AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Reactor - How To Change Xdata Length If Line Is Modified
May 18, 2010
I need a Reactor to Modify Xdata - Length - contained in Line Object if this Line is modified (stretched, breaked, trimmed, etc).The routine need to verify if Line contain Xdata and modify it (and works with multiple selection).
I tried for long hours, but without success. I tried to create a list of entities while the reactor is applied, but doing so need another reactor to change these entities after the first Reactor works.The codes I used are below:
;If it just 1 string only you want to add
(defun add_xdata_str (e a v);;;EName APPID String_value
(and (not (tblsearch "APPID" a))
(regapp a))
(and (= (type e) 'ENAME)
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May 17, 2012
I need ot append events when the dimstyle is change using the AutoCAD dimstyle popup list, but don't know which reactoer to use. I tried with Comman begin and end, and Sysvawill change and changed, but they don't detect the dimstyle changes.
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Oct 7, 2013
I have a lot of lines that I need a length, like in attached file. At this moment I do it with a vba that put fields in all lines.
The problems:
1) fields makes drawing slow to regen or after I modify line.
2) fields not follow lines slopes and position, if I stretch or move one end point of line. Text must be in middle of line.
So I thinking use reactors .
I tried reactor but I don't have much experience in lisp and I am having problems with persistent reactors, after I close file and open again, load lisp. Reactor not continue persistent.
This is a test that I tried. Works only for one line.
(defun print-align-text ( owner reactor lst / sp ep a d )
(setq sp (vlax-curve-getstartpoint line1))
(setq ep (vlax-curve-getendpoint line1))
I have read that is better store data using XData. In VBA I tried construct class module with events, without any success.
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May 24, 2002
Command to make a line change length to match length of a line, arc, polyline or circle? Could use this when making flat patterns layouts.
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Sep 30, 2013
Is there any simple code for to sum length of lines which is i am choosing and copying result to chosen attribute tag ?
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May 30, 2013
I am trying to create a report of line lengths based on linetype.
I have built a list that looks like this...
(("CUT4SS" . 859.566) ("CUT4SS" . 862.231) ("CUT4SS" . 927.651) ("CUT6SS" . 1158.48) ("CUT6SS" . 509.903) ("CUT6SS" . 2840.31) ("CUT4SS" . 967.76) ("CUT4SS" . 508.73) ("CUT4SS" . 111.065) ("CUT4SS" . 483.216))
I want to take this list and create a function to create a list of total lengths i.e. the CDR's.
(("CUT6SS" .total length)("CUT4SS" . total length))
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Sep 23, 2011
My goal is to be able to select a line and a dimension and then have the line's length appear as the text override for the dimension. I have the code to substitute the variable "dist" for the dimension text:
(setq dimselected (entsel "
Select Dimension:"))
(setq newlength dist)
(command "dimedit" "n" newlength dimselected "")
but am having problems extracting the line's length to the variable and setting setting it equal to the variable. To make things more interesting, the value needs to be in inches with fractional inches accurate to 1/16".
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Oct 3, 2013
I need a lisp which is i can draw a line or pline with circle in every 30 meters ( circle diameter and total line or pline length will be optional )
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Jan 2, 2012
with a function like this I added some xdata, some MULTILEADER
(defun c:add_xdata () (princ "Select: ") (setq ogg (car (entsel))) (addXdata ogg "TEST" "CODICE" "1256") (addXdata ogg "TEST" "MATERIALE" "LEGNO") (addXdata ogg "TEST" "TIPO" "A"))
Now with the following function can only select leaders who have linked the xdata application TEST
(setq selez_all (ssget "X" '((0 . "MULTILEADER")(-3 ("TEST")))))
I can not, however, find a way to select all MULTILEADER who have a particular value of XData.
For example I would select all MULTILEADER with MATERIALE = "LEGNO" and TIPO = "A".
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Mar 29, 2012
How can i build a selection set of all circles and then retrieve the xdata attached to them?
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Oct 14, 2013
Lisp code to read xdata information?
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Aug 14, 2012
I have a drawing that i know has xdata attached to layer zero. the problem is, it's not an object i can find. Any routine to remove xdata from ALL objects. like a global remove xdata?
