AutoCAD Inventor :: Presentation Recording Not Working?
Nov 25, 2011
I have exploded my assembly in a presentation file, but I have not been able to record it. I have recorded videos previously, but this time the record button simply does not stay pressed. I have tried recording the video as WMV and as AVI.
I have found some code which extracts the part number from the iproperties of a model and adds it to the custom iproperties of a drawing but this will only work on iam or ipt files.
Here's the code, I added the lines referring to the docment type as an attempt to fix the error but it didn't work...
If (ThisDrawing.ModelDocument Is Nothing) Then ReturnIf ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.DocumentType = kPresentationDocumentObject Then modelName = IO.Path.GetFileName(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.FullFileName)End IfIf
I just installed IV 2011 and I am trying to record an animation in my .ipn file to a .wmv file. When I hit the record icon I give it a .wmv file name, hit save. Choose custom profile and set my bandwidth to (Custom) 500 and my pixel size to 1200 x 900 and hit OK. Then the animation dialogue box comes up and the record button is not depressed like it is supposed to be. I can record it with the default settings, but it looks horrible.
I have tried to record a simple animation sequence in Inventor 2012, I press the record button, select where to save .avi file, click play and it runs the animation. The file appears as an .avi in the saved location however it will not play (file size is 0).
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I created *.ipn file and I tried to record the animation AVI file. After I finished playing the animation, I can see the AVI file was created but with 0KB, the avi is empty and cannot open.
I have no problem to create AVI file in my laptop but have such problem in my office's desktop computer.
When I go to animate an assembly in presentation, it will let me set the camera in the sequence view, however I can't seem to find a way to delete the camera. I put too many cameras and now the animations making too many transitions between tweaks. Is there a way to delete the set camera?
I have a large assembly in Inventor Pro 2012 where I'm trying to show the installation process in Presentation. Since the sequences behave as opposite to an explosion, all the parts return to their original location after a tweak.
However if I am trying to show a jig that works in the installation process that I want to show being removed, how can I do that. In the assembly, the jig is constrained to the the part being installed, which makes it very difficult to show it being removed since the move happens first then it mates to the part during an animation. Any way to reverse the animation sequence?
I want to assign the viability and open part commands to the marking menu in the presentation environment, but they are always greyed out. They show in the drop down menu below it though??
Is there a way to remove the trails from a presentation one they have been added using the tweak components command ? These are shown on the animation but I can't seem to remove them without completely redoing the animation.
I have made a building and would like to do some cam shots while doing a "walk" from room to room. Is this possible with a the cam on point of view angle? have tried it out with showcase but the keyframe animasjon only give me overview shots.
should i go for 3dmax or can i do it with inventor studio/showcase /publisher...
I've created a view in my presentation file and tweaked all my components to where I want them. How do I change the level of detail associated with a particular explosion already created? I know when you create the view you can select which representation and level of detail to use, but how do you change these after the exploded view is created?
We have the following problem / bug and i was wondering if others can reproduce it.
(IV2013, SP1.1)
When adding a new sub-assembly to an existing ipn, the newly added assembly doesn't have the + sign to expand it. (see image)
1. create a part. (anything will do) - Part1 2. make an assembly and add Part1 a few times. - Assembly1 3. make another assembly and add Assembly1 a couple of times. - Assembly2 4. create a presentation file with Assembly2, add a tweak for good measure. - Assembly2.ipn 5. Save the ipn. (and any other unsaved files) 6. now go back to Assembly2 and add another instance of Assembly1. 7. look at the presentation again, if it's the same as our situation there shouldn't be a + next to the newly added instance.
I hid a part or something in a presentation drawing. This was within the presentation environment.
It asked if I wanted to remove associativity. I did. Now I want to put it back. How do I turn it back on? Basically, I've added new parts and they won't show up in the presentation explosion.
I created a IPN from an IAM for an exploded view. When I put the base view of that exploded assembly into a drawing, one of the main components is invisible. So when I mouse over the edge of the view, the bounding box does not even reach high enough to possibly include this component. All other components are visible in their correct exploded positions. I tried deleting the view and placing it again, but it does the same thing. The colored and shaded preview just before view placement shows all parts where they should be.
