AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Filter On Xdata For All Type Of Feature

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to create selection set entity xdata(1001, 1000,1000) features like text,line,lwpolyline,insert....etc.

But its working only on linear features not working on remaining features, why?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Filter On Block Reference XData

Apr 12, 2007

I'm trying to use a Selection Filter on Block Reference XData value. But I get no hits, it works fine with Lines and Polylines that has the same kind of XData.

Is it a bug or do I have to define my Selection Filter differently when working with Block Reference?

Here is a part of the code :

TypedValue[] flt = new TypedValue[]
new TypedValue(-4, " new TypedValue(-4, " new TypedValue(8, "POLYLINE_LAYER"),
new TypedValue(1001, "Object_Id"),
new TypedValue(1000, "166448"),
new TypedValue(-4, "AND>"),

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Feature Control Frame Type Annotation?

Nov 4, 2013

I'm looking to do sort of an adaptive annotation thorugh

Essentially i'd like it start with a leader and instead of your normal text dial that appears, you get a box to punch in values in a grid. 5 columns across, as many as two rows.

The idea being if i punch in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in the first six boxes all 5 in the first row appear with boxes around each number and then only the 6 has aa box around it on row 2.

I can see it as a table 5x2, and the format option being if the cell has text, the border type is outline. Although i don't think those options exist for inventor.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Set Filter

May 23, 2011

The following code filter all lines which are in the layer "0" and line weight is 0.35. But it does not. my selection set is empty. 

Dim typVal(2) As TypedValue 
 typVal(0) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "LINE") 
 typVal(1) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.LayerName, layName)
typVal(2) = New TypedValue(DxfCode.LineWeight, Convert.ToInt16(0.35))
Dim sf As SelectionFilter = New SelectionFilter(typVal)
Dim ss As SelectionSet = ed.SelectAll(sf).Value

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Corridor Code Set - Feature Line Selection

Nov 27, 2012

Is there a way to be able to choose a desired feature line when extracting from a corridor?  For example, when subgrade and finished grade are on top of each other, it seems subgrade is always coming as default for extraction.  I'm not getting the option to select the desired point code as usual for some reason.  The best way I found is by turning off the subgrade feature line from the corridor properties, which is a bit tedious. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Selection Method To Feature Priority

Jul 11, 2013

I want to change the selection method to feature priority.

Where is the button?

Not in the right click

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AutoCAD VB :: Use Select On Screen Method With Filter Type Only For TEXT?

Nov 18, 2013


I want to use select on screen method with Filter type only for "TEXT".

Mean I want to select only TEXT from the Selection set so how it can be possible ?

I am not able to write the statement for the Filter Type.

Post the statement in C#.NET if possible.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Filter Typed Value Between X And Y

Jun 4, 2012

AutoCAD 2012


Windows 7

I need a selection filter to find text objects within a rectangular area using dxf operators (do not want to use Editor.SelectWindow).

Whats wrong with the following code attempt?

It causes Fatal Error!

TypedValue[] tv2 = new TypedValue[15];
tv2.SetValue(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Start, "TEXT"), 0);
tv2.SetValue(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Operator, "<and"), 1);


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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Apply Selection Filter On ObjectIDCollection

Dec 11, 2012

I wonder if its possible to apply a filter to a subset of entities (that could be the result of a previous filtering).

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selection Filter On Multiple Layers?

Apr 25, 2012

to select object on a single layer

Dim strLayer as string = "road"acTypValAr.SetValue(New TypedValue(DxfCode.LayerName, strLayer), 2)  

how do you select all objects on multiple layers

Dim strLayer as string = "road,sidewalks"acTypValAr.SetValue(New TypedValue(DxfCode.LayerName, strLayer), 2)  

the above does not work. how do you select all objects on multiple layers?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Filter Block Selection By X / Y Coordinates

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to select two specific types of blocks from a drawing so that I can create layouts for each one of the pairs of blocks in my drawing.  Basically, one block is the outline of the piece of the drawing and the second contains information about the drawing.  I would like to select all of the outline blocks and then create a selection to get the second block which is inside the bounds of the first block. 

I'm not sure how to create a set of typed values to do this.  Here is my code so far which sets up a filter to get the first block and then for each of the blocks that it finds, it would select the block with all of the information which is where I am having problems.  I don't know how to create a filter based upon location of the block. 
using (Transaction tr = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { filList = new TypedValue[] { new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Operator,"<and"), new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Start,"INSERT"), new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.BlockName,"D-1*"), new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Operator,"and>")}; // Build a filter list so that only block references are selected filter = new SelectionFilter(filList); //Select all res =

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AutoCAD .NET :: Filter Out Frozen Entities From A Selection?

