Do you have a macro or Diesel command that would select all text or dimensions in a drawing and delete it automatically. I've seen an LISP command, but I know from a fact that it does not work on LT. By the way, I'm using Autocad LT 2014.
I would like to have a macro to select all the text in a document (independently if it is in a group or ungrouped), and change its font to another one.
I have tried to record a macro by myself, but appear a text that says that these functions could not be recorded.
I want to select my text and change the size from my macro. As of now if i preselect the size it outputs the size once i type the text in box and add to page, but i cannot change the size by selecting the text. Im building this off of my output settings.
Sub ChangeSize ()Dim OriginalSelection as S, text as StringDim txtShape as ShapeOn Error Resume NextOriginalSelection = (ComboFontSize.text, "pt", "")size = CInt(text)Set textShape = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(ActiveLayer.Page.CenterX, 8, FontText.text, cdrLanguageNone, cdrCharSetMixed, Me.lstFonts.text, size) End Sub
I want to make a action macro that selects the copy the last layout tab, copy that, goes modelspace and -pan @some numbers, go back in modelspace. stop.
I've recorded the following steps successfully:
Layout copy <Enter> <Enter>
mspace -pan (basepoint plus some mumbers) (@-3000,0)
I would like to know the command for selecting the last layout tab. Without using right-click functions which, as I know of, are not recorded?
I work in a place that his literally dozens of .ctb files.
Client specific, job specific , projects phase specific - you name it.
Is there a customable lisp routine or macro to invoke - Page Set Manager - Modify - Plot style Tables (pen assignments) - and then to select the particular .ctb file you want ?
need a macro code that will select all objects that I've named "X" then delete them. Tried recording but it only works for the one object and not all of the same name
Using 2012. On pre-07 versions I've used, I could change the style of all dimensions in a drawing by selecting all entities (or using window selection) and then selecting the new dimension style from the combo box, regardless of what layers or entities were selected. Any dimension within that selection gets changed to the new style selected. In 2012, if I select any entity that isn't a dimension, no dimensions styles appear in the combo box, and so this method doesn't work.
Is there some new setting preventing this from working?
I wanted to select dimensions and change the precision to 2 decimal points.
For any dimensions I positioned on the object (like the width of the block centered in the block)...rather than above, below or off to the side. I am unable to select that dimension. Every time my cursor goes towards the dimension to select it.....the block itself is automatically selected. Any dimension outside the boundary of the object is fully selectable to edit.
I recently found this lisp routine which changes dimension text from the actual measurement to EQ.
(Defun c:equaldim () (setq newdim (entsel " Select Dimension to Replace with EQ.:")) (setq newdimvalue "EQ.") (command "dimedit" "n" newdimvalue newdim "") (princ) )
I would like to be able to do the same in 2013 LT using a macro. All efforts to write a macro have failed because I don't know what controls the Text Override.
Is there a lisp routine or macro out there that will convert crappy text to a set block? i.e someone had used simplex 15' text for street names, we now have a street name block using romans 12' text. want to be able to click on text and convert to block while converting the text street name to the street name entry. there's only one entry for the street name block.
For several years I've been programming in Inventor and AutoCAD, with VBA. Making macros and creating a button for them in the toolbar of Inventor is no problem. What disturbs me slightly is that the name of the button is the same as the name of the macro. In VBA you can't create functions with spaces in the name. So the name of the toolbar button often looks quite silly.
Is there a way to change the name and the tooltip-text of the toolbar button without loosing the link to the original macro? In AutoCAD this is no problem, but Inventor...
Product Design Suite 2014 Inventor 2012 SP2, Vault 2014 HP Workstation Z220 Intel Xeon 3.4GHz 16GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 4000 Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
How to make a macro that changes the font for a specific Text Style. The name of the Text Style is eg. "3mm", which I want to change from RomanS to Verdana.
I'm trying to find a macro that will insert text into a certain spot on my drawing. I want to put it on a button so that when I click the button it inserts "REVISION - 12/5/12", or whatever the current date is, into my title block.
is it possible to display dimensions when you select the object (Appeared inside the object ).
As because i have to look for the property bar again and again for the dimensions since my eyes are soring as it appears in very less size. If it appears the inside the object with appealing big size, then it could be easier for the user to note the size instantly despite of observing the property bar.
I'm trying to create button with macro to edit existing text in place, with predefined text with macro .... For example, existing text is "Old text", and I want this text (or whatever I select) to edit in place with click on macro button to change it to "New text".
We need a macro that will allow you to select a certain color fill inside document and change all to no fill hairlines. It needs to be capable of doing it several times within the same document. Does anything like this exist out there?
We have color replacer. We want it to do this automactically with a static group of colors everytime without any manual maniplulation required.
Any way to turn off the ghost text that appears when you select text that is annotative, not get rid of it just not show all of the other scales for clarity.
In the example below, I would like to select the three dimensions 14'-1 3/8's, 2', 28' and be able to move them all up or down at the same do I do that?
I have a very big folder of .txt files that are flattened. They contain various words, but since they have an ugly old effect on them I need to flatten them out.
The text has a wave or an arch, always in a different position. How do I do the following by way of macro:
1) identify the size of arch and it's highest point.
2) then inverse it, so it straightens it out.
I want to apply this to thousands of old headings/headlines. This is why I need to create a macro for this.
I am having a problem in text height on dimensions. Working in model space I go to the Dimension style manager and change the height of dim text. When I dimension something, the height has not changed. This also happens when I try to change the height of the text using the properties box.
Using the same template Text and Dimension style all of the sudden the text is vertical and mirrored and the dimension text is mirrored under the dim line ( above the dim line in normal conditions)
What could be the problem? I did not change anything in the settings, voluntarily, I use this template for years and never had a problem with it till now.
My boss wants me to look into using annotative text and dimensions for all our drawings. Currently, we have 15 different text and dimension styles depending on what scale we're using.
However, despite my extensive knowledge in most areas of AutoCAD, I have absolutely NO knowledge of how to use it.
I created all of my annotative dimensions in the wrong scale and now in layout view they are too small and can't be seen. Model space was set to 3/4" = 1'. Once I got to Layout View, I realized I did not have enough space so I needed to size down to 1/2" = 1'. How do you go about changing existing annotative dimensions to another scale? I am using 2010.
Is there anyway to generate text based on other dimensions or parameters stored in the parameters manager?
For instance, if I have a line that is 3" long, I'd like to have a note that says 'This line is 3"'. Or, if a circle is X feet in diameter, I'd like to have a note that says 'This circle is X feet'. These are just examples, but I hope you get what I'm saying.
I'm using the new parametric modeling and doing some amazing stuff, but I'd like to parametrize my notes, too, if at all possible.