Out of nowhere my AutoCAD commands such as line, offset, circle, etc will only work if i type in the amount in inches. I use feet / inches when i use these commands. It says specify second point... Not sure what this means. For example I want to offset a line 15'-8". It won't let me do that. If i offset a line at 146" it lets me do it.
Sometimes I like my dimensions to be in all inches ( 24" ) and most of the time I prefer feet/inched ( 2'-0" ) Where do I change this in the dimension style setting or properties?
Another problem i'm afraid!!! We had a problem with a drawing which came from an outside source, and some how set up the workspace of my colleague into inches instead of mm?! we managed to sort that (how - just randomly clicking!) but now they can only select one item at a time? they can select by dragging over the items but cannot individually select item by item
I received a drawing that was drawn in metric. I would like to draw in inches on it. I can't seem to get it to change. I changed the drawing units to Arch with inches. I brought in a DIM style that is in inches, actually fractional with " as a suffix. When I dimension something it is in mm with the " after it. I also tried to start a new drawing and copied the drawing to the new file, it worked before i imported the drawing but after, everything was mm again. I used copy with base point to transfer the drawing to the new file. Where else would that be controlled from.
I've always drawn in mm and do the scale in this unit. Now at work I have to use inches, but I'm not very sure about what is the scale I have to use. I mean... I always do the scale with the commands Z / Scale / 1000/100xp (1:100 scale example). It is the same for inches? I have seen some drawings in inches & feet with other scales like 3:4.
When I try and dimesion my drawing it brings up 8' as 8" on the dimesion line, and when I dimension something like 1'-10" it brings up 1'-10''' on the dimesion line. Once i click the dimesnion to attach it to the drawing I click on the measurement tool and it bring up the correct measurement. Is there a way to fix this?
I have this problem with units. I am using 2012 Autocad drafting. I want to work with millimeters, for instance usually when I type 1000, that is usually refereed as 1 meter. Now in the new model space when I type 1000 the line is so long, I even have to press regenerate so that I can see the line. I checked the units, they are set to millimeters, I also checked from options - user preferences they are also set to millimeters.
When for instance I will open an older file that I worked on in autocad 2010, in autocad 2012, it will work fine, when I will write 1000, it will actually come up as one meter. The settings in units and options - user preferences are the same.
I also copied a table from the 2010 file to the new one, and the chair comes up very big in the screen, so again I use regenerate to zoom out.
Also every time I open a new file, I have to go to units and change it from Inches to millimeters. Is there a way to do it once, so that you don't have to do it every time you open a new file in autocad? I know you can customize your workspace, and I have, but that doesn't seam to do it.
I have a hard copy drawing in mm so i drew it in mm. Now i have to dimension it in inches. I have tried several things including opening a new drawing in imperial, changed the units, INSUNITS are set to 1.
I have a very simple surface. All of the elevations defining it, are set in feet. When I click on the surface it tells me my max and min elevations are in feet matching the points that I have defining the surface.
Here is the kicker, when I run a distance it is measuring the Z distance in inches and not feet. As you can see by the attached image the distance is 95' but the elevation change is 1 3/8". The actual points defining the surface are 1.28' difference. If I were to do a spot elevation on the surface, it would give me the correct elevation in feet. I am guessing that this is some sort of variable that I have missed, but damned if I can find it.
I am working on AutoCAD 2014 and every time I receive and open a new file from our collaborators in Italy, the file units "turn into" inches.
This means that I have to go to Drawing Utilities, Change the units to cm, and then have to Scale everything so that the measurements make sense again.
I've gone into OPTIONS and have set CM as thed default measurements, but this problem persists. I know that the office in Italy can't possibly be working in inches, so I'm assuming there's something that's "lost in translation" when it comes to opening the file on my end.
I have a drawing that was created in engineering units, the architect needs buildings dimensioned to the nearest 1/2". I copied the building footprint, scaled it up a factor of twelve and changed the units to inches, the dimension styles to inches, but i cannot get the dimension tool to show inches (only tenths of foot.
