AutoCAD Inventor :: Split Folded Sheet Metal Part To Several Parts?
Feb 4, 2013
I have made a sheet metal part in inventor (see image). I have made the part as it will be in the finished production state. The problem is that the part is impossible to bend from one single plate, so it has to be made from several plates and welded together.
What i want to do is to remove the four corner plates (denoted with red arrows in the image) and make a flat pattern for these separately.
The reason i made these corner plates in my model is to get the assembled part 100% correct. if i dont, inventor doesnt make the angles that i need between the flanges in the top.
I have a dog bone shaped sheet metal part and each end is folded up 45 degrees to create Z shaped part, the origonal shape was done in a different program and imported as a dxf, it is curvy and no straight sides, the folds were done as fold from a sketch line.
I now want to take a section out of the middle bit, i can cut a bit out but how do i rejoin them?I was hoping to move bodies but i can't select a sing bit it only selects the hole thing even though it is in two bits?
I have a sheet metal part drawn up that I can't manufacture as modeled. The solution is to convert it from a two bend part into two single bend parts that will then be welded together. (I have an iLogic configurator that spit it out or else I would have drawn it right in the first place) Normally I would split it into two solids and derive them into two parts, but because Inventor still doesn't support multi-body sheet metal (this is something I curse about daily, by the way...) I would have to convert it to a standard part first.
The problem here is, I have a ton of edits done to my flat pattern. I have an extruded tab that's needed for my press brake operator that later gets cut off, and I have a fairly complex sketch that I use to program my laser with etch lines for my welders to use. How I can accomplish converting this into right/left parts without having to redo my flat pattern edits?
I'm nowhere close to an expert at Inventor, so there might be an easier way to do this, but I am trying to draw a dimpled heat exchanger. It's just two dimpled sheets welded together with hot oil running through the hollow space so I am trying to do one sheet first. I thought about making the flat sheet with the dimples first and then bending it, but couldn't figure out how to bend it.
Now I'm working off an already bent sheet. I got the first dimple close to how I want it, but when I tried to pattern the dimple along the current purple line, it would not let me.
I need the dimples to eventually wrap around the sheet metal in a diamond pattern.Also, I am using Inventor 2010
I am trying to use the sheet metal functionality to generate a flat pattern of insulation that is wrapped around a tank. The insulation essentially consists of a rolled cylinder with tabs at the cylinder ends that are to be folded inward to cover the end plates. I can't seem to find a way to make this happen as every time I am able to generate the tabs in the folded model they don't unfold into the flat pattern.
A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.
I set up our company log which gets embossed on most parts as a sketch block in an .ipt. The .ipt contains nothing but the sketch block. To use it, the designer only needs to derive the Logo.ipt file into their part and then use the scale setting to set the derived block to the desired size for that part. The result is a scalable set of line geometry that can easily be used for extrusion or emboss that is standard for all users. It works beautifully, that is until you try to use it in a sheet metal part in 2012.
For some reason, when this same part, which works perfectly in normal parts, is derived into a sheet metal part an error pops up stating that, "Selected part does not have any geometry that can be derived." Say what?
I was able to find a workaround by directly copying the block into the sheet metal part, but you no longer have the ability to go back and scale it if needed. Even more strange, when the block was copied over, it could not be deleted from the new part.
Is this just a bug with 2012? Why does it work in a normal part but not sheet metal?
The part i make is from solid model>The part needs to be in sheet metal.What steps do i use to make as sheet metal part and have option to flatten part.
convert the part that I have drawn to sheet metal. I have tried to make the part from sheet metal and it did not work out at all. I have attached both versions of the part.
In previous releases (2009 i think) when i converted a standard part to a sheet metal part i could recall all the sheet metal styles by linking back to the sheet metal template (i can't remember exactly how this was done, but it was possible with one operation)
In 2011 i canot find a quick way of doing this, it looks like i have to open the sheet metal template and export each different style (about 40 of them) and then import each one into the converted part. am i missing something? is there a simpler way similar to how it used to be done? Why have Autodesk made this more difficult?
As it stands at the moment it would be quicker for me to remodel the parts from scratch using the sheet metal template. I know this is the obvious solution, but seems strange to change something that worked well to something that doesn't!
I recently had an issue in adding flanges to a sheet metal part. The thread for that can be seen here:
The problem I am having now is with the size of the part. I need the linear distance from the bottom edge of a flange to match the inner diameter of my part. As you can see, this is not the case as it stands right now.
