AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Printer Options Not Affecting Print
Apr 2, 2013
When set it to use 11x17 paper it will print 8.5x11 which is the default size for the printer. So if I change the printer options to default to 11x17 it will print with 11x17. Changing the color between color, greyscale, and blackandwhite don't affect the prints either.
Also is there a way to detect the default printer since I noticed when I "printed" a pdf manually and then tried this script it used the pdf printer and not the default printer, which I would always want to use.
Public Sub Single_Print_11x17() Dim oPrintMgr As PrintManager Set oPrintMgr = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.PrintManager If MsgBox("Using default printer """ & oPrintMgr.printer & """ with 11x17 paper. Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbNo Then Exit Sub Print_doc printer:=oPrintMgr.printer, paper:=kPaperSize11x17, black_white:=TrueEnd Sub
 If you notice that i'm not using two of the arguements in the function that are passed, that's because they don't appear to affect anything so I just left some of it hard coded. When/if I can get the different options working I'll start using the arguements more since I have plans.
Function Print_doc(ByVal printer As String, ByVal paper As String, ByVal black_white As Boolean) If ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> kDrawingDocumentObject Then Exit Function Dim oDrgDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrgDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oDrgPrintMgr As DrawingPrintManager Set oDrgPrintMgr = oDrgDoc.PrintManager 'choose printer works oDrgPrintMgr.printer = printer 'choose sheets works oDrgPrintMgr.PrintRange = kPrintAllSheets 'choose size doesn't work oDrgPrintMgr.PaperSize = kPaperSize11x17 'choose scale works oDrgPrintMgr.ScaleMode = kPrintBestFitScale 'color/black & white don't work oDrgPrintMgr.ColorMode = kPrintGrayScale oDrgPrintMgr.AllColorsAsBlack = black_white oDrgPrintMgr.SubmitPrintEnd Function
I'd love to get all these options working since I want to be able to select size and color options when using my print scripts.
I have a Makerbot Replicator 3d printer for my class. I am having issues when I save my drawing as an stl file bring it up in the Makerware software it decreases the size and I can't get things to scale. I have been in contact with Makerbot for several months and their response is now: "We actually may have had a bit of a breakthrough! Apparently there's something off about the way that Inventor exports files to .stl, and there may be a bug in our software when scaling. Whenever exporting to .stl, especially in metric apparently, Inventor makes the object 10% of the size. To correct for this, can you try scaling your model by 1000%, then exporting to .stl and bringing it into MakerWare? Send me a copy of the .stl either way, and let me know how it goes!" and "The issue is not something we can fix because it's not an issue in MakerWare.
I am having problems printing to drawing sizes other then A Size (Letter).
I have scanned through the messages in this Newsgroup and tried everything that I have found, including making sure that I set the properties in a specific order.
No matter what size I specify, the printer spits out the drawing on an A Size piece of paper.
Here is my Private objApprenticeServerApp As New ApprenticeServerComponent Private Sub PlotInventorDrawing(strDwgPath As String, strPlotSize As String, strPlotter As String) ' Open a document. Dim odoc As ApprenticeServerDocument [Code] .......
If i want to get my files offeset printed so they will be done in CMYK...The word "working space" CMYK confuses me a little i thought printer profiles would be "output space" or something
1. Are the CMYK working space options in photoshop actually printer profiles? eg. U.S Web coated (SWOP) v2 2. I ask the guys who do the offset printing what printer profile they use and that is the one i should select in photoshop. 3. So when I soft proof it uses the CMYK working space and my file is previewed or it mimics what i would look like printed on the paper/ink combination at the printers. 4. All the CMYK working spaces available in photoshop are all ICC compliant?
Running under Mac OS 10.6.8, we've run into a problem printing separations to our new hp LaserJet Enterprise 600 m601 printer from Illustrator CS4, CS5 and CS6. Â In the printer dialog box, once under the "Output" section, with the mode set to either "Separations" or "In-RIP Separations", there are no options listed in the "Printer Resolution" drop-down. Â I've tried re-installing the driver, changing the resolution settings in the printer itself, using a generic PS driver, and contacting hp directly (their solution was to contact Adobe). I have yet to contact Adobe itself, but none of my other attempts netted a different result. Â In the document ink listing, the Frequency and Angle listings are still editable, but needs to be done manually for every colour, and the dot shape options are non-existant. Â We had previously been using a hp LaserJet 2300n, but we were running into insufficient memory issues on an increasingly frequently basis. The driver for the 2300n had several different sets of Printer Resolution settings, so once the new printer was set up, I *assumed* that it would have the same kind of options. Â I have discovered that if I change my PPD from the proper driver (HP LaserJet 600 M601 M602 M603) to the old one (Hp LaserJet 2300) I am then able to select the resolution I want from the drop-down list, switch the PPD back to the proper one for the M601, and it seems to work (leaving the 2300 as the PPD file results in a warning and a failed print attempt). Â I also tried printing something from a non-Adobe program using the M601, and there were two options available for printer quality (resolution?) settings.
