I am having trouble getting my text height to change user the 'textsize' system variable.
When I input a new height at the command prompt using 'textsize' the text height in the text style dialogue box does not automatically change to match. Also when I use the dtext or mtext command after changing the textsize value, these commands use the value in the text style dialogue box instead.
I am finding with certain types of fonts, mostly on architectural title sheets, that they get substituted to romans font.When I go to the Fontalt Setting Variable though and enter a period for no selection and then regen, all the 'missing" font regenerates and looks fine.
My question is why is the font not appearing properly in the first place? I must have the font if it is appearing properly.I don't want to have to reset the fontalt variable everytime I want to plot a drawing!
I just notice that in 2012 the EXPERT system variable set to 1 no longer suppresses the display of the "Objects moved to frozen or turned off layer" pop up.
According to the documentation the FRAME system variable overrides XCLIPFRAME, IMAGEFRAME, etc., has four valid values, 0, 1, 2, or 3, and its initial default value is 3. While editing a drawing, I set FRAME to 0, and then some time later, tried to set it back to 3. AutoCAD refused to accept this value, saying "Requires an integer between 0 and 2." Typing (SETVAR "FRAME" 3) at the command line also failed. The only way I could get it back to 3 was to use UNDO to go back to the default value. Is this a bug?
Is there a system variable for holding down shift and picking multiples?
When picking multiples files, to bring in xrefs, I can pick them, but some of the other in the office can not, it want let them pick more then one file at a time.
Is there a command / system variable to set all buttons on every panel in the ribbon to have a button style of "smallwithouttext". I wiould like to do this without having to adjust each button manually
I need to show contour lines that have the elevations embedded in the line. Is there any way to create a line type that will allow me to select and/or change the text to be embedded in the line, without having to define a unique linetype for each elevation?
When creating Mtext, I can't figure out how to specify a given height using the ribbon. Clicking on the "A" on the "Home" tab brings up the "Text Editor" ribbon and displays the Mtext editor in the drawing area. On the "Style" panel of the Text Editor ribbon is a drop-down box with a default height of 1/8". Clicking on this drop-down box gives the list, 1/8", 1/4", 1'-6", 1/8", and 3/16". It appears those are my only choices, but I need to make Mtext that is 1'-0" high. If I try to highlight the size selected in the drop-down box and type in 1'-0", AutoCAD erases my typing, replacing it with the 1'-6" choice (or some other member of the preset list). It does this whether or not I have typed text in the Mtext editor, highlighted that text, etc.
If I hover the mouse over the drop-down box, a tooltip comes up that says "Ribbon Combo Box - Text Height / Press F1 for more help." Pressing F1 brings up the Autodesk Exchange window which is blank except for a spinning wheel animation in the center that never stops. The promised "help" never appears.
Right now my only workaround is to create Mtext using one of the heights that AutoCAD has chosen to make available, then select it and change its height using the Properties palette, which may or may not be so easy depending on whether the height I need is very different from the height I was forced to use and the zoom factor of my view (the created mtext might show up as an almost invisible dot, forcing me to play "Where's Waldo" to select it). This is an almost unusable kluge. How can I set the size when creating the Mtext, not afterwards? How is the list of sizes available in the drop-down box determined?
I want to set the Textheight system variable using Autolisp. However 'textsize won't work.
I am setting up a routine so that when I want to draw a 1:100 scale drawing my dimscale is set to 100 and my textheight is set to 350. Likewise when I want a 1:50 drawing my dimscale is 50 and text height is 175. This way I don't have to keep changing the height setting when I'm using dtext and mtext.
I've got an intermitent problem with copyclip, pasteclip and Wblocks. The functions work in some files but not other it seems to be dependent on the size of the file, i have 7 xref's in the dwg. i can copyclip to the dwg, but not form dwg. is it due to the size of dwg or what? can it be fixed? OR is there a system variable to set?
Which settings or where do I go to set my drawing Style, Text height and line space factor on all my drawings in one shot. It is frustrating going through many drawings changing it.
Being new to 13LT I'm not sure if they have included a system variable that would allow the origin of a snap inside a command to automatically start at the first selection point. In the old days (ACAD2000) I was able to customize my keypad to function as a protractor with the 5 key being the @ symbol. We did that with an autolisp which rules that out.
I want to have a piece of text added to the drawing notes that uses a field (or similar), to list the coordinate system code assigned to the drawing, i.e. UTM83-12.
Any setvar or something that I can use?
There are load of different coordinate systems to choose from, and I don’t want to have to manually enter it for every drawing.
I have a computer where all text entered in AutoCAD text/mtext comes out in uppercase. Pressing the shift key while entering the text has no effect. The CAD-Girl involved has admitted to sniffing around in Express Tools System Variables and changing a few, but she cannot remember any more which ones she changed.
Every time I open a drawing in AutoCAD 2011 it seems to lock all the xrefs associated with the drawing so when ever some one else tries to open one of the xrefs they can only do so read-only.
Is there a system variable or a setting some where I've accidentally changed?.. I can't seem to find a solution or what the problem even is anywhere.
I am trying to create a custom message box with variable width and height by passing width height title and list of text. I can get the routine to work if I use preset width and height, but would like to make the box adjustable.
Is it possible to create a database resident system variable? My desire is to create a system variable that I can use to expose results of my program, and/or let the user set values that the program can use.
I am wondering if there is a system variable i can change that allows me to slice objects and automatically separate them.
you see i will slice an object, and delete the side i dont want, but there will usually be some part that hasn't separated and i accidentally delete that too.
System variable to keep a stacked fraction with the leading number?
We open the same drawing on different computers at work and on one computer the number will be 21/2 but on the next computer that opens the same dwg the 1/2 will have been bumped down to the the following line. I don't know if this is a problem with the autostack properties, although I can't find anything about that, or if its a problem with the tabs.
I'm completely at a loss and its becoming a problem because if one person opens a project to plot it and it looks fine but the next person opens it and every mtext in the dwg is wrong it becomes very time consuming to fix.
I was attempting to troubleshoot some performance issues I've been having using process monitor. I noticed that AutoCAD 2013 is constantly checking for an XREFSTATE System variable, that according to documentation is stored in the registry. however, process monitor is reporting this variable as not found. So that leads me to a couple questions:
why is it constantly checking the status of the variable
why is the variable not located within the path it is looking for.
How do I check, with LISP, if a System Variable is read only? In particular ANNOTATIVEDWG. This one is read/write when there are no annotative objects in a drawing, but read-only if there are.
I have blocks in a drawing that were made using the 'retain' method. WHen I go to insert the block I cannot see the block preview at the crosshair cursor. The block only becomes visible once I have clicked the left mouse key at the insertion point.
This means I can't rotate it either as I can't see it until I have clicked to place it.
Which system variable (And what setting) will allow me to see the block as I'm inserting it?
in autocad 2010 & 2009 certain commands are not working, but if we change certain system variable values, it will work. but the problem is each time when we open the file, we have to change that system variable.