AutoCAD Map 3D :: Inconsistencies In SHP Files

Jul 26, 2012

I have received shp files from a county source and am confused on the inconsistency of the Object Data. They sent me a piece of topo in a shp format and I used MAPIMPORT, then opened a new drawing, did a query, alter properties, picked the elevation, related it to the object data,  and all the contours have elevation, no problem.

They also have the zoning in shape files. However, using the same workflow as above, the object data is not there. If I use data connect and look at a property filter I can see the object data so I know in some way it is connected.

What causes the inconsistency between the shape files? how to use the property filters? I would do it that way if I could figure out how to properly do a property filter.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Inconsistencies When Plotting To PDF

Apr 20, 2012

I have checked every setting and have even  redrawn the file where the error occurs. We send out for prints to a printing company as we do not have a plotter so I need to fix this. When the file is converted to a pdf. the "sand hatch" seems to be printing at an inconsistant lineweight all within the same section. This error occurs when printing from a DWG to export to an Adobe PDF. The hatch is all on the same layer same settings and drawn in the same action period. it makes no sense why it would change when all the settings are exactly the same.

I have also tried drawing them on a new layer i created matching the same layer settings and it still converts inconsistant in the same two areas. I have completely erased that section of drawing and redrew it  not changing out of any tools or settings and it just keeps doing it. I have also tried checking all the pdf settings and tried plotting it different ways and it wont dissapear. The only time it does not show up is when i export a window shot directly from model space.

But i need to print it from paperspace and this is where the error occurs. It almost seems as though the export is not processing the drawing corretly as it is converting the drawing but i dont know how to fix it. I first noticed the problem when i recieved the prints back from the printer as you can clearly see the hatch appears thicker and darker in two sections along the same hatch. I then looked at the pdf and it appeared fine, but as i zoomed in on the pdf up to 300% that is when you notice the change.

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Photoshop :: Inconsistencies When Using Automatic Colour

Dec 15, 2012

explain the inconsistencies I am having with automatic color in CS6 updated on a Mac with OS Mountain (latest version)?
1. A screen-capture of 4 separate images - they are in 4 separate layers
The 5th layer of "Copyright Do Not Copy" does not affect automatic color!
2. An entire working PS screencapture
3. If I use Image >> Automatic Color on 1 layer at a time, the images go blue (cold)
4. A second Image >> Automatic Color illustrating the cold automatic correction
5.  a.  If I  Layer >> Merge Layers or Layers >>Flatten Image
     b. Image >> Automatic Color I get a slight color correction as I would expect.
 6. If I use the any of the identical images from the first image at the top then Image >>Automatic Color, it goes cold (Blue)
If I keep all 4 images together without any white area between them or around them and then Image >>Automatic Color the correction again like # 5 is only a slight color correction.
Why the inconsistencies in Image >> Automatic Color in these different settings,but all of the same images

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AutoCAD .NET :: Read Excel Files Through Script Files / Declare Variables

Oct 1, 2013

1. Is it possible to read excel files through script files.
2. Can I declare variables in script files.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Automatically Updating DWG Files Made From DWT Files

Mar 26, 2013

I have loads of dwgs made by a former employee at another site that have our company logo in the tile block. I need to replace the company logo with a new one.  If it were not made from a dwt, I could change the .dwg file and just reinsert the block and let it redefine the block, done. But since all of the text in each drawing was input using a template, I cannot do this without losing all of that data. We are not permitted to explode the title block, delete the old logo & add a new one as the drawing format needs to remain as one entity. Is there a way to automatically update these dwgs without re-entering all of the title/revision block text on every drawing?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Exporting Existing DWG Files As DWFx Files?

Jan 8, 2013

what is the command in AutoCAD 2013 for exporting drawings as DWFx files so that clients who do not have AutoCAD can open or plot a DWFx file using a current version of Internet Explorer or Safari for Apple as an alternative browser.

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AutoCAD LT :: Unable To Save Files / Creating TMP Files Instead 2014

Apr 17, 2013

I have just recently installed AutoCAD LT 2014 on Windows 7 (Running on an intel iMac through Bootcamp). Ever since then i am receiving notifications when performing a save.

AutoCAD is telling me it cannot perform the save and is creating a .tmp file in the same location on the server as the file should be.

this is causing major performance issues and happens almost every second time I attempt to perform a save. The issue is that we are getting multiple versions of the same file duplicating on the file server which is very quickly going to cause capacity issues considering most files are 2-4mb in size.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Files Range From TMP Files To Texture Folders

Feb 5, 2013

Deleting temp files, if I can just do a blanket Erase, or will this potentially damage autocad drawings.  My temp file is on my local drive, but all of our drawings are stored on a network drive.  It seems to me I remember these things storing up over time with crashes, etc.  But as they build up performance seems to dwindle.