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Nov 24, 2011
It is possible to cancel a command using visual lisp reactors. If this is not there another way I could do that. I tried to use UNDEFINE but it works only with own CAD commands and not with Visual Lisp command.
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Dec 9, 2011
i am trying to add a reactor to ddatte command, would like to know which object was being edited, the ename or object name (ssget "P") does not seem to be the one
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Feb 7, 2012
I use the following code to assign a reactor to an object.
Now I noticed that if I close the dwg file after you successfully saved, when I open even if I load the lisp, the reactor does not work.
Another problem: when I use the command "erase" or "explode" the reactor is started twice, why? you can run it at once?
(setq marReactor (vlr-object-reactor (list (vlax-ename->vla-object oggmar)) "TEST" '( (:vlr-erased . reactor_upd) (:vlr-modified . reactor_upd) ) ))
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Feb 7, 2012
I use the following code to assign a reactor to an object:
(setq marReactor (vlr-object-reactor (list (vlax-ename->vla-object oggmar)) "TEST" '( (:vlr-erased . reactor_upd) (:vlr-modified . reactor_upd) ) ))
"reactor_upd" is the name of the function that starts every change or delete the object.
I would like to exclude the command "MOVE", ie if I move the object, I do not want that part to the"reactor_upd" function.
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Dec 4, 2012
I have the following code to redefine a block after a command has ended:
(vl-load-com);*********************************************************(defun Redefine() (command "_.INSERT" "reactortest=reactortest" nil)(princ "Block redefined."));****************************************(vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandEnded . endCommand)));******************************************************(defun endCommand (calling-reactor endcommandInfo / thecommandend) ; Get the name of the command.(setq thecommandend (nth 0 endcommandInfo)); Check name of the command.(cond ((= thecommandend "PLINE") (Redefine)));cond(princ));defun(princ)
It doesn't work because INSERT is an interactive function and can't be called while a reactor is active. Is there another way to redefine a block that can be used in a reactor? The block is in one of the default search path's.
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Mar 30, 2012
how can I check whether an object has a reactor connected?
I wrote the following
(defun c:**** (/ ogg collegaReactor) (setq ogg (car (entsel))) (setq collegaReactor (vlr-object-reactor (list (vlax-ename->vla-object ogg)) "NOMEAPP" '( (:vlr-modified . testedit) (:vlr-objectClosed . endedit) ) ) ))(defun testedit (notifier-object reactor-object parameter-list / ogg collegaReactor) (alert "testedit"))(defun endedit (notifier-object reactor-object parameter-list / ogg collegaReactor) (alert "endedit"))
If I start two or three or more times the "c:****" and select the same object, when I changethe "alert" appear several times.
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Mar 13, 2012
I open the drawing without loading the function, when I modify an object with the reactors appears the following error message:
function definition: NAMEFUNCTION
You can avoid this annoying message without removing the persistent reactors?
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Jun 15, 2012
I have created a very basic reactor as a test. As you can see, it doesn't actually do anything other than set a variable so I know the error isn't caused by something I'm doing with the reactor.
(defun np:test (reactor callbackdata / ) (setq abc 123))(if (not np:reactor1) (setq np:reactor1 (vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandwillstart . np:test))) ))
OK, so the problem I have found is that if I load this reactor into a drawing and then use the MVSETUP command but escape out without completing the command, AutoCAD throws an error and becomes unusable. When I then close AutoCAD down I am met with multiple unhandled exception errors before the app finally closes.
I then altered the reactor from a vlr-command-reactor to a vlr-editor-reactor and found that with this, I am no longer met with the same error while escaping out of MVSETUP. However, when I close CAD down I am eventually left with an 'AutoCAD Application has stopped working' error dialog on screen which reports that acad.exe as crashed.
I am working on AutoCAD Architecture 2012 (although I have tried it on 2013 to with the same results) on Windows 7 64bit. I have also tried this on ACA2012 x32 and found the same error exists.
I am doing something fundamentally wrong in the way I am handling reactors?
