AutoCAD VB :: How To Create Surface Texture Symbol (ACM 2011) On Dimension

Apr 24, 2013

How can I create a surface texture symbol (ACM 2011) on a dimension using VBA without interactively selecting the dimension?I have a point on the dimension and the entity name / handle of the dimension which I want to pass to the VBA function.

I am using the code from Introducing the AutoCAD® Mechanical API, Wayne Brill – Autodesk URL....While this code interactively selects the point and the line (dimension in my case), I don't want to use interaction. Instead I have lisp variable.

I have used the vlax.cls to convert the point to a variant and handle to an object. (I could use Users variables instead with more complex code). This works well but the code fails at the line:

oSurfSymbol.AttachGeometry dimHor, pt

This is because the method requires IMcadLine object I have IAcadLine2 object

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add All Around Symbol To Note Or Dimension?

Feb 3, 2012

Is there a way to add the all around symbol to a note or dimension?  I see how to add it to a weld symbol and a feature control frame, but that doesn't work for me too much just yet...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Break Dimension Lines In 2011?

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to break a dimension line as shown in attached jpg ?

It is possible in AutoCAD I know but is it possible in Inventor ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Override A Dimension To Create A Basic Dimension?

Jun 27, 2011

Is there a way to override a dimension and have it shown as a GD&T Basic dimension. I can override a dimension with the text option but not with a box around the letter. It sounds strange to do this but the letter represents a dimension in a chart format that are Basic dimensions.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Find Dimension Style Manager In 2011?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm trying to find dimension style manager in Autocad 2011. The one where I can set text size, arrow size, style etc.

I used to be able to find it on the dimensions toolbar but now it's gone. I mostly use Inventor so I rarey go back to Autocad.

even finding how to change precision of the dimension was a pain - it used to be double click and change it in the property window. After a few minutes of trying things I managed to find it under right lick menu.

anyway - looking for dimension style manager so that I can create a new style and use it.

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AutoCad :: Drawing Showing Square Symbol In Front Of Dimension?

Apr 17, 2013

I have a drawing showing a Square Symbol in front of a dimension. Don't know what it means.


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AutoCAD Architecture :: Get Dimension / Door And Window Styles From 2011 To 2012

Sep 7, 2011

How do I get my dimension styles, door styles, window styles, etc. from Architectural 2011 to 2012?  I migrated but I don't see where it brought my styles over. 

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AutoCad :: Where To Find Surface Finish Symbol

Feb 5, 2012

where i can find the surface finish symbol in autocad 2009 ?


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Texture Surface Changed

Apr 19, 2012

Some weeks ago I made this drawing for a costumer, which was like this:

When I opened the drawing today it was like this:

As you can see, there are some differences between the two screenshots:

- The texture of the grass changed, now it's les fine;
- The same for the road (you can't see it right now, but it's the same problem as the gras)
- The trees changed, now you can't look 'through' the blocks;
- The color of the cars (blocks) changed, first they had multiple colors, but now they are one (different) color.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Knurl Texture On Organic Curved Surface

Jul 20, 2012

I need to apply a knurled texture to an organic curved surface. It cannot be a decal, this is to be rapid prototyped so the knurl must be real 3d. I have an imported Solidworks file that shows exactly what I need. I do not have access to the author of the Solidworks part so I don't know how they did it. Its part of a pistol grip handle.  

Keep in mind that emboss does not support organic surfaces, only cylindrical or planar.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Cut Fill Surface From Existing Surface

Mar 1, 2013

Im currently using an addon for Civil 3D called Novapoint. It allows me to create 3D models of surfaces made out of 3d faces and easily models cut and fill 3d-models for me.

The only thing i need to create a cut and fill model is one or several ground surfaces (existing ground, earth layers, rock etc. whatever i need) and a closed polyline/3Dpolyline that represents the level I want my cut and/or fill model.

I enter the spcifications I want such as; earth cut angle, rock cut angle, fill angle, select which surfaces i want to include in the model calculation and select the polyline.Novapoint then calculates the cut/fill model from the surfaces to the polyline and models the different cut/fill angles and gives me the results in a 3d-face model and a specification of the volyme of rock cut, earth cut an fill.