These files range from .tmp files to Texture folders, .cvr files, and nonsense names like A$C5DCD5F31.Can I just window and Delete All?

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AutoCad :: How To Attach Number Of TIFF Files To Individual DWG Files

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to attach a number of tiff files to individual dwg files. There are about 300 so I am writting a script that will open a new dwg, insert the tiff and save the dwg at a given name, so i have filedia set to 0 and everything is user input.

The problem I am having is that when I use the iinsert command and enter the path for the tiff I get this error: (filename)was not found or is not valid. This is pathed to a network drive. When I copy the same folder to my c: drive and run the command everything works as should. is there any reason for this?

When pathed to the c: drive and working correctly it looks like this:

C:UsershbrittDesktop11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70-B-F101.TIF

When pathed to the network it looks like this:

G:EngineeringCURRENT JOBSMOTIVA11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70-B-F101.TIF

I get this error:

G:EngineeringCURRENT JOBSMOTIVA11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70 was not found or is not valid.

I noticed in the error message it cuts the end of the file name off. Is there a character limit?

I have done this before with a path to the network and everything worked as should. We have recently upgrade to 2013 but i would'nt think that would be an issue.

So basically, file on local drive everything inserts fine. File on network, get error.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert DGN Files To DWG Files?

Feb 8, 2013

I want to convert my DGN files to DWG files.

So I write this code in LISP:
(defun C:Batch_DGN2DWG (/path dgnfile SDI_Mode) (setq path "C:\DGN\" ;;Default path for DGN files location. DGNIMPORTMODE 0 ;;Imports the DGN file in a new drawing file. SDI_Mode SDI ;;Save Current SDI MODE SDI 1 ;;SET Single Drawing Mode for AutoCAD. );;setq (foreach dgnfile (vl-directory-files path "*.DGN" 1) (progn (command "-dgnimport" (strcat path dgnfile) "" "" "" "y" (strcat path dgnfile ".DWG")) (delay 100) );;progn );;foreach (setq SDI SDI_Mode) ;;restrore SDI Mode to previous value.)

but I can't finish it!

I attached some DGN files for test purpose.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project Files Vs Assembly Files?

Mar 8, 2013

I am deep into my first Inventor project. I am approaching the point where I would like to make a comprehensive set of drawings with bills of material etc. I have discovered that all this time I have actually been working in one big assembly file. My main project file is NOT a project file (so I have discovered). It is a *.iam file. 

So, my question is, should I create a project file, and then add my main assembly to it? Should one normally create a new Project file for each new job? What does one gain by doing this versus simply using the *.iam file?

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD .NET :: Batch Converting CTB Files To STB Files?

Nov 19, 2009

As an organization, we have opted to go with STB as we have some complicated requirements that CTB doesn't accommodate. The wisdom of that decision is a moot point and I'm aware of the vast array of opinion.

We have a legacy of CTB drawings that occassionally need to be brought forward when projects get resurrected (state government highway designs are prone to getting shelved).

Up to AutoCAD 2009, I've had a VBA routine that performed a few operations on a list of files stored in a text file:

- Open the file

- Convert to STB using "CONVERTPSTYLES" with a specified STB file.

- Run a script to load a layer state file to change the plot styles from Style1, Style2 etc, to their correct named plot styles.

- Manage a recalcitrant layer that refused to play ball.

- Save and close the document

- Get the next file........

This was all fine until 2010 came along with the announcement that VBA was to be phased out. 2010 is OK with the VBA enablers, but now I've got some work to do.

Our organisation's development language is C# and I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition to develop my C# .NET code.

Is there another mechanism than "SendStringToExecute" for sending a command such as convertpstyles to AutoCAD and getting .NET to wait for it to finish before proceeding.

I've got CommandEnded code that handles waiting for MTEXT and DTEXT commands to finish and I've tried constructing a CommandEnded for CONVERTPSTYLES, but it seems to me that commands that throw dialogue boxes such as CONVERTPSTYLESand SCRIPT aren't handled the same way.

I've tried setting FILEDIA to 0 prior to running the CONVERTPSTYLES command, however the message box that CONVERTPSTYLES presents before asking for the STB file appears to be getting in the way.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Dwg Files From Idw Files

May 31, 2013

Does the exported dwg file always have to be a zip file?  I have tried save as a dwg file but it seems to be an Invnetor dwg which has the geometry as a block when opened with AutoCAD.  It is a little easier to explode the block in AutoCAD rather than open and extract the zip file, save the extracted dwg then delete the zip file.