I'm creating an exploded view presentation of a large assembly. I understand that when sequences are created, the parts that are hidden at the time are added to the Hidden folder of that sequence. But since I had to work back and forth between sequences to tweak the order, I want to hide some parts that I just added and that belong to a previous sequence. The part is now randomnly hanging in space when the camera angle is trying to show another part of the assembly. How can I make parts hidden for some sequences but not other? There's no option to hide parts, only to unhide them from the Hidden folder. BTW, using Inventor Pro 2012.
Look at picture to better understand the question.
When I record an animation in .avi using the Drive Constraint command here's what pops :
-The codec you selected to compress this AVI video stream cannot handle the current screen color depth and/or the graphics frame size. Please try another codec.
-Then I press OK and it records but the AVI file is empty and no video is watchable.
What can I do?
I'm using Autodesk Inventor 2012 ans a windows 7 64bit brand new computer with Nvidia graphic card.
One of my draftsman is trying to put an identification Tag on one of our assembly.We made a symbol with our tag, and we put it on whatever where trying to identify directly on the presentation.
Our problem is that where not able to remove whatever is behind that symbol so that we can make that Tag readable.Is it possible to make only part of a line invisible in our presentation?
I've poked around a little and made simple rules to manipulate iproperties, save filetypes, change drawing borders etc. but am now looking for a bit more and am struggling (i.e. completely lost.) I want to automate the creation of an assembly drawing from an existing presentation file. Here is the basic break-down:
Assumed Pre-Requisites:
- Using Inventor 2011
- Presentation(*.ipn) file is present and saved in same directory
- Each presentation VIEW is numbered and named (e.g. "1 - PCB Installation", "2 - Battery Insertion", etc.)
iLogic/VBA Code should:
- Select presentation file (either auto or allow user browse/select)
- Create a page in the drawing (*.idw) for each VIEW from the presentation file
- Create a base view on each page for each presentation VIEW (in numbered order)
- Each base view orientation will be derived from Saved Camera
- Each drawing page will be named using the name from the corresponding presentation VIEW name
- Each page will have a prompted entry in the Title Block that will be defaulted to the presentation VIEW name
I have created a presentation file. When I record it and open up the media file only half of my model is seen throughout the video. Is there any way to widen the camera view?
Is it possible to have an Assembly and/or Presentation as a drawing (.dwg) with a Visual Style of Shaded with Edges? In particular my black .ipt parts look just fine with white/grey edges except when placing the view in a drawing.
I'm in the process of creating an exploded view of an assembly. I'm having to do this in a presentation file, and I was wondering if it was possible to section one of the parts in the exploded view. To be more specific, I have the majority of my parts spread out around another assembly in the center of the page. I want to get a three quarter section view of the center assembly so the internals are visible. Is this possble from within a presentation file and if so, how can it be done?
Inventor Professional 2013 Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz 12GB DDR3 RAM NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit
How to change the quality in recording. Every time i try, the quality would turn out horrible and I need this for an important presentation at the end of the month.
My boss has seen a video clip that start with an aerial view of a building, then a rotation around that building- a top view which turns into CAD or similar drawing. Then the building is viewed floor by floor from top to ground floor. Then the clip carries on showing a production line with conveyor belt moving and so on.
Now he wants to prepare a similar thing for a job he is pricing at the moment. He wants to know what packages are needed and time scales for getting something like this ready. I have never done any animation don’t know where to start.
I can produce 3D drawings with CAD and Solid works and thats about it.
I've worked on AutoCad for many years but only just upgraded to Architecture 2012, so have tried my first 3D! I am struggling with my render quality, i am rendering in Presentation quality yet the finished render is still a little blurry and quiet small i have sellected -640x480.
I'm using Autocad 2013 LT EN, I'm trying to add new presentation from a tool palette. Is there a way to do that in LT? I thought maybe an icon with macro?
In the screenshot below, the contour looks “ugly”! Is there a way to make it much more smoother like what we see for example in the second screenshot .