AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Members Reflect Changes To Factory

Aug 5, 2013

We are facing a strange behaviour, since we switched from network folders to Vault 2011 Professional.

If we create a new revision of an iPart factory and make changes to that factory, members that are placed in assemblies already reflect the changes, although they have not been revisioned and re-generated. It seems like the member is already fetching the latests revision of the factory from Vault by default.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding New Factory Members To Legacy IPart

May 7, 2012

We use Inventor 2012 and will most likely upgrade to 2013 between Christmas and New Year's, when our company traditionally shuts down for a week. I recently had occasion to edit an iPart for a hex head machine screw, originally modeled some years ago by someone who's no longer with the company, to add some sizes. As you'll see, the member names are Hex Head Machine Screws-001.ipt, Hex Head Machine Screws-002.ipt, etc. Why does the table go from Hex Head Machine Screws-002 to Hex Head Machine Screws-290, you ask? I'll get to that in a minute.

This iPart was modeled several Inventor versions ago, when the operator had no control over the iPart factory member names. When Inventor did start offering this control, I jumped right on it. In any iParts I modeled from there on out, I used the capabilities of MS-Excel to create abbreviated part descriptions for the iPart factory member names.

Last week I needed to go into this part and add some sizes. If I added the new sizes in sequence by thread size and screw length, they were going to slot in between the existing  Hex Head Machine Screws-002 and Hex Head Machine Screws-003. The next unused number was 290, so I made the new factory members Hex Head Machine Screws-290 thru -296, as per the attached screen grab. Naturally the suffixes on the factory member names are out of sequence, and it isn’t very elegant.

As I see it, the other alternatives would have been:

1)      Put the new sizes at the end of the list (worse, IMO).
2)      Put the new sizes in sequence and renumber the factory members so they were sequential down the line. If I’d done this, then every factory member (say, Hex Head Machine Screws-011) after the newly added ones would have stood for a different size HHMS than it did before, which would have been really bad.
3)      Rework the table so the existing names with numerical suffixes went away and were replaced by mnemonic names, as on my more recently modeled iParts. This would have resulted in assemblies looking for factory members under names that no longer existed, but it would have been possible to substitute the screws under their new names. I should mention that we are using the Vault, which makes matters easier.

I would have liked to take approach (3), but I was under some time pressure to finish an assembly using these fasteners.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing IProperties Of IPart Factory

Sep 19, 2012

So I've spent a whole day creating a load of iParts... When testing them in assembly I realised I didn't fill in some iProperties that I was intending to on making the part factory (Vendor etc).

Now I can change an iProperty in the factor but it doesn't to seem to come through to generated parts when they are inserted into an assembly.

(without making the whole thing again...)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Failed To Save Factory Member (iPart)?

Mar 30, 2012

I'm having trouble with iParts.  This specific part is for a component that has many dimensions that vary from size to size, for a total of 23 configurations, 9 inch, and 14 metric.  I did not have this problem until today... when trying to work with the iAssembly that uses two iParts (by means of selecting which Part Factory Member is used in each Assembly Factory Member).

I know that if the files are read-only, the files will fail to generate.  I have checked this, was still having trouble, and so I deleted the files.  The problem persists.

All the members compute successfully and there are no empty cells when editing the table. The filenames are just letters/numbers and dashes, no spaces.

The assemblies and parts had been generated and checked into vault, but only now problems exist, only for the newer parts, which happen to be the metric parts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Members Are Missing IMates

Nov 4, 2011

I'm having an issue with imates not showing up on members of an ipart. If I open the factory file the imates are there, but if I open the member file the imates are not there. This is causing an imate error in my assembly because when I need to switch members out (at the assembly level) the imates are not holding because they're not there!?!

I've even tried "Dirtying" the file by creating a plane and then deleting it, doing a save, then a generate files. This doesn't work either. Why won't the imates show up correctly on the members that they're supposed to show up on?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding New Members To IPart By ILogic Rule

Apr 1, 2013

I’m trying to make an iLogic rule that creates a new row in the iPart  table (new member). Is it possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Link IPart Members Into New Part File

Aug 7, 2013

I have facing issue to link the ipart members in to the new part.

for example, i have one machining part that machining part showing  make from number. so, i created make from first. it has 10 instance.using iPART i created 10 members.after that i need to be do the machining.machining drawing also having 10 members. How i call the each make from members in to the machining model.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Turning On BOM View Generating All Members

Jun 5, 2013

When I enable the structured bom in an iAssembly that contains an iPart it is attempting to generate all members before it will enable the bom. This doesn't work as the iAssembly and iPart have 1800 variations each. Our servers cannot handle taking up that amount of space. I did the exact same procedure for a different part and the bom did not populate in this manner. The only difference is that the iProperties comment changes based on which part is selected. 