1. Novapoint is quite unstable and crashes alot

2. You cant create profiles out of 3d faces

3. Novapoint does not automaticly combine the start surfaces with the modeled cut/fill surface

4. A large surface made out of 3d-faces demands alot of computer power 

So I want to how I do the same that Novapoint does for me in Civil 3D? (I have access to Civil 3D 2007-2013 depending on which one you're using)I know I can take the 3Dfaces i created in Novapoint and make a surface in Civil 3D with them but I want to exclude Novapoint completely.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimension A New Feature To The Mid Point Of The Surface?

Aug 15, 2012

While in sketch mode, while in a part, how do I dimension a new feature to the mid point of the surface?

In the example I've attached, I am wanting to dimension the holes around the midpoint of the surface, without stopping what I'm doing, drawing a construction line, then dimensioning to the construction line?

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Paint.NET :: Reflective Surface Texture Effect?

Mar 3, 2013

plugin that would make reflective surface texture out of nothing? I searched in the bar but it seems I can't find one.
something like this but more flat

Attached Thumbnails

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Illustrator :: Vector Symbol Appears On 3D Surface But Label Won't?

Feb 9, 2013

A label that I've created in Illustrator isn't mapping onto a can in 3D revolve
1. Traced the side of a can using the pen tool, and turned it into a 3D object using revolve (NOTE: I haven't applied any stroke to it, just a white fill - otherwise, Map Art wouldn't even open, it would just say " Artwork produced no surfaces for artwork mapping.")
2. Dragged the  label into symbols
3. Clicked on the side of the can, opened 3D revolve, and clicked preview
4. Clicked Map Art, selected the appropriate surface
5. Selected the label from the symbols, scaled it, and clicked preview
When nothing happened, I tried everything: It wouldn't show in Invisible Geometry, so it can't be on the inside of the surface. When I tried Shade Artwork (slower), the whole program just shut down right away...
Interestingly, when I selected a vector symbol, it appeared on the surface perfectly...any thoughts on what that could be?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Applying Planet Surface Texture To Geosphere

Feb 10, 2014

I am having a problem applying a planet surface texture to a geosphere.The problem occurs both with and without UVW mapping and it is the first time I have experienced it.(I'm assuming it is something that has been ticked somewhere that I cannot find)
The planet surface texture is a flat space view map. Usually when I apply images like these to spheres it perfectly wraps however this time it is confining the image to one "corner" of the sphere.

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AutoCad 3D :: Create Clouds In 2011?

Jul 12, 2010

I use Autocad 2011 for my renderings. You can use the sun and sky & Illuminations settings. It works just fine.


I want some clouds in the sky, and when i choose for background, there's no sun! So who knows/wants to find out, how to create hem both!?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get The Broken Symbol In A Broken Dimension?

Jul 13, 2012

Is there any way to get the broken symbol in a broken dimension like shown below?

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AutoCAD VB :: Create Object For 2011 / 2012?

Jul 19, 2011

i'm using the following code (generic) to interface with AutoCAD; not including the version because my company upgrades every year...

Private AutoCAD_Instance As Object

AutoCAD_Instance = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")

When I try to run this, I get an error 'Unable To Create ActiveX Component'...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Create Contour Lines On 2011

Aug 23, 2013

I have csv file of co ordinates (x,y,z) I surveyed, I have to produce progress drawings showing stockpiles, boundary etc. , which I can do easily enough by uploading the co ordinates.  I would like to include contour lines in the drawing but how to go about it.  I have spent a while searching online & I'm even more confused, most discussions refer to TINs and triangulation but not sure how to go about it.  I have a survey of the site survey csv file prior to any works carried out & that is what i would like to base my contour lines on. The site is relatively flat, about 4 acres in size, relatively even rectangle shape with fall of 200mm from north to south & fall of 2.5m from east to west.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Custom Symbol For Balloon?

Jun 17, 2013

is it possible to create a custom symbol for my balloon?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Custom Weld Symbol

Dec 10, 2013

Is there anyway to create a custom weld symbol in inventor?  As of right now I am using a sketched symbol from autocad, but i would very much like to get away from this.

I need a bevel weld back gouged then ground flush on the back side.  Cant do that as of right now with the inventor.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Symbol Legend In 2012?

Jan 29, 2012

I have been searching around all morning for a way to create a symbol legend in C3D 2012. Is there a way to create a legend of point sysmbols being used with in a dwg? I could do this manually but that could take a while if I have lots of sysmbols.  

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Custom Ribbon Tab And Buttons For Mechanical 2011?

Nov 23, 2010

How do I create a ribbon tab and button for my application, any sample code?