I have patterned a part in an assembly and now wish to modify one of the patterned components without it changing the others. When I edit one of the patterns it changes the others similarly. Is there a way to make changes to just one pattern without affecting the others? The modifications are to a frame generated design.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
When I try printing, autocad gives me the following message (see attached pic).  I deleted that driver out of system preferences.  Yet it sitll keeps looking for it.  I get the spinning rainbow for about 5 minutes, the  the print dialogue eventaully comes up.  I can print, but that takes over 5 minutes as well.  Seems like autocad gets stuck in a loop looking for a driver or something.  How do I fix this.  Printing a single pages takes me about 10 minutes.   Do anything within the page setup manager results in a spinning icon for a few minutes as well.
My company will be getting a new large format printer to replace the current one we have. We don't have room enough to have both running at the same time so I'm imagining one-day down then viola, we have a new printer.
How I can prepare for this as far as creating the necessary Plot Styles, pc3, pmp...files? Because i have many items on my to-do list, this could take a day or two with all the testing and i can't image the uproar from our CADers about going without a plotter for two or three days.
When I print to .pdf for A1 and plot, no worries, all lineweights print solid and perfectly. However, when I print to .pdf for A3 (scaling lineweights), whilst all the lineweights appear solid on the screen, when I plot the layers that are set to transparency are faded/rough/broken on paper.
Ticking the plot transparency box doesn't work and it happens to my printer at home and at work. I haven't used transparent layers before and have adopted this drawing created through someone else.
I have to set up my drawing on the model page so that I can save it as a PDF and then transfer it into adobe illustrator. My scale is 1:1, and when I put it on the model page I'm doing a 1/8" : 1' scale. It should fit on the page no problem, its only a 9" model plan on 1/4 scale, so it should be 4.5" on the page. However, it's too big for the page.
May i know how to print out many Title Block at a Time. I will like to Print out my Complete CAD Drawing, but I have all together in one Print space, so can some let know how to print them all at once with out printing them one by one.
I have an assembly (A) that has a subassembly (B) that has a pattern of subassemblies (C's) that consist of many parts (D, E, F, G & H). The parts (DEFGH) are steel and have their own drawings. They do and should look like steel.
They are welded together as an assembly (C). This will be painted bright yellow. I wish to assign a yellow appearance to the subassembly, not affecting the parts. Last, when I open the upper assemblies (A or B), I expect C to have the painted color. I cannot make this work in Inventor 2013.
I can assign appearances to parts DEFGH. No error there. I can NOT assign appearances to assemblies (C). The only thing I see in the Appearance box is "Favourites" and "Inventor Material Library".
I can individuall select and highlight parts DEFGH inside the assembly C and assign an appearance to them. Sort of a work-around, but...
...this is not carried through to upper assemblies (A or B). If I just open them, all items are steel-colored, not yellow. If choose to edit one of the patterned C's inside B, only that instance is colored. None of the others in the pattern.
I must thus expand every instance in the pattern and highlight every part and set an appearance. But this is still not carried through to A. Or any of several other assemblies that also contain B.
Thus, if I want a persistent coloring, I either have to "paint" the individual parts, or I will have to scour up each and every assembly and "paint" every part inside them.
Is there really no way to assign an appearance to an assembly and have it carried through automatically to all assemblies that contain it? Like in every other solid modeler I have ever used?
I have a HP DesignJet 110 nr connected as a network printer. I have all the drivers updated including the network card. I have unistalled and reinstalled all the drivers and software.  I have also replaced the ink cart. too. When I print in AutoCAD 2011 it acts like it is printing stuff, but it goes throught the whole process and nothing prints. I just started creating PDFs and sending them to the printer, but thought I would give it a new shot.
I have one user that when trying to print to a color laser jet printer it only comes out in color. I even set the Plot style to monochrome.stb, (which is a network file that others use without issue) have Plot with plot styles checked, and even tried checking the black and white only in the printer properties. This is Autocad 2012.
