AutoCad 2D :: Controlling Visibility Of MLEADER Frames

Mar 21, 2013

Working in 2012 (but saving to 2007 DWG format), I created an MLEADER text box with a frame and background masking on. Everything seemed to be OK onscreen in 2012. But when we opened the drawing in 2008, the frames did not show on screen or in the plot. Is there a simple way to fix this, e.g., via a system variable?

I’m attaching a test drawing containing an example of said MLEADER. While not new, this is a new technique for us. BTW, the masking part seems to work, though it does not perfectly match the frame.

MLeader Framed Text Test.dwg

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Controlling Weld Visibility In IAssemblies

Nov 30, 2012

I have made a family of weldments.  I am having trouble controlling the visibility of the weld symbols when I place one of these members. On some members the welds are shown and on others they are not.  I know that I can turn off all the welds (View>Object Visibility> Weld Symbols) but there are other weld symbols in the assembly that I need/want to leave visible. In the image below all three weldments have the same welds, but the weld symbol of only the one is shown when I place it in an iam.

In each member of the iassembly, I have unchecked the visibility under the Welds node, but some are still visible when i place them, so that must not be controlling it. Sure would be good if visibility of welds were controlled by view representation.

Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 3.60ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, SP1.1
Vault Basic 2013

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Revit :: Light Fixtures - Controlling Visibility Graphics

Jun 12, 2013

I am trying to figure out why the light fixtures are giving me these thick heavy black lines.  The same fixtures in the arch floor plan are close to what I want (see arch1).  However in mech1.jpg there isnt a way I can find to make the lights more like arch1.jpg.  I dont want to use an architectural view template on a mechanical plan, which seems to be my only temporary solution.  This is not an issue of Thin Lines (TL) setting and I have tried object styles and VG, although I must not be looking in the right area. How I can control this?

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AutoCAD .NET :: MLeader Example Not Working

Sep 13, 2011

I'm trying to get the MLeader example from the online Developer Guide to work but it keeps throwing an error. 

[URL] ....

Any working example of MLeaders that are associated with their annotation?

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AutoCAD .NET :: MLeader Landing Rotation

Jun 12, 2013

I have an mleader with a single vertices point.

There's a thing called a doglength which enables a grip point that allows the leader to be repositioned.

 Dim ml As MLeader = TryCast(Entity, MLeader)
m_leaderIndex = ml.AddLeader()
m_leaderLineIndex = 0
ml.SetDoglegLength(m_leaderLineIndex, 2.5)

 I have a problem with the dogleg length in that I can't rotate it according to the current UCS. Is this possible?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get Mleader Block Attributes

Sep 27, 2011

I need reading the values from an Mleader object that contains a block.  I can get attributes from normal blocks with no problem, but I am struggling with this.

I can get all the way up to casting the attributes, but when I try getting the Attribute Reference, the code crashes.  How do I get the AttributeReference from the AttributeDefinition?  As it is now, if I declare the AttributeDefinition, the values return as nothing.
Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database Dim acEd As Editor = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor '' Start a transaction Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Try Dim acBt As BlockTable =

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AutoCAD .NET :: Bind MLeader To An Entity

Nov 19, 2013

I have a method DrawMLeaderLine(Database db, Transaction tr, Point3d point, string text) that draws me a MLeader line to the given point with the given text as annotation. The MLeader line points to the midpoint of a Line entity. What I need is a binding between the Line midpoint and the MLeader line, so when I move or resize the Line, the MLeader line should follow! I already tried to solve that, using constraints, but it doesn't work for Leaders.

This is my code...
public static MLeader DrawMLeaderLine(Database db, Transaction tr, Point3d point, string text) { Point3d mTextLocation = point + new Vector3d(5, 5, 0); BlockTableRecord btr = tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord; MText mText = new MText(); mText.SetDatabaseDefaults(); mText.SetContentsRtf(text); [code]........ 

will be called from a different class...
Line line = DrawingUtil.DrawLine(doc.Database, tr, closestPoints.Item1, closestPoints.Item2);  //Get midpoint of line            double midPointX = (line.EndPoint.X + line.StartPoint.X) / 2.0d;            double midPointY = (line.EndPoint.Y + line.StartPoint.Y) / 2.0d;            Point3d midPointOfLine = new Point3d(midPointX, midPointY, 0);  //Draw the leaderline            MLeader leaderLine = DrawingUtil.DrawMLeaderLine(doc.Database, tr, midPointOfLine, "Connection");

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get Total Scale Of MLeader

Sep 9, 2013

How to set the total scale of a mleader in C#?

In German it's called: Gesamtskalierung

I had no Problem with this....

_mLeader.LandingGap = 6;
_mLeader.TextHeight = 60;
_mLeader.MLeaderStyle = _mleaderStyleId;

but the total scale is also very important for me. I try to add a picture with a red frame so you can see what I' missing.

