I've never seen this one before, I'm drawing a circle around each block reference insert choosen with a selection set to highlight it. On any block references that is mirrored, I get an error "degenerate geometry"
I gues this is another bug by Autodesk that is comming up in my stress analysis. Basically all work I have done is gone. The frame won't appear and get big "NOT AVAILIBLE" on my screen. There is no way to fix it because there is no red cross highlighted
Is it possible to get a selection set for the currently selected geometry? If I use the EditorInput selection functions, the user is asked to select an item, however I want the item(s) that has already been selected prior to running the plugin.
I have a complex 2D geometry (.dwg layout) I want to wrap onto a 3D tube. Is there and easy way to do this in AutoCAD Mechanical or Inventor (preferably AC Mech)? My machine takes a 2D flat pattern to create the part but i need to model the geometry in 3D for other purposes. I have been using Solidworks the "wrap" feature, but its inconvenient to jump between software platforms.
Have a drawing with multiple xref's , Blocks within it. Drawing geometry is a combination of 2D and 3D. Would like to project this onto a 2D plane - "FlatShot?" and then save it as another drawing.
Main reason for this is for a KeyPlan - routing diagram for a plant.
my 3D geometry going missing after I have saved the drawing. Running AutoCAD 2013, Saving file Format 2010. I draw a room. I have walls, chairs, desks, a floor, etc. I save the drawing. When going to re-open the file I can see all of my geometry in the file preview, but when opening the DWG the floor is missing. All Layers are on and thawed. When running a purge command it indicates that something is on the layer, but I can't see it or select it. Changing visual styles also has no effect. I have used CAD in 3D since CAD 200.
I have a 3D geometry that i wanted to export as a .STL file. But every time i selected the geometry to export, i keep getting the option "Select solids or watertight meshes: Specify opposite corner:." Although the command line does show that the objects have been selected. I've tried different ways of selecting the geometry but every time it shows the same thing.
P.S - i was able to export it in other (.IGES, .IGS formats) but it doesn't seem to be working the same way with .STL
I normally use a database transaction to create temporary drawing Lines when I need to do any intersections. But I decided to try virtual Geometry Line2d instead. Intersecting Line2d with other Line2d objects. But I do not understand the Tolerance input. I definitely need it - without it all the line2ds are intersecting even when they actually don't.
How in import 2D geometry into Inventor so I do not have to redraw the profile, only extrude the existing geometry. I tried to export from Autocad a IGES file, and then create a sketch plane in Inventor and project the geometry onto the sketch plane, but I ended up with a bunch of open loops. Perhaps, I have figured it out and real question is how to I close open loops?
once I've set an origin, how do you get the geometry info in the properties to show the coordinates from that origin? what I want to do is set an origin and then find relative points from that origin. What are the ways to do this? On ProgeCad I would just set an origin and then if I viewed the properties of say a circle, it would tell me the x,y,z coordinates from that origin but I can't seem to do it in AutoCad.
As you can see from the picture, what I did was set an origin at the on point. Then I selected the arc for which I want to know the coordinates. But as you can see in the properties it says the x,y are like 566,567mm, but clearly if I draw lines to that point and measure the lines it is only like 1.00,0.70mm.
I would like to be able to show an animation of a flat plate of material converging into a half hollow sphere (like a bowl). Its easy to model the beginning and end stae, but I do not know how to show it transitioning from one to the other.
How to do this? I need it for a presentation to convey a design concept.
I'm fairly new to the world of CAD, and I was just working on a phone case for my friend when I tried to extrude geometry text, but couldn't because the OK and Apply options were greyed out. I tried embossing and making a hole, but they were greyed out for them too. I tried messing with the settings to see if I could fix it, but I still couldn't. I'm really confused right now, I remember doing something similar for a case I made for myself.?
Just recently we upgraded from ACAD 2010 to 2011. Some users are still on XP and some are on Windows 7. Since we began making the jump to ACAD 2011, we have begun to notice more and more drawings popping up with blocks no longer visible that were there the day before. When you go to the block editor, the block definition is still there but all of the geometry has been blown away. The only entity that seems to be immune is an attribute. The only commonality among the various drawings this is happening too is that they are all being accessed from an XP machine. Some folks have had to spend hours restoring all the blocks that were lost and that in itself was a challenge because ACAD already saw the definition so it would continue to blow away the geometry. You could purge the block IF you could find a way to pick it and delete it.
Currently I save all my 2D DWGs as IGES files and then import the files into Inventor. That converts all the geometry to Construction Wires in an IPT, which means MUCH improved performance (you don't have to wait for Inventor to convert every single entity in the DWG to a Sketch entity). I then start a new Sketch and Project those lines that I need from the Construction Wires.
Is there a way to do this directly (convert to Construction Wires) with a DWG, without having to save as an IGES file first?
I am currently creating a 3D model of a building of a complicated geometry. I managed to do this in AutoCAD 2013 but when I exported the iges file and imported it to AutoCAD Inventor Fusion, I get a lot of skewness. This is particularly so for the cylinders I extruded in AutoCAD 2013.I have been looking at this problem for almost a week already. I have attached the photo of the skewness shown in AutoCAD Inventor Fusion.
I have a sketch on plane XY and I have another plane at an angle, which I would like to work on. How can I create a sketch on the angled plane, using the geometry from the XY sketch and which I can snap to?
In triangle ABC, AD is drawn as angle bisector and BE is drawn perpendicular to AD. I want to draw these two lines and triangle ABC by means of constrains, so that when I move point A (make it bigger or smaller), I can get those two lines move automatically. What kind of constrains should I use? For triangle itself, I use "coincident" constrain. I think this part is correct. Whenever I move a vertex after selecting a line and using red grips, it responds and triangle reshapes. Do we have angle bisector constrain? I draw angle dimension line for two equal angle and tried to impose equal constrain for these two angle but couldn't succeed.
If its possible to have a viewport stay locked on a geometry in model space?
For example- we layout our page geometries in model space and outline them in a VP in paperspace. however say we move the entire drawing in model space- we have to go back and redo every viewport on every page. is there a way to prevent this or stop this from happening?
I have several files that have lost their geometric data that is usually there when they are primitives. This also removes the grips that allow me to resize the objects on the fly. Is there any possible way "apply" new data to these objects without recreating them? Is there a command, an express tool or a lisp routine that can accomplish this?
I have been using Autocad on and off for a while, I am currently using 2005, but have only really worked in 2d.
I have designed a chassis for my hot rod and I have a side elevation and a top elevation which I have extruded and subtracted to produce a 3d model of the chassis rail.
My problem is how do I pull the true 2d geometry off of the 3d model or extrapolate ( I think thats the right word ) from the top and side elevations to produce a cutting path for the laser cutters.
I'm running Photoshop Elements 5.0. Everything was working fine til this mornin. I've had the program for about a year now. When I tried to open it this morning I got this error message that popped up.
It says:
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.
I've tried repairing the program. That didn't work. Restarted my computer. That didn't work. Uninstalled the program and tried opening it again. That didn't work. I'm at a loss! I really need to get into my program b/c my work is there. I tried opening some of my files (they are located in my Pictures folder) and they pop up with the same message.