AutoCad 2D :: Assign Global Width To Polylines By Layer?

Feb 27, 2012

Is it possible to assign a global width to polylines by layer?

I have made changes to one dwg and i now have to apply it to a bazillion more DWG's. But the chnages apply only to a few layers. So i was wondering if i can set the global width to these polylines by layer somehow to save me from doing it "manually"

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AutoCad :: Polylines With Global Widths Plot Thinner Than Those With No Width

Dec 9, 2013

I have a drawing with polylines that have a global width of .2 which are plotting thinner than those with a width of 0. If I uncheck "plot object lineweights" it seems to plot correctly but the lines with 0 width plot so light (or grey) that you can't see the drawing well.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Width Of All Polylines On Specified Layer Using Script?

Aug 1, 2012

I need to be able to grab all polylines and change global width at once. This is a repetitve task that i have created a button for. I am trying to use this but it is not working. It gets hung up on me wanting to manually select the polylines when i thought i grabbed them with the first line.

(ssget "X" '((8 . "LayerName")))
(command "PEDIT" "w" "9")

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Converting Polylines With Width And Text Into Close Polylines

Jan 2, 2014

As the above mentioned, I have a drawing drawn using polylines with width from someone. The width of the line are suppose to represent area,

To put things into prospective, here is an example:

The polyline is 10 unit long and with a width of 2 unit wide. If i explode that polyline, it will become a single polyline without width. The line are suppose to represent 10 unit long and 2 unit wide; representing an area.

My question is is there a way to change the line above directly from polyline with width to a close polyline (4 x polylines) of 10 unit long and 2 unit wide.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Assign Global Coordinates

Jul 17, 2012

I have been working with Map 3D 2011 and assigning Global Coordinates to my drawings for 2 years with no problems. Now when I click on the icon or enter the command "adesetcrdsys" in the command line trying to Assign Global  Coordinates the dialogue box to select my options does not appear.

I only get a response in the command line to enter a code. And I can't assign coordinates with other options available. How do I get the dialogue box back?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Assign Global Coordinate System Dialog Box Missing?

Jun 21, 2011

I installed ArcGIS into my Map3D 2011 and now when I enter the command ADESETCRDSYS there is no longer a dialog box that pops up, it is all in the command line.  This wouldn't be a problem, except it doesn't allow you search through the codes.  I have looked for a system variable that might control it, comething simular to filedia, but have not been able to find one. 

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AutoCad :: Global Width Lines Not Printing Solid

Apr 25, 2012

I copied some lines with global widths into another drawing and the line is displayed and printed with an outline around the global width of the line in the new drawing.. almost like it is a (3D offset for the global width, and not solid fill)

I have checked my fillmode. "fillmode = 1" and I also checked my UCS "UCS is set to current"

Why is this happening and if it has to do with some inherent properties of that new dwg?

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AutoCad :: Assigning Global Width To A Leader Line

Dec 8, 2011

I have a leader that I want to make the line part of thicker (already made the leader arrow head bigger). I saw that it appeared to be based on dimension style, and I tried changing the lien thickness in there although as we use color dependent plot files, not line weight dependent plot styles, this had no effect.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Polyline Global Width Missing From Properties Dialog

Sep 10, 2012

It used to be that when you selected a ployline onscreen you could set properties for the line in the properties dialog. With this version of ACAD, if the polyline is not of uniform width on all sections then the global width option is missing from the options dialog.

I know that you can now right click and go polyline/width but i suppose i have been doing this a certain way for so long and now i cant and its annoying.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Assign Elevations To Polylines Sequentially At A Set Interval

Nov 27, 2013

have a lisp routine that will ask you the starting elevation and the elevation interval, then allows you start selecting polylines and it assigns them new elevations based on your choices?

