AutoCAD .NET :: Error When Submitting Result Buffer To Xdata

Feb 21, 2013

I'm taking over some code from a developer that is no longer here.  Right now when the code saved a resultbuffer object to xdata, I get an eregappidnotfound.  Due to various forums, I believe this is because the ID is not being registered with the database before it's being inserted.

The error is thrown on this line: XData.ToXData(partCollection);

using (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.DBObject dbObj = t.GetObject(objId, Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForWrite)){ DeviceName.SetDeviceName((Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.BlockReference)dbObj, txtDeviceName.Text);
dbObj.XData = XData.ToXData(partCollection); t.Commit();}

The code for the ToXData function is here: 

public static ResultBuffer ToXData(PartCollection Parts) { //Write out some header information ResultBuffer rb = new ResultBuffer(new TypedValue(System.Convert.ToInt32(DxfCode.ExtendedDataRegAppName), XDATA_APP_NAME), new TypedValue(System.Convert.ToInt32(DxfCode.ExtendedDataInteger16), XDATA_TYPE), new [code].......

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Result Expected - Buffer With Attributes

Apr 9, 2013

I would like AMAP to perform a BUFFER operation on a certain SHP, so the resulting buffer polygons would get the table attributes from that original shape, and also be exported as a SHP.

It is mandatory that a buffer polygon will have the same attributes from the original SHP line, including its FeatID.

Is it possible?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Connection To SHP Info Not Submitting To Plot Style

Jan 7, 2014

I have several SHP Connections that I am using as background. I can use the Style Editor to get the individual SHP Lines/Polygons/blocks to be the appropriate colors for the information that they include (Property Lines, Buildings, Utilities, etc)

The problem is in plotting this information. The settings in my tried and true .ctb file don't seem to apply to the SHP data. Everything else that actually exists in the drawing behaves correctly, but the SHP data plots as it appears on the screen.

I am using C3D 2012

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3ds Max :: Lockup When Submitting To Net Render With BB

Jun 22, 2012

When I send a job to net render with BB I'm getting a lockup

I send the job, connect then hit Submit and then get the lockup

The job still submits after some time but I always have to force the program to respond. Sometimes the program will respond with 'not connected' other times I'm forced to quit

The job still renders fine - Update installed a few days ago.

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GIMP :: Submitting 2.8 Splash Screen (2012)

May 2, 2012

How do i submit my XCF for an official splash screen image for Gimp-2.8


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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Buffer A Large Data Set?

May 3, 2012

I am familiar with GIS but I am new to AutoCAD Map 2012.

I have 140,000 lines and 20,000 points.

I would like to have all points closer than 1 meter to a line.

This is what I tried to do:

buffer the lines (_mapfdobuffercreate)overlay points and buffer (_MapGisOverLay) to get all points in the buffer area
This works well with a small amount of data.But in step 1 I have to select all lines (140,000) with the mouse. When I try to select all lines with the mouse AutoCAD Map freezes after some minutes. Is there a way with AutoCAD to work on a “layer basis” and not on a “selection set basis”. Other GIS (ESRI, Quantum, …) work with a complete layer.

In this analysis I work with FDO Data (shp,sqlite,sdf). I have geometries, but no attribute data.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Unable To Complete Buffer Operation

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to create a 150m buffer around points from a map features that I have attached from an SDF.

If I select any amount of points to buffer I get the following error:Unable to complete buffer operation

Using Civil 3D 2011 (come with Map 3D of course) 64 bit on a window 64 bit machine. Tried attaching sqlite db with no luck, then exported to SDF attached to dwg as datasource, themed, etc... tried feature buffer analysis again... same error.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Changing Xdata

Sep 6, 2011

Why this code doesn't modify the xdata. I copied and modified another post.

it doesn't throw any errors. and objNewResBuf seems to have the right data.

Private Sub ChangeXData(ByVal objEntId As ObjectId,
ByVal strAppName As String)
Dim objDB As Database = objEntId.Database
Dim objTrans As Transaction = objDB.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
Dim objEnt As Entity = CType(objTrans.GetObject(objEntId, OpenMode.ForWrite,


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AutoCAD .NET :: Can't Dispose Xdata

Feb 13, 2012

i have a combo box which choose from 3 items one is blank. the triggered item changed event will erase the old set of corresponding xdata in the selected object and populate with new ones read from different text boxes. i was able to set the xdata for the first time ok. but when trying to dispose it won't dispose.

Imports System.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInputImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports AcApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.ApplicationImports


Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Copy To Buffer Code

Sep 26, 2011

I`m not sure if this is possible or not.

