AutoCad :: Text Height On Dimensions

May 10, 2012

I am having a problem in text height on dimensions. Working in model space I go to the Dimension style manager and change the height of dim text. When I dimension something, the height has not changed. This also happens when I try to change the height of the text using the properties box.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Where To Change Text Height In Model Dimensions

Jul 12, 2013

I mean the dimensions in sketches in a model part, not the drawing dimensions which are controlled by styles .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Depth / Height Dimensions In Drawings

Jun 8, 2012

DRAWINGS: I need to prepare a plan view of a complex part, which incorporates many different (parallel) heights. In the drawing, all of these faces are parallel to the plane of the drawing itself. There are far to many of them to show their heights using section views. The usual drawing convention in this case is to simply indicate each face on the drawing, and then express its height relative to a reference plane.

Until now, I have been doing this simply by measuring a height from the part, and then indicating it on the drawing by adding leaders and text, which:

1. Is extremely laborious
2. Obviously has no intelligent link to the actual part/drawing

My breadth of knowledge in CAD is not huge, but I know that in Gibbscam, for example, after setting the position of the origin in 3 planes, if I then pass the cursor over any parallel plane in the z direction while pressing alt, I will get the distance of that plane from z=0.

What I want is the possibility in Inventor to select a face in a drawing, which is in the same plane as the drawing, and straight away be given it's height relative to a parallel reference plane. Such a value should then update intelligently on the drawing if I modify that same height on the part.

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AutoCad :: Customizing Dimensions Of Table - Cell Height And Width

May 23, 2012

I am looking for a way to customize the dimensions of Autocad Tables to that I can have custom cell height and width.

How to do this?

Table v1.dwg

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Lightroom :: 4.0 - Export JPG To Dimensions OR Width X Height / 1224x2048

Mar 13, 2013

Using LR 4.0, MacBookPro
I am trying to export a jpg to Dimensions OR Width x Height:  1224x2048.

I cropped the image in a 4x6 aspect ratio, portrait orientation.
The jpg is not exporting to these dimensions. It'll give me the width, but not the height. The height is topping out at 1836 pixels.
 I've exported without size constraints, and it'll give me dimensions 1941 × 2912 pixels, so the pixels exist to be used.
**Do I need to crop to a different aspect ratio to get 1224x2048? **
 What am I doing wrong here? I've got a freaked out client, I'm on a tight deadline, and I feel like this worked last week when I tried it, but maybe it did not.
 I tried looking on the Adobe forums, no luck other than the usual instructions on cropping.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Text Height Of Dimension Text

Sep 13, 2013

I am having problems with changing the height of the dimension text. I have tried going into the style editor and changing the text height in there and then saving it. The number for the height that I changed stays saved however the actual text height on the drawing does not, not even after I tell it to update.

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AutoCad :: Keeping Text Height At 1/8?

Jul 11, 2012

I usually draw in model space 1:1 and then scale my drawing in paper space to fit my sheet, but when I'm scaling I also scale my text. Is there a way to keep my text at 1/8 even after scaling my drawing from model space?

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AutoCad :: Different Height Of Text In Multileader

Mar 23, 2011

I'm fairly new to AutoCAD, and most certainly to the forum [URL]......

I have a question in regards to using Multileader text. Tolerance.jpg

The guy who used to work here made this text with a tolerance to a radius measurement. The tolerance is smaller ( no problem with that), but also adjusted to the top of the line.

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Photoshop Elements :: Crop Picture Pixel Dimensions Become 6 Bytes Width And Height 1 Pixel Each

Apr 11, 2013

When I crop a picture Pixel Demensions become 6 bytes Width and Height 1 pixel each. I can no longer see the picture.  How can I fix this?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Text Docker Displays Wrong Height Of Text?

Jan 14, 2013

If I click on any text the docker shows the incorrect height of the text.  I have typed in an measured a 4" H and the docker display tell me its over 5.5". 

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AutoCAD LT :: Dimension Text Height Change

Aug 20, 2009

I have recently upgraded from LT06 to LT09.Why am I having trouble changing the text height on my dimension? I used to be able to double click on a specific dimension and change the text height to anything I wanted and than using the "match properties" icon change all the others.

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AutoCad :: Text Height On Dims / Perplexed

Jul 3, 2013

I've set up a load of dim styles for varying scales i.e 1:1 through to 1:50.Now the text height is set to 2.5 on 1:1. However when I have changed a dimension string to the dimstyle the text changes to 0.625!?

But if I draw a dim from scratch it's correct.The dimensions are not annotative. When I open properties bar the text height is stated at the desired 2.5 but when I double click to edit text it says 0.625.

