AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Color And Linetype Modified By VPLAYER

Nov 2, 2011

How can I get the color that a layer has assumed in an specific viewport, and the same for an specific Linetype when it changed with an VPLAYER command

I found a function LM:GetOverrideData ( layer / data )  ;; © Lee Mac 2010

but return me the same data if I hask about an specific layer in all vports, and in one of them the layer color is modified.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Vplayer Color Of A Selected Object

Sep 9, 2011

I thought this would be a simple tblsearch process, but as far as I can tell, there isn't a tblsearch symbol table for vplayer settings, so I need to get more creative I guess.

I want to be able to get the vplayer color of a selected object as part of a larger routine I'm putting together.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Color And Linetype Of Xref Nested Entity

Aug 22, 2012

I have a Lisp that I have been working on with some folks in the office, and i feel like i am close, but i am not getting the cigar. The idea would be to have the lisp allow the user to select a nested x-ref entity, and change the color and linetype of the selected layer, similar to the old "LAP" command (I know it is a dinosaur, but I still miss it). I seem to be doing swimmingly, code I have quasi-plagiarized. It seems to crap out where i try to pass the selected linetype back to the layer. I get the nastygram "Command: ; error: no function definition: GETLINETYPE" right after selecting the linetype from the dialog.

Code below...

x(defun c:CX (/ Sel EntList DataList cnt Num ClrNum EntData)
(if (setq Sel (nentsel "
Select object to change layers color and linetype: "))


HP Elitebook Workstation
Windows 7

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change All Block Element To Layer 0 Without Changing Color / Linetype

Sep 3, 2013

I have too many blocks with specific layers inside.

develope lisp can change all to layer 0 but keep color and linetype as it is.

I will use this as a part of script to change multiple block.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Reactor - How To Change Xdata Length If Line Is Modified

May 18, 2010

I need a Reactor to Modify Xdata - Length - contained in Line Object if this Line is modified (stretched, breaked, trimmed, etc).The routine need to verify if Line contain Xdata and modify it (and works with multiple selection).

I tried for long hours, but without success. I tried to create a list of entities while the reactor is applied, but doing so need another reactor to change these entities after the first Reactor works.The codes I used are below:

;If it just 1 string only you want to add
(defun add_xdata_str (e a v);;;EName APPID String_value
(and (not (tblsearch "APPID" a))
(regapp a))
(and (= (type e) 'ENAME)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change VP Linetype

Nov 8, 2012

In our Structural department, we use a layer called S-35-WALL-LB to denote a load-bearing wall, and what the guys typically do when they are on the sheet showing the floor above, is dbl-clk the VP to activate model space, open the Layer Manager and change the VP linetype to HIDDEN to show the afore-mentioned loadbearing walls as walls under.

way to accomplish this through a viewport...but instead of using the Layer Manager, use a lisp routine I can link to a toolbar button where all the user has to do is dbl-clk the VP, press the toolbar button, and either it will convert the default VP linetype (continuous) for S-35-WALL-LB automatically, or get the user to select an object on that layer and it changes the whole lot?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Delete Linetype In Drawings

Nov 6, 2013

I have some drawing that contains PHANTOM2 linetype.

I can't delete this linetype from my drawings!

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Flipping Linetype Text

Jul 25, 2012

I draw a linetype in my file with text in it (HW), I need to flip the text (Not the line itself) is this done?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Extract Linetype From DWG File

Sep 12, 2013

I've got a linetype that's part of our autocad template file and has been for so long that nobody around here even knows where the original line file is.

I need to extract the linetype out so that I can make some minor modifications.  I did do a search and found a nifty lsp routine from Paul Turvill.  (Here's the thread that pointed me there:  [URL] ..........

I ran it and it SEEMED to work.  All the linetypes in the file it created look good EXCEPT for the one I needed to extract. That one looks like this in the line file:
*TREELINE,Series of arcs used to indicate tree drip lines

The linetype DOES display properly in the dwg file (meaning lines drawn using it look good).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Rename Layer And Change Linetype

Jun 24, 2009

I need to do three things in a LISP routine for around 200 drawings. First, I need rename lots of old layer to new standard layer name, like change layer name "CL-RAILWAY-0" to new layer name "CL-0".

Secondly, I need translate some layer to standard layer, like all the things on layer "CL-WATER-160" to layer "CL-0"

Last, change some linetype, like change linetype"CENTER" to "CENTERLINE". I can do all those things by "CHECKSTANDARD" manually, but I really need someway faster and easier.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Auto Change To Layer 0 And Linetype?

