AutoCAD Inventor :: Multiple Parts Use Lines / Rectangles To Separate Each Part
May 7, 2012
In AutoCad in a drawing with multiple parts I use lines / rectangles to separate each part.
So the drawing gets clear.
How can this be done in Inventor?
With the lines connected to the border?
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Apr 4, 2012
attached is a basic IV2012 part made as 1.....can i separate the 2 features and make 2 independant parts from the single part?
If yes can i then use these separate parts and place in assemblies?
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Feb 15, 2013
My issue is we have Universal assemblies that never change. These assemblies are thousands of parts. (hardware gaskets other random assemblies.) this top level universal assembly never changes.
to increase time in layouts. we would like to create these universal assemblies into 1 sold part.
Is there a was to export an assembly into a single solid part.
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Jul 23, 2013
Is there a way to split this part into multiple parts? I would like to split the part on the corners, leaving a small gap for welding.
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May 4, 2013
We use a similar sub-assembly in almost every assembly we design. So what I would like to do is make a template from this sub-assembly that I can make adaptive, constrain to the proper parts and have it resize to the main assembly. I've been trying to do this for a few weeks now with little success.
I have seen tutorials make adaptive part templates but never adaptive assembly templates. Is this even possible?
I know you can't make individual parts adaptive to multiple assemblies without saving each part as a different file and I think that's where my problems are coming from. Even though I save the template as a different file is it still referencing the original adaptive part in my library folder? If so, is there a way I can make it not do that? I may be way off base there too I don’t know.
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Aug 27, 2013
I am trying to use the pen tool to develop a rail road switchyard layout. It is a main line with multiple lines coming off of it. How do you make the settings so it does not expect you to close the path?
I want the mainline to be one path, and each switch line to be a separate path. Then I can stroke each path. Can't figure out how to end the path and start a new one as it wants to make it all one continuous path.
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Oct 12, 2011
I have an IGES file that, when opened in Inventor, comes in as a single part. In the model tree of the part are 126 Solid Bodies, each with a "Base" in it. The parts are all solids, or appear to be. Is there a way to open this file so Inventor makes each "Body" a separate .ipt file, and the IGES file a .iam file (as it can with a .stp file)? I can't attach the file, as it's 36+Mb....
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Jan 9, 2012
How do you separate two objects that are considered to be the same body.
I have an car airbox made up of two separate solid objects. How can I separate them? see the attached image for a better understanding of my situation.
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Sep 21, 2012
I want to import a component consisting of about 50 different parts into an assembly that is about 300 different parts.
When I "place as component" into the assembly it imports into the assembly fine as a component.
When I make an exploded view I can split the component into seperate parts but when I make an .idw file the parts list just shows the component as one part number.
I would like to the .idw to show all of the parts that are in the component separately.
Is there some kind of expansion menu or do I have to re-make the component in the assembly file?
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Mar 7, 2012
I have an assembly that is identical to another assembly with the exception of 2 or 3 components. I want to create 2 different configurations of the assembly, e.g. 12345-009 for the original assy and 12345-019 for the similar assy that has a couple of different components and/or additional components. I can create the -009 assembly and then do a "Save As" for the -019 assy and do a "Component/Replace" and add (or delete) other components.
I want both of these assemblies to be on the same drawing with a base number of 12345. I know I can do this and create a separate parts list (BOM) for each configuration and put it on the drawing. Is there a way to "merge" the two PLs so that there is a quantity column for each configuration (-009 and -019)? For example, if the same gear is used in both assemblies, I want a quantity of 1 in each column. If a component is used in one but not the other, i want only the quantity to show up in the appropriate configuration column.
I am using Inventor 2011.
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Apr 29, 2013
I have 5 separate .ipt's that were created within a major assembly. Is it possible to generate a subassembly of those 5 separate .ipt's within the major assembly keeping all the constraints?
Do I have to start a separate .iam file and import each .ipt and regenerate the complicated constraints all over again?
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Jan 16, 2013
I am trying to take a 3" sq 11 gauge tube that will have a pie shaped cut out of the tube leaving only one wall remaining. The tube then will be bent until the two sections are mated and welded. The tube is going to be processed on a tube laser to have the features cut out.
The problem is when I bend the tube in inventor I need a straight version of the tube for cad/cam programming and fabrication and not have it affect the bend feature that is placed in the weldment. I do no want to derive a part and save a separate version in the vault. I would like it all to be in one model.
I try to create a view representation and name it "straight" and suppress the bend feature in the new representation but it changes in both representations of the part.
Is there a way to have two different view representations of the part (suppressed bend feature, unsuppressed bend feature) that I can switch between?
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm designing a part that in Autodesk Inventor 2013 that is constructed from several layers laminated together. I have 4 layers:
F (front)
M1 (middle, variation one)
M2 (middle, variation two)
B (back)
The final solid will lhave 17 layers laid out like this:
F | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 ... | B
I currently have a part file containing
F | M1 | M2
What's the best way to create this solid if I want to a) keep all instances of M1 and M2 in sync, and b) make it easy to work on all 4 layers. Do I have to export F, M1, M2, and B as individual parts and import them into an assembly or can I keep them in one part file? I really like the ability to be able to work on all the solids at the same time because they're visually dependant on each other.
