AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Print Drawing From File?

Apr 12, 2013

Ive written a program in Inventor that finds all the drawings associated with a part/assembly.

it is supposed to find and open the selected drawings invisibly but for some reason the print manager wont work unless the drawing is opened and the drawing is active. In order to make the program work I have to open each drawing then close them. every time the user must input for save changes, and checking out (which is not necessary and takes forever).

Is there a way I can print without opening the drawing and making it active?

in the attached file, Ln 49-63

'Activate the selected document
Set doc = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(Archive, False)

' The only way to make it work is to change this value to True. this sends up all sorts of pop up windows.

Set osheets = doc.Sheets
For X = 1 To osheets.Count
size = osheets.item(X).size


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Print Drawing From File

Apr 18, 2013

I've written a program that prints the drawings from an assembly. For this print to work, I have to have the drawing open (I've tried printing using the option Set doc = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(DWGName, False) but the print manager will just skip over a file that isn't open.

When I change the code to "True" Inventor wants to know if i want to check out the drawing from vault and this requires user input. Is there a way i can bypass this user input or automate an answer so the user doesn't have to constantly be clicking when batching drawings?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Print Drawing From File

Apr 12, 2013

Ive written a program in Inventor that finds all the drawings associated with a part/assembly.

it is supposed to find and open the selected drawings invisibly but for some reason the print manager wont work unless the drawing is opened and the drawing is active. In order to make the program work I have to open each drawing then close them. every time the user must input for save changes, and checking out (which is not necessary and takes forever).

Is there a way I can print without opening the drawing and making it active?

'Activate the selected document
            Set doc = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(Archive, False)
           ' The only way to make it work is to change this value to True
            Set osheets = doc.Sheets
                For X = 1 To osheets.Count
                size = osheets.item(X).size

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Print Drawing In PDF File

Feb 19, 2012

Why plotting the drawing in pdf file produces a NOT to scale drawing?

I’m wondering if there is a way to print the drawing in a pdf file such that the drawing scale is kept correct.

For example, I tried to print the drawing shown in the screenshot in 1/100 scale using the Adobe pdf printer, but later, as I printed the pdf file, the printed drawing is not to scale!

Why the pdf file doesn’t keep the scale?

Is there a way to “preserve” the scale while printing the drawing in a pdf file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Dimensions Deleting Upon Print To PDF?

Oct 24, 2013

One of the drafters I work with has been having an intermittent problem with Inventor 14 deleting dimensions and notes when he prints a .idw to a .pdf. The problem first popped up when we transitioned to 14 from 12. It only happens once out of every 2 dozen or so prints and is usually caught on the redlines, but it has been overlooked once already requiring the part to be remachined at cost to our employer. No one else in our office has had the problem and it continued to happen after a reinstall; which leads me to think it's some hardware issue.

Included is a screenshot of his system information. We're running Synergis Adept file management software, that may be pertinent as well.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Drawing Template - One Drawing File Versus Individual Drawings

Jun 21, 2013

Setting up a tabulated ipart drawing template. Which is drawing file with a table or individual drawings for each tabulation? Also does one method work better than the other when introducing vault?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Apprentice Server - Printer Always Print Out The Drawing On Letter Size Paper

May 20, 2005

I am having problems printing to drawing sizes other then A Size (Letter).

I have scanned through the messages in this Newsgroup and tried everything that I have found, including making sure that I set the properties in a specific order.

No matter what size I specify, the printer spits out the drawing on an A Size piece of paper.

Here is my
Private objApprenticeServerApp As New ApprenticeServerComponent
Private Sub PlotInventorDrawing(strDwgPath As String, strPlotSize As
String, strPlotter As String)
' Open a document.
Dim odoc As ApprenticeServerDocument
[Code] .......

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create PDF-File Of Drawing And STEP Of Connected 3D-File

Apr 11, 2012

I have a script that makes PDF-file with suffix revision. Now I want to expand this script so it even makes a STEP-file of the 3d-file connected to the drawing. This would make all manufacture files in one button. That should be nice..

How will i manage with this since the active document is the drawing not the part. (see code below)

Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Call oDoc.SaveAs("C:UsersGoranWeDesktop est estfile.stp", True)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Print PDF File To Rotate Model

Jun 7, 2012

I have to  print PDF file of model And this PDF file should have access to rotate model as we do in inventor.  I came across such file few days ago. I tried in inventor it I could not do.

