AutoCAD Architecture :: Lost Custom Toolbar?
May 9, 2012How can i get my custom toolbar back ?
View 4 RepliesHow can i get my custom toolbar back ?
View 4 RepliesHow do I reload a custom toolbar after uninstalling-reinstalling AutoCAD 2013?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the past week or two, I took time to re-create the tool button config in PSP14 that I've used for many years in Paint Shop Pro. However, the next day I see PSP14 has reset to the DEFAULT toolbars!!
Why did this happen? Was it failure to SAVE the configuration? Are my toolbars lost now? any way to restore besides button-by-button reconfig?
We are a firm using ACAD 2011 w/ a custom toolbar that has an Auto Purge "tool" it currently deletes duplicated layers, reg ops, duped scales etc. we are wondering what else it can do (or any other tools that may be of use) or how can we get it to do more for us, like restrict referencing files from "unwanted" locations and any other tools that are essential to reducing the size of a drawing so its now so slow
View 3 Replies View RelatedIve lost the top toolbar with all the feathering etc details in it. I cant find it in the window toolbar area, how can i turn it back on?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust installed Marvericks OS X and now in InDesign I have lost my toolbar. It is not in the listed in the Windows pull down menu either.
View 3 Replies View RelatedExample this is my custom toolbar.
And how i can save this and export to another computer... i use autoCAD 2007 .
I downloaded autocadlt14 today. I am able to get into the program and go to autocad classic. I can open my drawing from autocad2002 and work with them. When I try to create a custom toolbar in classic it does not save it when I close the program.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I create a new custom toolbar?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne of our new users says they learned a way to switch from a 2D model to 3D via a toolbar located at the bottom the the ACAD dashboard.
We use ACA2009.
I just had to rebuild a large toolbar after upgrading to Autocad 2011. I had to scroll through the old version's MNU file to locate and extract the information. Then I had to copy/paste the information from the text to the new toolbar. Luckily I had the Icon bitmaps saved and didn't have to recreate them.
Is there a way to export the code from a custom toolbar that can then be imported into another version or copy of Autocad?
When I make any changes to my custom toolbars, every custom toolbar that I have made will appear on the drawing after I click apply and OK. Then I have to go through and X out about 100 toolbars. I would like to be able to turn all of the custom toolbars off at one time. Then only turn on the ones that I want to use.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhen I hover the cursor over my own custom toolbar buttons, I get the message "Press F1 for more help" you can then go to F1 but that only for Autocad commands not my own programs. My question is how can I get rid of the message "Press F1 for more help" when the cursor is over my custom program buttons?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a custom toolbar that I've used for years in an olderversion of CAD. Now I'm in 2012 and loaded my custom toolbar in from my previous CUI. Naturally it dropped in all question marks even though I have all paths in the support file added. I even copied all my bitmaps to autodesk's default bitmap location. Neither work.
So after that I went into the CUI and manually selected the bitmap image for "small image" and "large image". It shows in the CUI now, but no luck on the main board. (also, not that this matters, must be a glitch but it won't even show in the CUI until i manually select another bitmap and reselect my origional desired image)
So then I tried taking the whole path and copying it into the CUI manually but it goes right back to defaulting to (MYIMAGENAME.BMP) without keeping the extension. My other custom toolbars loaded with all the pictures but this one just refuses to cooperate.
Is there a way to create a blank toolbar to add custom buttons to?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a number of custom Toolbars from ACA 2009 that I would like to convert to Panels in ACA 2010. I created a new Panel that is listed in the CUI but does not appear on the Ribbon anywhere. what windows to use in the CUI, and when to drag info from one to another.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've finally made the jump from ACA2008 to ACA2011..I'm slowly getting used to the Ribbon, but there's something from 2008 I dearly miss: the Properties Toolbar . Now, I may just be missing something in 2011, so I thought I'd post to find out...
With the Prop Toolbar I could select anything on screen (whether an entity, object, text, dimension, whatever...) and just look up at that toolbar to know what color & linetype that selection was. I strategically placed this toolbar above the Layer Properties Toolbar so I could add layer identification to said selections.... Well with 2011, if I select something, I have to make sure to click on the Home Tab to see the Layers Ribbon. If I want to see the properties, I have to open up the properties window. Plus, the window needs to be pulled out wide enough for me so see the linetypes. It's adding steps that I don't need. Is there a way to add the properties dialog box to the ribbon above or something?
I somehow lost the toolbar with the "copy to the clipboard" and "paste from the clipboard" icons.. which tool bar i need to turn back on?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOn some computers I have a problem. The down arrow at the right of the quick access toolbar doesn't show. I checked that my interface is not lock too. So to customize the quick access toolbar I have to use the CUI.
I don't know if it's related, but my customize toolbar (from my partial menu) have to be displayed manually each time I start AutoCAD but not my custom tab in the ribbon.
I have downloaded ARCH 2011 (Student Version) several times and the Quick Access Toolbar does not appear above the ribbon. The ribbon tabs are also incomplete.
How do I activate the Q. A. Toolbar? And why are my ribbon tabs incomplete?
Recently I installed ACA2013 on a new Windows 8 64 proffesional laptop.
Installed ACA 2013 and the SP2.
But my quick access toolbar is completly white. If I stay over the toolbar the tips show up and when I click them they function. But I cannot see what I click on!
I already tried reinstalling ACA2013, but nothing works.
I am trying to get TOOLS and the object snap toolbar up but my menu bar only has FILE WINDOW.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm still in the process of migrating myself from Corel Photopaint to Photoshop CS3 (on XP) and there's only one thing remaining I don't know how to do.
On Photopaint I could add/remove icons from toolbars and make my own toolbars. You could add an icon that represented any menu option. So I had my toolbar setup with File Save, File Save As, Copy, Cut, Paste, Remove Selection, Crop to Mask, Flatten Image, etc etc. All the things I did regularly were always visible and just one click. I know all things are available with keyboard shortcuts but I usually tend to avoid them as I use so many different applications. I use the obvious basic ones (ctrl-s, ctrl-o, ctrl-f4, ctrl-p, ctrl-c/x/v etc) but anything that isn't standard across apps I don't use.
Are custom toolbars possible in PS CS3? As with most things with PS so far,
Our office recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2005 to the new version AutoCAD Architecture 2013. I’m having difficulty finding the layer override toolbar for the lines. I have found that I can change the color and/or line type of an line in the properties dialog box but in AutoCAD 2005 there was a toolbar specifically assigned for the color, line type and line weight of a line. Dose that toolbar still exist in 2013 or do they control this in another location.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded the trial 2014 version. How i go about turning on the ribbons at the top of the screen or the quick access toolbar? I have tried going through the CUI menu but I can't seem to get it to work .
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to add the following script : Populate Terrain script onto my custom toolbar but I am unable to do so.
I have attached the screenshots of the steps I have to take every time I want to use it. I am using Max 2012 64Bit version
I have created a dynamic scale bar block that a user can edit two custom properties of (Horizontal Scale and Vertical Exaggeration) and the values on the scale bar will self-adjust after a regen. The block works fine if inserted into a drawing as per normal the normal insert method.
However, the issue I am running into is this:
If the block is inserted into a template drawing that contains our standard company titleblock (again this part works fine), and that layout is then imported into a new drawing using the "From Template..." right-click option on the Model/Layout tabs, the block loses the custom user parameters. Editing the block definition shows that the parameters are there, they just no longer have names or default values and do not appear in the properties window when the block is selected.
Trying to edit the user parameter names in the block definition of this imported copy of the block, just results in receiving an error that I'm attempting to use characters that are not alphanumeric.
I've tried this same procedure with 2013 and the issues still occur. I've tried user parameter names that don't have an underscore in them (just in case that was causing the issue), but again no luck.
I've attached a simpler block that recreates the same problem: Tester.dwg - this is the block that can be inserted into a drawing. It contains two user parameters "Tester" and "Tester_2". Inserting this block into a drawing shows the block works correctly (user parameters are editable from the properties window).Testing.dwg - this is a drawing that contains the above block inserted onto Layout 1. If Layout 1 is imported into a new drawing (using the "From Template..." right click option of the model/layout tabs), then the block no longer functions as it should. The two user parameters are no longer visible in the properties window.
I am working with autocad architecture 2011 for magicad. After some days a built panel under home tab missing. I check through CUI , ribbon and expanded home 2d/3d panel. I cannot get(see) build panel. how can I get the lost build panel.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was workingona project with autocad 2011, but i lsot the original menus, Ihave been obliged to use the costomed menu. I knew how to use Autocad 2000 and ADT 2002,
View 9 Replies View RelatedI use 2013. The xref pallet was docked but has disappeared. Also, when I type 'xref' at the command line, the xref dialog box does not appear. How do I get them back?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have lost a file and cannot find it anywhere on c drive. where can it be stored.?
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