Now I can't be bothered to go through my drawings and double click to edit the text hieght or redraw all my dims I just want to 'matchprop', but it's matching!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tolerance Text Height

Apr 13, 2011

When I export .idw in autocad .dwg, the tolerance text height of dimensions with 'Limits/Fits-Show tolerance' change, becoming the same of the dimensions text, while the tolerance text height of dimensions without 'Limits/Fits-Show tolerance' remain the same of the .idw file. Why? There's something I can do, to ensure that text height no change? See the attached pictures that show the problem.

I use Inventor 2011 with SP1.

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AutoCad :: Changing Height Of Text On Survey?

Jan 26, 2014

I've just finished a large survey using GPS, this I've downloaded onto autocad. My issue is I've got loads of levels on cad drawing that I wish to make larger. These where downloaded automatically, onto drawing. Is there a way to change height of text, so all heights are larger, or do I hand change them one by one!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Leader Text Height?

Apr 19, 2013

My text style height is set to 1/8, however my leader text height is 3/16. How do I change the leader text height? T

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Height System Variable?

Jun 19, 2012

I am having trouble getting my text height to change user the 'textsize' system variable.

When I input a new height at the command prompt using 'textsize'  the text height in the text style dialogue box does not automatically change to match. Also when I use the dtext or mtext command after changing the textsize value, these commands use the value in the text style dialogue box instead.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Ribbon Combo Box - Text Height

Jan 18, 2013

When creating Mtext, I can't figure out how to specify a given height using the ribbon. Clicking on the "A" on the "Home" tab brings up the "Text Editor" ribbon and displays the Mtext editor in the drawing area. On the "Style" panel of the Text Editor ribbon is a drop-down box with a default height of 1/8". Clicking on this drop-down box gives the list, 1/8", 1/4", 1'-6", 1/8", and 3/16". It appears those are my only choices, but I need to make Mtext that is 1'-0" high. If I try to highlight the size selected in the drop-down box and type in 1'-0", AutoCAD erases my typing, replacing it with the 1'-6" choice (or some other member of the preset list). It does this whether or not I have typed text in the Mtext editor, highlighted that text, etc.

If I hover the mouse over the drop-down box, a tooltip comes up that says "Ribbon Combo Box - Text Height / Press F1 for more help." Pressing F1 brings up the Autodesk Exchange window which is blank except for a spinning wheel animation in the center that never stops. The promised "help" never appears.

Right now my only workaround is to create Mtext using one of the heights that AutoCAD has chosen to make available, then select it and change its height using the Properties palette, which may or may not be so easy depending on whether the height I need is very different from the height I was forced to use and the zoom factor of my view (the created mtext might show up as an almost invisible dot, forcing me to play "Where's Waldo" to select it). This is an almost unusable kluge. How can I set the size when creating the Mtext, not afterwards? How is the list of sizes available in the drop-down box determined?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Setting Text Height In AutoLisp?

Jun 20, 2012

I want to set the Textheight system variable using Autolisp. However 'textsize won't work.

I am setting up a routine so that when I want to draw a 1:100 scale drawing my dimscale is set to 100 and my textheight is set to 350. Likewise when I want a 1:50 drawing my dimscale is 50 and text height is 175. This way I don't have to keep changing the height setting when I'm using dtext and mtext.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Text Height Between Paper And Model

Jan 11, 2014

The text height in my model space is 1', then I open the model space and try to text in a new viewport, the text height changes to 48'. 

I try to go back to model space to do the texting, but the text height is still 48'.

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AutoCAD LT :: Set Multileader Text Style To A Default Height

Jan 29, 2012

I use LT 2010 and have defined a multileader style which is annontative.  When i use this each time i have to make he text annotative and set the height even though it uses the right annotative text style.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get Text Information (Height And Width) On Drawing

Sep 6, 2013

i want  to get all text font , text height and text widths on the drawing

Dim ListFont As New List(Of String)
For Each TextStyle As AcadTextStyle In ThisDrawing.TextStyles

i used those code can get all text font on the drawing...but i only want to get text font which were used.and i dont know how to get the text height and widths on the drawing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Increase Dimension Text Height In Drawing?

Jul 2, 2013

How do i increase the dimension text height in my drawing.When i go thro the styles and standards editor and increase the text height all the text in my sheet border also increases.Surely there must be a way to isolate the dimension text from the sheet text.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Station Labels Text Height Too Small

Jul 8, 2013

I am trying to do centerline stationing but the texts are coming out too small and the tick marks are not showing up.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: More Than One Text Height Or Style In MText Group

Aug 24, 2012

I have a itemized list in a mtext group and I want to change the text style in the main headings. When I select the heading line it says all style will be changed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Possible To Constrain Text Height In Part Sketch?

