I want to use the part number propertie to change the sheet name in the .idw
So when i insert a new sheet and place a part the part number wil be placed in the title block and i want to change the sheet name to that part number.
I have been trying to create a macro that would add a custom property to my sheet metal parts that would tell me the total number of piercings in the part (holes and punches). So far I have the punches to count correctly but I am having issues with the holes, as I am getting an error.
Sub Piercings() 'Get the part doc and sheet metal component defn. No error handling: Dim oPartDocument As Inventor.PartDocument Set oPartDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSheetMetalComp As
Is there any VBA code that can count the number of bends used in a sheet metal part?I would like to make a custom property of this, so it can be exported to Excel for input in our ERP system
Why when I mirror a part in an assembly the mirrored part gets a new part number? I want to mirror only the position of the part which is always the same part. Is it possible to do that in Inventor?
A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.
I set up our company log which gets embossed on most parts as a sketch block in an .ipt. The .ipt contains nothing but the sketch block. To use it, the designer only needs to derive the Logo.ipt file into their part and then use the scale setting to set the derived block to the desired size for that part. The result is a scalable set of line geometry that can easily be used for extrusion or emboss that is standard for all users. It works beautifully, that is until you try to use it in a sheet metal part in 2012.
For some reason, when this same part, which works perfectly in normal parts, is derived into a sheet metal part an error pops up stating that, "Selected part does not have any geometry that can be derived." Say what?
I was able to find a workaround by directly copying the block into the sheet metal part, but you no longer have the ability to go back and scale it if needed. Even more strange, when the block was copied over, it could not be deleted from the new part.
Is this just a bug with 2012? Why does it work in a normal part but not sheet metal?
The part i make is from solid model>The part needs to be in sheet metal.What steps do i use to make as sheet metal part and have option to flatten part.
convert the part that I have drawn to sheet metal. I have tried to make the part from sheet metal and it did not work out at all. I have attached both versions of the part.
In previous releases (2009 i think) when i converted a standard part to a sheet metal part i could recall all the sheet metal styles by linking back to the sheet metal template (i can't remember exactly how this was done, but it was possible with one operation)
In 2011 i canot find a quick way of doing this, it looks like i have to open the sheet metal template and export each different style (about 40 of them) and then import each one into the converted part. am i missing something? is there a simpler way similar to how it used to be done? Why have Autodesk made this more difficult?
As it stands at the moment it would be quicker for me to remodel the parts from scratch using the sheet metal template. I know this is the obvious solution, but seems strange to change something that worked well to something that doesn't!
When using multiple sheets within an IDW. Can the first sheet start out with a number other than 1, in otherwords start with sheet number 31, then every sheet after that be indexed by 1, ie 32, 33, 34 etc.
On a multi page drawing, I want a sketched symbol to placed on a upper right hand side, “For BOM, see Sheet: X” to be placed on every sheet except the sheet where the parts list available on the drawings. Also the Sketched symbol prompted entry automatically filled up with the sheet number (Parts list page).
What is the code to select a drawing sheet by either its number or description but NOT both together?
Sometimes want need to select the first sheet by number 1 but the sheet description can change. and Sometimes we will need to select the sheet by its description but the sheet number may vary.
I'm trying to come up with a way to automate the filling of the stock number field in the iproperties for different sheet metal rules. Currenlty I have linked the name of the rule to the description field using the =<Sheet Metal Rule>. So using that varible is out.
A quick solution was to make custom materials for all of the stock numbers and then link that to the sheet metal rule using the material box. This will work except I need to show material name on the parts list.
If only each sheet metal rule had its on iproperties, this would be so easy.
How to reference the drawign sheet number using iLogic? I see on the snippets on the side a way to reference the sheet name, but I only want the number. To get the name it is ActiveSheet.Name, but ActiveSheet.Number does not work. Getting the name give something like ASSM:1, so if there was a way to take that and subtract the colon and everything before it that would work also. I am not a programmer, I've just taked some programs I found online and modified them a little to do what I want to do, but this is holding me back a bit.
Overall, I'm trying to modify the drawing view label to have a project number, referenced from the drawign iProperties, a view label, and sheet number, and then save that info in an iproperty of the part, and then reference that in the BOM so it automatically labels all of the views and fills out a column of the BOM to reference which page and view to find the parts of the assembly. I have everything working except for the sheet number.
How to “synchronize” the ‘layout number” with “sheet number”?
As in most cases, the arrangements of “lay outs” reflects the way they are regularly printed, then how could we renumbering the sheets such that the first lay out takes number 1, the second lay out takes number 2,…and so forth.
I name my files with our part numbers and the revision number. Our part numbers are 6 to 9 digits long and sometimes start with a zero! My iLogic rule, while simple, drops the first zero if its there. See the "FirstNumbers" below: (I tried to add the CStr(), but now I see that it just changes it to text after it drops the zero!)
ThisFile = ThisDoc.FileName(False) 'without extensionFirstNumbers = CStr(Val(ThisFile)) 'sets the first numbers from the file name to textPartNumber = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") 'reads part number from file
'check to see if the part number is the same as the file name's numbersIf String.Compare(FirstNumbers, PartNumber, True) = 0 Then'do nothingElse
'set the Part Number to the file name's numbersiProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = FirstNumbers 'let's me know that something has been doneMessageBox.Show("Part Number has been set to " & FirstNumbers, "Part Number from File Name")End If
How can I get the Part Number property in pipe parts ? In the family table the part number exist, it is mapped to the Part Number property, but when I create a piping the Part number is empty.
Is there a way to incude the sheet number that a drawing view has been moved to? I have an elevation tag that shows the view identifier, I am looking to have the sheet number referenced where I show "Field Text-Manual" in the attachments below. I am using inventor 2014.
I want to put a flexible hose into an assembly in different places.
In the real world it would be the same part, but as the hose would needs to bend at different angles for the different positions I would need different models.
I know I can group components with the same part number in the Parts List, but how do I make sure the components are seen by Vault and other users as being the same component ?
Currently using Inv 2011sp2 Pro and Vault 2011. But I don't have much experience of using Pro
I need to make installation plans on climate ceilings, which are steel cassettes with Meandro tube element located where cold or hot water is flowing through.
Now it may occur that a cassette is given a code 700 which represents the type of cassette. If inside the cassette is placed a Meandro element its become a follow number eg 700-01.
It may also be that the same cassette No. 700 gets another Meandro element and because the cassette has not changed shape the number 700 remains the same but the follow number change e.g. 700-02.
At the moment I change the number in the browser,(inv2012) I therefore want automatically the iproperties ,partnumber and stock number, to fit. When I go to the BOM, the part- and stock numbers automatically will be placed.
The browser codes are not displayed in the BOM. So if I specify for change I only have to do so in the browser. I wanted to do so by iLogic but then ran into problems. I found a tutorial from Rob Cohee with ilogic so you won’t forget to fill in your iproperties.
I also wanted to do so with the iproprtie Stock number but get an error stating that I must declare the name. How must i declare a name.
Also i was told for entering the browse name in ilogic i had to use displayName, but I get a error stating that the name is Read Only.
So how can i, after i change the browse name, automatically fill in the iproperties ‘part number and/or stock number? Is there an ilogic code for?
Is there a way to get a part number on pipes created by the routing tool? It seems that if it's default or custom data, the data gets blanked out on the generated files.
I'm trying to get this to work for a client who uses 2011, and from what I can tell this is still an issue in 2013.