AutoCad 2D :: How To Save Custom Toolbar
Dec 8, 2011Example this is my custom toolbar.
And how i can save this and export to another computer... i use autoCAD 2007 .
Example this is my custom toolbar.
And how i can save this and export to another computer... i use autoCAD 2007 .
We are a firm using ACAD 2011 w/ a custom toolbar that has an Auto Purge "tool" it currently deletes duplicated layers, reg ops, duped scales etc. we are wondering what else it can do (or any other tools that may be of use) or how can we get it to do more for us, like restrict referencing files from "unwanted" locations and any other tools that are essential to reducing the size of a drawing so its now so slow
View 3 Replies View RelatedI downloaded autocadlt14 today. I am able to get into the program and go to autocad classic. I can open my drawing from autocad2002 and work with them. When I try to create a custom toolbar in classic it does not save it when I close the program.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can i get my custom toolbar back ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I create a new custom toolbar?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just had to rebuild a large toolbar after upgrading to Autocad 2011. I had to scroll through the old version's MNU file to locate and extract the information. Then I had to copy/paste the information from the text to the new toolbar. Luckily I had the Icon bitmaps saved and didn't have to recreate them.
Is there a way to export the code from a custom toolbar that can then be imported into another version or copy of Autocad?
When I make any changes to my custom toolbars, every custom toolbar that I have made will appear on the drawing after I click apply and OK. Then I have to go through and X out about 100 toolbars. I would like to be able to turn all of the custom toolbars off at one time. Then only turn on the ones that I want to use.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhen I hover the cursor over my own custom toolbar buttons, I get the message "Press F1 for more help" you can then go to F1 but that only for Autocad commands not my own programs. My question is how can I get rid of the message "Press F1 for more help" when the cursor is over my custom program buttons?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I reload a custom toolbar after uninstalling-reinstalling AutoCAD 2013?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a custom toolbar that I've used for years in an olderversion of CAD. Now I'm in 2012 and loaded my custom toolbar in from my previous CUI. Naturally it dropped in all question marks even though I have all paths in the support file added. I even copied all my bitmaps to autodesk's default bitmap location. Neither work.
So after that I went into the CUI and manually selected the bitmap image for "small image" and "large image". It shows in the CUI now, but no luck on the main board. (also, not that this matters, must be a glitch but it won't even show in the CUI until i manually select another bitmap and reselect my origional desired image)
So then I tried taking the whole path and copying it into the CUI manually but it goes right back to defaulting to (MYIMAGENAME.BMP) without keeping the extension. My other custom toolbars loaded with all the pictures but this one just refuses to cooperate.
Is there a way to create a blank toolbar to add custom buttons to?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn some computers I have a problem. The down arrow at the right of the quick access toolbar doesn't show. I checked that my interface is not lock too. So to customize the quick access toolbar I have to use the CUI.
I don't know if it's related, but my customize toolbar (from my partial menu) have to be displayed manually each time I start AutoCAD but not my custom tab in the ribbon.
I'm still in the process of migrating myself from Corel Photopaint to Photoshop CS3 (on XP) and there's only one thing remaining I don't know how to do.
On Photopaint I could add/remove icons from toolbars and make my own toolbars. You could add an icon that represented any menu option. So I had my toolbar setup with File Save, File Save As, Copy, Cut, Paste, Remove Selection, Crop to Mask, Flatten Image, etc etc. All the things I did regularly were always visible and just one click. I know all things are available with keyboard shortcuts but I usually tend to avoid them as I use so many different applications. I use the obvious basic ones (ctrl-s, ctrl-o, ctrl-f4, ctrl-p, ctrl-c/x/v etc) but anything that isn't standard across apps I don't use.
Are custom toolbars possible in PS CS3? As with most things with PS so far,
I want to add the following script : Populate Terrain script onto my custom toolbar but I am unable to do so.
I have attached the screenshots of the steps I have to take every time I want to use it. I am using Max 2012 64Bit version
I'm running CD X5 on a windows 7 machine. I had a custom "my Toolbar" set up wit all my most used tools and now suddenly it's gone! It is turned on in the menu (checked). I have unchecked it and rechecked it to no avail. I have re-booted my machine and still nothing. why it's gone but I can't seem to get it back.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn the past week or two, I took time to re-create the tool button config in PSP14 that I've used for many years in Paint Shop Pro. However, the next day I see PSP14 has reset to the DEFAULT toolbars!!
Why did this happen? Was it failure to SAVE the configuration? Are my toolbars lost now? any way to restore besides button-by-button reconfig?
I've been battling with moving tool bars between my CorelX4 PC's. I think I've finally figured out how to do it so far. Export/Import RecordedMacro.bas 'First' and make sure it's the same name on both PC's as importing a new one renumbers the *.bas file. I think this made a difference anyway.
Export/Import Workspace Toolbar next. I found if I imported the workspace first, I couldn't get the new toolbar to work.
Now, if I want to edit the colors of the toolbar as shown below, the current color doesn't show in the editing window, nor do I have any color options.
Is there a way to save a custom artboard setup with a custom document profile in illustrator cs5? I do technical illustrations and our page size is odd (7.19 x 8.96. It the size that our Framemaker layout is set to.). I have a custom document profile that I use, but I use the grids all the time so that my callouts are spaced out evenly around the art. I would like to have a way to set the artboard up so that the grid will align to the center of the artboard everytime I turn them on. Right now they always start from the top left and when I center art in the center of the page, the grid spacing isn't the same on each side of the art. I just want to be able to open my document profile, turn on my grids, have them start from the center, and I can get down to business. As it is now I have to go into my artboard settings and manually adjust the grid to the center. Small annoyance, but it still annoys me. I have tried to save it a few different ways, but nothing has worked. Maybe there just isn't a way.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to customized find objects option (.fin file)? I am a average Coreldraw user, knows almost all basics, but lacks advanced use of Coreldraw. I like to use any techniques that saves time. I know it with adobe Photoshop (like action etc.) but not with Coreldraw.. I heard about macros.
For Now I need to
1) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to customized find objects option (.fin file)
2) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button or macros for repetitive find & replace options...
3) create macros for simple moves & then after combine these type of simple macros in one macros...
4) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to that macros...
5) and any these type of time saving technique. (in selection making, replacing, finding, batch process etc..)
I want is make actions & then combine them to script & then set keyboard shortcuts for same...
I've tried to figure out the pattern of how the command works for inputting partial customization menu toolbar names but I'm unsuccessful.
You should be able to show and hide partial customization menu toolbars with the -toolbar command because it can hide all toolbars including my partial customization menu toolbars currently shown. I've tried the toolbar menu alias (defined in the CUI command) and the name (refer to this link to the same image embedded below) and none work.
I have polyline that graphically represents a pipe. Obviously, the polyline can not contain data for a pipe: size, material, insulationtype, insulationthickness, schedule, etc. So, I have created a custom object with all of the appropriate properties, methods, events, etc that I need for it to behave as a pipe. My custom object has a reference to the actual polyline with a Handle property stored as a long(since AutoCAD objects can not be serialized). I referenced an AU 2008 class by Jeffery Geer (A Pattern for Storing Structured Data in AutoCAD Entities CP401-2) to get me as far as I am.
My object is marked serializable. I serialize it to binary and attach the binary in 127 byte chunks to the xRecord of the polyline object.However, as soon as I attach this binary xrecord, I get the following message when I try to save the drawing:
"One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created”
how can save my custom menu to cuix file after creating it by vba using ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0) and if i can create new cuix file "AMRCuix" and every time i will load it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created a template and changed some style properties. I can not save to master location and when I open the template is tells me it is going to override my custom style.
How do I save out my custom style to the defalut location?
I didn't like the name of my custom Pulldown that I made:
I Did a Save as:
All the custom Commands list the original DSI-Menu as the source. Can I somehow change that so that the source is DSI-Menu_sc?
An application that will let me choose a group of Drawing files (.idw) and perform "Save Copy As" to a PDF format on them. The Filename of each Drawing should be extracted from a custom Parameter I embeded in the IDW file.
I know I can use the Task Manager with a virtual PDF Printer to create these files, but then the PDF Filename will equal the IDW Filename, and I want it to be derived from the custom parameter I prepared inside the drawings.
PS CC won't save a custom workspace. Nothing happens. In addition, I get a "Can't apply workspace because of a system error" when i try to view the What's New workspace. Just downloaded the CC today. Mac 10.7.5, 3.4 GHz processor, 16GB RAM.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you go about saving a custom color profile in CS6? Gone is the save button after you have created the custom profile. In my case I want to save a custom Adobe RGB profile with a gamma of 1.0 instead of the usual 2.2. I can create it easy enough in the custom dialog box, but haven't figured out how to save it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to save a custom workspace in previous versions does not exist in Illustrator CC. Has this option been reconfigured or simply forgotten? I'm using a Trial Version.
View 13 Replies View Relatedin Photoshop Extended (CS6), when I set a custom measurement scale and save/close the file, the scale information is not retained after the file is reopenend. I have experimented with both .psd and .tif files. I used to be able to do this in CS3 without any trouble!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have changed the crop shortcut to ctrl + >, and it works fine until i restart!when i check the shortcut i previously changed, it is now ctrl+&???Why?????I used to have this same shortcuts since cs4.(PS 64bits, latin keyboard)
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have never figured out a way to save my customized Modifier Sets. Whenever I have to reinstall Max or we get a new release I lose a lot of customization. I'd like to be able to save every singe interface tweak to make to carry forward to new releases.
3ds Max Design (3D Studio thru Max 2014), ASUS P9X79 Motherboard,
Intel i7-3960x, Hydro H80 CPU Chiller, 32GB DDR3 Ram,
Quadro 4000 Display Adapter