Jan 10, 2012

When I add a text to a sketch, I can constrain the rectangle to set its size, orientation and position.And I can set the text width to fit into the rectangle. But I wasn't able to set the text height to fit into the rectangle.

Am I missing something or is the fit text option doing only half the job?

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AutoCad 2D :: Change Attribute Text Height When Tied To Parameters

Jul 19, 2012

For starters, I am using AutoCAD 2013.

I am having trouble with changing the text height of attributes in a block. I know that I can normally use BATTMAN and ATTSYNC to change the text height, but those are not working in my case.

I am using a point parameter and STRETCH action to enable my attributes to be moved, while the main object stays in place. When the attributes are not tied to the point parameter and I use BATTMAN in the block editor, the block will insert with any changes to attribute text height. When they are tied to the parameter and I use BATTMAN in the block editor, the block will insert with the attributes at the text height that they were created at. The only way I can change the text height is to use BATTMAN in model space.

I can work with this, but it would be easier to use BATTMAN in the block editor since my attributes are aligned vertically and changing the text size ruins the spacing between them. It would be much easier to both change the text size and respace in the block editor.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Where Is The Annotative Scale And Paper Text Height Properties

Mar 15, 2012

Where is the “annotative scale” and “paper text height” properties?

I couldn’t find the “annotative scale” and “paper text height” properties when dealing with “Civil 3D” objects such as points and contours the same way we have it in the regular AutoCAD.

For example, suppose that I need to increase to decrease the “text height” of the point label considering a particular “annotative scale” property, then how this kind of thing might be done in the AutoCAD Civil 3D?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Control Annotations Text Height In Hole Chart?

Jul 4, 2012

Is there a way to control the annotations text height in Hole Chart, I like fx. 0.1mm in text height
how do I do that

My product:

Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013 English, AutoCAd Mechanical

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Parameter Driven Text Height - 2012?

May 15, 2012

We are having issues with text height and variations depending on how the text is added.

I am currently adding etching to sheet metal parts by using the user parameters (which are driven by 3rd party source, excel file) and using a cut extrusion -1mm.

We have developed a marco which detects the shape of each letter and adds etching to our sheet metal program manually. We do this to get rid of the double lines when you cut text into a part. Our process is design in Inventor, unfold then convert to DXF 2004, where we import to our SM programming package (Radan).

I have noticed that when using 10mm simplex if the text is driven by parameters and 10 point text is selected the charecter height is 9.9928mm, however if the text is added manually it measures 10mm exactly. Why is this happening? It is probably of no concern to most, but we would need to add extra charecters to our macro to account for the descrepency, and in turn would take the macro longer to run.

When the text is added by user parameters, you can briefly see the 10mm text height flash to 9.99mm when finishing the edit sketch. Changing this to 10mm again has no effect.

what is causing this, or have any alternative ways of adding 10mm simplex single line etching to a dxf from an Inventor 2012 SM part?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Text Height Of Drawing View Label Through VBA?

Jan 28, 2013

Is it possible to change the text height of a drawing view label through VBA?

I have tried to change it by creating a new text style manually with the text height I require and then through VBA set the view label to use that style.

The View label takes on the new style but does not change the text height.

I have tried to use 'StyleOverride FontSize=' but I have text that is multi lined and using this command converts all my text onto one line.

Is it possible to change the text height of a drawing view label through VBA?

Below is my code so far,

Sub HoleDetailSheetLabels()    
' Declare the Application object
Dim oApp As Inventor.Application
' Obtain the Inventor Application object.
' This assumes Inventor is already running.
'Set oApp = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application")


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Slope Percent (%) Label Text Is Not Changing Height

Jul 19, 2013

I have slope % angles labeled on a plan, but they are too large.  They are 1/8" tall, and I need them to be 3/32" tall. I have checked the style (ROMANS) to be sure the text height is set to 0", and it is.  I've also ensured that these labels are on this label style.

Check the screenshot.  I added 2 screenshots with a huge difference in font size just to be sure my point gets across. And, I have hit APPLY and closed the window just to be sure.  You will see up top, I have it set to 3/32".  Actually the text isn't showing right, it is still stuck on 1/8".  But, regardless, you can see in the lower screenshot where I have changed it to 3", but the text has not changed.

As a side note, the text on the slope labels should match the height of the contour labels you can see in the screenshots.

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