AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Set Sheet Metal Rules For Parts In Assembly
Nov 5, 2013
I am tying to set my sheet metal rules for parts in my assembly that have differnt materials and I would like the control to be at the assembly level. Is this posssible? I am relatively new to iLogic aand have been trying to figure this out on my own for a couple of days now.
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Nov 29, 2011
I am creating a program to write out all the flat patterns of all sheet metal parts in an assy. I save it out as dxf. What I need is to totals of all the sheet metal parts across all sub assy’s etc in other words not “Structured” but “Parts Only” in Inventor BOM terms. All works fine but the only problem is that when a sub assy is a weldment or “inseparable”, it hides the parts inside it and “Parts only” BOM don’t make the internal parts of that sub available and the totals are not correct then. I need the totals because the idea is to write that into the file name including the thickness of the part.
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Jul 29, 2013
If it possible to close corners of 2 different sheet metal parts in one assembly?
see attached image.
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Oct 24, 2012
I am using this code placed in the .ipt file to change Sheet Metal material
If Material_SM=1 TheniProperties.Material="Steel"SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("RB_Mild Steel")ElseiProperties.Material="AISI316"SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("RB_Stainless")End If
It works fine presuming code placed in every .ipt file to be ruled.
Is it possible to modify code in a way so when it placed in top assebly it runs through entire assembly finds all Sheet Metal parts and applys Material prpperties/Sheet metal style according Material_SM parameter.
Inventor 2013 SP2
Windows 7, 64 bits
Core TM2 Duo CPU 2,99 Gz
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Nov 22, 2013
How do we change sheet metal parts material, thickness Bend Radii from an assembly in groups.
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Apr 18, 2012
A local search of my HD and a search on the subject here returned with zero results...
Where does one find the Inventor Sheet Metal Rules excel table for 2012 on a Windows 7 system?
All the documentation says it's located in the Documents and Settings directory, but Windows Vista eliminated that folder and thus it is not in Win7 either.
I can find the SheetMetalRules.xml file, but I need the excel table for modification.
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May 9, 2013
I'm trying to come up with a way to automate the filling of the stock number field in the iproperties for different sheet metal rules. Currenlty I have linked the name of the rule to the description field using the =<Sheet Metal Rule>. So using that varible is out.
A quick solution was to make custom materials for all of the stock numbers and then link that to the sheet metal rule using the material box. This will work except I need to show material name on the parts list.
If only each sheet metal rule had its on iproperties, this would be so easy.
Can this be done with Ilogic?
Forgot to add Inventor pro 2013
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Sep 16, 2011
We are using 2011.I created a VBA tool that populates the FX Userparameters with a Thickness Variable..How do I set the Sheet Metal Rules Thickness to the new new FX UserParameter Thickness Variable?
for example:
The Userparamter variable name is "cab_thk"
Under Sheet Metal Defaults | Sheet Metal Rules | Sheet (Tab)
The Thickness entry should read "cab_thk"
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Sep 30, 2011
How to draw with sheet metal rules centric cone? Ive spent hours on it and nothing, it always end up on ASM failure, or ceates the only one half( when sliced on asymetric way). This need to go in two halfs.
Ive tried:
two circles 1300 and 300, top circle centre moved from Y by 127mm on X axis.
contour roll will revolve on axis between circle centre points, than extrude something with cut and it is but the shape is an oval not circle.
Ive used loft command and slice command but only one side picke will work with flat pattern.
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Apr 29, 2013
I have some assemblies that are made of iLogic parts. The code within the assemblies causes a common external rule to run in each of the parts to update the part's metadata (descriptions, part numbers ect.) to relect any changes to the part.
However, when a change is made to the assembly, not all the parts are effected and yet my code will still run the external rule within the uneffected parts. This slows things down some, but more problematic is the fact that the uneffected parts need to be checked out/revised, even though they themselves haven't changed.
Is there a way of reorganising my code so that external rules are only run in parts that are effected by the assembly change?
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Aug 2, 2012
I recently had an issue in adding flanges to a sheet metal part. The thread for that can be seen here:
The problem I am having now is with the size of the part. I need the linear distance from the bottom edge of a flange to match the inner diameter of my part. As you can see, this is not the case as it stands right now.