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AutoCad :: Why Can't See Text In MLEADER While Typing

Apr 5, 2012

So I recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2008 LT to 2013 (a huge jump), and I'm now tying to use MLEADER command.

When I create a new leader, the text I create for it does not display on screen or even in the command line while I am typing, which means I have an absurd number of typos, I'll get distracted mid-sentence and forget where I was, etc.

This is bad. I'm assuming there's some sort of system variable that turns this on and off?

Possible relevant info: leader scale is set to "annotative," leader style is "MTEXT."

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AutoCAD .NET :: Difference Between Landing And Dogleg Of A Mleader?

Jun 23, 2013

what the difference is between the landing and a dogleg of a mleader? What is the difference between the properties:





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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Find / Replace In Mleader?

Aug 16, 2012

I need to replace some text in a bunch of mleaders but the find/replace doesn't seem to work.

Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can't Change Font Of MLEADER

Mar 29, 2012

I pulled in a survey from an outside vendor and was just going to work with what they have. Their MLEADERS are a different font than what I would like and changing the Text Style doesn't work. I notice in the properties for the MLEADERS that the contents don't have just the mleader text, but is says this instead:


Obviously its overriding with the text style with the bit of code. But is there a way to change it? Hitting the ellipses in the Contents properties just transfers control to the model space. I can't edit from the properties panel like you can with a DIM or anything. I don't remember how it functioned in '08 or '12. MATCHPROP also does not change the font.

Yes I could just create the MLEADERS but I feel it would take less time delete that fSansSerif junk than it would be to place and retype every single MLEADER in the drawing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Way To Put Mleader Into LISP Routine

Aug 16, 2012

I put mleader into a LISP routine and it is doing the text attached to it only in the command line instead of in the drawing is ther a way to put mleader into a LISP routine and have it do the same as when you just type in mleader?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Set Mleader Background Mask?

May 4, 2010

I am trying to use a lisp that will turn on a background mask on selected mleaders. I found the attached lisp here [URL]. it works good except the mask border offset factor is set to 1.5. I need the offset to be 1.0. When I look thru the lisp code it says the default is 1.0 but can be changed.

how I can use the lisp and get mask offset factor to be 1.0?

C3D 2010

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Mleader That Displays Xref Name

Jan 26, 2012

Is there a way to set up a multileader on my tool pallet to automatically pull an xref name when user selects it?

 user selects multileader
 user selects point on xref
 user selects landing location
 xref name is inserted as a field

trying to save a few clicks over inserting field

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AutoCAD 2010 :: MLeader Landing Grips

Apr 23, 2013

I have a weird issue with Mleader landing lines.In AutoCAD 2012, I get only one arrow grip on mleader landing lines when I select an mleader (see image below) In AutoCAD 2010 - when I open the same exact drawing - I get TWO arrow grips when I select an mleader.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extending MLeader Landings

Feb 1, 2012

I have had an issue with AutoCAD 2012 that I cannot fix. AutoCAD 2010 did not do this.

Here is the problem: I start by directing your attention to the attached file "LEADER PROB1". As you can see, i have two MLEADER notations. one ("TOP LINE") is above the other ("MIDDLE LINE"). The left side of the text in both mleader notations align and the leader jets out from the left side as well. However, each leader has a different angle at the corner of the leader landing. If I wanted to make the "MIDDLE LINE" leader angel to match the "TOP LINE" Leader angle, i used to move nod where the landing bends and continues on to the leader (circled in red in my attached image).

However, when i move this node, I end up with the angles matching, BUT now the text is not aligned, see attached image "LEADER PROB2".

How can i fix this? Quick Leaders ("QLEADER") works just fine (in regards to landing extensions) but not MLEADERS. I would like to extend the mleader landing but keep the text where it is, I don't want the text portion to move.

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AutoCad :: MLEADER With Background Color And Text Box

Oct 13, 2011

The MLEADER would provide the ultimate solution if you could alter the Background color like MTEXT by clicking the ... in the properties window.

You can now change this color through the Ribbon, placing this in the ribbon Autodesk. I can't seem to change the fit ratio of the background mask itself.

We have a MLEADER with a text box and a background mask that work together however the masking gap or size is not controllable to my knowledge.

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AutoCad :: How To Change Spacing When Use Dimbreak On MLeader

Oct 31, 2012

How do I change spacing when I use "dimbreak" on a "mleader"?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Changing MTEXT To MLEADER

Oct 18, 2012

How to change MTEXT to MLEADER? We often have texts on our drawing - mostly MTEXT and used line to the text.

Recently I started using MLEADER due to that it has added line to the text and looked more professional with consistent line setting out within the text.

The problem is that I don't seem to find a way of converting MTEXT to MLEADER. From the internet search, it seems that adding a LISP created by someone seems to do trick but I would prefer to do from the Autocad software so that all colleagues can use.

