AutoCAD Inventor :: Hide SketchesSymbol Name In Browser On Active Sheet?

Jan 27, 2012

How hide SketchesSymbol name in browser on active sheet?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Hide Dimension In Active Sketch

Mar 26, 2012

How can I do this? A reference dimension was created by a circular pattern and it covers a circle I'm try to select. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Auto Hide Panel And Browser Bar

Sep 13, 2006

Is there any possibility to auto hide the Panel Bar and the Browser Bar ? I'm looking for something that works the same way as the AutoHide for the properties in AutoCad.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Referenced Document Of Active Sheet

Oct 22, 2012

I'm trying to get the value of the Category iproperty of the model on the active drawing sheet.  This is not a problem in a single sheet drawing, but I'm not sure how to specifically retrieve the Referenced Document of the Active Sheet in s multi sheet drawing.

Here's what I have: 

Option Explicit

Public Sub PartsListFilter()

'set reference to the drawing document
'assumes that a drawing is active
Dim oDraw As DrawingDocument
Set oDraw = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Sheet Name From Browser Be Used In Tile Block

Jan 9, 2012

For years we have been using a prompted entry in our drawings for the sheet number.  E001

We have also been changing the sheet name in the browser to match this.  If the sheet number changes, we have to change both.  Can the sheet name from the browser be used in the tile block?  I couldn't seem to locate it under any of the properties.

Our ultimate goal is to use Ilogic to read and write the sheet numbers from a master Excel sheet.  I haven't been able to find any reference to Ilogic working with prompted entries.

Currently we are using Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Scale In Title Block - No Prompted Entry / Keep Current Sheet Active

Apr 9, 2013

 First, it requires there to be a prompted entry text box in the title block named <SCALE>, is there any way to write to a textbox that is not prompted entry?  The prompt when a new drawing or sheet is created is misleading and makes users think they need to manually fill out the prompt.  Secondly, this code works on multi-sheet drawings but it concludes by making the last sheet active.  Since we are triggering this rule before save it's a nuisance to have the drawing switch sheets everytime you do a save.  Ideally, the current active sheet should remain active when the rule runs.  Here is the
For Each oSheet In ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Sheets
If oSheet.TitleBlock Is Nothing Or oSheet.DrawingViews.count=0 Then Exit Sub

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Link DWG Number To Sheet Name In Browser Window

Jun 1, 2011

I was just wandering if there is any possible way to get the DWG NO. (part name in our case) to link the the Sheet Name in the Browser window? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Insert Sheet List Table Is Not Active?

Nov 6, 2013

“insert sheet list table” is not active, 

I couldn’t figure out in which cases the “insert sheet list table” (attached) gets not active.

This command is supposed to provide table of contents for the layouts specified in the set of sheets pane

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Browser Doesn't Match Model Browser

Oct 29, 2012

I opened the drawing and then from the drawing opened the model.  In the drawing it is showing the 4th instance of ROUND CRS-032175 X 33 as an assembly.  It also is not showing in the view and yet the visibility is checked.  AI2012 SP2 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Add Browser Node To Empty Browser Folder

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to use the Browsernode.addchild method to add an occurence to an empty browser folder. The code fails at this point and I gett an error pointing to the line "Call oTargetNode.AddChild(oSourceNodeDef)". I can add the occurence with the browserpanes.Reorder method without issue if the folder is not empty. The code is pasted Below.

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:   29338 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:   29306 StartSelection:     314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
DimPrcsTpAsStringPrcsTp=InputListBox("Process Type?", MultiValue.List("ProcessType"), Parameter("ProcessType"), Title :="Select Process Type", ListName :="Process Type")DimRtgNameAsStringRtgName=PrcsTp&"-"&Parameter("NoRtgsInc")+1MessageBox.Show(RtgName, "Title",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)DimoAsmAsAssemblyDocument=ThisDoc.DocumentDimoMatrixAsMatrix=ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrixDimoOccAsComponentOccurrenceoOcc=oAsm.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AddVirtual(RtgName, oMatrix)DimoCompDefVirtualAsVirtualComponentDefinition=oOcc.Definition'CREATE AND SET THE


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force To Use Browser Of Choice Or Default Browser?