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Sep 18, 2013
I have an assembly that I just want to costrain 2 faces and then slide it into place to see how it will fit....But it will not pass through the other parts.[URL]
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Jul 10, 2012
I'm looking for the best way to create a separate assembly out of various component parts in an existing assembly so that the whole thing can be placed in an assembly as you would a part, I know it's possible to demote components within an assembly but are there any other methods similar / better ?
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Jan 1, 2014
II have been creating rectangles using rec and because it is a polyline I get the "midpoint" nodes which I need to keep. I often have to modify these by increasing their length or shortening them, large numbers of them at times. Currently I have to select each "midpoint", of the rectangle, one at a time in order to change all of their lengths at one time.
I am trying to find a faster way to select the "midpoint" of several rectangles or some other way instead of the individual method that I have been using. I've tried trim, extend, and stretch. Maybe there is another that I am not considering.
Trim removes the bottom line completely and retains only 3 sides so this doesn't work.
Extend does the same thing and stretch works very different than what I am trying to do.
This is my exercise:
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Feb 14, 2013
I have a bunch of parts that are almost identical except for a few minor changes each time. Most have already been created in Inventor. My problem is that I want to rotate the part so that a face that was once along the XZ plane will now be in the XY plane. Is there anyway to rotate it like this? I would like to do this so that when I bring it into Mastercam, I don't have to rotate it each time.
Autodesk Inventor 2009
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Apr 12, 2012
Possible to display Part Area in a Column in a Parts List on an idw?
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Aug 12, 2013
I often use a number of parts with only one sketch in them as templates for other parts.
I have for instance a template part with a top view sketch and a template part with a side view sketch.
Mostly I can use one of these template parts to derive my parts.
But now I want to creat a part that needs both the top view and side view sketches. So I need to derive from two different parts.
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Mar 28, 2012
I go to the Parts List, Insert a Custom Part, click Apply, Click Ok and nothing shows up. I go back in to Edit the Parts List and the Custom Part is not there at all.
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Jan 15, 2012
I don't know what I did, but when I edit a part in an assembly the others won't fade. Where the setting is to make the other parts fade and only show the part I want to edit.
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Jan 15, 2012
I did something and don't know what. When I edit a part in an assembly all other parts remain solid and won't grey out or fade like normal. What setting to I need to change, I've messed with the settings for hours and haven't found the right one.
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Nov 15, 2013
I want to exclude imates from two parts and 1 whole part at the same time.
This is my situation:
PartA with 2 sets of imates(for constrains on 3 axis for no movement) on the right side. Set A and set B.
PartB with 2 sets of imates, one on the left side set A and one on the right side, set C.
PartC with 2 sets of imates on the left side. Set B and set C.
i want, in a iPart, part A connected with part C connection with iMate set B. And in the same ipart i want Part A, B and C connected respectively with iMate sets A,C
So in the first situation i want iMates A and C and part B to be suppressed and in the second i want iMate set B to be suppressed.
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Apr 3, 2010
Let us say that i have some rectangles with different sizes is there any way to offset one time.
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Mar 4, 2013
I've just started using Inventor and am getting the hang of things, but one thing that really annoys me is these lines that are all over the parts I use in assembly. Screenshot attached.
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Aug 3, 2012
I just recieved a structural drawing from an engineer that has the entire drawing drawn on layer 0. This poses many problems for me as I need to differentiate text from lines and lines from lines. The darwing does have two colors although entities are still on same layer. Is there any way I can seperate the yellow lines from the red lines even though they are on the same layer?
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Feb 4, 2013
I have made a sheet metal part in inventor (see image). I have made the part as it will be in the finished production state. The problem is that the part is impossible to bend from one single plate, so it has to be made from several plates and welded together.
What i want to do is to remove the four corner plates (denoted with red arrows in the image) and make a flat pattern for these separately.
The reason i made these corner plates in my model is to get the assembled part 100% correct. if i dont, inventor doesnt make the angles that i need between the flanges in the top.
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Aug 15, 2012
For some reason when I start either the bolted connection generator or the shaft generator, the content center parts don't show up if I select "modify" to change the parts. For example: I wanted to create an axle with a retaining-ring-groove. I created the axle, and under Features I selected Retaining Ring.
Then a dialog shows up with some standard dimensions, and on the right under "Position" it says "ASME B 27.7M". When I click here, an empty dialogbox shows with filter "All" activated.
It should show all retaining rings available in the content center. The strange thing however is that when I exit this function and start the ordinary "Place from Content Center" command, I can see all retaining rings that are available (see pictures).
The same thing occurs when using the bolted connection generator.
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Apr 29, 2012
I am finally getting time to do some organizational cleanup and management with our templates and vault settings. Many of the things are items that I am altering for each drawing/model I make and I would like to make them "stick" for the company standards. Things like altering font size in the styles library, adding part dimensions to the parameters for the parts list, and creating a new content central library where our part numbers are already populated for the parts list and the structural shapes have datum planes in the middle rather than just at beginning and end.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium
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Oct 10, 2012
When I insert a standard 6" square tube into an assembly there are all of the custom shapes and standard structural members to choose from. When I try to put the same tubing into a part file only the custom shapes are visible and no standard parts to choose from.
I can only guess that I have some obscure check box missing. There appears to be no good reason why I would be restricted in part files.
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Feb 8, 2013
I have a part that was derived from an assembly. However now I need to make this part have different center dimensions. Is there a way to make a derived part into an iPart without creating more parts? see attachment.
I am using Inventor 2012. BTW the part is more detailed than I am showing in the attachment.
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