AutoCad 3D :: Extract Radius (diameter) And Height For Each Cylinder
Mar 26, 2013
I made a small plant and to create pipes i used cylinders, now I need to create a material list and for this I need to extract the radius(diameter) and height for each cylinder, but i don't know how. I am having lot's of cylinders (2000 elemets). I put also a sample here.
I design a small plant in Autocad 2012. For the pipes we used cylinders, now we need to make the bill of materials, but I don't know how to extract the data from each cylinder(radius and height), after I will be able to do this, I can make the material list, but I don't know how and I am having so many cylinders.
I design a small plant in Autocad 2012. For the pipes we used cylinders and boxes(for square pipe), now we need to make the bill of materials, but I don't know how to extract the data from each cylinder(radius and height) or box.
It is possible to do this?
I place a small sample from the plant. Totally I am having around 6000 elements.
I need insert a cylinder into inner diameter of a ball bearing, logically it must rotate with the bearing but no, the bearing outer diameter is fixed to a support and works well, but when i insert the cylinder into the ball bearing it's fixed completely and the cylinder rotate into the inner diameter.
I am trying to edit my drawing template dimension style to always do a diameter (if it is a circle). Right now it defaults to radius and I manually right click and change it. I found all sorts of styles for how it displays the radius and diameter, but didn't find where to set the default.
When I dimension an arc to find the radius, the dimesnions appears as a line going from teh center of the arc to the edge of the arc with the dimension in the middle. I don't want this. I want a leader pointing to the R text and that's it.
I've attached a photo of both scenarios- one dimension is the style I don't want, and one is basically the style I want (I'd like it to be more of an elbowed leader line), but it only appears when I use AutoCAD's ISO25 dimension style.
How do I change this dimension into a diameter dimension?
I have tried editing the dimension style to display as a diameter and it doesn't change it. I tried creating a new dimension style and it doesn't change it.
My company is trying to Standardize all drawings produced to 1 format. the one we are attempting to create would be in the form of: nominal upper limit^lower limit. this is easily acheived in autocad and linear, chamfer, and hole/thread dimensions in inventor. but radii's and diameters from a round surface (as apposed to linear diameters) we have run into a snag with. We cannot seem to find a way to either remove the prefix symbols or be able to insert text between the symbol and tolerance.
below is a illistration of the problem and the form of the new dimensions.
I'm trying to figure out a way to reduce the size of a cylinder that is created in another program (LFM or Cyclone) and imported into Autocad. I've tried Solidedit and I can increase the cylinder diameter but I can't reduce the cylinder diameter.
The default format for a radius and diameter dimension is inserted with a prefix "R" and diameter symbol ahead of the measured dimension. Our company standard pre-Inventor was to place either "RAD" or "DIA" after the measured dimension. We can not seem to find anywhere in the setup to change how these type dimensions are inserted as a default or custom setting.
Can we change/customize the radius and diameter dimension formatting?
When you make a diameter or radius dimension it always has this static extension line shown in red when you move the dimension far enough away. I can not seem to extend this extension line at all it is always the same length no matter what variable I change. How to lengthen this extension line?
In inventor 2013 I want to extrude a horizontal circle on surface of a bigger vertical hollow cylinder. but what i did it enters into cylinder, and i only want to extrude it on external surface.
Curious, I am trying to get numbers 'engraved' (extruded) into a diameter of a dial ring. I was able to create a couple of planes to create the marking lines around the OD, but am unsure how to add numbers and extrude said numbers (in the easiest fashion possible). I need to go from 0 to 90 on the longest marking that starts at 0° and is every 36°.
Also, that being said, with the little I tried and was unhappy with, I created a text box at the 0° marker but the text was in the wrong rotation the marker and rotation box was greyed out. How can I resolve this...or is it even related?
In Cable and Wire harness in AIP is there a way I can extract or dimension abundle diameter that is associative with the model? I was expecting that Ican dimension the diameter sizes in the nailboard drawing.
I am modelling a sewer pipe network in SSA. At some stages we use varies pipe materials with different wall thicknesses. So I want to know how can I assign inner diameter of pipes in SSA so I just deduct wall thickness from pipe diameter and then assign it to the pipe. Or is there any possibility to make a pipe list with specific properties like part builder in civil3d?
When I save an IDW as a PDF using the 'Save Copy As' function the spacing on the diameter logo for dimensions running up the page gets lost and makes it difficult to read and confusing. (see attached pic). I am not sure if it is a style thing, or a template issue, or just a general inventor fault.
I opened a file that showed all kinds of screws and english and metric hardware. Example: A socket head cap screw you could select the diameter and length etc. I can't find it again. I have acad 2010.
How do I add a single symbol, diameter for example, to a MLD aligned to middle with limits? I am dimming an iso metric dwg and ddi and dra do not work with isocircles. I want it to represent the limits tolerance that' I've circled in red in attachment.
If I want to draw a 10% slope on 5' contours how do I calculate the circle diameter needed to construct the slope in order to connect the lines where the circles intersect the contour?
By some setting or default, when I dimension a diameter in Autocad 2010, I get a dim line that only has one arrow that points to one side of a circle, just like a radius. I'd like the diameter dims to have an arrow on both sides of circles.
I've been through the settings in Dimstyles. and didn't find a combination that made the desired change. I've looked at the properties for a specific diameter dimension and found nothing that worked there. I looked into block modifications using BEDIT and Properties, but I found nothing there either. While I may have overlooked a combination of changes in Properties, I tried a lot in there.
I want to use diameter extension lines to span the diameter of the circle by forcing the dimension line to be on. When I do that, the arrows are on the outside of the diameter and I want them on the inside so I use the flip arrow command. What happens is the extension line opposite of the dimension text is sticking outside the circle and I want to get rid of it because it just looks bad. I dont see a way of turning off this little extension line. Every thing I turn off doesnt seem to do anything.
I design molds for the rubber industry and I was using Acad 2000; I am just now starting to use inventor. I need to used the ordinate dimensioning although I need the dimension to be given as a diameter and not as a radius. Is there anyway to scale the ordinate dimension automatically as 2:1? This way when I give the prints to the tool room they don't have to manually double every diametrical dimension. The prints that I draw only show half of the mold, there for needing a 2:1 dimension scale.
We've been having trouble with all our IDW's, whenever we put a dimension or text with the diameter symbol it plots as 'Q'.
Even in print preview it still appears as the diameter symbol, although when actually printed, it comes out as 'Q'. To combat this in the meantime we have firstly been creating PDF's which display the correct diameter symbol and then printing.
connecting two circles with different diameter into a solid. I tried loft, but it is a partial solution since it creates a surface. I know there is a solid option. There surely is a way and a simple one but i don't know how. Bellow there is a picture with diameters and length of the mast. Also i included a dwg file. Not much done there.