Nov 7, 2011

When I press F1 Inventor opens the help on my default browser (Chrome), but when I click the bynocular it uses Internet Explorer.

Is it possible to force Inventor to use a browser of my choice or the default browser?

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Maya Animation :: Hide Non-active Animation Layer F-curves In Graph

Apr 18, 2013

My current scene has 10 animation layers for a character, and seeing every f-curve from all layers, although grey and locked, when I only need to see the f-curves in layer I'm working on is really cluttering the graph editor. My current work around is selecting my active layer in the Layer Editor every time I select a rig control. Simple enough, but a pretty inefficient way of working. I can't seem to find a setting that allows me to just see ONLY the fcurves in the active layer. I imagine some of you out there may have hundreds of animations for a single game character.

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Revit :: Sheet Name Not Talking To Browser?

Feb 17, 2012

Was instructed to use arch titleblock.  I created my own shared parameters file.  I can physically click on the sheet and name the sheet but the name doesnt change in the project browser, 
So I created a shared parameters file.  I created the parameters I needed (in this case the sheet title).  The parameter properties discipline set to common, type set to text.  I  edited each label I wanted to re-associate. Hit new, selected the shared parameter, removed the arch label and added mine.  I loaded into project and had it overwrite parameters.  Then I went to the project parameters and added my shared parameters and under category applied to the sheets.
why the two (project browser and the sheet itslef arent talking? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Drawing Sheet To New Custom Sheet Format

Sep 20, 2013

I have an older drawing with an outdated sheet format. I'm wanting to update to a new custom sheet format without having to redimension and recreate views. Is it possible to just update the sheet format?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal From Flat Sheet To Rolled Part?

Sep 12, 2013

A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Accessing Sheet In Multiple Sheet Drawing

Apr 16, 2012

I have a dwg file with three sheets in, just default names, I can access sheets 2 and 3 but get the attached errors when trying to access sheet 1 form either sheet 2 or 3

This file was originally created in IV2009 I've had no problems then or with the various conversions of it.

It seems to be memory related so here's the sitrep as for memory 8GB DDR2 RAM, and Virtual Memory set at min of 8192MB and a Max of 16384MB, I did have it set a systems managed but that gave a warning of low virtual memory with almost every drawing file that I opened.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Link Text From One Sheet To A Field In Another Sheet

Aug 5, 2013

I am using Inventor 2010 (I know this is my first problem, but you have to use what you're given!) and I need to use the sheet number in a calculation that will display the result in a text box.  =((<SHEET NUMBER>-1)8)=1  displays a result of ((11-1)8)+1. I suspect that the sheet number is being brought in as text instead of a number. I tried adding atoi to the equation to convert the sheet number to an integer, but it did not work.Is there an alternate source for the sheet number that will return a number? Is my syntax wrong?

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Edge Animate CC :: Working With Polygon Shapes And Defining Active / Non-active Mouseover Areas?

Mar 7, 2014

Since Edge only has rectangles and ellipses built in as available shapes, how to I/we work with polygon shapes and active mouseover areas INSIDE of these shapes and non-active mouseover areas OUTSIDE of the shapes?
Problem/symptom: when I import a polygon, be it any file format from from Photoshop or SVG from Illustrator, a rectangular border/background (transparent) gets applied, leading to this rectangle defining the mouseover area of the shape - and not the shape itself (be it a star or whatever).
WHAT I WANT: the very shape defines the mouseover area. How do I achieve this?? See examle below:
WHAT I DON'T WANT: how is is now:

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Capture Active Window

Sep 9, 2013

I`m looking for the code which will capture the active window similar to iProperties-->Save--> Capture

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete Active Sketch?

Dec 15, 2011

I want to delete  the inital Sketch (if was already opened) that Inventor creates when a new part is added.

I have tried this, but doesn't work.

