I have a task of finding the lines which are overlapping on each other (not completely). One Plines start or End point will be on another lines(without snapping). Need to find all those such lines..
Is there anyway to line up the dashes of overlapping polylines so that when I have 2 or more dashed polylines on top of each other the polyline will still looks dashed. Because at the moment the dashes don't line up and the polyline appears as a solid line where they overlap.
I work with polylines a lot to maintain Facility Space and I come across polylines that are overlapping. Is it possible to have a routine to find polylines that are overlapping? Sometimes I really have to zoom in pretty close to see if they are overlapping and sometimes it's pretty obvious.
As the above mentioned, I have a drawing drawn using polylines with width from someone. The width of the line are suppose to represent area,
To put things into prospective, here is an example:
The polyline is 10 unit long and with a width of 2 unit wide. If i explode that polyline, it will become a single polyline without width. The line are suppose to represent 10 unit long and 2 unit wide; representing an area.
My question is is there a way to change the line above directly from polyline with width to a close polyline (4 x polylines) of 10 unit long and 2 unit wide.
Is there a way of converting 3d polylines to polylines with an elevation?
I have a dwg of contour information, the contours are 3d polylines, because they are contours the z value is constant all along the line, so there no question what the elevation of the polyline would need to be.
I need to do this as I then need to import the dwg into a GIS programme called MapInfo whch doesn't read 3d polylines.
I'm plotting a drawing in which I have land parcels provided in the form of a connected ArcGIS shp file. The parcels are closed polygon features. I'd like to plot the parcels as phantom linetype. The problem is where neighboring parcels have common boundaries, Autocad Map does not filter out the overlapping boundary segments for the purpose of plotting.
As a result, the linetype becomes a mixture of phantom and solid lines and everything in between. I've tryed using plotstyles as well as styling the polygons. I don't think plot styles work with map features. The styling works when the lines do not overlap. Exploding the polygons and removing duplicate segments is not a realistic solution when working with data that is shared by true GIS programs like ArcGIS. I've seen some old postings that indicate this has been a problem for years.
I'm trying to hatch multiple objects in one go, most of which overlap with eachother in places. When I do this, the overlapping areas don't get hatched. I've tried selecting different options for island detection, but this doesn't seem to work.
In paper space I have a rectangular viewport showing a floorplan. I have placed another smaller viewport over the larger vp in order to show a scaled-up detail of the floorplan. However I can still see the image from the larger vp below ( as well as the smaller vp's contents ), Is it possible to lay one vp over another, blocking out the image from the vp below?
In a drawing file customer wants to create 2 title block. both the title blocks should be added to the same drawing. At any point of time only one should be visible to the user. Basically users in one country will see first title block and users in another country will see second title block.
Acad 2009 When you have a number of lines or layers on top of each other, what is the correct way of toggling between them when trying to select 1 in particular.
9 times our of 10, I can't trim away the overlap on a pair of circles.. as every now and then the trim suddenly decides it will work!
I just can't work out why these pesky circles refuse to trim! I'm trying to merge them into one 'cloud' like shape, by removing the overlapping section from each circle.
I assume it's just my autocad display but I can never tell if lines and are drawn correctly or not. I'll draw construction lines and circles and grip edit my linework to snap to the end points and arc midpoints perpindicular to the circle but there are still overlapping displays. In the attached image I've snapped to arc points to the circle and the edges of the hatch to the extension/intersection of them and this is how it still displays.
Yes, I am constantly regenning and my arc smoothness is set to 10000.
Selection of overlapping viewports,I go two overlapping viewports.The issue here that I couldn't access the model space of the small viewport. Double clicking it will access the model space of the big viewport.
I'm working through a tutorial on [URL] drawing and attempting to hatch the second Extra Practice assignment at the bottom of that page: [URL] I've drawn it from a closed polyline with a circle overlapping it but I'm not sure how to assign different hatches to each of the six sections as shown in the second link above. I've tried opening the hatch dialog, selecting the polyline and choosing points, but I can't get there. I exploded the polyline into lines and tried selecting points again, but no good. I tried selecting the entire (unexploded) polyline, but I can't assign individual different hatches to each section - I just get the usual all/in-out, etc. behavior. I assume I could manually construct entities to match each section, but that gives me the same bad vibes as using goto when programming. Just doesn't seem right.
Im currently drawing renovation plans, sections and elevations, and i have a prexisting set of drawings, a after renovation set of drawings and would like to achieve the intersecting of this two sets with objects/lines in yellow for whats going to be demolished and red for whats being built and white for whats to remain untouched.
I started by setting a yellow color for the first set and red for the second set. And worked my way to the excrutianting task of breaking and setting this two sets of 2d drawings.
Is there a command or routine that allows me to break a line were two diferent lines overlap in the drawing. I was wandering if i could do that i then would only have to overkill the entire drawing..
I have an assembly with various parts in it. I am trying to write a routine that will
1) systematically traverse the assembly and find parts that overlap,
2) where they overlap perform a sculpt operation on the parts
Whilst i can do this manually by edit>copy object>sculpt>select surface ... i don't know how to mimic this programmatically.
So far i have coded to do it in a very hamfisted way by making a derived part file from the overlapping parts, opening the derived part file and performing the sculpt, replacing the original part in the assembly with its new derived-sculpted part and then continuing to traverse the assembly tree.. - it is super slow and uses lots of file operations.
I was sent a detailed map in dwg format that shows a river in the country. The model has a layer called sheets that has 17 rectangles in many orientations which overlap and cover the data i wish to print. There is a layout tab called "Sheet 2 to 17" which show page 17 with a tempalte when the pointer is over the tab similar to Windows 7 Aero, but if you open the layout the page space is blank. I'm not familiar with the use of a layer to break the drawing into multpile overlapping sheets and my end goal is to print the model as the 17 defined sheets on 11 x 17 paper.
I work for a local government and we contract out most of our CAD work. Our consultants switched to Civil 3D and it apparently cannot adhere to our standards for the profile views. We currently have manholes that would overlap in the profile view drawn "offset" and labeled as such. This allows for a much cleaner view when we get into intersections. Since the switch to Civil 3d they are drawn over top of each other with just the centerline offset at the top of the profile grid. So, my question is - is this true? Is there any way to work around this and still maintain the pipe network (footages, connectivitly, etc)?
How to avoid overlapping of programmatically created Mtext.
I have createdMtext for the points present the dwg file, so that they get displayed as labels.
But when there are some densely located points, these points overlay and cannot be read. The font size also adjusted. Then too there are lot of overlapping.
How to avoid overlapping of programmatically created Mtext.
I have an assembly with various parts in it. I am trying to write a routine that will
1) systematically traverse the assembly and find parts that overlap,
2) where they overlap perform a sculpt operation on the parts
Whilst i can do this manually by edit>copy object>sculpt>select surface ... i don't know how to mimic this programmatically.
So far i have coded to do it in a very hamfisted way by making a derived part file from the overlapping parts, opening the derived part file and performing the sculpt, replacing the original part in the assembly with its new derived-sculpted part and then continuing to traverse the assembly tree.. - it is super slow and uses lots of file operations.
I cannot recall the command or the name of action to set my AutoCAD MEP 2012 to have a drop-down menu from the cursor when I am trying select an object that is in a cluster of other objects. I had the command active previously but just re-installed the program last week and have been stumped about it since.