(# Ref attachment of PDF file having access to rotate model)

I made PDF file but that doesn't,t have access to rotate as first one has. ( # ref  2 ND attachment.)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automate Printing Process - Print All Sheets As One PDF File

Nov 26, 2012

I would like to use Drag2PDF to create my PDF, and I want to automate the printing process. I want to print all sheets as a one PDF file. I have created a simple C# code, which prints to PDF, but I have one problem... When I submit the print a dialogue will appear (from the Drag2PDF) which asks for the file to be saved (location and name) How can I automate this?

I may not use pdfAddIn.SaveCopyAs, it makes my PDF not good.

public void PrintDrawingToPDF() {
Inventor.DrawingPrintManager oPrintMgr = (Inventor.DrawingPrintManager)InventorOpen._invApp.ActiveDocument.PrintManager;
oPrintMgr.Printer = "Drag2PDF";
oPrintMgr.PaperSize = PaperSizeEnum.kPaperSizeA3;
oPrintMgr.PrintRange = PrintRangeEnum.kPrintAllSheets;

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get A Drawing From 3D IPT File

May 11, 2013

I did a 3D model on inventor, and now I need the drawing from the model, it is a simple axle, but I really can not figure how to do it. I have looked around, but I failed in finding an awnser. I am sure it is very simple,

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New PDF File After Updating Drawing Possible?

Aug 16, 2012

I have a drawing of a part that I want to change the dimensions many times.

When I edit the length and width in the part, the drawing updates automatically.

But is it possible to update the pdf file (of drawing) automatically after editing the dimensions in part?

 Or do I have to update (save as to pdf) everytime I create a new dimensions?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Converting 2D Drawing In 3D File?

Mar 14, 2013

I have a autocad drawing that was clearly made from a 3D model. I cannot get the 3D file sent me. I was wonder how can I convert this drawing to a 3D file. Is anyway I can take the isometric view in the corner of the autocad drawing that i currently have and convert it to a 3D model.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2D Sketches In Drawing File?

Mar 20, 2012

Quite often we cretae schematic line drawings for clients approval before creating full 3D models for production. Is it possible to achieve this in Inventor and maybe go on to use the sketches as a master filoe to drive the design? Or should I continue to get approval based in AutoCAD and then switch over to Inventor?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing File Crashes

Dec 2, 2013

This morning I got to work and attempted to modify an existing drawing file per some requested changes. I figured I would open the drawing file and move some of the things around that I needed but were going to disappear after I edited the model. The end result was to remove some small items from the model and add two other small items to the model. There was some annotation in the drawing connected to the parts I was removing that I wanted to stay in the drawing file so I was editing the drawing file first. This is what happened and what I have tried since:

1.) When I went to copy a weld symbol from one view and paste it in another IV crashed.

2.) I rebooted, attempted again, IV crashed.

3.) I rebooted, attempted to add a new weld symbol and delete the other (instead of copy/paste), IV crashed.

4.) I installed the windows updates my computer was telling me I needed to install (.NET 4.5.1).

5.) I rebooted, attempted again, IV crashed.

6.) I attempted to add a weld symbol to a different drawings in a different project, success.

7.) I attempted to add a weld symbol to a different drawing file in the same project, success.

8.) I attempted the original process again, IV crashed.

9.) I attempted to open the assembly file referenced by the drawing file, success.

10.) I attempted to open a drawing file that references the same model file as well as others in a larger assembly, success.

11.) I removed parts from the assembly file that were no longer needed in the design, success.

12.) I attempted to open the original problematic drawing file, IV crashed.

13.) I attempted to open it again, IV crashed.

14.) I used pack-n-go to consolidate all of the files to upload for my support request.

15.) I attempted to open the pack-n-go drawing file on my laptop.... IT OPENED.

Now, every time I attempt to open the original drawing file on my workstation, IV immediately crashes. When I open the PNG drawing file on my laptop it works. What should my next step be?

I am afraid to go any further because this drawing file is very much needed, and so large and complicated that I do not want to just create the file again (6 sheets detailing a large tank). I also don't want to start copying and pasting the file that does work on my laptop and screw something up with the files on my workstation. And of course, this tank is scheduled to start fabrication today.
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate
Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1)
Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving A Drawing As DXF File

Jul 17, 2012

When I try to save a 2 D drawing as a DXF file, I get a box saying "problems encountered while saving the document". I am using version 2012. My older version did this operation without a problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align Leaders In Drawing File

Jun 14, 2013

Is there any way to align leaders in a drawing file?  I can't even seem to get a "tracking" line so I can manually align them.  

Dell Precision T3500
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @2.8GHz
ATI FIrePRo V5800 (FireGL V)
12 GB Ram
64 BIt OS

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Image To Drawing File?

Apr 8, 2008

inserting or adding an image to the drawing file.. i ve the reference point and the bmp file path.. but the error "Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005) Method 'Add' of object '_IRxSketchImages' failed" is flashed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Part File In Drawing?