Also, description is set using =<comments>

Stock number is set using =<part number>

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Factory Table On Drawing Show Equation Not Value For Parameters

Oct 21, 2008

I have an iPart that I have created parameters to perform some basic calcs so the values will show up on every member. The parameters are correct for the different member so it appears to be working correctly on the model side. For example I have a parameter called 'CutLength' that performs simple math functions. But when I make the table on the drawing and I include this parameter, I see the formula in the table instead of the value. Is there a way I can have it display the value instead of the equation?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extracting Sheet Metal Properties In IPart Members

Jun 22, 2013

I have many I-parts that have many members. All these members differ in size, sheet metal style and material. 

That's a nice case for an I-part right? We can manage the members in a table, and we can create flat patterns & drawings that go with these members, so when we get an order for a machine, we don't have to touch any of these components. 

The things is, that I want to show the length & width of the flat pattern, the sheet metal style, and the K-factor of the I-parts members in the parts lists of the assemblies they sit in. 

I have 4 custom properties for this. Flat_Pattern_Length; Flat_Pattern_Width; Sheet_Metal_Style; Sheet_Metal_k_Factor

These properties show up on the parts lists. I use Inventor 2012 (with Solidworks Enterprise PDM)

I have tried to make a rule in the factory that fills these properties. I fire the rule on "save document". My train of thought: Every time Inventor saves a member, it applies the factory rule, and fills the member properties.

Results are extremely unstable. I have seen all members generated with correct properties, I have also seen that literally nothing happens on the members. There are some brute force workarounds (edit member scope, run rule) but this is not a sustainable solution. 

I cannot imagine it would be so hard to get the sheet metal information available as properties for these files! The use of I-parts is a fixed constraint, and the use of those property names is an almost fixed constraint. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mark IAssembly Or IPart Dirty So That Members Regenerate?

Jul 7, 2013

Inventor does not think an update is required for iAssembly members after changes to attributes on a client feature are saved. In our workflow we avoid rebuild all because it causes subassemblies to change, so we force an update by changing a parameter. Through the API is there a good way to indicate that our change was significant enough for members to need updating?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Balloon Customization To Reflect The Hardware Count Per Node

Aug 10, 2012

We are trying to relate to the floor how many pieces of HW should go in partiular places.

The balloon with HW count, unfortunately, gives only overall quantity which is less then useful.

I describe my problem in the graphics area attached.

Should be easy, I guess, but, so far, wecould not figure out the best way of dealing with it rather than we are using now.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Part Number To Reflect Individual Gears

Apr 4, 2012

When we generate a gear pair using the design accelerator, the balloon from the drawing assembly only reflect one number instead of 2 different numbers.  How can we change the number to reflect individual gears.  Attached is the graphics.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generating Factory Part For Drawings

Feb 12, 2013

I have a C-channel that I bent and then created a i-part of so that I could place both a formed and flat view in the drawing. After creating the drawing it was determined that the channel needed to be longer. Not a problem, open the factory, edit the part, open table and verify, close table and activate both parts, save and close factory. It's all good, until I run a print  and the flat part (-02) of the factory still shows the old length. Next I open the factory, select table and both members and generate. The message " not able to save factory" appears.

Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add A New Member Row To IAssembly Factory Table

Feb 6, 2013

I am trying to come up with an automatic method to add a new row to my i assembly table and populate that row based on values entered by the user (assuming that combination of values doesn't already exist... ).  Basically, I wish to build my i assembly table on demand over long term by user input via a form that calls an ilogic rule.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Default Factory Assets On 2D Layout

Aug 24, 2012

Does Inventor give the ability to place default Factory Assets on a 2D factory layout? I know the Factory Design Suite has the ability to do this, but I don't need the Suite as I already own AutoCAD. All I need to be able to do is visualize a 3D factory layout such as in the following video for the Factory Design Suite:[URL].......

What software will accomplish this? And again, I wouldn't need the Suite, because I don't need any other feature than to insert 3D factory assets onto a 2D layout.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Insert A File As Overlay Into Factory

Aug 24, 2012

I am trying to insert a AutoCad file as a Overlay into Factory.

The problem I'm having is the text in the Autocad file scales up and becomes a thick font.....I can't see or use the geometry under the text (text becomes a thick wall above with the geometry below.

The text seems to have a life of it's own..otherwise the geometry is fine. I know there are layer settings that can be turned on/off within factory.

