AutoCAD Inventor :: Link DWG Number To Sheet Name In Browser Window
Jun 1, 2011I was just wandering if there is any possible way to get the DWG NO. (part name in our case) to link the the Sheet Name in the Browser window?
View 3 RepliesI was just wandering if there is any possible way to get the DWG NO. (part name in our case) to link the the Sheet Name in the Browser window?
View 3 RepliesI am using Inventor 2010 (I know this is my first problem, but you have to use what you're given!) and I need to use the sheet number in a calculation that will display the result in a text box. =((<SHEET NUMBER>-1)8)=1 displays a result of ((11-1)8)+1. I suspect that the sheet number is being brought in as text instead of a number. I tried adding atoi to the equation to convert the sheet number to an integer, but it did not work.Is there an alternate source for the sheet number that will return a number? Is my syntax wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have one doubt i have one big assembly in that more than thousand parts.
my doubt is how to find particular part in browser bar.
like how to search particular part number in browser bar.
I need to make installation plans on climate ceilings, which are steel cassettes with Meandro tube element located where cold or hot water is flowing through.
Now it may occur that a cassette is given a code 700 which represents the type of cassette. If inside the cassette is placed a Meandro element its become a follow number eg 700-01.
It may also be that the same cassette No. 700 gets another Meandro element and because the cassette has not changed shape the number 700 remains the same but the follow number change e.g. 700-02.
At the moment I change the number in the browser,(inv2012) I therefore want automatically the iproperties ,partnumber and stock number, to fit. When I go to the BOM, the part- and stock numbers automatically will be placed.
The browser codes are not displayed in the BOM. So if I specify for change I only have to do so in the browser. I wanted to do so by iLogic but then ran into problems. I found a tutorial from Rob Cohee with ilogic so you won’t forget to fill in your iproperties.
I also wanted to do so with the iproprtie Stock number but get an error stating that I must declare the name. How must i declare a name.
Also i was told for entering the browse name in ilogic i had to use displayName, but I get a error stating that the name is Read Only.
So how can i, after i change the browse name, automatically fill in the iproperties ‘part number and/or stock number? Is there an ilogic code for?
I want my browser name using iLogic particular change to the part number. I fill in my iproperties, the part number. Then the browser name has to take over the part number.
But i get an error.
doc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oCC As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oCC In doc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
OccName = oCC.Name
oCC.Name = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")
For years we have been using a prompted entry in our drawings for the sheet number. E001
We have also been changing the sheet name in the browser to match this. If the sheet number changes, we have to change both. Can the sheet name from the browser be used in the tile block? I couldn't seem to locate it under any of the properties.
Our ultimate goal is to use Ilogic to read and write the sheet numbers from a master Excel sheet. I haven't been able to find any reference to Ilogic working with prompted entries.
Currently we are using Inventor 2012
using IV2012 within the same project file i have three models. one model i can open parts or assemblies from the browser or right click on the component on the window. the other two models upon the right click or selecting in the browser the open or the edit are not available as an operation.
T7400-64bit XP
Xeon 3.2 GHz, 8GB
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Factory Design Suite 2012
I would like the size of bearing to be included in addition to existing data to the File name, Part number and Browser name like for example the DIN 625 T1 does. I have copied the DIN 625 bearings to the custom library. I have added required info to File Name building and to the Part Number building in the custom library and now my Filename and Part Number are as I like to.
But I cannot find how to force the Browser name to be equal to Part number or File Name? [URL]
How hide SketchesSymbol name in browser on active sheet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I suppress a part or a sub-assembly in Inventor 2013 and then right click on the suppressed item in the browser window I always get an cadabundus error message (see attachment), after I press OK I get the normal right click menu hovering over the item.
I have Inventor 2013 RTM 64 bit Build 138, and running on Vista 64bit.
When using multiple sheets within an IDW. Can the first sheet start out with a number other than 1, in otherwords start with sheet number 31, then every sheet after that be indexed by 1, ie 32, 33, 34 etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to use the part number propertie to change the sheet name in the .idw
So when i insert a new sheet and place a part the part number wil be placed in the title block and i want to change the sheet name to that part number.
I am making an assembly where I wanted to use an excel sheet to link common paramters between the parts. I know how to do it for just my single system, but I am wanting to have all the parts and the excel sheet stored in my vault server. Is there anyway to link the parameter list to the excel file stored in the vault or how can I go about having a common file that everybody can access.
What I am worried about is if the excel file is located on my computer and someone tries to open a part on another machine, it will not find the excel parameters and everything crash.
Let's say I have two independent drawings one with a single part and 1 with an assembly + parts list containing the single part.
So I would like to have an item note on the drawing sheet with the single part referring to the assy drawing, part number & Quantity for this item in the parts list.
I tried to match the dimensions of the already existing product with new dimension through fx parameters(using link excel sheet), while conversion all the dimensions are changed except taper value (By default it comes with inch instead of degrees) It can be changed by adding user parameter but i want it to consider from excel sheet data itself. Is it possible? For reference i have attached the snap shots
View 1 Replies View RelatedI placed a Sheet Propertie called Sheet Number in my title block.
I want only my sheet number in my title block and not the follow number.
I found the code made bij Curtis Waguespack and changed Mid to Left.
In the message box it shows the number i want but in the title block it shows only the follow number.