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Nov 17, 2013
I need to find a way to find a good replacement for "SAVE" command to use it within Reactor. I want to save A COPY of my current ("active") DWG document to another place *without making it current* (just like command "SAVE" does and did it always). I know I could use (vla-saveAs ...) to save it first to another Folder and then use (vla-save ...) to save it back to its current Folder, but there must be a way to do it simply and fast.
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Dec 28, 2011
Does Object Reactor has an owner size limitation?
when the owner size is big (about 1000) trying to disable the reactor (vlr-remove ReactorObj) causes AutoCAD to crash right on spot.
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Nov 2, 2011
How can I get the color that a layer has assumed in an specific viewport, and the same for an specific Linetype when it changed with an VPLAYER command
I found a function LM:GetOverrideData ( layer / data ) ;; © Lee Mac 2010
but return me the same data if I hask about an specific layer in all vports, and in one of them the layer color is modified.
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Sep 21, 2012
I was trying to do one that can change color and line weight using a number provided by user. What i want to do is to ask a number to the user, 5 for example, and then change the color to 5, and the lw to .5. I was starting with this:
(defun c:ccv (/ eco lun ob cc clw)
(setq eco (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq lun (getvar "lunits"))
(setvar "lunits" 2)
but is not working, it has a bug with the clw variable.
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Mar 29, 2013
I'm looking for a way to copy a text or a simple line, circle... ; after I copied it, the last entity change its color to green.
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Oct 2, 2012
I am using (trying to anyway) a :VLR-xrefSubcommandReloadItem reactor. My only question is how to get the xref/block name from the 'reactor callback data' Object ID.
I am ultimately trying to pass it to (vla-get-xrefdatabase ....), but I cannot figure out how to turn the second parameter from the reactor callback data into something I can use - for example the second parameter returned may be "65" or some other number.
Civil 3D 2011
Windows 7 x64
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Oct 28, 2011
Is there any way to retrieve the arc length from Revision cloud and how can we identify that object is a Revision Cloud.
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Jun 28, 2013
I am trying to revise an old dialog box so that I can add some new options but I'm finding it difficult to shorten the label for a radio button enough to get the box width to look reasonable. I read somewhere that Windows fonts cause the label lengths to hold extra space for each character. The webpage that I found this on said the solution was to make a new line for the label, which sounded great to me, but they did not tell how to do it. After much searching, I figured out how to add an additional line to the label, but my program now refuses to function correctly. I set the middle button before initiating the dialog in my lisp, but when I select a different option, the original button remains selected along with the user's choice. The program actually works, using the last button selected, but I really want the button to respect the pick by the user and deselect the default button.
This worked perfectly when I had only two selections, and it still worked perfectly when I added the third option, but it just doesn't like it when I try to add a new line for the long description in the middle of a radio column.
I'm barely functional with dialog boxes..
DCL in question:
:boxed_radio_column { label = "Location"; width = 20; height = 2; fixed_width = true; fixed_height = true; alignment = top; :radio_button{key = "sl-AD"; label = "Spring Lake Applications";} :text_part{label = " and Distributor Services";} :radio_button{key = "sl-BP"; label = "Spring Lake BP Systems";} :radio_button{key = "gr"; label = "Grand Rapids";} }
lisp has the following in this order:
load dialog - I have a loading function that works fine
(action_tile"sl-AD" "(TGW-Setup_01 $key)")
(action_tile"sl-BP" "(TGW-Setup_01 $key)")
[Code] .....
Of course, these are just the pertinent sections of a much larger setup dialog, but I didn't think I needed to post all the functions that this program is doing, since you'd have a difficult time running this without my templates, printers and a number of support files.
Like I said, it seems to be choking on my adding :text_part { Label = " and Distributor Services";} instead of making this a single line of the label for the button above it.
Why does this cause the default radio button to stop releasing?
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Dec 10, 2013
Lisp to draw a line along the length of a 3d solid? I have some UB (I sections) columns and beams modeled and would like to select all solids and for it draw a centerline end to end
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Jul 30, 2012
where I can obtain a freeware lisp routine that lists the lengths of all the polylines on a specific layer or within a selection set? I want to avoid list if possible as there are rather a lot of polylines!
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Nov 8, 2002
Is there any utilities that can select the entire drawing with the 2d polyline and erase all the polyline less than specify length (eg:10m,20m etc) ?
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