It seems years ago I had a routine that did this and it also changed the color of the polyline so you could tell which ones you had already changed, but I can't seem to find it now.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Polyline With Global Width To Hatch?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a bolt program that draws the thickness of a bolts in elevation as a polyline with a global width, what i need is a lisp to then change this lwpolyline to a hatch, ie if global width is 20 and the polyline is 30 long i need to change this to a 20x30 solid hatch, is it possible to get the the global width and length and convert this to a boundary hatch? I need the same thing done for bolts in plan too as the circle is a lwpolyline also.

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AutoCad :: Polylines With Width Lost Their Fill

Feb 11, 2009

ACAD 2008. Just noticed all my polylines with width have lost their fill, got outlines only. What have I done?

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AutoCad :: Determine Line Width By Using Polylines

Mar 27, 2012

I have used color to determine line widths. The plotter set-up recognizes color and assigns the appropriate line width. My new company is determining line width by using polylines. Am I behind the times? Or, is this a better way. Willing to change.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Converting 2D Polylines With Fixed Width To Polygons

Sep 11, 2012

I've been sent a series of CAD drawings in which the author has used global width to define the appearance of features. I need to import this into our GIS, which for reasons too complex to bother with won't import any attributes such as width. I don't want to lose the information recorded so was wondering if it's possible to create a closed polygon to represent the shape of the line. I guess something might be possible using buffering, but I can't figure out how to use the existing line width.

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AutoCad :: Polylines Comes Out With Fat Line Width For Unknown Reason?

Feb 13, 2012

polylines in my current drawing have started to come out with a very fat line width. It doesnt matter what layer its on, even though previously they were drawn 'properly' i.e the thin line width that shows when you have show/hide lineweight on 'hide'. This doesnt happen on any other drawing tool (arc, circle, polygon etc). The lineweights in layer control are all 'default'. I can't explain this as it seems to have just happened. Is it a known bug or something?

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AutoCAD LT :: System Variable To Maintain Polyline Width When Joining Non-polylines?

Nov 17, 2013

Existing polyline set to a width of 6. Want to fillet this to a non-polyline with a width of zero.

Currently the two lines will join to create a connected polyline but the original widths are maintained (6 and 0).

I am looking for the system variable where the non-polyline becomes joined and the global width for the new segment matches the first polyline.

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Revit :: Can Assign Pen Width To The Lines Of Hatch

Jan 8, 2013

You can assign a pen width to the lines of a hatch?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assign Layer To A Part In IDW?

Nov 25, 2011

I want to have my assembly parts on different layers such that part 1 is on layer 1 and part 2 on layer 2. 

I know how to assign a line type and color to a part but this gets laborious.  It would be far easier if I could apply an electrical layer to all components w/ an electrical property. How to do this? 

I'm running 2010 standard. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assign Layer To Each Type Of Material?

Oct 29, 2012

i was wondering if there is anyway to assign a layer to each type of material used so that i can have the material shown in different colors on my drawings?

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AutoCad :: Assign Viewports In Paper Space To A Separate Layer?

Apr 26, 2013

Is it possible to assign viewports in paper space to a separate layer?

Explanation: I have a paper space with one singular viewport. On the same paper space I added three other viewports that I scaled in but only need for one thing. Can I assign these viewports to a layer and apply them when I need them or do I have to make a seperate paper space for each task.

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AutoCad 2D :: Convert All Polylines On Layer To Blocks?

Mar 17, 2011

I need to convert all polylines on layer to blocks. Each polyline gets replaced with a block that is near the approximate center of polyline. it can also be at the first or last node of pline. or just near the center. (polylines are rectangular).

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AutoCad :: Hatch Multiple Closed Polylines In The Same Layer?

Apr 9, 2013

Basicaly I have a plan of a part of a city and I want to fill the houses with a solid hatch, I was wondering if I could do them all at once instead of picking an internal point one by one (there are a lot of them!).

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Photoshop :: Deactivate Global Lights In ALL Layer Effects?