My sheet number is 400:1
why dusn't show only the number 400 in the titleblock?
i = 1
SheetNumber = Left(oSheet.Name, InStr(1, oSheet.Name, ":")- 1)
MessageBox.Show(SheetNumber, oSheet.Name)
On a multi page drawing, I want a sketched symbol to placed on a upper right hand side, “For BOM, see Sheet: X” to be placed on every sheet except the sheet where the parts list available on the drawings. Also the Sketched symbol prompted entry automatically filled up with the sheet number (Parts list page).
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhat is the code to select a drawing sheet by either its number or description but NOT both together?
Sometimes want need to select the first sheet by number 1 but the sheet description can change. and Sometimes we will need to select the sheet by its description but the sheet number may vary.
Is it possible to associate leader text with a particular page number.
For instance, I want to write, "see page 6"
But if I add a page before 6 then I have to remember to update the note. Is there a way to live link this in the leader?
I'm trying to come up with a way to automate the filling of the stock number field in the iproperties for different sheet metal rules. Currenlty I have linked the name of the rule to the description field using the =<Sheet Metal Rule>. So using that varible is out.
A quick solution was to make custom materials for all of the stock numbers and then link that to the sheet metal rule using the material box. This will work except I need to show material name on the parts list.
If only each sheet metal rule had its on iproperties, this would be so easy.
Can this be done with Ilogic?
Forgot to add Inventor pro 2013
How to reference the drawign sheet number using iLogic? I see on the snippets on the side a way to reference the sheet name, but I only want the number. To get the name it is ActiveSheet.Name, but ActiveSheet.Number does not work. Getting the name give something like ASSM:1, so if there was a way to take that and subtract the colon and everything before it that would work also. I am not a programmer, I've just taked some programs I found online and modified them a little to do what I want to do, but this is holding me back a bit.
Overall, I'm trying to modify the drawing view label to have a project number, referenced from the drawign iProperties, a view label, and sheet number, and then save that info in an iproperty of the part, and then reference that in the BOM so it automatically labels all of the views and fills out a column of the BOM to reference which page and view to find the parts of the assembly. I have everything working except for the sheet number.
How to “synchronize” the ‘layout number” with “sheet number”?
As in most cases, the arrangements of “lay outs” reflects the way they are regularly printed, then how could we renumbering the sheets such that the first lay out takes number 1, the second lay out takes number 2,…and so forth.
For example, in the screenshot below, the
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
I have been trying to create a macro that would add a custom property to my sheet metal parts that would tell me the total number of piercings in the part (holes and punches). So far I have the punches to count correctly but I am having issues with the holes, as I am getting an error.
Sub Piercings() 'Get the part doc and sheet metal component defn. No error handling: Dim oPartDocument As Inventor.PartDocument Set oPartDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSheetMetalComp As
What is the name of a value that might hold the total number of bends in a part?
Or at least how those feature are managed?
Simply put, I'd like to pull the total number of bends into a parameter so it can be exported later.
Is there any VBA code that can count the number of bends used in a sheet metal part?I would like to make a custom property of this, so it can be exported to Excel for input in our ERP system
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to incude the sheet number that a drawing view has been moved to? I have an elevation tag that shows the view identifier, I am looking to have the sheet number referenced where I show "Field Text-Manual" in the attachments below. I am using inventor 2014.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using AutoCAD 2013 and I working on a project of approxamitely 80 pages and I have a Sheet Set Manager set up.There are about 40 pages that have text saying Continuation on Sheet XX of YY. I managed to use a field for the total count (YY) however I need to link the XX to the another drawing. I have researched and failed miserably.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have over a 100pg plan set and have changed page numbers and added more drawings and deleted a few. so now we have to go through the entire Table of Contents and drawings and renumber everything. Is there a way to link the fields in the Table of Contents with the page numbers on the drawings?
View 2 Replies View RelatedStandard sheet number option gives you only 1, 2 and so on.
I want A1 where A does not change and 1 changes depending on sheet number.
I opened the drawing and then from the drawing opened the model. In the drawing it is showing the 4th instance of ROUND CRS-032175 X 33 as an assembly. It also is not showing in the view and yet the visibility is checked. AI2012 SP2
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use the Browsernode.addchild method to add an occurence to an empty browser folder. The code fails at this point and I gett an error pointing to the line "Call oTargetNode.AddChild(oSourceNodeDef)". I can add the occurence with the browserpanes.Reorder method without issue if the folder is not empty. The code is pasted Below.
Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML: 165 EndHTML: 29338 StartFragment: 314 EndFragment: 29306 StartSelection: 314 EndSelection: 314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
DimPrcsTpAsStringPrcsTp=InputListBox("Process Type?", MultiValue.List("ProcessType"), Parameter("ProcessType"), Title :="Select Process Type", ListName :="Process Type")DimRtgNameAsStringRtgName=PrcsTp&"-"&Parameter("NoRtgsInc")+1MessageBox.Show(RtgName, "Title",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)DimoAsmAsAssemblyDocument=ThisDoc.DocumentDimoMatrixAsMatrix=ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrixDimoOccAsComponentOccurrenceoOcc=oAsm.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AddVirtual(RtgName, oMatrix)DimoCompDefVirtualAsVirtualComponentDefinition=oOcc.Definition'CREATE AND SET THE