreds of blocks in the tool palettes that are looking for their source file on the "T" drive.

My brain says "Find / Replace T: with X: " using Notepad in all of the ATC files.

Is there a better method to tell those blocks to look on the "X" drive?

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AutoCad :: Getting Tool Palettes In A Location On The Network

Sep 17, 2008

My lead wants a group of all the tool palettes that i have created for all users to use.I have exported all of the palettes to a location on the network. I also exported the group to the same location. I had the user redirect the tool palette path in the Options>Files. The problem that i am running into is that when the users are loading up the tool palettes, they have to import each tool palette seperately then add them to a group.

Is it possible to have the tool palettes in a location on the network and have each of the users import the group only?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Changing Material In Tool Palettes Objects

Mar 4, 2011

I am using Autocad 2011 just download it and its all perfect if you consider that I was stuck with 2008 before...

My problem is that I m creating objects from the tool palette (doors, windows, walls) and I cant change their material..

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Photoshop :: Palettes Do Not Resize When Changing Monitors?

Sep 14, 2012

So this bug was ignored during beta and it was NOT fixed in the official release of PhotoShop CS6.
Since I don't feel like retyping the whole bug report after paying a grand for the software here is a link: [URL]
if you commute with a laptop and dock with a full-size monitor for work every day!

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalog Changed The File Location Of All Pictures To Location On Backup Drive

Jul 6, 2013

Photoshop Elements 6 (20070910.r.377499)
I do not know why the catalog has changed the file location of "ALL" pictures to the location on my backup drive.

Example: K:My DocumentsMy PicturesPetsPICT1460-1.JPG

The actual location of the original photo is:  D:My DocumentsMy PicturesPetsPICT1460-1.JPG
The location of "My Pictures" is on my primary Hard Drive D:My DocumentsMy Pictures
Why is Photoshop changing all of my 37,000+ photo thumbnails to point to my Backup Drive K:?
I need to correct the catalog file. How do I make the correction and stop it from happening in the future?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing The Location Of Origin Indicator?

Oct 14, 2011

How the heck do you do this once a view is placed? I had to edit a part and the origin indicator is in the middle of no where now(and is pink). How can I either. 1.)Locate the new origin for my dimensions or 2.) delet the origin and start over?

Inventor 2011
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz
Windows 7 Pro

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Annotative Mtext Changing Location And Width

Apr 4, 2011

I have annotative mtext that keeps changing width and location.  See pic.  When gripped, they're in the correct location but wrong scale.  I experienced this on a few drawings with C3d 2010 and now 2011. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Changing Pressure Pipe Catalog Location - 2014

Nov 22, 2013

I copied the pressure pipe catalogs to our local network and in C3D 2014 set the catalog to the network location.

When I close C3D and reopen, it reverts back to the original catalog location on my C drive.

Setting a different location for regular pipe networks works fine.

Is there something I'm missing or does this method not work for pressure networks.

Civil3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional - 64-bit
HP Z400
Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz
24GB of RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing Destination Location Of Routine

Sep 20, 2012

I am currently using this lisp routine to export selected objects as a dxf to import into another program:

(defun c:dxf ()
(command "_dxfout"
(getfiled "DXF File:" "c:/dxf/" "dxf" 1)
"_Objects" (ssget)
"" ; completes selection
"_Version" "2004"
"16" ; non-default number or other option if desired, with followup line(s) if
(princ "2004 DXF Created")

this saves the dxfs to a location of C:DXF

I would like it to save to a different location, the desired location is within the same root folder that the drawing is located in and is called "DXF-Programs-Releases"

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Location Of Design Data / Templates And Content Centre

Mar 15, 2012

I have 45 PCs running Autodesk Inventor 2011 in a student PC lab.  We have since set up Vault Server and I need to change the location that these point at.The files that I need to edit can be got to by:

1.    Open Autodesk Inventor
2.    Click “Pro”
3.    Click “Options”
4.    Click the “File” tab
5.    I need to edit the following: Default templates, Design Data (Styles, etc) and Default Content Centre files.  
6.    The above three will be pointed to a server that has vault setup on it (\vault emplates, etc).

Now to clarify, Inventor works, I do not need assistance activating it, and I do not need assistance with group policy to set up the install..I need to be able to modify the above with group policy through either the registry (if possible) or some other method. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Difference Between Tool Palettes File Locations And Authoring Palette File Locations?

May 30, 2013

I am new to using Tool Palettes. I have created a folder on my C: drive which contains all my tool palettes. Right now, I get the symbol of a circle with a line drawn through it and cannot use my tool palettes.

In the Options tab, I noticed that there are the "Tool Palettes File Locations" and also "Authoring Palette File Locations". What is the difference between the two? Do I need to do something to both so I can use my tool palettes without difficulty?

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Lightroom :: Changing Disk Location?