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AutoCAD LT :: MLeader Styles - Get Text To Sit On Top Of Horizontal Line

Jun 21, 2010

Using ACAD LT 2009. Update 3.

I've tried some of the settings for the mleader text placement. I'm trying to get the text to sit on top of a horizontal line. And an angled leader from the horizontal line to the object I am describing, ending in a dot.

All this is working fine, the lines, dot, etc. It's set for straight, not spline. And max. 2 leader points. All works as I want here.

What isn't working well is the text placement. I am able to have the text be horizontal, this works. But I can't get it to have the text above the horizontal line. I can set the leader connection to underline top line, or underline bottom line, or underline all text. These 3 choices seem sort of retarded. The first two put the text right on the line with no space. Doesn't look good. The third choice puts the text a bit above the line, looks perfect, except that there is now an additional line below the horizontal leader line, and that looks dumb.

Am I missing something? Has this feature matured more in later versions?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: MLeader Rotation In Rotated VPorts

Nov 28, 2012

I have cut sheets following my alignment. I would like the mleaders I place in model space to be at zero rotation when I go to the individual sheets. Works fine for text if I check the "Match text orientation to Layout" box, but not for the mleaders. Is there a setting I am missing?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Mleader Block Text Size

Oct 1, 2012

In Autocad 2011, Mleader, is there a way to set the block size and the text size with the source block (square, cercle etc.. I would like to  make it a specific size instead of measuring then scaling.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Mleader With Xref Name?

Jan 27, 2012

I am looking for some mleader customization.Basically looking for a mleader that will add an objects name(in my case an xref or block) in the text. Attached is a picture of our current process... nothing special. basically instead of typing in text we use the insert field. In the field dialog that opens we select "object" under Field names, then under object the type button is pressed to select object(in my case and xref or block) then under property the "Name" option is chosen. This will insert the xref name in the multileader. This is not terribly hard but am curious if I can automate and save some steps.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: MLEADER Arrowhead Size Variable

Mar 7, 2013

Is there a system variable that controls the MLEADER arrowhead size?

I want to control it with DIMSCALE variable. How to accomplish this task?

AutoCAD 2012 / Inventor 2012

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AutoCad :: Change Mleader Block Attributes Globally?

Apr 12, 2012

Is there a way to change my mleader block attributes globally? For example, the tags in the drawing file are 200 series numbers, I want to make them 300 series, but keeping the same tens and ones digits (212 > 312).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Use Block With MLEADER

Sep 27, 2010

We have a block contain 10 attibs to be seen with 8 differents scales making 80 attribs!  (We use that before Annotative features). When we edit this block, we have a LISP that ask for the 10 avlues, and copy it for all the scale.

This lisp use the block ename in argument.

We start to use that  block with MLEADER, but we can not edited with our lisp (can not find the ename of the block in the MLEADER definition ).

Is that a way to find this ename, and to be able to modify (our substitute) all the attributes value.

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AutoCAD LT :: Mleader Mtext Height Doesn't Match Style?

Oct 7, 2013

Units percision is at 1/64".

I have a custom text style set to a height of 3/32"

I have a custom mleader style set to mtext with text set to that style.

The text height setting in the mleader style dialog is 3/32" and grayed out.

Why create an option and then block us from using it?

All new mleaders are being created with a text height of 1/8".  Why?

AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Search For Existing MLeader With Attribute Value

May 21, 2013

I'm working out a LISP for searching my entire drawing for a MLeader with a given value and then do something if it is found.

Currently, my code dies with 

; error: Automation Error. Description was not provided.

I do not know what is going wrong & I don't know what must be done next.
=>> " LBL " Label EXISTS! Add another " txt "? ") y_n (GETKWORD (strcat n_txt_LBL " [Yes/No]: ")) ) (IF(= y_n "Yes") (PROGN (ppa-L-


My MLeader has a _TagBox & it is the attribute of the _TagBox that I am trying to check/compare the "txt" value.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: MLeader Text Moves Insertion Point After Editing?

Nov 28, 2011

AutoCad 2012 SP1 / Windows 7 64 bit

Sometimes I have MLeader text without Mleaders (ie, I remove the leader arm using MLEADEREDIT). Then when I go to edit this 'floating note', the base point moves:

In this screenshot, I've just finished editing the text. Note that I added in the diagonal line at the current insertion point of the Mleader text (top right): 

Then, after I click outside the Mleader box, the text moves:

THis happens only with right-aligned MLeaders, and keeps happening, ie if I edit this text again and close it again, it will move again.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Read Block Attribute And Create MLeader

Oct 24, 2013

I'm looking to draw a mleader (with a leader style CLL_Anno) using the block basepoint as insertion point, read two attributes from that block and use those as the text for the mleader. for example: "attribute - attribute". Attached is dwg with blocks with attributes and leader style. (Block is "Trees", Attributes are "V_SPECIES" "V_DBH_DIM")

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