I created a new file and stripped out the text from the AutoCad file to be able to use in Factory.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Importing Factory Design User Assets

Apr 23, 2012

Is there any way to import user defined factory assets within Inventor Factor Design?  It would be nice to be able to import the assets created on my desktop directly to my user asset library on my laptop whithout having to go through the process of checking out all of the parts/assemblies and republishing them as user assets onto my laptop.  I am the only on in the office currently using Factory Design, but the rest of the office will transition to Factory Design once we implement 2013.  It would be nice if I had this figured out before that transition happens so the rest of the employees don't have to go through the process of republishing user assets to their own libraries.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Activating Factory Design Suite 2012

Apr 2, 2012

I am trying to activate factory design suite ultimate 2012 on a mac pc which is running on parallel desktop, but it give a error Reactivation Limit Reached.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Factory Asset - 2014 - No Drag / Drop

Nov 21, 2013

Having issue in Inventor Pro 2014 with the factory layout/simulation add-on (factory design suite) where you can't drag and drop "out of the box" assets onto your factory floor?

When I drag/drop onto the factory floor, nothing happens and no message appears..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disappearing Frame Members?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm trying to generate frame members around a combination of 2D & 3D sketches, the preview is fine however when I click apply and OK it magically vanishes 

Everything is set up fine in the 'Insert Frame' dialogue box and the previews look spot on.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Frame Members

Oct 5, 2011

Can i create a custom size frame member and  publish this custom size metal frame member for use with the Frame Generator?

Also is it possible to publish the frame member with a particular color?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Merge Members With Frame Generator

Aug 6, 2013

I've created a frame out of tubular steel using frame generator.  When specifying sketch lines for the members, i indadvertently selected two adjacent, co linear members, instead of going from point to point.

i.e. frame members are A to B and B to C  - what I am after is a frame member from A to C.

I want to merge the two, to have a continuous piece of steel, however i'm afraid that deleting them both and replacing will delete mates which i have in place to each of their faces.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: In A Drawing - Table Members Don't Show

Nov 18, 2013

I made a table in the file and also split the part into 2 solids.

In the drawing, when i choose the first table mamber it shows both. when i choose to show the active member it shows the first member only (as i want).It didn't happen before i split the part.

My zip program doesn't know to include only the subfolder with the generated table files, only the whole path. i hope you will manage to generate the files, if not-i will add them with the whole path

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Properties For All Frame Members In One

Jun 3, 2013

I've made a number of frame generated assemblies with standard ISO 30X30X3 L-beams. Now they wanna change it to another dimension still standard just 40X40X4 instead.

I'm pretty new to this but shouldn't I be able to do this for an assemble in one go with frame generator?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Configure Transfer From Factory Design Suite Group?

Oct 8, 2012

I was unable to configure a transfer from Factory Design Suite Group. This is more appropriate here.

Approx August, Inventor 2013 started to randomly crash.

Until then it was working fine.

Service packs & several re-installs have not cured it.

I cannot replicate the process.

I am lucky if I get 20 minutes of operation.

One day it actually ran all day. The next it crashed maybe 20 times.

Several projects have only needed 2D work which works fine but I have run out of time to postpone the Inventor projects.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - IDW Shows Frame Members Incorrectly

Jul 28, 2012

With all the service packs and updates installed 2012 still fails to sometimes recognize frame members properly.  Not only is the frame mitre being ignored, the frame was never as long as the idw is showing.  It was only as long as the edge.   I have spent hours deleting and re-created the frame, views and even completely re-created the drawing but why it's doing this.  2010, 2011 & 2012 have all had frame generator bugs. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Sketch - Members Moving To Dimensions

Jul 23, 2012

(in Inventor) sometimes I am beset with a problem that I want to edit my sketch but sketch members like line(s),circle(s) are moving to dimensions which I don't want. The sketch is moving. How can I overcome this problem,

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Selecting Frame Generator Members In Browser

Nov 29, 2012

I commonly need to select frame generator members to change visibility, etc. but since they are all contained in a single frame I need to do this in the browser.  This can be difficult because I need to zoom in on the screen while having the section of the browser visible on screen at the same time.  Is there a way that I can individually select each member in the assembly without using the browser?

Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Show Just Frame And Not As Members In Parts List?

Feb 28, 2012

The following is the problem: I have an assy with multiple different frames. If I make a parst list in the IDW all the frame members are shown seperatey, I just want to show only the frames in de parts list. I tried grouping, but when two assy's are the same that doesn't work any more.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Why Members Change Position Done In Assembly Mode

Dec 23, 2011

why members change position once mirror has been done in Assembly mode.

1..... i complete a sketch and save it.

2....Then i open  up a new assebly while in the same project and save that also.

3...I place the sketch in the assembly and then go straight to Design tab and select insert frame a PFC member.

4   Also the sketch is fully constrained before going into assembly.

5..Now all mitering has been done.

6 Problem is when you Mirror the PFC  in the assembly after picking a face or plane they change....................?

7 They mirror but swap ends and the miters are opp hand.

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