Mar 20, 2014

I had to change my photo disk (phisycal location). Now LR5 is showing the metadata, but as the photos are not there, I can't edit them. How can I update the photo locations,without loosing all changing metadata? LR5 remains installed in the original disk, but I moved the photos to a new disk.

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Photoshop :: Changing SCRATCH DISK Location

Apr 16, 2009

I was getting the error that my scratch disk was full, and read that I can set it to another drive, besides my computer's main hard drive. So I went out and bought a 1TB hard drive, configured it to the computer and everything, but its not showing as an option in the drop down menu to change the photoshop scratch disk settings.

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Lightroom :: Batch Changing Of Folder Location?

May 30, 2012

I'm getting ready to build a new PC, and I'm trying to plan out how to move my LR catalog/images.
The problem is that since I've been upgrading my current PC for years and moving user data since XP.  The result is that my LR catalog expects some older images to be in c:documents and settings... XP-style, others in c:usersxxx when I moved to Vista, and others in d:usersxxx when I moved my user data to a bigger hard drive.  The images are actually all in one location, and there are various OS mappings that make it all work.
I'd like to avoid all this mess with my new setup.  Is there a way to essentially do "update folder location" on many folders at once?  Unfortunately, they are top-level and don't have a parent folder I could do that to.
Oh yeah, using x64 Lightroom 4 on Win7.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Relative File Location Reference For Point File

Apr 2, 2012

I have a surface, to which I've added data from a ENZ file. No problems - I had a workable surface. I want to be able to work on the drawing at home as well as work. So I brought home the DWG as well as the ENZ file thinking that if both were in the same directory, it would work OK. But I get an error saying the Point file can't be found. I can't see any way to make the file reference relative, rather than absolute. 

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Photoshop :: Changing Scratch Disk Folder Location

Apr 22, 2008

I'm on an office network running photoshop. The office is set up to have roaming profiles so when a change is made to my documents and settings, each time I log in or log out, it updates the server with the changes. Additionally, when I log on to a different computer, it loads all of my documents and settings on to that computer.

The scratch disk file for photoshop last time I checked was 6GB which is enormous, and was taking forever to load whenever I log onto a new computer, as well as taking forever to up date to and from the server each time I log on to my usual computer. I delete the file each time I remember, but I don't always remember.

My question is whether it is possible to change the folder location on my C drive of the scratch disk file. I do not have an external hard drive available to use as my scratch disk. This would allow me to put it somewhere else on my C drive, and as such it would not have to update my profile.

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Lightroom :: Changing Location Of Catalogue From Internal To External HD?

May 29, 2012

I used a trial version of Lightroom 4 and imported about 300 photos from my internal imac hard drive to tinker with during the trial. So when I first set LR up, the catalog was connected to my internal hard drive, via the Pictures folder. Then when the trial ended, I bought the software and installed it but in the meantime had transferred all my photo libraryfrom my computer internal hard drive to an external hard drive. Now that I have the LR 4 software and am no longer using the trial, I'm ready to import all my photos to Light room. My question is how to I change my LR catalog (which currently contains the 300 photos I imported during the trial period) to link to my big photo library which is now on my external hard drive, instead of linking to my computer's internal hard drive

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Photoshop Elements :: Changing Photos Download Location Permanently?

Nov 5, 2013

Every time I download new photos, I have to change the download location from pictures to my work folder.  How do I change the download location permanently?

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Lightroom :: Changing Export Location When Using Publish Services To Hard Drive?

Apr 25, 2013

I work for a distribution company that sells 15+ product lines. For almost every product, they have a photograph. I was asked to set up a system whereby a number of sales representatives could access these photographs in an organized fashion from their own computers. This is how I have set things up: A media computer (backed up onto an external hard drive) has all the raw files. In lightroom I have set up two publish services to hard drive. The export location for these two publish services was an external drive that was accessible throughout the company network. Unfortunately, while I was gone, the external drive was changed over to a cloud-based system. As such, the export location for my publish services no longer exists.
Of course, I could go and re-create the publish services, but unfortunately that would be an incredibly laborious process because each publish service has 10 or so sets with 2-4 levels of folders amounting to several hundred folders that would need to be re-created. Moreover, because of the complexity of the system, I made them all smart-folders with specified attributes, etc. So re-creating all these folders would take a whole lot of time.
So, I was wondering if there is any lightroom wiz out there who knows a work-around for my issue.
Now, I did do some digging already and I came across this article: [URL]   which outlines a method for changing the export location! However, as far as I can tell, I would still have to change the export location of each folder manually, which would basically be just as complex and confusing as recreating the publish service anyways. Am I correct in this thinking, or using this method is there a "root" folder than I can change, which will change every other folder?