Sep 28, 2011

I'm using a typed value list to create a  selection filter to use with Editor.SelectAll(filter) method. The selection returns both frozen & un-frozen entities. Is there a way to filter out frozen objects using the filter?

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Access The Touch Type Feature

Jun 4, 2013

Adobe Illustrator CS6 registered with creative cloud, fully updated on Mac OSx 10.8.2. Why can't I access the touch type feature?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Selection Set Filter

Apr 23, 2013

I'm putting together some quick function that I can send 2 arguments and get from it the total area of a given hatch on the given layer. I think everything is in order but I'm having trouble with the selection set filter:

(DEFUN GET-HATCH-AREA (HATCH LAYR / area sset) (COND((AND(ssget "X" '((0 . "HATCH") (2 . HATCH) (8 . LAYR))) (SETQ area 0) (VLAX-FOR H (SETQ sset (VLA-GET-ACTIVESELECTIONSET (VLA-GET-ACTIVEDOCUMENT (VLAX-GET-ACAD-OBJECT)))) (SETQ area (+ (VLA-GET-AREA h) area))) (ALERT(STRCAT "Total area = " (IF (OR (= (GETVAR "lunits") 3) (= (GETVAR "lunits") 4) ) (STRCAT (RTOS area 2) " sq. in. (" (RTOS (/ area 144) 2) " sq. ft.)") (RTOS area) ) ) ) (VLA-DELETE sset) ) ) ))

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Selection Filter / Drawing In PDF Format Into DXF

Feb 8, 2012

I converted a drawing in pdf format into dxf. I'm using Autocad 2012 to edit the file. The dxf conversion is good, but of course there is no difference between the diffent kind of lines.

I would like to select all lines which have an orientation of 30° with the horizontal and put them into a new layer. Is there a way to do that ? I though about using a filter.

Then I will edit the properties oh those lines (color, thickness, type....).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Switch On / Off Selection Filter Popup

Sep 21, 2011

Any settings where you can switch on/off the selection filter popup? Mine is just gone. Under application options I don't see anything to do with switching it off.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Filter Dynamic Block References In Selection

Mar 22, 2012

I have a problem with selecting all references to a specific dynamic block. When I use the filter below only block “D2” is selected, which is not a dynamic block, Block "Bulb120227” which is a dyn block is not

Dim values() As TypedValue = { _
                New TypedValue(0, "INSERT"), _ 
                New TypedValue(-4, "<OR"), _ 
                New TypedValue(2, "D2"), _ 
                New TypedValue(2, "Bulb120227"), _
                New TypedValue(-4, "OR>") _ 

How should the filter be done to filter out the dyn block that I want several block should be filtered out in one selection.If it is possible to achieve with just a filter at all?

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Photoshop :: CS2 Selection Feature

Jul 21, 2005

I noticed that I can no longer ctrl+click a layer and that layer will be made into a selection.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multiple Selection Of Objects By One Type

May 11, 2012

 My question is, if there any tool /command, utility in autocad to select all objects of one type at one time : for example all text objects or all dimention objects  if these objects on different layers and have different properties. in my work I have to insert many blocks(not annotative) or parts of drawings which were created by other people and have different from mine settings and properties of text and dimention objects. the insertions add so many layers and objects that I spend lots of time to correct them and to figure it  out.

is there any way( command, utility) to select and manage all of these  objects at one time?

P.S.i think it is very unconvenient that the  plain autocad  does not have dimentions and text as families or some sort of groups that s easy to manage.

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Photoshop :: Layer Panel Filter - Falls Down When Using Search By Name Feature?

Jun 25, 2013

I think the layer panel filter is a fantastic addition to Photoshop but I think it really falls down when using the search by name feature.
I wanted to find a layer called "logo" which I did easily by selecting filter by name and searching for "logo". Voila the layer I couldn't find it isolated in the layers panel.
Now what I wanted to do was move that layer to the top of the stack so I selected that layer and turned off the filter. to find that the layer was not still selected in the layers panel. So now what do I do? I don't remember where it is and the search by name is useless in accomplish what I wanted.
I propose that when I layer is selected in the filtered layers panel that it stays selected and visible in the panel when the filter is turned off.

