AutoCad 3D :: Command Will Not Produce Fence Lines
Jan 14, 2013its a simple 3d assembly. FLATSHOT command will not produce the fence lines?i also tried it in VIEWBASE command , still cant see it on layout. URL...
View 9 Repliesits a simple 3d assembly. FLATSHOT command will not produce the fence lines?i also tried it in VIEWBASE command , still cant see it on layout. URL...
View 9 RepliesI would like to learn how to place an object (person, animal, etc)that is outside and place 'em inside. For example: having horses outside a coral placed inside, or "inside" the coral.
I am using PS7
I would like to learn how to place an object (person, animal, etc)that is outside, or in front of fence and place 'em inside, or behind a fence.
For example: having horses outside a coral placed behind, or , or "inside" fence, or "inside" the coral.
I am running AutoCad 2000 and for some reason in recent work I no longer have the command lines visible on screen.
View 9 Replies View Related1. is there a faster way or command to which lines are flying?coz i got this file from a collegue and i was wondering why is it that lines doesnt connide each other... so when i tilt the file into front elevation... i saw all the lines were not on the same elevation.. so what i did is to change the value of Z into zero....
2. does i press something... i used to select the object, pan and drag ( to select and add more on my selected objects.).now if i select the object and use the center of my mouse to drag... point were gone out... so i input first the command then select and drag..
Everytime I use the label line command, when I go to plot my drawing I see a box around my label and the label is either chopped off or missing. A rectangle prints out around where the label is.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I initiate the trim command with a double enter (i.e. select all mode), I usually first zoom into the area I want to trim so I see no other objects, then start the trim <Enter><Enter> option, then pick the lines I want to trim. Even if these extend off the screen and cross other objects (not seen on the screen), they usually trim off completely. However, on occassion they don't. To replicate the problem try this:
Draw 2 vertical lines and 2 horizontal intersecting (like noughts and crosses)Draw a horizontal line that intersects both vertical lines but up near the top of those linesZoom in so you only see the square and extending lines (but not the short horizontal line)Trim <Enter> <Enter> and pick from bottom right to top left (i.e. around the squareZoom out.
The square is trimmed, however there are 2 line fragments left above the horizontal short line.
Fix: UndoTrim the same way and presto, it now works I found if I then moved the line above (so only a small amount), zoomed in again, tried to trim - same error.
Is there a way to display more "lines" at the command line?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI face new problem in using solid hatch command ,when I choose poly lines and use hatch some unwanted lines appears inside hatch area which make my shape separate from others part be meant be unify. I am amateur in using auto cad .BTW , my scale is about 5 micron meter and when I export the drawing int pdf all straight lines become curvy .I upload the image which describe itself my problem. URLs...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm literaly just starting to use CAD so this might be a silly question, but how would I offset a line more than one distance in a command? Is there like a symbol you put between each distance like 2000;2250;2650 or something along those lines (no pun intended).
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe recently upgraded to Autocad Architecture 2013 and the trim command is driving me mental. Lets say I have a window mullion pattern with 4 intersecting lines and I want to trim out the center. (see attached example) I start the trim command, then right to left window to select the 4 lines, then use another right to left selection window to trim out the lines. It always leaves on of the lines leaving me to have to click one more time. This is a huge pain when you have to do this multiple times. That is a lot of extra clicks. What gives? I never had this issue before.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI produce a lot of "Exploded View" style drawings for our equipment for assembly drawings and Operators Manuals. I model everything in 3D, set the perspective view, adjust the view I like, then use the Flatshot command to make 2D lines and arcs verions of the view to put into paperspace. Then item bubbles, notes, whatever. as of the last week, my flatshots, if they include a hex bolt head in the view, the arcs on the faces of the flats will be really stretched and skewed decidley toward the vanishing point in the completion of the Flatshot command. It does not happen on other arcs that may be in the model, seems to be exclusive with the hex. I doesn't happen if I do not make the view pespective but leave it "Parallell".
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a command that would break lines at intersections automatically?
I know there is such a command in autocad map 3D, but is there a way to do it in LT? With a macro?
I have attached a picture of the parcels that I like to break at each intersection has an example.
Then I go on to use the OVERKILL command which works very well.