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AutoCad :: Can Solidworks Files Be Saved As DWG Files

Aug 8, 2012

I have 2 questions.

1. Can Solidworks files be saved as dwg. files?

2.Can Inventor files be converted to 2D files in AutoCAD 2011?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Saves Of CDR Files Stopped Working Just Get Blank Files?

Oct 28, 2013

Resetting the User Setting with the the F8 key didn't solve the problem. Once the user gets caught up on a couple projects I'll try to update the version to SP3 and the hotfix.   

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Illustrator :: Files Don't Show Up In Acrobat File List When Trying To Combine Files Into Single Pdf?

Sep 24, 2013

Illustrator files don't show up in Acrobat file list when trying to combine files into a single pdf

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Lightroom :: Will Current Plugins For Sigma DP1/2 RAW Files Work With Files From DP1/2 Merrill Cameras

Oct 24, 2012

Will the current plugins for Sigma DP1/2 RAW files work with files from the DP1/2 Merrill cameras? And if not, is Adobe developing plugins for these cameras?

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Photoshop :: Any Way To Batch Process Color Corrected RAW Files To TIFF Files

Nov 11, 2013

I got over 160 color corrected RAW files from my photographer when I thought I was getting TIf or PSD files. I need to put them into an in design doc to send out for printing. Is there a way to convert all of these in one fell swoop without messing up the work that has already been done?

I didn't allow in my timing to save each one individually since i didn't know I was going to need to do this. I am really unfamiliar with batch processing, so how to best go about this, or if I even can. I am working in Photoshop CS6. version 13.06 x 64.

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Illustrator :: Linked PSD Files Not Found When Opening AI Files Via Shared Folder

Mar 17, 2013

My main user folder on the iMac is set to be shared (read/write, including all enclosed files) with my MacBook Pro. The job is a series of one-page InDesign files (they are newspaper advertisements). The IDD files contain a series of Illustrator files with linked PSD files.The idea is that we can both work on the .idd and .ai files in the same folder at the same time.
It's all working fine EXCEPT that whenever an .ai file is opened on the MacBook, Illustrator doesn't know where the linked PSD files are. We can update the link, but when the .ai file is then opened on the iMac and saved, the same thing happens the next time it is opened on the Macbook.
I don't want to embed the PSD files into the .ai files as sometimes I have to modify them and they can be linked to up to 20 .ai files.
G5 iMac OSX 10.7.5 / Macbook Pro OSX 10.8.2 / networked via FireWire cable / file sharing on, laptop user has Administrator status, all files are read/write, permissions include all enclosed files / CS6

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Photoshop Elements :: Copy New Files Only (Ignore Already Imported Files) Not Working

Dec 27, 2013

I am using Photoshop Elements 10 Version 10 (20110831.m.17215) and everytime I plug in a memory card to upload images it wants to upload every image on the card, even though it has previously uploaded images from that card, even though I have the "Copy New Files Only (Ignore Already Imported Files)" box ticked in the preferences Camera or Card Reader section. This gets very frustrating and time consuming when I have to go through the images every single time to uncheck the images that have already been uploaded.

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Lightroom :: Scrambling Raw Files - Affected Raw Files Open Fine In Other Programs?

Mar 27, 2014

After many years of using LR this is the first time I've encountered this issue (see 1st screenshot below). LR is scrambling my files. The affected raw files open fine in other programs, including adobe photoshop cc (see 2nd screenshot).

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Photoshop :: CS6 Won't Play Or Process Dolby Digital (AC-3) Audio Files From AVCHD Video Files

Jun 13, 2013

Photoshop CS6 Extened won't play or process Dolby Digital (AC-3) Audio Files from my AVCHD video files.The video plays fine just no sound at all. When processed still no sound. Are there any (AC-3) audio codecs I can download and install. How would I install them. Do I need to convert audio files to another format & if so how & what format.

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Lightroom :: Nikon D600 - Deleting Files And Saving Files Brings Up Error Message?

Feb 25, 2013

Deleting files and saving files brings up an error message. Files can't be deleted from lightroom which makes editing a nightmare. Also Saving Files (raw of jpeg), brings up an error message everytime.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Open Files Or Create New Files In CC Trial

Oct 15, 2013

After getting no support from your phone support line. I am writing here in hopes that this issue can be resolved. I cannot open files or create new files in Photoshop CC trial.

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Photoshop :: Convert Full Resolution Files To Web Based Files

Jun 6, 2012

I am working on a museum project. I have been asked to convert full resolution files to web based files using "Save for Web and Devices". The problem is in the file naming. Museums typically use accession #s for each work. Example   1999.63.102  So the digital file would be named 1999.63.102.jpg (or tif).