Is there something I am missing to have the print out come out in black and white? Te print preview shows it in color.
Forgot to mention, if another user opens the drawing, it prints in black and white ok.
When I am in page setup manager and want to use the "Adobe PDF" plotter device, I can't set a paper size other than the standard one like letter, legal, 11x17 ect. I need to have the "Adope PDF" plotter to print a Arch D size paper but that selection dosent even show up.
I have troubleshooted all the usual supects, of going to properties next to the printer selection bringing me to the plotter configeration page, where in the device and documents tab I then proceed to the custom properties selection, where the adobe document properties page comes up and under the adobe pdf setting tab...I still cant change or find the Arch D 24x36 paper size under the adobe pdf paper size selection tab other than the standard seletions.
I tried printing a plan with my printer and for some reason it wont print in portrait mode, no matter how much i change the settings it does not change the page orientation, the preview also shows it to be in landscape mode
I have some very strange problems printing from Autocad. Some of the text is missing. The printer used is a HP9500. If I use a PDF driver to print to file, then print from the PDF file, it's ok, the text is showed, but printing directly from autocad has been resulting in this type of issue.
I checked the layers, and they are ok. The fonts are ok. It's not printing some text "near the viewport" borders. It was what I could conclude.
AutoCAD 2013 crashes during the plot configuration for our printer. When I select Custom Properties for our Kip 5000 Series Printer I get an Unhandled Exception popup. When I click continue I get a message that "AutoCAD Applicaiton has encountered a problem and needs to close", the program crashes. AutoCAD 2013 will not let us select the kip 5000.pc3 file we used for Autocad 2012.
How can I set my printer up if it keeps crashing the program. Is there a new driver for 2013, if so where do I find it. Is it from AutoCad or the printer company Kip America (who have yet to reply to my email).
I am using Autocad 2010, and have upgraded to windows 7. When I publish to pdf using Dwg to Pdf.pc3, my options (single-sheet file, do not include layers, etc.) are ignored and I always get multi-sheet files with layer information included regardless of what options I select.Â
Need to make the dwg file into pdf but I also need to set margins (10mm top,right,bottom and 20mm on the left side), tried with some programs but it only gives me the option to set "global" margins and if i use CAD it trims the drawing. I'm working with A4(210,297).
I just downloaded and installed LR5 successfully to my iMac (2012) running OS 10.8.4. Everything seems to be working fine (LR4 catalog converted, Import works fine, etc.) EXCEPT printing to the same HP printer I use with LR4. When I press the Print button after setting things up, the bar on the upper left corner proceeds quickly, the message Task Completed appears (and goes away quickly), BUT...nothing happens on the printer. It just does not get the print job sent to it. The iMac reports that the printer is Idle, there is no record of a job being received. Â I checked the printer, it works fine. I can print from Photoshop without a gltch. So, comunication between the computer and the printer does not seem to be the issue.
I am designing a business card that has lime green as a main color, and I am finding it impossible to find a commercial printer that will print in RGB! I completely understand the difference between the 2 color pallets I just don't understand why I can not find one printer that will print RGB! So does that mean any business card I ever do can never have bright colors?
Just bought a new iMac with OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2). Installed my HP PhotoSmart C4180 printer and its drivers, it prints fine from Adobe Acrobat and scans just fine. I went to print from Photoshop CS5, and once I decided my settings and hit "Print" the program crashed and has done so consistently. I've provided the crash report below. Â Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Adobe Photoshop CS5 [13103] Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS5
I have 17 printers installed. all but 2 use match orientation. The Canon W6400PG and the MP 5500 use printer orientation. Is there a way to change those 2 to match all the others that work just fine? The default is the HP LaserJet 1200 Series PCL 5.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I'm looking for a way to print CDs (to Canon ip8500 and ip4300 printers) directly from Photoshop. I'm on x64 where Canon's CD Lable-print won't run, besides which I'd much prefer to print from Photoshop anyway. Is there a plug-in, a work round, a clever trick?
I am trying to print a psd file via CS4 and I am receiving the following error message: Before you can perform printer-relate tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer I DO have a printer installed and can in fact print out a different psd file.....and print something via Word. I tried to check my page setup for this document but I can't do that either. Any ideas of what might be causing this problem?? I even uninstalled and reinstalled my printer.....and rebooted too. If it matters, I am trying to print to a Canon MP980 printer via a wireless setup. I am running under Vista.