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AutoCad :: DWG To PDF File Location

Aug 7, 2013

I want to plot 100+ drawings to PDF's and was wondering if there is a way to change the base file location it saves, to a location I can choose? I am currently using the PDF to DWG.pc3 file in a plotting script. Is there also a way to get rid of the PDF viewer when the script is running?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: CTB Plot File Location?

May 29, 2011

I am testing the new 2012 ACA. Where do I find the Plot files this time. Seems like it changes with each new operating system or ACA release.

Intel Core i7 2600k
1155 Socket High-End Motherboard
Dual ATI Radeon 5870s
6x OCZ SSDs (RAID 1)
Corsair TX850 PSU
6x 27" ACER LED Monitors

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IBL File Location / Where To Set Path

Oct 10, 2012

I have a standard install of Inventor 2012 SP2, but for some reason it cant seem to find the images for IBL effects. See attached Screen shot, when I go to select an item there is nothing there.

I have found the files in the "c:userspublicautodeskenviroments" folder but why Inventor cant see them?I have looked in "App options" in the "file" tab and in the project file and I cant see any pathing options that relate to the enviroments?

The default images for textures and bumpmaps are all found OK just not the IBL files? How I can set the path to these enviroment images?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add File Location To Project

Feb 10, 2012

I'm working on creating iparts for fasteners.  Initially I had the O.D. of all the fasteners as nominal, which created an issue when using analyze interference.  All hole features are based on the minor diameter, so they are displayed correctly on the .idw.  Nominal fasteners with minor diameter holes means interference.

I am currently referencing the thread.xls spreadsheet, located in the Inventor Design Data folder, within my fastener ipart spreadsheet.  This allows me to maintain a constant connection to the thread.xls file if there are ever changes from Autodesk.

My issue comes about when I am placing the ipart files within assemblies.  I am asked for the location of thread.xls.  Once I re-establish the link, Inventor tells me it's not part of the active project.  BUT, if you look at the Project - Folder Options - Design Data, it is the same location.  So the project does have a link to the folder structure.

Would I have to create a library in each project so the link can be established.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: CUI File Location And Migration

Apr 27, 2012

I have just upgraded from C3D 2011 to C3D 2013. I know it should be simple to copy my custom CUI file from one release to another, but somehow I'm missing it. In 2013, I open Workspace/Customize, then swith to the Transfer tab (right sofar?). In the pull down, I choose Open. Now at this point, I think I should just browse for my 2011 CUI file, but for some reason, I can't find it. If I search my C drive, I still can't find it. With 2011 open, in Workspace, the name of the CUI that I use is "Randy", so I'm assuming the file name to search for would be randy.cui.

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AutoCad :: Automatic Save File Location?

May 30, 2013

Using 2011 on W7 64 bit machine. When I try to set the location for the "Autosave File Location" or the "Temp Dwg File Location", I get the attached error message. I've done everything I know to fix it to no avail. I am on my personal laptop, I am an admin will full control rights of course, I've made sure the folders are not read only...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving Parts To New File Location

Jun 29, 2012

I have only been using Inventor since late winter .  I have create a "master" folder with an assembly, drawing, and excel cutlist.  This folder also contains sub folders with the sub-assemblies and parts.

In my master assembly I created ILogic rules to change dimensions of the parts, to select different profiles and to select different sub assembly configurations (on/off).  It works fine as is.

Now, the idea was to copy the whole "master" folder and rename it to a job, launch the master assembly and configure it, then save it.  The issue is that, even though the master assembly is in a new folder, it still references the sub-assemblies and parts from the "master" folder.  How do I write a rule to "save as" all these sub-assemblies and parts to the new location?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: JPEG Showing File Location

Aug 30, 2013

I have inserted a jpeg into autocad (a map to roughly draw more information on). In model space it only shows the map and the info I want but in layout space it has a print along the jpeg showing where the image is saved. How can I get rid of the print?

It's Autocad 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Template File Location Setting

Nov 11, 2013

The default file location for the template .dwt file in my AutoCAD options keeps resetting to None (see attaached, red arrow).  It should be the same location as the line below it (see attached, green arrow).  I have reset it a few times now, but it keeps reverting back to None.  Do you know why this is happening and/or how I can fix it so the setting will stay?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: File Path Location For Blocks

Feb 26, 2013

Looking for a reference that shows what the default file path locations are for various AutoCAD  user files.  Specifically, I had my AutoCAD file paths changed and cannot find where my blocks are saved.  I'd like to save the blocks I create in a specific folder.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center File Location?

Dec 22, 2011

When our tech was here to install Vault for us I had several pressing tasks going on and did not learn how to find and alter our content center files. I now have a little time over the Christmas break to work on this. Where do I look in the settings to see where the content center is located? I plan to copy the files to my machine as I will not have access to the server over the break and I will need to know where to reset the file search at. Is this done through the project folders? If so how do I accsee read/write? I do have admin rights and we are using 2012.

Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium

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