I am creating a program to write out all the flat patterns of all sheet metal parts in an assy. I save it out as dxf. What I need is to totals of all the sheet metal parts across all sub assy’s etc in other words not “Structured” but “Parts Only” in Inventor BOM terms. All works fine but the only problem is that when a sub assy is a weldment or “inseparable”, it hides the parts inside it and “Parts only” BOM don’t make the internal parts of that sub available and the totals are not correct then. I need the totals because the idea is to write that into the file name including the thickness of the part.
Before using Inventor I used Mechanical Desktop 6 and found the sheet metal functions (AutoSm) to be fairly simple. Since switching over small tasks can now be a nightmare! The main problem I face is exporting flat patterns to dxf format. We use a CNC Turret punch so splined corners on parts are a no-no due to the number of hits required, AutoSM solved this with the 'Apply Smooth' function which created crisp corners suitable for punching. Is there any simlar function available on Inventor? At the minute I either have to apply multiple cut and extrusions to the flat pattern or else 2D modify the dxf file.
Flat pattern sheet metal with a hole cut at an angle. Once flattened it should be 90 deg. to the surface of the sheet for laser cutting. I cannot get inventor to do that.
See images for more details. Autodesk Inventor 2011 SP2 Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3503 @ 2.40GHz RAM: 12 GB SpacePilot Pro
I am trying to make a chute out of 4 pieces of sheet metal. Is there a way to take a solid lofted part, shell it, and then break off each side of the the object for cutting and welding them together. I have an example attached.
I am tying to set my sheet metal rules for parts in my assembly that have differnt materials and I would like the control to be at the assembly level. Is this posssible? I am relatively new to iLogic aand have been trying to figure this out on my own for a couple of days now.
Up until now, for FG I've always created a part with just a sketch in it. I insert that in an assembly and use it as my frame generator driving part. Now, I've started creating a solid instead of just a sketch in the part and using its edges to attach frame members. Picture a cube. I really need to put sheet metal on the cube and have my frame on the outside of the sheet metal. I was setting up a parameter for the sheet metal thickness and offsetting the members in Frame Generator that parameter. Now, I've accidentally discovered that I can select the outside edge of the sheet metal part to attach my frame members to. Is that a valid workflow? If it is, its a bit of an epiphamy for me. Using a parameter in FG as an offset required me to edit each member with FG and update it to get the offset to use the current parameter value.
I'm attempting to use a macro in Inventor 2013 I found on the Mod The Machine blog to lay out the parts of an assembly. They're wood (not sheet metal), and the purpose is to create a drawing/cutlist with flat views of all the parts for easier DXF extraction.
The issue is that not all the parts in our assemblies are created with the length and width on the XY plane. So, some parts are laid flat on the XY and some stand up straight. How do I modify this code to look at the XZ and YZ planes as well for length and width?
I have 2 sheet metal parts, both have been revolved using an angle of 359.9deg so there is a small gap to weld. in the assembly I copied one as a surface onto the other part and I want to scuplt it at the intersection of the two.
The problem I've come to is that the small gap in the surface is preventing me from deleteing the upper part of the cut, how can I make the surface a whole so there is no gap in the cut?
I would like a simple rule adding to some standard pressed sheet metal parts that we have. The code would look at the current model tree and if any features are added to the part then a character (lets say a *) is placed into the "Vendor" field within the iProperties.
Is this possible?
Inventor 2010 Pro SP4, Vault Collaboration 2010 HP Z820 Xeon E5-2643 0 @ 3.3Ghz 16.0GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 5000
I made a part in sheet metal and used the Cut tool for cut-outs...i tried by using flatten Patern,draw sketch but this did not cut there a more better way of making these cuts?
For whatever reason this part was not modeled as a sheet metal part from the beginning, but now we would like to convert it to one. But when the "Convert to Sheet Metal" button is pressed, an error message pops up saying "This model cannot be converted to Sheet Metal because it contains features that have created multiple bodies. In order to convert to Sheet Metal these features must first be removed". The only way I can get this message to go away is to delete all the features. This part is used in a few weldments, so I'd rather not have to redraw it, but I'm at a loss as to why it can't be converted.
I have a 14 gauge sheet metal part that follows the profile in the attached picture. 7/8" legs with a 1/16" offset. Because it's 14 gauge, the contour flange won't create it. I need it to be able to be turned in to a flat pattern so that I may export it to a .dxf.
Is there another way to make this that will allow me to flat pattern it? I have a couple of pieces like this where the offset is very slim, so I am looking for a way to do all of them like this.
Its been a long while since I have run into something that I have drawn which I cannot get to flatten. I am using Inventor 2011. If you can get it to work in 2012 or later, then I guess it is just time I upgrade.