Is there any way to write a script which copy`s a variable to the buffer? Similar to CTRL-C?

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AutoCAD .NET :: XData To Polyline And Blocks

Apr 10, 2013

I am trying to store some data to polyline entities. and I'm planning to use xdata. Is it possible to store some string and integer values? Also each of them should have a tag name like block attiribute names.

For example:

Type= "XLPE"
Capacity= "Medium"
LengthMultiplier= 3

I searched internet for utilizing xdata, and it seems that Xdata is only for predefined types such as: datalayername, dataycoordinate, datazcoordinate,datascale etc. And it seems it is not possible to store more than one string with tag name.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Add XData To Appended Block

Nov 30, 2011

When capturing the Object Appended event of a block containing a "Drawing_No" attribute tag, then trying to add xdata to the object, I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. I've tried writing the XData after committing the transaction but it didn't work.
If TypeOf e.DBObject Is BlockReference Then Dim bref As BlockReference = DirectCast(e.DBObject, BlockReference) If bref.AttributeCollection.Count <> 0 Then For Each attId As ObjectId In bref.AttributeCollection Dim attRef As AttributeReference = trans.GetObject(attId, OpenMode.ForRead) Select Case attRef.Tag Case "DRAWING_NO" WriteTitleBlock(e.DBObject.ObjectId) '<<Subroutine used to add XData Exit For End Select Next End If End If

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Submitting File To Local Printer - Which Format To Use

Feb 28, 2013

having some nice flyers printed at Office Depot. They do not accept CDR files (practically nobody does),

so which format would be best? they take pdf, illustrator etc. the flyer is text plus high quality pictures of art.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Copying And Pasting XData Between Drawings

Sep 8, 2011

How can know if entities are being manually copied and pasted between drawings.A thought is to add a GUID to each entities Xdata and check if the value is in the named object dictionary. 

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AutoCAD VB :: Xdata / Reactor Length Of Lines?

Oct 7, 2013

I have a lot of lines that I need a length, like in attached file. At this moment I do it with a vba  that put fields in all lines.

The problems:

1) fields makes drawing slow to regen or after I modify line.

2) fields not follow lines slopes and position, if I stretch or move one end point of line. Text must be in middle of line.

So I thinking use reactors .

I tried reactor but I don't have much experience in lisp and I am having problems with persistent reactors, after I close file and open again, load lisp. Reactor not continue persistent. 

This is a test that I tried. Works only for one line.

(defun print-align-text ( owner reactor lst / sp ep a d )
(setq sp (vlax-curve-getstartpoint line1))
(setq ep (vlax-curve-getendpoint line1))


I have read that is better store data using XData. In VBA I tried construct class module with events, without any success.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Filter On Block Reference XData

Apr 12, 2007

I'm trying to use a Selection Filter on Block Reference XData value. But I get no hits, it works fine with Lines and Polylines that has the same kind of XData.

Is it a bug or do I have to define my Selection Filter differently when working with Block Reference?

Here is a part of the code :

TypedValue[] flt = new TypedValue[]
new TypedValue(-4, " new TypedValue(-4, " new TypedValue(8, "POLYLINE_LAYER"),
new TypedValue(1001, "Object_Id"),
new TypedValue(1000, "166448"),
new TypedValue(-4, "AND>"),

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Filter On Xdata For All Type Of Feature

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to create selection set entity xdata(1001, 1000,1000) features like text,line,lwpolyline,insert....etc.

But its working only on linear features not working on remaining features, why?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Xdata To Dynamic Block With Attribute

Aug 31, 2011

My code add xdata to any object properly except for a dynamic block with attribute. After code excutes it disappears from screen . Even undo make strange thing. I guess I screw the database somehow. But even audit doesn't show any fix applied.

Attach is a sample drawing. And below is my code.

<CommandMethod("pppp")> _ Shared Sub test1()
Dim Mydwg As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim Mydb As Database = Mydwg.Database Dim Myed As Editor = Mydwg.Editor
Dim MyRegisterApplication As String = "My_R_Cad"

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select Objects With Given Xdata?

Jan 2, 2012

with a function like this I added some xdata, some MULTILEADER

(defun c:add_xdata () (princ "Select: ") (setq ogg (car (entsel))) (addXdata ogg "TEST" "CODICE" "1256") (addXdata ogg "TEST" "MATERIALE" "LEGNO") (addXdata ogg "TEST" "TIPO" "A"))
Now with the following function can only select leaders who have linked the xdata application TEST

(setq selez_all (ssget "X" '((0 . "MULTILEADER")(-3 ("TEST")))))
I can not, however, find a way to select all MULTILEADER who have a particular value of XData.