Mar 9, 2012

how to write a lisp that when i activate it, it will change all the objects in the drawings to be change to "Layer 0" and all linetypes "Dashed" change to be "hidden"...

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Converting Objects Of Certain Linetype To A New Layer

Oct 26, 2012

I would like converting all objects that has forced linetype to be on a linetype layer.

So if there are objects that have forced linetypes - dashed/hidden/phantom, etc., those entities would be moved to a linetype layer based on their forced linetype.   The entities would all be changed to color bylayer, linetype bylayer.

So if there is a rectangle that is sitting on an EQUIPMENT layer, the routine would put that rectangle on a new layer called DASHED and change its forced linetype to BYLAYER.

Lastly, once that's done, the next and final step is to locate a the existing layers with matching linetype - say, OBJECTS with DASHED as a linetype, and merging it to that layer.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Block Retaining Wall Linetype

Jun 12, 2009

Linetype code that represents blocks in a retaining wall, lets say for instance Keystone type blocks?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Prevent Dots On End Of Custom Linetype?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a custom linetype that's just a series of arrows I want to use to show the flow of a ditch. I've played around with this thing for a while and have these dots at each end of the line that shows up when I print.

Is there any way to make this linetype without the dots at each end? the actual files for the line type.


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Create Linetype With Double Lines

Aug 12, 2012

I want to know how to create linetype with double lines one rectangle empty and other with solid in autocad(i am using autocad 2004)I tried by express tools with command mkshape (and then makelinetype command) but it is coming without solid, is it possible in autocad by using Autolisp, see attached dwg, name is linetype_ds

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Getting Shapes In Custom Linetype To Reside In Drawing

Sep 17, 2013

I have a client who requested some complex custom linetypes. (line - shape - line)

I built the shapes and stored them in my ltype.shp file, and compiled that to ltype.shx. Then I added the custom linetypes in my acad.lin file. So everything works on my machine with no problem. However, when I send the drawing to someone else, the linetype works, but the shapes are left out. My guess is that since her ltype.shx file does not contain my new shapes, the lines are just drawn without them.

Is there a way that I can have those linetypes, complete with shapes, ride along inside/embedded the dwg file?

And before you ask, no, it's not an option to provide the client with the shx file that contains these shapes. I'm one of many different people in many different companies that might work on these drawings in the future and there's just no way that they'll be able to send an shx file along with the drawing every time someone new needs to work on it.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Force Change Linetype And Layer To Preset Preference?

Mar 7, 2012

Is there any way with a click of a button by using LISP, it will change all the selected object to be changed to a pre-set layer...

Example, after i select a certain entities in a drawing, with LISP, it will change all the object to layer "0"?

Additionally, u also need it to change all selected entities that are in "dashed" linetype to be change to "hidden" linetype..

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Flip Color From Bylayer To Color And Back

May 16, 2013

I am trying to flip between Bylayer and color 150. If cecolor is bylayer set cecolor to 150 and if cecolor is 150 set cecolor to bylayer. It seems so simple but it's not working.

(defun c:22 ()
(setq cc (getvar "cecolor"))
((= cc "Bylayer")  (setvar "cecolor" "150") )
((/= cc "Bylayer") (setvar "cecolor" "Bylayer") )

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change All Lines In Color Yellow To Color 8?

Aug 7, 2006

i am looking for a lisp routine which can change all lines in color yellow ( in different layers) to color 8.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select Color Dialog Box

Jun 21, 2013

using autolisp or visual lisp I want to open "Select Color Dialog Box" URL....and get RGB color code to my lisp.If I enter "color" in command line, i get color dialog box, but if I use this command in (command "color") I get more promts and not color Dialog Box.

I want to make a lisp routine which would ask for first color, second color and range of colors. And will calculate color range from first color to second color.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing Color Of Attribute?

Feb 8, 2013

Can you change the color of a block attribute with lisp like you can with the built in Enhanced Attribute Editor function eg

I can change the value of the attribute LAMP but can I also change its color from the color of the layer its created on?

(while (not (equal ck "SEQEND"))
(setq e1 (entnext e1)
e2 (entget e1)
ck (cdr (assoc 0 e2)))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 2 e2)) "LAMP")
(setq e2 (subst (cons 1 lamp)(assoc 1 e2)e2))
(entmod e2)
(entupd e1)
(setq ctr (+ ctr 1))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select Layer By Color

Aug 28, 2011

I am interested in a program that can select layers by its color, and then change those layers to a different color and add a prefix of Z- in front of those layers.