Aug 8, 2012

Is it possible to update an existing drawing to reference a new part or assembly file while maintaining associated views and possibly the annotation also? 

I have tasks which require frequent subtle changes to assemblies. These assemblies will then be given a completely new file name, so it is no longer just a revision change but a new part altogether.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part Missing In Drawing Of IPN File

Nov 5, 2013

I've got a view of a presentation in a drawing and one of the parts which is in a sub assembly.

I've checked the visibility in the presentation and the drawing and the assembly but all say visible.

Restarted the computer, but still no change.

see below a pic of the drawing, I've drawn in a red rectangle where the part should roughly be.

IV 11

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Replace File In Placed View In Drawing

Aug 21, 2013

I made a complex drawing.

Now i changed the part file just a little, the placement of a few holes, and saved it to a new name.

I need both versions.

In the Design Assistant i copied the drawing file to a new name.

Now i want, in the design assistant, to replace the file the drawing refferences, but can't, the replace option is greyed.

I understand there might be larger changes, is that the reason?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: DWG To PDF Batch Print To Single Sheet File

Sep 30, 2013

We just started in 2014 last week.  When we batch plot to PDF using the DWG to PDF driver we get multi-page files no matter which is selected in the Publish Options. Any way to allow single sheet PDF creation?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Acrobat Standard X Processing Very Slowly To Print Desktop File

Jul 4, 2011

I have both ACad 2002 and 2012, (both 32-bit) installed. I have plenty of RAM.

I'm converting a .dwg file to a .pdf and plotting to the desktop to either send out the pdf file or print to myself.

My problem is that it takes "what seems like forever" to plot a .pdf file to the desktop using 2012.

My situation is:

1. In 2002, using the Adobe pdf driver it takes 6.7 seconds from the time I press plot until the pdf file appears on my desktop.

2. In 2012, using the same 2000 formated file opened in 2012 it takes 37 seconds for the file to appear on my desktop.

3. In 2012, using a .pc3 driver, the same file, qsaved and formatted to 2012 takes 34 seconds to appear on the desktop.

Acrobat was installed on my computer prior to ACad 2012 but I've uninstalled/reinstalled Acrobat and I get the same result as above.

Is there anyway to speed Acrobat up? I defrag'd, cleaned the registry but I get the same results.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Judge Components Or Drawing File Is Open

Aug 27, 2013

I have a assembly,I want to judge all the occ referenced file state, opened or not?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing File - How To Identify TextBox With Unique Id Or By Name

Jun 5, 2013

The TextBoxes don't have a Name property or an UniqueIdentifier property.  So, I don't know how to find a specified TextBox.

I've tried to add a XML comment by code in the FormattedText property and got an error.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Reference Object In Drawing File

Apr 9, 2012

I wondered if there is a way of changing view reference from one object to another.


I have two similar models but drawing done for one.

I could save it as with a different name and replace in all the views referenciing from old model to new one.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Drawing File Part Association?

Dec 1, 2009

I sometimes create parts that are very similar to one another. (ie. - complex plate, but one part uses threaded holes, while an identical one has through holes, with all holes in the same location). So before now I would have built one part, made my drawing file. Then Copy/paste the part file into the same assembly folder, edit the hole feature of the newly copied part, then have to create an entirely new drawing file for the new copied part.

Is there a way to just copy my already created part drawing, and then just change the part file it used? They are basically the same part, but one uses threaded holes, the other uses through holes. My current way seems redundant and time wasting.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Linking Excel Sheet To Drawing File (idw)?

Jan 7, 2014

I am trying to link excel file to drawing file (idw), but couldn't succeed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Thread Format In Drawing File?

Jul 8, 2011

I am attempting to change the thread format in inventor under the dimensions style editor, but it is grayed out and does not let me select anything from the drop down box.  I want to display the thread information so it includes the unit.  For example, this is what it shows now:  1/2 - 14 NPT.   I want to change it to 1/2" - 14 NPT. What I need to do to be able to change the thread format in the dimension style editor?

By the way, I have a lot of drawings to do, so manually typing in 1/2" - 14 NPT will take sometime, so I am looking for a quick and easy fix.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Occur Error When Opening A Drawing File?

Aug 5, 2013

When I open Inventor, the message "cannot load..." pop-out. Although I still can create the 3D model in Inventor but everytime when I open my existing or new drawing file (.idw), Inventor will occur fatal error and closed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Showing Hidden Lines In Drawing File

Apr 13, 2009

Can we show or hide the model edges with respect to Features or parts. I think, there must be only two options. ie. "Show all hidden edges" or "show all" and "Hide all edges".

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