For example I would select all MULTILEADER with MATERIALE = "LEGNO" and TIPO = "A".

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Retrieving Xdata From An Entity?

Mar 29, 2012

How can i build a selection set of all circles  and then retrieve the xdata attached to them? 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Reading Xdata Info?

Oct 14, 2013

Lisp code to read xdata information?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Remove Xdata From Layer Zero

Aug 14, 2012

I have a drawing that i know has xdata attached to layer zero. the problem is, it's not an object i can find. Any routine to remove xdata from ALL objects. like a global remove xdata?

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AutoCAD LT :: Use Excel 2010 Into Drawings To Set Up Tables - XData Handle Unknown

Jun 20, 2013

I have LT 2012.  I use Excel 2010 into my drawings to set up tables.  When I opened the drawing I've been working on, I had lost all of yesterday's data.  Command History shows dozens of these notations, "AcDbLine(41859) XData Handle Unknown, Null"   In Help it says you can no longer turn handles off, so it should be ON.  How can I point the drawing to my Excel data?

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VideoStudio :: Data Buffer Underrun

Dec 27, 2006

I've burned like 9 DVDs without issue using ulead. I'm now burning another, but have wasted 4 DVDs since I am getting a dialog, right near the end of the actual burn for:

"Data buffer underrun. The computer may be too busy with other tasks or may not have enough power to keep the specified burning speed. [534:-2147216284:0]"

All movies are about the same length (120m) and all settings are the same. My computer is a 4.6Ghz dual core AMD with 2G RAM. I'm writing to a HD with 200G free; local disk has 120G free. No other apps open.

This is the first time I've received this error; I've totally recreated a vsp project and everything, but I still get this error. I've modified so that the burn is only at 4x, which is shows is the minimum? The option to enable buffer underrun is disabled and I can't select it. I'm doing a two-pass conversion just like all my other successful burns.

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VideoStudio :: Overlapped Buffer Is Full?

Jan 13, 2008

"An internal error occurred when overlapped buffer is full."

That is the message I am receiving when I try to make my project into a video or audio file.

I have two audio tracks which have only two effects added to them.

What is wrong?

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3ds Max :: Prevent Frame Buffer From Clearing?

Mar 1, 2011

Is there a way to prevent the render window from clearing to black before rendering a new frame when using the scanline renderer? Several versions ago Max used to leave the old image up while updating and its easier for me in some cases to see changes when the previous frame is still there and updates as the scanline renders down the frame.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Reactor - How To Change Xdata Length If Line Is Modified

May 18, 2010

I need a Reactor to Modify Xdata - Length - contained in Line Object if this Line is modified (stretched, breaked, trimmed, etc).The routine need to verify if Line contain Xdata and modify it (and works with multiple selection).

I tried for long hours, but without success. I tried to create a list of entities while the reactor is applied, but doing so need another reactor to change these entities after the first Reactor works.The codes I used are below:

;If it just 1 string only you want to add
(defun add_xdata_str (e a v);;;EName APPID String_value
(and (not (tblsearch "APPID" a))
(regapp a))
(and (= (type e) 'ENAME)

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3ds Max :: How To Get Alpha Image From Vray Frame Buffer

Nov 28, 2012

I'm a beginner of 3ds max. I have trouble with getting alpha image from Vray frame buffer.

My scene is very simple
-2 Objects with Vray standard material
-Vray plane
-Vray dome light

Even when I render as Tiff data, I can not see alpha image. It is all white. How to get alpha image. And also is there anything else good way to get alpha image by the each object(without using matt/shadow material)? I used 'VrayWireColor' from 'Render Elements' but the image edge has slightly white frindge...

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Data In Buffer 1 GRC-50 Not Printing?

Sep 23, 2011

I tried the cocut software and it worked for about 3 days, now I get the Data in Buffer message on the screen and it does not print. The motors fire up when I try, but it does not cut. XP or Windows &, no difference.

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Softimage :: Render Different Channels With Custom Frame Buffer

Oct 4, 2011

How to render different channels with custom framebuffer. But in order to get it working there has some node need to add into the render tree.

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Illustrator :: Video Buffer - How To Make Each Part Around The Circle Get Lighter

May 3, 2013

So you know when a video buffers, it is typically a round path with circles or lines and such that go from dark to light? Well, I need something like that for a logo design. I am trying to create a custom art brush, but its not happening. I created the shape Id like for all of the things to be along the path, but I don;t know which method of creating a brush to use.
Also, how to make each part around the circle get lighter?

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