AutoCAD .NET :: Creating A Layer With Color And Width?
Aug 8, 2013
I am writing a function to create a layer with as many attributes as I need in when creating a layer. The problem I am running into when creating a color definition to the layer. What sort of thing do I pass to the function to change color as a color index number? using col dim?
The passing call would look like this...
createNewLayer("E-SCHDL-BRDR", 15, 0.4) 'I would hope to somehow pass an interger of the to the sub, but get an error when trying to do so, of course
Private Sub createNewLayer(ByVal NewLayerName As String, ByVal AColor As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color, ByVal AWidth As Double) Dim doc As Document = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim docLock As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument() Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction 'Dim tm As DBTransMan = db.TransactionManager 'Dim dba As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase Try Dim LT As LayerTable = tr.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead, False) If LT.Has(NewLayerName) = False Then Dim LTRec As New LayerTableRecord() LTRec.Name = NewLayerName LTRec.Color = AColor LTRec.LineWeight = AWidth LT.UpgradeOpen() LT.Add(LTRec) tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(LTRec, True) tr.Commit() End If Finally tr.Dispose() End Try End Sub
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Oct 12, 2013
whats the difference between creating a width using layers and using polyline width?
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Aug 15, 2011
I want to change the color, line type, width and layer of all my blocks in my drawing. is there a way to do this with out opening all the blocks for editing? I am using AutoCAD 2009.
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Apr 10, 2013
I'm trying to create a custom stamp in Photoshop. Done it with a 16 bits colorspace, saved as TIFF with the required options from the official documentation.
Why do i get a 'grainy' result, even painting with a 100% strength white color ? It happens only on a bump layer. On a diffuse layer, its ok.
Do the bump layer use a 8bits color space ???
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Feb 21, 2013
I am creating an upper cabinet which has a fixed height but you can select different widths. What our firm does is also list the size of the cabinet. What I would like to do is make this font some sort of preset attribute and control it with the visibility states. I also want to control the font height by the scale of the drawing. my question is I if its possible and how? I've attached what I have thus far. The attribute is in teh top right corner and is justified as top right. The only way I can get this to work is if I manually adjust the font after its inserted into the drawing.
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Sep 20, 2012
I know you can change the width of the polyline by using the command "plinewid". Is there a way to set a specific width of the polyline on just one specific layer?
For example, I create a layer called "WIDE", and I want the width of the polyline to be 4". But i want the pline width to be 4" ONLY whenever I draw on this particular layer called "WIDE"; but if I draw on the other layers, the polyline width would be back to the default width. Is this even doable?
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Feb 27, 2012
Is it possible to assign a global width to polylines by layer?
I have made changes to one dwg and i now have to apply it to a bazillion more DWG's. But the chnages apply only to a few layers. So i was wondering if i can set the global width to these polylines by layer somehow to save me from doing it "manually"
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May 22, 2012
suddenly I hit something tonight that makes the entire layer control enlarge to the width of the screen everytime I click on the icon.
How do I get it to stay small when I click on Layer Control?
enlarged Layer Control.PDF
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May 6, 2013
When creating a work path on a new layer, the path is a grayish black color is there a way to create that path to be a different color, yellow for instance? Using CS6, I don't see it in preferences anywhere
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Feb 16, 2003
I want to write the words HAPPY and BIRTHDAY underneath each other so that the word HAPPY takes up the the same width as the word BIRTHDAY. I also want to make the HAPPY twice as tall as the word BIRTHDAY.
Do I need to adjust the spacing and/or width for each individual letter? I'm guessing I can make the HAPPY taller by some kind of stretching tool?
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Sep 24, 2013
So I need an sub assembly similar to the SuperLayerVaryingWidth, but combined with BasicLane Transition sub. If the SuperLayerVaryingWidth sub would follow an ETW profile to set slope, then I would be set. Any tips on how to create this? I'm pretty rusty at building custom subs.
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Aug 1, 2012
I need to be able to grab all polylines and change global width at once. This is a repetitve task that i have created a button for. I am trying to use this but it is not working. It gets hung up on me wanting to manually select the polylines when i thought i grabbed them with the first line.
