I am working with files from an architect and when I open a file with xrefs they all have these big crosshair/boxes all over them. I can choos edit in [lace and delete the crosshairs but there are a lot of xrefs and it will take for ever. They are not on the original drawings that I can see. One with crosshairs and one without.
When I insert a X-ref overlay, everything seems to work, but giant cross hairs with a circles appear dotted all around on the X-refed drawing, similar to spot levels (minus the hatch).
Attached an image X-ref image.jpg
How to stop this or why it seems to be scaling up the crosshairs .
I've inserted an external reference (as an attachment), but it does not show up in my drawing. I've checked all of the obvious things with regard to layers. I've never seen this before, but I'm sure that I will find that the answer is obvious.
I have an drawing that is loaded with attributed blocks. Nothing but text. When I XREF this into another drawing, none of the text shows. Layers are on, nothing is set to invisible.
I think this drawing is from an older version of AutoCAD, would that be the problem?
For several releases Autocad's layer manager has shown only XREF layers in the layer manager by default. Open a drawing with Xrefs (nearly every drawing I have ever worked with) and to access the layers that are actually *in* the drawing, I must first open the layer manager, select the "Xref" filter, and check the Invert Filter box. Then I see the layers that would more logically be shown be default.
Does any way to change this so the non-Xref layers show up be default??? I am currently using Autocad Architecture 2012.
Do the people that develop (anti-endusers ) the upgrades ever think like an end user? Having the Layer Properties Manager set up with default filters that show "ALL" layers or "Xref" layers without a default for "Layers Local ONLY" is so counterintuitive and non-user friendly! This is just another example of how Autodesk has absolutely no regard for the end user.
I have a floor plan xreffed into model space, visretain=1 and i can see the room numbers. I switch to paperspace and go to layer properties and highlight all layers and then turn on all layers in he drawing and thaw in all three columns and still the room numbers do not show. The layer listed in model space is on and thawed. Why won't it show?
I use a building key for building reference (inserted as a xref into the individual drawings) in many of my drawings. I have layers for specific areas and rooms. I turn off the layers on the appropriate drawings (if the drawing is for room 301, I make sure all other layers are off and only 301 are on).
My problem come when I add a new layer to the key and since the key in xrefd into many drawings it shows up as always being on.
This makes to have to go back and do a little bit of layer control each time I change the xref.
VISRETAIN=1 only keeps the layers set to last save and everything added to the xrefs are basically taken from the xref (color, visibility, etc). Is there a way to set a variable so that you have to check the new xref layers before they show up on the referenced drawing?
I have a drawing that I created with acad 2010 that has a pdf xref attached. I just updated to 2013. And now when I go to plot the drawing my xref shows up in preview but doesn't show up on the plot.
I can go back to my 2010 version, and it plots fine. What gives?
When I xref a pdf file into LT2012 all that is visible is the frame for the xref, none of the lines etc.. are visible. The xref manager shows the pdf as attached.
I have a file that is x-reffed into another file. In both instances the drawing has the same measurements, but when I make a viewport in the receiving file the drawing (in the viewport) is 1000x smaller than it should be. It should be noted that I am working in metric units AutoCAD 2011.
New to autocad. Would like to know how to merge two files through xref option. I've been trying this option since long but have not been able to do it successfully.
I attach an xref to a drawing, plan profile, and align the parts of the xref in each viewport the way I want them to appear.
The host drawing is a generic plan profile sheet border. The viewports are set to the same scale same annotative scale, and are undefined, not a plan or profile viewport. I save the drawing and get out of cad all together. I restart cad and open the drawing. The plan view viewport is visible and the xrefs are also. In the profile viewport nothing is visible or only one line is visible. Items in the view port are viewable, not frozen in the viewport, not turned of. The annotative scale is exactly the same for all viewports as is the xref drawing.I am xrefing a civil 3d 2011 aliment and profile drawing into these sheets. The only way to see the xref in the view ports is to detach and reattach the xref. To make things worse this does not happen to all drawings that are using the border that I used to create this drawing set.
problem when plotting files that have PDF images attached to them and are viewed through a viewport. When plotting, the publishing bar fills up but then stays filled and doesnt disappear. At this point AutoCAD is locked up and I see the file starts spooling. I have several PDF files attached that amount to no more than 500 kb, however, when spooling it racks up to 30mb before in sends it off to the plotter and it takes a very lenghtly wait (up to 60 min). Eventually it plots and sometimes it doesn't plot at all. After a while if I try cancelling the plot, it will start plotting but only half of the page and after that the entire operating system will lockup. We have several machines (6) and 2 plotters in a network and the plotters are shared. Is there a better and faster way to work with PDF xrefs? Could this be a networking problem instead of AutoCAD?
