AutoCAD Map 3D :: Getting Metes And Bounds Info With It?
Oct 31, 2013
I've not had to deal with metes and bounds info in a very long time. For one project I have to generate the info for a couple parcels. From looking around it looks like there's a tool in ACAD Civil. Is there something similiar in Map3D?
I have a dynamic simulation which seems to have corrupted itself. I have a number of Revolution joints which are torsional springs. I’ve enabled joint torque and set a spring stiffness and a free position (+15 deg). Then on the ‘initial condition’ page I’ve set Max (+45 deg) and Min(-15 deg) Bounds on rotation angle and set a stiffness 10x the spring stiffness to simulate the end stops of my torsional spring. The initial position is +12 deg. This was working just fine but since I’ve added a couple more parts (nowhere near these springs) I constantly get the message “The parameter xxx value is out of bounds”. Where xxx is the ‘Initial position’ of the joint. If I edit the joint and untick the Bounds section the message goes away but if I tick it (which I need for my simulation) I get the error message as soon as I pick OK. The position is NOT out of bounds?
How do you get an image to look like it is coming out of the TV screen? I have seen this effect in several ads and it drives me crazy to know how it was done. I saw a guy walking out of the TV screen, and I saw a car driving out of the TV screen.
Here is my latest attempt at an out of bounds image.. I don't understand why the lines of the photo are jagged... I did this rather quick but I am a little confused about the jagged lines... which by frustration left me leaving the image as is. Any ideas as to why this happened? I had made a rectangle and did a fill and deleted the inner part.. then when I transformed it I made sure to hold the shift key to keep it correct..
Okay, So when you use a clipping mask there can sometimes be a lot of art that is invisible. If you "Select All" you'll get a rectangle only around what's visible. I want the bounds of that rectangle.
I tried itterating the art but I don't think that the art type is the best way to figure this one out. And if you use AIGroupSuite to test if an art group is "clipped" with GetGroupClipped, you get the bounds of the larger art that I'm trying to avoid.
I didn't see anything about bounds of a "selection" in the docs.
So I'm cropping to a square, but I want the crop to extend off the image area because I want to replace the missing bit in photoshop. This effectively makes the image bigger than the original. the only way to achieve the same effect is to scale the image, that keeps the pixel dimensions the same but effectively reduces the size of the image.
I want to crop several images in same aspect ratio.So I checked "Fixed" option and set proper values in tool box.
And sometimes I want to complement image with background color if selectionis larger than original size. In this case, I add a larger layer bottom of the image and crop it.
But it would better if I can do it by one action.Therefore I'm trying to write a script-fu for it, but I'm stuck now.
Because a function `gimp-selection-bounds` returns points only inside ofthe image even if the selection is outside of image.
Is there a way to get bounds of selection outside of a image by usingscript-fu?
how to get/determine the visible bounds (top+left coords and width+height or Rect structure) of a group having a clipping mask or several masks? When a script asks for Visible Bounds, Illustrator provides the coords/size of the group like it does not have any clipping mask. So, you see a circle of 10px diameter (and these are the actual visible bounds of this group), but Illustrator says that the visible bounds are 50 px wide and 70 px in height.
And what to do if the group contains multiple clipping masks of different shapes/sizes?
Both Adobe Cloud application the applications do not constraint to the screen resoluation, meaning that the Window menu in Illustrator for example has options that are inaccessible instead of creating a scrolling menu within the constraints of the screen.
trying to have an applescript place a PDF as an Illustrator Link at the PDF's Media Box using "make new placed item". The only result possible as far as I can tell is a link at the PDF's Art Box.
I've seached around and have seen others with the same issue, but no answers as to whether it is actually possible. As with most Applescript stuff, I am either way overthinking it or it is not possible directly.
Currently I have a workaround using an Applescript script controlling Acrobat to sidestep the problem by setting the Art and Crop box to Media box, then place as a link in Illustrator, but it is not a direct route into illustrator.
I have also noticed that in the "Adobe Illustrator CS5 Scripting Reference" that the "PDF options object properties" do not honor the PDF crop bounds (except for the default value of Media Box). Is this an inherent problem with Applescript/Illustrator and PDF crop boxes? Could it be that the options for Open PDF and Place PDF are crossed?
Not sure what it's called but I have a co worker that has lost the bar at the lower left corner of the window. Where it says "Text:... Dim:.... Scale:....". I have it on my computer and can't figure out how to get it back on his.
I need to find a way to export the selected face to dwg and to have the Part Number and if possible the description written under the exported face. I don't know if it's possible to do this. I know it's possible to export programmatically the selected face, but is it possible to get the name + description into the drawing too?
We're just looking for a way to "automate" the creation of our laser drawings.
when I click/select on a line a box appears with line info, I know that these pop up when you click on a line twice however something is making it so that it appears after 1 click only. This is annoying me as it blocks other lines i need to work on. How do I get it to stop?
I have stored within an external database a handle of an entity within a drawing. If I have that drawing open and I retrieve that handle and then get the ObjectID from that Handle how do I convert that to a BlockReference so that I can then get position and attrribute values. I can get the position and attributes if I can just get the blockreference from the Object ID.
I am using the following code to get the ObjectID from the Handle:
Public Function ObjectIdFromHandle(db As Database, strHandle As String) As ObjectId Dim nHandle As Int32 = Int32.Parse(strHandle, Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) Dim handle As New Handle(nHandle) Dim ids(0) As ObjectId Try ids(0) = db.GetObjectId(False, handle, 0) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error in ObjectIDfromHandle") End Try Return ids(0) 'Return db.GetObjectId(False, handle, 0) End Function
I then want to use this ObjectID to get the BlockReference.
i can access the General layer properties thru the api (circled in green on image). how can i programmatically access the Attributes (circled in red). is this possible?
I have an Inventor license that doesn't include Autocad. We have some old Autocad drawings that I would like to write a program to extract the titleblock info which I believe is probably done with attributes. Not sure though.
is there any way for me to get to that info without having a seat of Autocad? In Inventor we can use apprentice to do similar things.
We use map info as our native GIS and can use these .TAB files with MAPIMPORT in C3D, but what I would really like to do is use MAPCONNECT like can be done for .SHP files, etc.. I've inquired with [URL].....and they have confirmed that their FME product doesn't support 2013.
I am running 2012 C3d and I am having an issue when a drawing is freshly opened, some of the profile data is not showing and it will show up after I sync the different information that is missing.when I run a publish of multiple projects that info doesn't show and I have to go into each project to sync the info and plot each sheet separately.
I'm working on a project looking at modifying cycle routes. I just discovered that they've been added to google maps and I was wondering if there's a way to import the cycle routes from an area on google maps into CAD. If not, I can draw them in on the OS but it would be time wasted if there's a way.
I thought maybe on AutoCAD WS on chrome, but it seems limited on the mapping features available.
Is there a way to preload information into Inventor in regards to the break press such as the dies being used or the ones available so the when the computer is deciding a bending radius,it know what tool we have?
Currently the bend radius is set to "radius", which i am assuming is default, but I can't figure out how to change that either, and depending on the thickness it will change, but like today it said I would need a 1/16th inch radius, but we don't have a 1/16th inch die,it is an 85 degree air bending setup,and has a 4 way die with smaller and bigger openings.
I have stored a few blocks in our library in 2D. They contain attributes such as detail numbers, elevation/sheet numbers, and side attributes for keynotes. But whenever I drag the blocks in now, instead of prompting for the information to be filled out for the attributes it only asks for insertion point and scale and that's it. it inserts the block but no text shows up, not even a default text. There has to be a setting to turn off or on.