(ssget "X" '((8 . "LayerName")))
(command "PEDIT" "w" "9")
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Sep 28, 2013
What is the best way to change the color of two pieces of specific text in lisp? I want to change where it says (strcase ln6) & (strcase ln7) to the color of green. I tried it a couple of different ways but I'm having some trouble. First I am setting the current layer with a color of blue. I am then running the text command a couple of times. I want to run the mtext command a couple of times but I want the text to be green & I want the width factor to be .85
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Jan 9, 2014
I'm having trouble with the spacing of my text when I import a .rtf file. The spaces change width based on the width of the columns. The problem does not effect all the paragraphs only select ones. If I change the width of the column the spacing of the text will fix itself. All of the text is the same text style. I have attached a copy for reference.
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May 11, 2013
I am trying to create an action for watermarking. However, I would like to be able to size my logo to be a specific % of the entire canvas size, i.e. 20% width to be a part of my action so that the logo is always proportional to the image size.
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Dec 3, 2012
I'm making an action that I'm going to batch apply to a lot of images.
However I've hit a snag, I need to resize a layer with variable width/height to fit within a certain width/height while constraining ratios. Say I need a layer to be a maximum of 1000px high OR a maximum of 2000px wide, whichever comes first. I need the layers to either increase or decrease in size to fit the "frame".
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Feb 15, 2013
I have a bunch of objects on a particular layer, and they're all different colors and linetypes and lineweights, and i want them to all take on the color / linetype / lineweight that i chose for that layer.. how do i do this?
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Nov 19, 2013
Any script that when ran will set lineweights of a layer based on what color the layer is assigned. For instance if I have 3 lines that are green on 3 different layers. I need the script to change all 3 layers lineweight to .015mm. I have drawings that are inconsistant with layer names so layer translator and methods of that nature will not work because I do not know all the layer names and I have 100 drawings to do this to.
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Dec 7, 2008
I want to center images at higher magnifications. Just because you can put your cursor on the IMAGE and use the scroll wheel to make it go up and down doesn't mean you can make the image go right and left at the same time. Personally, I'd like to continue to use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out (done in preferences, yes) and put the cursor on either the vertical and horizontal slider bars and use the wheel to move the image up or down or right or left. But if you've ever tried to place your cursor on these narrow-*** slider bars you know it's hell to hit those things very
easily because they are barely 1/4" wide--if that.
So the question remains: How can a user increase the width
of these narrow little bars? Is there a way to do this?
Also the color of the bars is very near the same color and value as the
area surrounding it, making it difficult to see. Is it possible to alter the
color of the bars to something more visible, like say, a brighter color and/or different value
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Oct 17, 2013
We are using Civil 3D 2014.
We have an alignment curve table and the data text, first data entry (curve number) is appearing as color by layer (magenta), when all colors are set as explicit colors by element in table style under Display tab. How do I control the color of the first entry to be color by element instead of by layer?
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Nov 4, 2012
I have an open path in Photoshop CS4. When I go to stroke the path, Photoshop makes a stroke that closes the path from end to end. I want to stroke just the path with a specified stroke width in a specific color.
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Dec 31, 2012
I have an AI file containing seamless pattern swatches.I'd like to get each swatch vectors (ie : access the swatch groupItem). It's doable when clicking on the swatch panel and dragging the swatch on the document, or even double clicking the swatch in the swatches panel, I'd like to do it with javascript.
how to access swatch patterns properties.
How to access the swatch properties, like when double clicking on the swatch in the swatches panel, how to "simulate" a drag & drop of the swatch to the document, I'll take it too, though I think it is not the most convenient way to do.
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Mar 20, 2007
I was wondering what is the best way to save a photoshop file such as a business card or stationary labels so they "KEEP" their color you see on screen.
I am already building in CMYK mode. My Client has a nice gray scale scheme but I am worried that the print shop will mess up the colors.
How do I create a custom set of colors and adhere to that scheme throughout the clients stationary and media.
ie. Cards, Labels, Signs, etc.
Is there an option to print a color scale along with the image, sorta like when you calibrate your printer?
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Feb 17, 2012
I am transitioning from ACAD2008LT to ACAD2012 and am having a new problem when trying to create a new layer. I use many layers in my drawings and I set up specific layer naming conventions and use many layer property filters (filtered by layer name - for example, dimension layers named '*-Dim' and a property filter for '*-Dim') to manage the many layers.
In ACAD2008LT you could create a new layer while in a property filter view (in the Layer Properties Manager) and could type in the new layer name from that filtered view. If, after entering the new layer name, it matched the current property filter, it would remain in view, if it did not, it would automatically be moved to the appropriate filter or to the 'All Layers' view. That seems very logical.