I used the "break" command to split some lines into segments, but now I can not join them again using PEDIT. They are all on the same elevation. What is preventing me from joining them? I've attached the file in question, I'm trying to join the red (metal layer) lines.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I use the move command to, let's say, to move a floor plan (drag to new location on the page), some of the lines in the "moved" floor plan are either skewed or missing. I'm able to "cut and paste" as welll as "copy with basepoint" w/out problem.
See attachment below.
How might I correct this problem?
I Wonder if it's possible, with a setting or something like this, to make the join command work only on lines or polylines that had the same linetype?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have text from dt command, circle and leader line. After selecting them I use the copy command and starte pasting all over my drawing. Probable about 6 copies. about 3 or 4 of them end up not being able to select them. So if i want to edit the text, move all three entities or just delete them i cant. I figured out the only way to delete these "unselectable" objects i copied is to only have that layer on, type selectall and delete. Why this happens and why if i did 6 pastes it only happens to 3 or 4 of them? does it have to do with feature lines? I do have 3d lines in this dwg but i should still be able to select what i copied.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a line that i would ideally like to divide into 3 equal segments. The divide command places points along the line, but I can't snap to them.
I know that I can place a block at each point which I could snap to, but is there a way of doing it without creating a block? Also is there a command that actually splits a line into 3 equal-length lines?
After "copyclip" command -no matter you use ctrl+c or type into the command line- color of all lines inside "Layer 0" with By Layer color property change to White. Other layers and color remains the same. If I change color property of "Layer 0" form "By Layer" to a specific color such as red, yellow they are also remain the same.
I am using Autocad 2009 64 bit.
I'm working on a project that details with topo lines. I have the contours, however because I imported them as DWG's from sketchup they're a bit messy. Basically, instead of being one continuous line, their endpoints intersect and overlap, making it look very messy. Is there anyway I could delete these extra lines? I tried the overkill command to no avail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need the LT 2005 (with LISP tool box) to run some automation LISP file, which required to input some Japanese remarks in the drawing.
However, the "Japanese remarks" becomes garbled text whenever i enter it in the command lines.
I saw some years ago a 3D drawing where hidden lines were dashed after hide command. I tried to find out, how it was made, but nothing. Today I need this solution, but I can't find information, how is it possible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a chain link fence 'style'.
it seems in the past i've seen them done with curtain walls but i'm not finding anything in the DG.
easy way to show the user the polygon/fence they are creating when Editor.SelectXX is called by indicating it with a dashed line and coloring the area with a semitransparent fill, kind of like when you use the AREA command or when you click somewhere and AutoCAD shows you the selection window you're creating?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need a line to show a fence and it should be a line with a / poking out on one side like -/-/- but the lines in between longer and the side lines just on one side...
How to make one like that or where I can find one?
I need to draw a palisade ( steel bar picket fence) now the issue is it is on a slope. It seems easier for me to draw it level so i was wondering if there was a technique where by the pickets remain vertically plumb but you can tilt the whole unit down so the tops of the pickets follow the slope as do the rails whilst keeping the pickets plumb.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhat is the difference btwn using the join icon and joining lines using the pedit command?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using C3D 2012. When I draw a fence line (barbwire) it works fine until it is a short section, then the "x" symbol does not show.
You can change the scale but that also changes the symbol size. You used to be able to change this in the command line. Is there a way to do that without creating another style?
C3D 2013
Win 7 Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-2600 CPU @3.40GHz
8.0 GB 64-bit
when I select objects in the block editor window I cannot see/autocad does not display (?) the selection fence.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 x64 SP1 - Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1
Dell T3500 - Intel Xeon @ 3.2 gHz - 12 GB ram - Nvidia Quadro 4000
Has used the frame generator to model the posts and horizontal pipes that would go into a chain link fence?
We have generated several fence models as simple part files. They work in that they get the basic idea across and they're fairly quick to create. But I started thinking about a more detailed model and I wondered if it would be an appropriate use of the frame generator.
Is there a way to customize the fence labels for detail and section views?
I know we can edit the label directly and add/remove text, but is there way to change the appearance of the label as well, with say a sketched symbol or other graphical representation like a balloon or other customized image?