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Nov 21, 2012
How to select all sheet metal parts with a certain thickness ?
I am looking for a sample code to select all sheet metal parts with, for example thickness 0.5 mm.
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Oct 1, 2012
Before using Inventor I used Mechanical Desktop 6 and found the sheet metal functions (AutoSm) to be fairly simple. Since switching over small tasks can now be a nightmare! The main problem I face is exporting flat patterns to dxf format. We use a CNC Turret punch so splined corners on parts are a no-no due to the number of hits required, AutoSM solved this with the 'Apply Smooth' function which created crisp corners suitable for punching. Is there any simlar function available on Inventor? At the minute I either have to apply multiple cut and extrusions to the flat pattern or else 2D modify the dxf file.
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Jul 20, 2012
Flat pattern sheet metal with a hole cut at an angle. Once flattened it should be 90 deg. to the surface of the sheet for laser cutting. I cannot get inventor to do that.
See images for more details.
Autodesk Inventor 2011 SP2
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3503 @ 2.40GHz
RAM: 12 GB
SpacePilot Pro
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Jan 25, 2012
I am trying to make a chute out of 4 pieces of sheet metal. Is there a way to take a solid lofted part, shell it, and then break off each side of the the object for cutting and welding them together. I have an example attached.
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Feb 4, 2013
I have made a sheet metal part in inventor (see image). I have made the part as it will be in the finished production state. The problem is that the part is impossible to bend from one single plate, so it has to be made from several plates and welded together.
What i want to do is to remove the four corner plates (denoted with red arrows in the image) and make a flat pattern for these separately.
The reason i made these corner plates in my model is to get the assembled part 100% correct. if i dont, inventor doesnt make the angles that i need between the flanges in the top.
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Feb 22, 2013
Up until now, for FG I've always created a part with just a sketch in it. I insert that in an assembly and use it as my frame generator driving part. Now, I've started creating a solid instead of just a sketch in the part and using its edges to attach frame members. Picture a cube. I really need to put sheet metal on the cube and have my frame on the outside of the sheet metal. I was setting up a parameter for the sheet metal thickness and offsetting the members in Frame Generator that parameter. Now, I've accidentally discovered that I can select the outside edge of the sheet metal part to attach my frame members to. Is that a valid workflow? If it is, its a bit of an epiphamy for me. Using a parameter in FG as an offset required me to edit each member with FG and update it to get the offset to use the current parameter value.
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Jul 23, 2013
Is there a way to split this part into multiple parts? I would like to split the part on the corners, leaving a small gap for welding.
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Mar 18, 2013
I'm attempting to use a macro in Inventor 2013 I found on the Mod The Machine blog to lay out the parts of an assembly. They're wood (not sheet metal), and the purpose is to create a drawing/cutlist with flat views of all the parts for easier DXF extraction.
The issue is that not all the parts in our assemblies are created with the length and width on the XY plane. So, some parts are laid flat on the XY and some stand up straight. How do I modify this code to look at the XZ and YZ planes as well for length and width?
It's a bit long, so here's the link to the code.
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Jun 18, 2013
I have 2 sheet metal parts, both have been revolved using an angle of 359.9deg so there is a small gap to weld. in the assembly I copied one as a surface onto the other part and I want to scuplt it at the intersection of the two.
The problem I've come to is that the small gap in the surface is preventing me from deleteing the upper part of the cut, how can I make the surface a whole so there is no gap in the cut?
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Mar 7, 2013
Another iLogic question for you all.
I would like a simple rule adding to some standard pressed sheet metal parts that we have. The code would look at the current model tree and if any features are added to the part then a character (lets say a *) is placed into the "Vendor" field within the iProperties.
Is this possible?
Inventor 2010 Pro SP4, Vault Collaboration 2010
HP Z820 Xeon E5-2643 0 @ 3.3Ghz 16.0GB RAM
Nvidia Quadro 5000
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Nov 28, 2012
I have created the Sheet Metal part wtih negative flange value. Ipart is creating the parts. but unable to use in assembly
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Mar 29, 2013
We use different types of sheet metals, from stainless to bronze, and different thicknesses.