In ACAD2012, as soon as I create a new layer while in a property filter view, the default layer name 'layer' does not match the filter parameters (say '*-Dim') and the new layer immediately moves to 'All Layers' before a new name can be entered. I have to then switch filter views back to 'All Layers' and find the new layer now named 'layer' and rename it there, trying to match the desired property filter name.
Am I missing something or is this an intended change from earlier versions? It was really nice to be able to see the layers in the property filter view while creating a new layer with a naming convention that matches that filter. In fact, I often create multiple new layers matching a property filter by copying and pasting similar layer names and just changing a character or two. In ACAD2008LT I could do that all from the appropriate property filter view.
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Nov 25, 2013
I want to use the different features in Map 3d such as the points, lines and polygon. I went to the help file and it instructed me to go to the display manager and right click on the "feature" layer to create a layer for the relevant feature that i want to use, but i have no "feature" layer in the display manager.
How do i create this layer? I use a template that is setup for c3d, is it due to this that there is no standard layer in the template?
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Mar 5, 2014
Trying to use the width tool, I ran into the following problem. I would like to have a smooth transition of the stroke width between two width points while keeping the original stroke width unchanged outside of that line segment.
There are four width points here: two end points and two in between. The original stroke width is 200. The two on the left have one side set to 100 while the two on the right have one side set to 50. I would like to eliminate the distortion of the line width occuring in the first and third line segments. The only solution that I have come up with so far is to place two additional width points very close to the two middle width points: one with a 100-unit side to the left of the second point in the picture and one with a 50-unit side to the right of the third point in the picture. Yet there will be a small distirtion in between.
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Aug 15, 2011
I am trying to automate opening a document and inserting a new layer in it. Inserting the layer and opening the document is quite easy, but doing both is proving to be quite difficult.
Here is the Code that I am working with. The code for creating the layer works fine in an already opened document. It seems that autocad cannot find the opened file.
Sub Open_and_new_layer()Application.Documents.Open ("C:UsersPatrickDesktopAutocad program66986691_BL_01.dwg")Dim strLayer As StringstrLayer = "BOM"Dim layCurrent As AcadLayerOn Error Resume NextSet layCurrent = ThisDrawing.Layers(strLayer)If layCurrent Is Nothing ThenSet layCurrent = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add(strLayer)If layCurrent Is Nothing ThenMsgBox "Error creating layer " & strLayer & "."Exit SubEnd IfEnd IfThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = layCurrentEnd Sub
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Sep 7, 2011
I'm an ACAD LT 2008 user demo'ing ACAD LT 2012.
In ACAD LT 2008 you can create a new layer (or layers) from a layer property filter and can edit all of the new property characteristics and the filters will not sort until you are done (apply). This is useful for creating multiple layers (especially matching your current filter) that you can copy and paste layer names. However, in ACAD LT 2012, as soon as you select "New Layer", a new layer named "Layer 1" automatically sorts/filters and it is gone from view, requiring you to find it before you can rename it and edit its properties. Is there a way around this?
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Apr 1, 2013
I'm having an issue where I'm creating a white border around two landscape oriented images that are the same exact size then doubling the width of the canvas. I've never had this issue before with PS CS6.. I tried resetting the photography workspace but no luck. I tried with two portrait oriented images and the same result. I've restarted my machine. I'm on Windows 7 Pro 64bit and I'm running PS CS6 64bit as well. Thought to do a repair through Programs and Features but there is only the option to uninstall. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary except use an action a few days ago I downloaded and used from
and I downloaded and used the press print action.
How I can correct this? If an image is 20 inches wide and I'm doubling it to 40 it's tripling the width to 60 inches. Is there a way I can reset every aspect of PS CS6 to get back to a factory state other than uninstalling and reinstalling?
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May 9, 2010
I drew a cured line with the brush tool in illustrator CS5, but when I select the new "width tool" to change the width, it doesn't work.
Here are my steps:
1. Select the paintbrush tool
2. Draw something
3. Select the "width tool"
4. Try to change the width but it won't work.
Since I draw with the paintbrush tool, the "width tool" can be very handy if I can get it to work.
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Jul 27, 2012
I need to create a truncated contour map based on data from a .asc file. I have connected the .asc file but there is no option for adding with query so I have brought the whole file in.
I then created a contour layer and added to map (all good so far) but when attempting to query this layer for my area of interest nothing appeared on screen.
I then did some manipulation of the sdf to create polylines at the contour elevation and tried to MAPTRIM but I stopped Civil 3D after having "not responding" for 15 minutes
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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