Sketch sketchActive = docPart.SketchActive.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Options To Add Objects / Active X To VBA Project

Dec 23, 2013

Where are the options to add objects & ActiveX objects to the VBA project? i can reference them but thats it... Have i got to do everything late binding or can i drag an object onto a form in design view?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Drawing Active Standard

Dec 16, 2008

I'm new to the style library and how to take an existing drawing that was created on one standard, and changing it to another standard I just created. The new standard has different dimension styles, text, and layers. I've added all the styles to my style library and I've set the new standard to the active standard in both the styles and standards editor and the document settings. If I create a new view, it comes in on the new standard, but the existing views are still on the old. How to I get the existing views on the new standard?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Active Constraints In Sub Assemblies

May 29, 2013

How you can keep constraints active in sub assemblies so that when I am moving a subassembly the extra movement say in a transitional constraint is able to move so I can see if the total movement allowed is to much?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change DimStyle To Active Standard?

Jun 20, 2012

Changes all dimensions, balloons, ect (define more if you want) to current object default in active standard.

Sub ChangeDimStyle()'J.Kriek 2012 Dim oApp As Application Dim oIdw As DrawingDocument Dim oDim As DrawingDimension Dim oBalloon As Balloon Dim oDimStyle As DrawingStandardStyle Dim oSheet As Sheet Set oApp = ThisApplication


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Retrieve Active Sheets Revision?

Mar 25, 2011

How can you retrieve the active sheets revision?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Closing Active File Without Saving?

Mar 27, 2013

Trying to create a bit of code that when the 'OnNew Document' event is fired the code checks for a particular Custom Property. Depending on what the Custom Property is set to a form is then fired with relevant text to point the user to a specific area in the workspace. Al this works ok.

But if they press cancel i need the code close the activate 'Part1' which inturn then allows the user to select 'New' to begin again.

I have tried various scenarios but the main problem is that Inventor then crashes!

PublicSub applicationEvents_OnNewDocument(DocumentObject As Inventor._Document, BeforeOrAfter As Inventor.EventTimingEnum, Context As Inventor.NameValueMap, ByRef HandlingCode As Inventor.HandlingCodeEnum) Handles applicationEvents.OnNewDocument


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Filing System / Active Project

Jul 27, 2013

So here's the situation: I have been importing parasolid files into Inventor. When doing so, a folder named "Imported Components" would pop up right next to the parasolid file, with individual Inventor part files of all the assembly parts in the parasolid file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Claims Parts Are Not In Active Project?

Oct 30, 2013

Inventor claims all parts and assemblies in certain project as located not in acctive project file, which is not true, see video attached.

This project was copied and ipj file renamed. I did it many times before without problems.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Error Closing Active Documents

Jul 4, 2012

I am using iLOgic on Inv 2012 to try and close the active document using the following piece of code - 

InventorVb.Application.activedocument.Close (True)

This close the document but brings up the following Error msg...

Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))

Any better piece of code that shuts down the active document but doesn't return the error? (I only want to shut down one document, not the application)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Update Table In Drawing - IPart Active Row

Feb 27, 2013

I have two tables on a drawing one showing a parts list the other changes to dimensions.

The table to show the dimension changes is a configuration table pointing to an ipart.

iLogic is used to update the ipart but you have to right click to update the Active Member in the ipart to see the drawing update.

Is there a way to automate the 'update active member'? (on the ipart table - this does update the drawing)

I just have the one row in the table, it's purpose was to pass the values onto the drawing (as the part resizes I didn't want the dimensions moving so opted to tabulate them) - hoping they would update!


Is there a way to have a table update parametrically i.e. I've tried .csv as a source to the table but can't force an update. This way I could scrap the ipart & just import the values to a table.

The table also includes some txt comments which change with the ipart properties.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Open File - Master Or Last Active Representation

Oct 16, 2012

I have an issue with opening assembly files as they always open as Master not Last Active.

Have I missed an option on another tab or something else?

64-Bit Inventor Professional 2012
Build 219, SP2

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