Jul 19, 2013

Any way to create an action that will go through an entire document and deactivate ALL "Use Global" light angles, and set them to 90º? How to automate this process.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assign Sketch Symbols / Title Block To Defined Layer

Apr 1, 2013

I have a need to send files saved from Inventor.dwg to AutoCAD.dwg to suppliers, however due to the quantity of files "size", I need to purge them in Autocad before I e-mail. The problem I have is that my template Inventor.dwg is 1 mg due to Sketch Symbols, plus added file size for the views etc. When I get to Autocad to purge them, my Sketch Symbols and Title Block is on the "0" Layer. I have to select everything that is on the "0" Layer and change the layer to a different layer to start a LISP routine that does a, Erase All, Purge All, to get my file size down. I have not found a way to change the layer that Sketch Symbols are created on or reside on by default or Title Block either.

Any way to do this Inside the Sketch Symbols, inside the Title Block, using the styles, anything?

I am just now going through a iLogic course and read that Layers can be hidden. Can iLogic be used to change the layer of "SketchSymbols" or "TitleBlocks" and or used to purge all Sketch Symbols during the SaveAs to Autocad.dwg process?

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AutoCad :: How To Extract Total Area Of Layer Which Has Extrusions Of Polylines

Oct 25, 2011

I created walls for a structure by drawing a simple polylines and extruding it by the Z axis, so that i get a vertical plane. I created a number of such planes in the layer. I want to extract total area of this layer which has these polyline extrusions (planes). I know the command of add area, but it is a tedious process and does not work for curved planes. How do I extract the area for the entire layer in one go ?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Imported Polylines Will Not Change To Layer Style Line Types

May 14, 2012

When I import shape files the polylines will not take the layer style I move them to. They stay a continuous linetype. Linetype and Lineweight is set to ByLayer. Only difference between the new lines and the lines drawing correctly is the lines that stay continuous are 3D polylines and the correct ones are normal polylines. What I need to do to make the imported lines accept my layer linetypes?

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AutoCad :: How To Draw 3D Polylines Or Convert Single Lines To Polylines

Oct 9, 2013

How to draw 3D polylines, or convert single lines to polylines?


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AutoCAD .NET :: Creating A Layer With Color And Width?

Aug 8, 2013

I am writing a function to create a layer with as many attributes as I need in when creating a layer.  The problem I am running into when creating a color definition to the layer.  What sort of thing do I pass to the function to change color as a color index number? using col dim?

The passing call would look like this...

 createNewLayer("E-SCHDL-BRDR", 15, 0.4) 'I would hope to somehow pass an interger of the to the sub, but get an error when trying to do so, of course

Private Sub createNewLayer(ByVal NewLayerName As String, ByVal AColor As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color, ByVal AWidth As Double) Dim doc As Document = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim docLock As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument() Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction 'Dim tm As DBTransMan = db.TransactionManager 'Dim dba As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase Try Dim LT As LayerTable = tr.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead, False) If LT.Has(NewLayerName) = False Then Dim LTRec As New LayerTableRecord() LTRec.Name = NewLayerName LTRec.Color = AColor LTRec.LineWeight = AWidth LT.UpgradeOpen() LT.Add(LTRec) tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(LTRec, True) tr.Commit() End If Finally tr.Dispose() End Try End Sub

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Illustrator Scripting :: Assign Default Colors To New Layer?

Aug 7, 2013

Is there a way to assign one of the default layer colors with javascript? like light blue, light red, or green.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Set Specific Width Of Polyline On One Layer

Sep 20, 2012

I know you can change the width of the polyline by using the command "plinewid". Is there a way to set a specific width of the polyline on just one specific layer?

For example, I create a layer called "WIDE", and I want the width of the polyline to be 4".  But i want the pline width to be 4" ONLY whenever I draw on this particular layer called "WIDE"; but if I draw on the other layers, the polyline width would be back to the default width.  Is this even doable?

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AutoCad :: Layer Control Enlarged To The Width Of Screen

May 22, 2012

suddenly I hit something tonight that makes the entire layer control enlarge to the width of the screen everytime I click on the icon.

How do I get it to stay small when I click on Layer Control?

enlarged Layer Control.PDF

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