When I attempt to save the file using "Save for Web and Devices" the resulting name is converted to 1999.jpg  I believe the . (periods) to be the culprit. There are hundreds to do so renaming is not an option. This does not occur when I use "Save as".

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Illustrator :: Batch Export Of EPS To BMP Files Creates Extra EPS / AI Files

Dec 20, 2012

A simple action.
If I run the action on one file, it works perfect.
 If I try to run it as a batch, it creates the bmp files fine.
But it also creates either a .ai file, or two .eps files!
Writing one or two extra files signifiantly shows the process down.
After I run the batch it is not hard to simply delete the extra .eps/ai files of course. 
But writing those files seriously slows the process down, and I have about 89,000 more files to go.
Illustrator CS4.  Windows XP

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 Hides Panasonic RAW Files - Unhide The Files?

Jan 2, 2014

PSE 12 has a new feature under Preferences/Camera or Card Reader called "Alutomatically Stack RAW and JPEG." Checking this will stack a RAW & JPEG file combination, i.e., when shooting with the camera's RAW + JPEG setting checked. In my case PSE 12 appears to stack my Panasonic RAW files and each JPEG thumbnail shows the right facing arrow to expand the stack. When I click the arrow the arrow disappears but the stack does not expand to reveal the RAW file. The RAW file still exists on the hard drive, but I can't find any way to reveal it in PSE (I've not tried to re-import the RAW files because there are a lot of files in a lot of folders.) This is rather critical and needs to be fixed.

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Lightroom :: Old Files Are Automatically Removed From Program Files Folder

Mar 12, 2012

Following previous LR upgrades (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6), old files were automatically removed from the Program Files folder. However, I just upgrades from 3.6 to 4.0 and notice that the old files are still on my hard drive in the 3.6 folder. Do I need to keep these files or can I UNINSTALL LR 3.6?

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Lightroom :: How To Export Retouched Files To Hard Drive Files

Jun 22, 2013

When I try to export retouched files to hard drive files my Mac crashes and has to be force quitted. I thought this maybe a L'room 4 problem so I bought L'room 5 and it's still happening. What can I do?

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Lightroom :: Crash In Develop Module RAW Files With Sidecar Files

Jan 12, 2012

The issue probably has to do with the differences in settings. I am using the 64 bit version of Windows 7.I imported a group of pictures with the XMP sidecar files generated with Lightroom v3.  All the image files, a mixture of Canon Mark 5D II RAW and jpg files from my point & shoot UFO camera, imported without issue picking up all my tagging and GPS settings. When importing you are put into the Library module and from the Library module I could click on any RAW or jpg file, look at the meta data and view full screen.
I then entered the Develop module with a jpg picture selected and none of my settings made it across. The process was set to 2012.  I was able to try out the new adjustments and all worked very well.I then selected a RAW file while still in the Develop module and all hell broke loose.
I got a tip window pop up, the film strip went orange, the rest of the app screen then became greyed out and then behind tip pop up a crash window containing this information appeared:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: lightroom.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4ef2621d
Fault Module Name: MSVCR100.dll
Fault Module Version: 10.0.40219.1
Fault Module Timestamp: 4d5f034a
Exception Code: c000041d
Exception Offset: 000000000003c1be
There was no other path but to have the app close after that.  Now since Lightroom has left off with the RAW file in the develop module when I restart the app it starts in the develop module with that same RAW image selected and I crash before I can change to a jpg.   I am probably going to have to delete and recreated the data file to use the app again
After the all this I went back and checked to see how I had the catalog settings in LR 3 set because there were no sidecar files for the jpg images.  I did not have the option to write settings to jpg and tif files but did have write settings to sidecar set.  So I have a bit of a mystery why I have no sidecar files for jpg files when I should have based on the way the settings were.  This probably explains why I had no issues at all with them in LR 4.
I am going to get LR 4 working again and then import the same batch of pictures without any sidecar files and see if I have any issues.  I will report back soon.

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Lightroom :: Selectively Remove DAT Cache Files For Certain Image Files?

Feb 2, 2013

I'm using LR 4.3, and would like to know how to determine which .dat cache files are associated with a certain folder of images. I don't know programming code, and, when I open a .dat cache file, I cannot determine which image file it goes with.
I've noticed that when I remove a folder from Lightroom, the cache files for the images in that folder remain, because the size of the cache doesn't change.  I know I can flush the cache, but I don't want to have to reload tons of .dat files already present in the cache.

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