When i setup inventor 10 i choose to use inches, but now i want to use MM how would i change it under inventor 10 i thought it would bbe under options but it not.
I created a new annotation scale to convert mm to inches and changed my DIMSTYLE to dimension to annotative as well, but when I go to dimension nothing happens. My dimensions, arrows and extension lines are still small.
What's more bizzare is when I click the dimension and right click properties, it says my annotation scale is 1:1 and it's not set to change to annotative even though my DIMSTYLE says to. So I have to manually click the dimensions and change them all to my DIMSTYLE and change the annotation scale.
What did I do wrong when I created the new annotation scale?!?!
So I have this drawing, which has been annihilated by many different people. One area of concern (among many) is the drawing units...some objects are in inches, some in Millimeters, some in feet, etc...
Is there a way to change the entire drawing to inches, so if I select an object...any object, properties will have it in inches. Or, if I get area of an object, it will read in square inches?
I am drawing a plan view of building that is 11 feet by 36 feet. I thought my map units were in feet but when I draw in the linear dimensions, it reads 11 inches x 3 feet. How do I change this?
When I had ACAD 2008 I used to copy objects and type 10' or 4' for the distance3 rather than 120 or 48. For some reason in ACAD 2013, it does not accept my distance in feet anymore. Do I suddenly have a setting off in ACAD 2013? I used to be able to work much more quickly and I work with large distances when copying.
I’m a draftsman and I have a calculator that has feet and inches which of course makes things easy assisting in draft. I was wondering for those who do not have such calculator – I was considering creating a simple iphone app that does just that – add/ subtract as well as conversion from metric to imperial and vise versa. Just gauging to see if there is interest.
i am using autocad 2014 when i am try to print the image in big page such as 24 X 24 inches my image will scatter, the curve lines are look like zig zag lines and texts are faded, how to increase the resolution of the image so that i can print it in large paper.my printer is not connected to my computer that's why i have to convert the drawing to jpeg image, and my resolution become very low to print in big size paper.
Is there any way when I am dimensioning something to make it read feet and decimals of a foot for instance.
Instead of it reading 5’-6 9/16” it would read 5.546875’?
I tried a few different things on the dimension style and I can get it to read out in decimal inches (it would be 66.5625” with the example givin) but not feet.
The reason I need it is for a program that we run where we must enter the measurement in decimal feet
Any number keypad available with feet and inches keys?? I unfortunately cannot download any software of any kind at work and cannot use programmable keyboards. (I can't even setup my extra buttons on my USB mouse)
I've found them tab and escape buttons which I would also like. But entering dimensions most of the day, this would be useful!
I am a new user (using Autocad 2006). My problem is I have been given a drawing file that I need to modify but it was drawn in inches, I have always worked in mm's. Can I convert the original drawing to mm's??
I have a drawing in metric but I want the results in feet and inches, do I draw it in metric and have Autocad spit out a feet and Inches drawing, is that even possible. Or do I do the conversions up front and explain to the client that he will get his metric drawing back in feet and inches.
Second part, if the drawing is in metric do I open the Autocad Civil 3D metric icon or does it matter. Where I can read up on why there is a metic and imperial Autocad icon?
I have a problem when I insert blocks who were originally saved as dxf.
For years I've been recieving dxf-drawings from our suppliers, and for years I've opened them, saved them as .dwg and then inserted them into my drawings. Lately, when I insert these blocks, they're scaled up by 25.4... It appears that AutoCAD converts them to inches instead of in mm.
When I check the scale of the block in "Properties", the insertionscale is always 1.
I've checked the "UNITS" in the dxf and the dwg, both are mm. I've checked "INSUNITS", "INSUNITSDEFSOURCE" and "INSUNITSDEFTARGET", all of them have value "4", which is "mm"...
The screenshot above is taken in the dxf-file. I've used the "DIST" command on the dimension which states "326", and as you can see, the distance measured is also 326...
The screenshot below is taken after I've saved the dxf as a dwg, and then inserted the dwg-file as block into a new drawing. The same dimension is measured, and then I get this: