AutoCAD 2010 :: Print In Black And White To A Laser Printer
Oct 10, 2012
I have one user that when trying to print to a color laser jet printer it only comes out in color. I even set the Plot style to monochrome.stb, (which is a network file that others use without issue) have Plot with plot styles checked, and even tried checking the black and white only in the printer properties. This is Autocad 2012.
Is there something I am missing to have the print out come out in black and white? Te print preview shows it in color.
Forgot to mention, if another user opens the drawing, it prints in black and white ok.
We are printing out some psd files that were sent to us on a laser printer . There are little dots of ink all over the page.. It seems that what photoshop outputs the printer doesn't think its pure white and is trying to print some color.. even when we change the background to transparent it still prints these dots of ink all over the page.. Indesign does not have this issue..
We have been trying to narrow this down for a while now.. Its as simple as creating a new psd..typing in text and hitting print..Bam little dots of ink all over the page.. Its like the printer thinks it should print some color even though the colors in ps are white or transparent..
When i take bw laser print from corel draw, the output is not pure black. I tried using the the 'Preserve Pure Black' setting in corel draw. But it turns out to have some adverse effect while converting image from one format to the other (like rgb to cmyk) bitmaps, the black shade on the image looked washed out in multicolor offset print.
what should i do now to get pure black output from bw laser printer without using the preserve pure black setting.
When printing 100% black on laser printer the Black is all in raster. Very strange because the same file printed from X4 /same PC and same printer/ is OK and is not in raster.
Probably the problem is somewere in X6.
I don't belive that the problem is in the color management because it's the same as my X5 and there all is OK too.
I need to send 2D drawings for laser cutting. Opti is the laser software..My issue is that the laser cuts to each grip and gives the cut metal a serrated looking edge.
Removing/simpliying the lines into fewer (microscopic!) segements or being able to adjusts the number of grips.
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
I have problem printing tiff images with a picture in Windows 7, 64 bit only on a laser printers. The processing of even the simplest of drawings to the printer takes too long, more than half an hour after that or stop with the press or to print only part of the drawing.
This problem does not appear when we print only the tiff images on a laser printer or print the entire drawing to a plotter. Also print these drawings with the tiff images without any problems under the previous operating system (XP). Note that we use the latest drivers for all printers.
I'm trying to print in black & white, everything works except the true colors, i've selected a b&w ctb file were all the colors are turned to black & selected a printer to print b&w. I've even copied contents into a new file but still the true colors are printing in color!!
Ever since PS CS3 I've noticed that when I print a 300 dpi grayscale image to my laser printer directly from Photoshop, it comes out as if a 72dpi benday screen had been applied. Never happened in earlier versions. I used to get excellent black-and-white print quality through Photoshop, just using the default settings.
I have 300 or 600 dpi grayscale images, usually with a lot of clean black lines. But whether I set to "printer manages colors" or "Photoshop manages colors", and no matter what profile I select, I get the same halftone (awful) result on my HP Deskjet 3330. The printer's settings are fine. If I print the same image from any other application, such as Quark or MS Word, the print quality is fine.
I am looking to purchase my 1st color laser printer. Iam a graphic designer that does print and web projects. I would like to find one that is great but not too pricey.
with Photoshop CS4 installed, printing text to my laser printer results in 'screened' text and lightly screened background. I have the print dialog box set to 'output', but now find the 'screen' button is grayed out as is the 'transfer' button. I need to know how to make the 'screen' button active to eliminate the screen affect I am getting.
In older versions of Illustrator (8 & 10) I can change the lpi to a 20 or 30 with a GCC Elite XL printer and have no problem printing BIG dots on vellum paper for screen printing on T-shirts.
I'm running newer version (CS2) now, and I can set the halftone to 20 lpi, but when I print it to my HP 5si mx printer, it comes out looking as smooth as a paper printed dot can look! Not what I want!! I've tried changing all kind of settings, both on the printer menu, and in the print dialog box. But my HP seems to default to an 'enhanced' halftone dot!!! My GCC is getting really old, only has drivers for 8 & 10, and I need a back up in case it dies someday and I can't print those big dots anymore!
I can't update to newer (600 or 1200dpi) printers because I need to print at 300dpi so my dots come out looking big and bold. I know, I know, it's not what most people want these days, but it's what I n
if i print grayscale i get sepia tone same as if film printed by shop. I have read a lot of stuff on internet re print b&W but it all assumes you are starting with true b&W films. I have film developed to a CD, and it "registers" as RGB, but when try adjusting the channel mixer, etc and printing color = terrible. Printing it grayscale produces sepia.
Basically I'm trying to print a bar code onto black card. I need there to be a white background underneath the bar code otherwise the entire thing will come out black.
I've tried creating a "draw filled shape" with white and pasting the bar code onto a layer above that but it does not work!
I have been using autocad for 20 years plus. I've never really had to publish anything to DWF. We have a client that wants DWF's instead of PDF's. I have a 3D model with views in paperspace within viewports. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to plot these drawings to DWF in Black and White. I have tried everything. I am using monochrome.ctb plot style. The border and all border elements are plotting B/W but everything in the viewport is plotting whatever color it is in the VP. This is driving me nuts. Never liked this DWF format. If I plot to a PDF it all comes in B/W.
I was working on an order form design the other day and my boss said we need to fill in some of the empty space, so I suggested we use a dot pattern-esque type watermark of the organization's logo that the order form was for.
For some reason when I sleceted the logo I couldnt access the change brightness contrast option in effects. So I simply made a light gray rectangle, placed it over the logo, clicked on the rectangle with the transparency tool, changed it to uniform, and changed the mode to mulitply or add or something like that. It looked great on screen, but when i sent it to the laser printer with some post script LPI or dot pattern options for the lighter grays, nothing printed out at all from underneath the rectangle.
I tried it through our copying machine, and it worked, but the copying machine has no built in halftone effects for grayscale.
In paper space, some of my drawings lose color palette showing only black and white, some others not. How can I change the settings make all drawings looking unanimous in colors?
How can I print in black and white while using true colors? I've tried the monochrome ctb, monochrome stb, looking for solutions in these forums, etc. The std 255 colors are not a problem. It is only when I use a true color. When I tried the monochrome stb setting, the fill color on my multileaders did not change.
Also, in paperspace, with viewports that had solid objects in them, I used to be able to print and have hidden lines removed without them showing up that way in the viewport. (used 2008 at the time and have jumped from that to 2012)
I seem to remember that the was a variable command that controlled this but I can't remember it.
Is there a best setting for the mode, color settings, and color profiles when printing a grayscale vector illustration to a monochrome laser printer? I am making vector maps, and right now they are mostly black line and black text with only the K values in CMYK. There are some gray tones—for example water areas are 10% K, with no C, M or Y. Would it make any difference if I used RGB mode values at 100% (255,255,255), or a rich black in CMYK (such as 40C, 30M, 30Y, 100K)? I printed in K only at 1200dpi to a Generic Gray Gamma 2.2 profile, and it doesn't look too bad. There aren't many of the lines that are really jagged. I just wondered if there are better settings.
I'm using Mac OS 10.6, Illustrator CS6, and a Brother HL-5470DW monochrome laser printer.
I am having trouble with my tif files coming in with a white background (ala pdf) vs the black with white "lines" I prefer. I think it is because I converted pdfs to tifs, then edited them in photoshop to remove linework, then saved. Perhaps a setting in the saved options is wrong?
Or a color option in photoshop? I thought I had it all set but only the 1st one worked as desired...can't figure out what changed. We insert the plan sheets as a layer that is grayed out with our linework dark so using the white background won't really work.
how to stop AutoCAD Lt from ploting in grey... it doesnt seem to make sense to me why this is happening. We use to have Autocad 2007 and a lot of the files that we still work from were created in that. Everytime files are now plotted to pdf parts of the drawing appear a very light grey as oppose to black which is how they appear on the screen. In the plot style table in the page setup they are also black - and I have tried changing it from monochrome to custom pen assignments, nothing seems to change it. The files are usually in stb as oppose to ctb. whole page prints black or the colours that I have actually clicked on?
We do most of our drawing in 2D – quaint I know, but that’s the way the office works. On occasion we’ll do something as a solid model to guide a client understand a complex roof or a clearance problem. We started a model for a project we are working on and ended up using it as building elevations.
The problem is with plotting. If I use our standard office CTB (which is set to print as black), I get color printouts no matter what I try. I have tried using an STB and changing all our layer colors to “7” in an attempt to make it print black, but I'm getting extremely undesirable - seemingly random - line weight results.
The client wants the next project done in 3D as well and I’d like to be able to have the elevations look right.
The attached file shows the front castle of a ship with two ranges of windows on its white wall. I am trying to print this image with a laser printer on a transparent film while keeping the original white of the wall, letting only the windows inside their black frame transparent (the first two window frames of the upper row on starboard have been filled with a greyish tone merely as an experiment) - as if that transparent were projected on a dark surface rather than on a white one.
since the addition of all colours (i.e. 255) is equal to white and therefore to transparency (or to the absence of colours), and since transparency will show as, well, transparency when printed on a transparent film, how can white - in this case the white background of the wall - still be added to the transparent film while keeping only the windows inside their frame transparent?
All my attempts with a variety of painting tools (including those of Mypaint) and profiles failed. Should this be done with two different layers instead?
Currently, I am using Inventor to produce inventor DWG drawings for our supplies to read using autocad and trueview etc. One of our suppliers is a laser cutting firm and they need us to produce a seperate DXF file from our inventor drawings (for the flat patterns). As this has to be done manualy and is potentially error prone (as drawings can be automaticallyt updated where as DXF's requre a seperate 'save as' we had hoped to be able to just send the Inventor DWG for them to extract the geometry of the blank using their copy of AutoCad. I noticed that when opening an inventor DWG in autocad, the 'model' contains no geometry and it is placed on a seperate tab called sheet 1 (or whatever the sheet was called in inventor).
Is there any way that this data can be extracted from the DWG so that they may manipulate the geometry?
I am 2 days into using X6 instead of X4 attached to my trotec engraver, using XP.All goes well with the print to the trotec job control, with it picking up the red vector cut line.
But if I print multiple pages, or use print merge (which is essentially the same thing), the cut line only prints as red on the first page. From then on the print line is some grey colour and consequently the laser does not pick it up.
Have tried changing colour conversion to the Trotec, but this doesn't have any effect.
I wanted to make a decal to place on the acrylic window of my PC. I found the perfect picture, which is in black and white. For it to look right though, I need to switch the black to white, and vice versa. Is there a way with Photoshop to automatically switch these, instead of having to manually switch them.