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AutoCad :: Group Layer Filter - Drag / Drop Or By Selection

Jul 28, 2012

I have determine that my AutoCad 2009 will allow me to drag/drop layers to an existing Group Layer Filter, but it will not allow me to right click on the Group Filter>Select Layers>Add. Once I go to the model space an select layers then "enter" no layers are added to the Filter Group and it gives me an error message that says "unable to modify layers while another command is active".

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Make Selection Set Filter For Cogo Points (DXF Codes)

Oct 10, 2013

I was wondering how to develop a Selection Set Filter that will select only Cogo Points? I know I need to use Dxf.Start as the code, but then what's the string associated with Cogo Points? Can't find any documentation on this or any Civil 3D-unique entities...I know Line is just "Line" and "Arc" is just arc...but Polyline is the unintuitive "LWPolyline" and "Cogo Point" isn't working.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Filter Selection Set By Substring With SSGET?

Apr 20, 2012

I have some strings like the ones below. They are always in the same format. The first line is Cold Water, the second is Hot Water and the third is Hot Water Return.

I want to build a selection set based on whether it is CW, HWS or HWR. Right now I have a routine to retrieve the string by using ENTSEL. In other words if I want to use the line of text for Cold Water I have to select it.

I'd like to be able to window them all and filter the SS for only the string containing CW and conversly HWS and HWR. SSGET function filter.

"2''CW-52.0 WSFU"
"2''HWS-48.0 WSFU+12 GPM"
"1"HWR-12 GPM "

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AutoCad :: Group Layer Filter-adding Layers By Selection Then Enter

Aug 7, 2012

I use a lot of Group Layer Filters so I can turn things on/off quickly. My problem is I have been creating my Layer Filter Group by right clicking on the Layer Group Filter>going to Selection>then click Add> then go back to my drawing or Layout tab and select all of the layers I need then click enter. One day my AutoCad would not let me do that anymore, and even after I click on enter it gives me an error message saying the command is still active. Now from my Layer Properties Manager I can select any layer and drag/drop it into any filter and it works, but I really need to be able to select things within the model space or paper of each layout tabs.

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Revit :: Filter Wall Schedule By Type?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to make a schedule and I need to schedule walls, and filter by type.  But this option is not available in the view properites/filter options in the schedule.
Is it possible to make this happen without creating an additional parameter for filtering?  Which would also open up the potential for omissions in the schedule.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Arrowhead Type Not Displaying / Working In Quick Properties Selection Dropdown

Apr 27, 2012

In the properties and quick properties dialog box the drop down box that shows diffrient arrowhead types to choose from have disappeared, and is blank.

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Revit :: Filter The Selection Before NWC Export

Mar 8, 2012

I typically filter out the stuff I don't want and only select the stuff I leave in for the NWC export. (3D view)

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Paint.NET :: Type In Size Of Selection?

Feb 6, 2014

So heres a feature request i've not seen mentioned before: So ive made a selection, and this is at the bottom bar thingy What if i could click on the numbers and type my own dimension in?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Changing Xdata

Sep 6, 2011

Why this code doesn't modify the xdata. I copied and modified another post.

it doesn't throw any errors. and objNewResBuf seems to have the right data.

Private Sub ChangeXData(ByVal objEntId As ObjectId,
ByVal strAppName As String)
Dim objDB As Database = objEntId.Database
Dim objTrans As Transaction = objDB.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
Dim objEnt As Entity = CType(objTrans.GetObject(objEntId, OpenMode.ForWrite,


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AutoCAD .NET :: Can't Dispose Xdata

Feb 13, 2012

i have a combo box which choose from 3 items one is blank. the triggered item changed event will erase the old set of corresponding xdata in the selected object and populate with new ones read from different text boxes. i was able to set the xdata for the first time ok. but when trying to dispose it won't dispose.

Imports System.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInputImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports AcApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.ApplicationImports


Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710

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Photoshop :: Moving A Selection Of A Type Layer

Apr 1, 2005

I've got a type layer, and I want to move a certain selection of type, but it seems to only want to move the entire layer. Here's what I've got:

I want to move the "Web Developer" type so that it's centered under "Gibran Shah". I'm using the Rectangular Marquee Tool to form a rectangle around "Web Developer" and then the Move Tool to move it. When I move it, it moves the entire type layer. How do I get it to move only the selected region.

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