How do I interact the button click with my application?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Create New Custom Tab Panels In Ribbon 2011

Oct 15, 2011

send me a link to tutorial to create a new cutom tab panels in a ribbon 2011

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Sketched Symbol With Prompted Text?

Feb 4, 2013

Usually I use the TextBoxes. But its text would not change.

How to use to add a prompted text into the definition of a sketched symbol?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Solid Using Inside Geometry Of Shell In 2011?

Jan 17, 2012

I'm trying to create a solid using the inside geometry of a shell in Inventor 2011. is there a simple way of doing this? i have attached the part i'm working on and need a solid that represents the free space inside the shell.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Combo List And Put It In Form Then In Text Into Symbol

Oct 30, 2012

Create a form with combo box that user can choose one option for the line notes, would be 15 lines with 15 combos, and if necessary the user should be ale to type something insted of using that pre defined option from combo.

I have 2 ideas to make that work, untill now im trying with this 1º but nothing yet.

First Idea:

Create some (15) boolean parameters to enable each line of this NOTE and when the user choose or type one option, that text go directly to one textbox into a Symbol with the 15 lines. I actually dont know how to make this connection, tried some stuffs that found here on forum, but some are too complex.

Second idea:

Instead of create parameters to control everything, i would create all the controls by iLogic, but that is harder then create many and many parameters ? And by this way, i dont know how to conect one INPUTLIST BOX with a pre defined Global form, or, is easier to create a form by ilogic (if that is even posible ofc) ? And still dont know how to make the connection with the chosen option and the text box.

That is just to "centralize" all my notes, that can be variable for each drawing, that way i dont need to have too much symbols for each kind of note, or even have to type everytime that i need one diffent. Would be nice if the user could just choose them in the right sequence he wants.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create A Text Direct Inside On Sketched Symbol

Nov 1, 2012

With iLogic, define some pre notes and when the user choose one option some notes are chosen too.The idea now is: Create a text direct inside on Sketched Symbol OR edit some textfields inside the Symbol.

The symbol could be one existent, so its not necessary to create it.

I got a code to create the text, and that works perfectly! Just what im trying now is create this text into the Symbol... I've tried many ways with reference from: URLs....The code to create the tet im usnig is this one:

' a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' a reference to the active sheet. Dim oActiveSheet As Sheet oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet ' a reference to the GeneralNotes object Dim oGeneralNotes As GeneralNotes oGeneralNotes = oActiveSheet.DrawingNotes.GeneralNotes Dim oTG As TransientGeometry oTG = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry ' Create text with simple string as input. Since this doesn't use ' any text.

but, if i could just edit one existent text filed into the symbol would be great too and one "extra doubt", in all the codes that i get here, i have to erase the "public sub" and the "set" from all code, am I doing something wrong ? I'm running directly from the iLogic window.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Can't Create Greater Than Or Equal Symbol With Simple Font

Oct 6, 2009

** I have found this problem still exists ranging from AutoCAD 2007 - 2010 **

I'm trying to insert the "greater than or equal" symbol in an MTEXT box. Normally, I just grab the old trusty Character Map utility in Windows to find my symbol and copy/paste into the bext box. The funny thing this time is that it forces the font to be Arial (I'm using Simplex on all my MTEXT objects). Here's something else strange: If I change the font in Character Map to Simplex, there ISN'T a greater than or equal symbol but there IS a less than or equal symbol!

So the next thing I tried was a straight Unicode entry in MTEXT. I first tried "U+2264" for less than or equal and got my nice, simplex symbol but entering "U+2265" still forces an Arial font! Is this simply the way it is or am I missing something here?

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AutoCad 2D :: Create Two Dimension Styles In One?

Sep 27, 2011

I want to have two dimension styles in one dimension line. The first style would be a point to point dimension with the text centered and above the dimension line. The second style would be a running dimension to each point with the text over the second extension line and above the dimension line. Right now I am using two seperate dimension lines, one on top of the other. I'm trying to find a way to combine them into one dimension line so that I won't have to dimension the same thing twice.

At first I thought that using alternate units would work, however I was not able to find a way to seperate the two dimensions. Also, I didn't see how to make the alternate units a running dimension.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Level Symbol - Create Point Attached To The End Of Text And Apply Stretch

Apr 5, 2012

I would like to create an dynamic block to a level symbol, with a parameter that aligns the length of the line under the text with the text end.

I attached an jpg image with an example.

I thing the key element is to create an point that is attached to the end of the text and apply an stretch to it, but I didn't succeed.

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