Currently, in order to show the correct material on a parts list, I have to duplicate the material Stainless Steel, and rename it to say 20 Gauge Stainless Steel. Then again for 16 Ga, 14Ga, 12 Ga, etc...
I'd like to have the parts list show the common material such as "Stainless Steel", with another column for the sheet metal style such as "20 Gauge."
We also use items such as Plastic Laminate. I'd like to create a generic material for the physical properties of "Plastic Laminate", and then change the material appearance to say "Formica #1234 Walnut". Again, i'd like to be able to put this in (2) columns on the parts list.
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May 27, 2013
Automation of the sheet metal bending parts unfold /refold in for Inventor 2013.
I want to unfold the part with selecting the one of the face as stationary face and further selecting the bend/ bends with reference to face in
For refold, I have to select the stationary reference automatically , based on some criteria, and further to select the single and multiple bends by using API.
Also, I want to find the bends and faces relationship i.e.
How to find the bend associated with number of faces, how to find face entity using internal name ;
The code I tried I am attaching here for your reference.
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Nov 28, 2011
Let me start by saying that we rarely use sheet metal parts so I'm not real familiar with that interface. That said, I can create sheet metal parts with square shapes and bends just fine. However, I'm currently stumped as to the best way to model what should be a pretty simple plate.
We have a large, thin (1/8") square plate to which we want to add 2 opposing diagonal very slight breaks to add stiffness to the plate. More specifically, we want these diagonal bends to cover the center part of the plate leaving about a 2" flat flange all the way around the plate.
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Jun 18, 2013
I want to create a flat pattern of a sheet metal-part that I've used in an assembly. In this assembly I've made cut-outs in some of the parts (see attached .png). Is it possible to get at flat pattern of the specific parts with the cutouts? I can e-mail a ZIP-file with the assembly (the file was too large too attach).
Running Inventor professional 2013
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Nov 27, 2012
I have created an assembly that has a parts list, and in this parts list I have up to 100 mono detail drawings. I would like to know if there is a way to print all of these drawing from that list in a massive plot.
At my previous company we had something like this in AutoCAD where a script was created to look at the drawings and print all drawings mentioned in the assembly BOM and subsequent sub-assemblies, it worked beautifully.
I find that I have to print all drawings to paper or PDF individually.
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Oct 3, 2011
I am very new to this whole concept of having ilogic based rules to drive your part design. I have even gotten as far as creating a ipart and having ilogic rules be able to suppress, unsuppress, change values and dimensions using ilogic rules. I now want to be able to use ilogic rules to drive some of the various(yet similiar) assemblies that I create all the time.
For instance, If I have just a flat plate as the base component with a shaft welded to it that varies in length for my assemblies. Since the shaft varies in length, I went ahead and created iparts for all the lengths of the shafts. I can manually change which shaft I want represented in the assembly, but I would like to to know how do I get Ilogic to place the different shafts based on user parameters???
I've looked into component place iparts, but can't seem to get the code to work. The list of iparts tree within the model doesn't pop up in the model tab in the ilogic rule, only the base component.
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Jun 10, 2013
rule the runs from the assembly. My assembly file has 3 sheet metal parts and what I need is use ilogic rules to export them as .dxf files at the same time. It does work when I write the code for each single part, however, the rules not works when I assembly them together. I keep getting the error message
"Error in rule: Rule3, in document: access dr_same
Unable to cast COM object of type 'Inventor._DocumentClass' to interface type 'Inventor.PartDocument'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{29F0D463-C114-11D2-B77F-0060B0F159EF}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."
Something to clear, Rule3 is the rule I wrote in ilogic to export .dxf FILE. everytime the parameter changes, the rule allows me to automatically save the surface as dxf file to a certain location. the rule works perfect in the ipt file.
however, when i assemble 3 sheet metal parts together in an assembly file, this rule not works anymore and give me the above error message.
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Feb 25, 2013
I have a large collection of parts that are controlled from an exteranl rule. I need to make slight changes to the external rule, but for the changes to be successful I need two extra user parameters to be added to each of the parts. There are hundreds of parts, so going in and adding the two parameters to each would take days.
Is there a simple way of getting the external rule to add the two parameters?
P.s. My VB skills are pretty limited, but my understanding of iLogic is pretty good.
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Sep 12, 2013
A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.
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