machine specs:
Dell Precision T3400 Intell Core Duo @ 2.33GHz 2GB RAM OS: XP pro ver.2002 (w/ SP3) AutoCAD Architecture 2012
When ever i open a dwg file (it contains Xref files) it's take a long time to open... and i tried the same file to open in Autocad 2007, it's opened with in a second.... and also note that the Autocad 2007 installed in a Dual core pc with 4gb RAM.. and the 2012 is installed in Core i7 12gb ram with NVIDIA graphics card.. and it's 64 bit Windows 7 too.. When i try to open a file it's shows "Loading c:/ ....... base.dwg, etc.. ..
I have noticed that a file is xrefed much faster if the file has been opened at some point. (Wtih the file I tested with it was 45 sec vs 1,5 sec) This must mean that the file is cached and can very quickly opened later if it has been opened.
I have an application that xref other files as overlay xref's. This is very slow since the xrefed files haven't been opened. And it will be this slow every time i xref them since they are never opened. Is there a way I can cache the files manually or something like that?
I know that in ACAD you can use the xref manager to see where the actual file for the xref resides on your computer/server/etc. What I'm curious about is whether or not the inverse action is possible. Can you somehow access the file (not the output sheet where it's being xref-ed) and see what other files are using it as an xref?
I've come in on a project that is nearing completion and have been assigned the task of "cleaning up the project folder." Unfortunately, there are a ton of files in the different folders that are no longer in use on the final output sheets and I need to keep the ones still in use and archive the ones that are no longer needed. What I've been doing is going through those sheets and reviewing the xref manager for each sheet to see which files are actually put onto those sheets and making a physical checklist from which to organize my findings. Once the checklist is made, I then archive all the files that are no longer being used.
I was drafting away, and all of a sudden my crosshairs and pickbox disappeared. Once I move the mouse there's nothing in my drawing plane. I can type commands, and when I move the mouse up to the menu area I can pull down menus. I've opened up other drawings and the crosshairs and pick box are there.
What can I do to resolve this? Of course it happens during a deadline.
Using Autocad version 2009, windows 2007, Professional
I opened a multi-tab CAD document, and my crosshairs disappear when I go into a viewport from paperspace. I can still select things, but I can't see what I'm selecting because the crosshairs are gone! The viewports in the other tabs are fine, I can see my crosshairs in those. I've looked for some setting that accidentally got changed, but can't figure it out. I'm running AutoCAD 2010.
My crosshairs are not moving smoothly in my workspace. They are jumping big spaces. I typed "snap" and click "OFF" but it had not effect. I can't click on objects.. or draw from.. my mouse moves smoothly in every other application of my computer..just not in CAD workspace.
In AutoCad 2012 I have a large drawing with 30000 entities in it. Most times (althoguh not always), after saving, the crosshairs then vanish and I have to exit the drawing and open it again to get them back.
It doesn't happen in all drawing files, as far as I can tell it is just this large one.
Is it possible to run a lisp which can extract all the xref names, make a layer with that name and then change the xref on the layer? I have got a similar routine from earlier posts but it doesn't work if any xrefs inserted in paper space (works fine on model space). could change this routine allowing to change the layer of xref in paper space too.
(defun dxf (i a) (cdr (assoc i a))) (defun c:lxr ( ) (setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT"))))
I am using (trying to anyway) a :VLR-xrefSubcommandReloadItem reactor. My only question is how to get the xref/block name from the 'reactor callback data' Object ID.
I am ultimately trying to pass it to (vla-get-xrefdatabase ....), but I cannot figure out how to turn the second parameter from the reactor callback data into something I can use - for example the second parameter returned may be "65" or some other number.
I have recently been fighting an override of some sort that doesn't want to go away. As an example, for basic copy command, I would normally select my object to copy, type C, hit the space bar, and select my object again to copy to new location. With this override, I select my object, type C, hit the space bar, and in the command line, this appears:
Command: c COPY 1 found Current Settings: Copy mode = Multiple Specify base point or [Displacement/mOde] : c
when working at this workstation, the crosshair gets very 'Jumpy' and slow as it gets near or cross over a dimension line. is there possibly a setting that is on or off that is causing this. It has nothing to do with the file. It happens on any file on this computer, but if i switch to a different workstation all is well. And this is a much faster workstation than the other. The issue also happens to a much lesser extent when crossing any drawing object. The cursor (crosshairs) will pause slightly. It is a very long pause when near the dim lines though. it is almost impossible to select or snap to an object or line if it is near a dimension line.