Layer Names:   Layer Color:   New Layer Names:   New Layer Color:
Wall                         2                    Z-Wall                       100
Berm                       2                     Z-Berm                     100
Fence                     2                     Z-Fence                   100

I found a program (below) that works pretty close to what I am looking for but not quite.

;;;  Change the color of a layer to another color by Jeff Mishler July 9, 2003
;;;  Usage - (lay_col_chg oldcolor newcolor
;;;  example: Command: (lay_col_chg 142 100)


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Color In Ribbon

Jul 2, 2012

In our 2010 version users used the "OPT Color Control" in a toolbar. When we went to 2012 we switched our users to the Ribbon. I am not able to move this Control to a ribbon panel. I can place in a toolbar and it works okay. Best I could find is "ACObjectColorCombo", Object Color Gallery drop down. Unfortunately I find that this drop down doesn't handle a selection set the way the 2010 toolbar did. I find that one cannot reliably pick a selection and use this to change objects to color bylayer. I can pick the object prior to using the OPT Color Control and they work fine. I pick the same objects and use the Combo box and sometime they are found and change other times I pick one or two and they work.

Is there a way to move this toolbar control to the ribbon, it will not let me drag and drop to a panel in the CUI.

Is there another solution to change object(s) color in a drop down from a ribbon panel? I have tried searching but am not finding other commands or control with selection drop down in the CUI. (Our choice is not to use the Properties dialog. Which, by the way, does work every time on the objects.)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Set Color On All Nested Xrefs

Nov 21, 2011

I want to set all the layers on all nested xref's to color 8.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Dimension Color By Layer

Oct 20, 2011

As a consultant we grey out architectural backgrounds for our sheets. We use the SetByLayer command to change the color of the objects in our sheets to gery out. The issue is with dimsensions. Dimension Line Color, Extension Line Color, and Text Color are all set at By Block as default and no one ever bothers to change it unless they are setting it to a specific color which is even more of a problem for us. You can edit the properties of an existing dimension and set Dim Line Color, Ext Line Color, and Text Color to by layer, I am looking for a way to automate this. Something that can search through a drawing, grab all the dimensions (even in blocks) and set everything by layer.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Color Of Drafting Tool Tip

Aug 24, 2012

I use the following lisp to control my window background colour,

;Setting window colour to crimson (uses OLE colour code system)...(vla-put-TextWinBackgrndColor(vla-get-display(vla-get-preferences(vlax-get-acad-object)))3937500)

However I would like to change the drafting tool tip background also using lisp, but I don’t know which vla-put-….. I need?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Set Table Cell Background Color

Aug 19, 2013

I have created subroutines to build tables in AutoCAD.

What I would like to do is to is if a value in the table list (example a question mark), then make the background color of that cell color 1 (red).

List to insert as a table -
(setq List_Table (list (list "A" "?" "C" "D" "E") (list "11" "12" "13" "14" "15") (list "21" "22" "23" "24" "25")))
(Build_Table "Title" List_Table 3 5 0.1 1)

Here are the subroutines -

(defun Build_Table (TableName List_Table NumRows NumColumns RowHeight ColWidth /); P0 Table_Obj KW KK KT KL Blocks_Obj Block_Obj Block_Id)
  ;--set table scale-------------------------------------
  (setq Dscale 1.0)
  ;--get location----------------------------------------
  (setq P0 (vlax-3d-point (getpoint (strcat "

[Code] .......

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Color / Line Weight

Sep 21, 2012

I was trying to do one that can change color and line weight using a number provided by user. What i want to do is to ask a number to the user, 5 for example, and then change the color to 5, and the lw to .5. I was starting with this:

(defun c:ccv (/ eco lun ob cc clw)
(setq eco (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq lun (getvar "lunits"))
(setvar "lunits" 2)

but is not working, it has a bug with the clw variable.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing Color Of Selection Sets?

Jul 27, 2013

I need to create a command which could change a color of an allready existing selection set when activated. For example i have a command which creates a cube, where each specific group of lines were added to different selection sets. how can i recall any created selection set by its name and change its color?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Xref Layer Color

Aug 14, 2009

I'm looking for a lisp that will change all the layer colors of selected xref by clicking the xref and select color from the color table palette. I have a routine that would change the layer color of a selected entity other than xref.

;;Changes selected object layer to a true color
;;of chose from a dialog
(defun c:cvc (/ ent ent_data rgb str objlay)
(setq ent


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing Blockeditors Background Color

Feb 17, 2009

How to change the Backgroundcolor of the Blockeditor with VLisp? I haven't found neither a SystemVariable nor somthing inside the AcadPreferencesDisplay object.

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