AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Equal Length Constraints When In 3D Sketch Mode?
Aug 1, 2013
I use 3D sketching frequently as a means to generate frames with the frame generator.
I notice that the constrain group no longer contains an equal length tool, as in a simple 2D sketch. This is where i would generally select two lines, and constrain them to be equal in length.
Is there a reason for this omission? Should I be worried that my menus are not showing the full options for constraints?
I've just installed 2012 and I seem to have a problem with constraints.
The basic problem is that the SHOW CONSTRAINTS command doesn't show the constraints for geometry that clearly has them. For example, if you delete a horizontal constraint from a line and then add a horizontal constraint to the same line, the line will be constrained but the constraint will not show up.
I have a feeling this goes way back to the first release of INV we had (release 14?). Basically the merged FG member length seems to be calculated using the member centre line instead of real lengths. See the attached Pack-N-Go.
The view on the left is a Merged FG member. The view in the middle is individual FG members based on a line of symmetry in the same sketch. Both are placed using the mid point option in the FG dialogue. The views on the right are the 3 separate members used for the middle view.
The Merged length shows 722 mm whereas adding the 3 member lengths (RH view) equals 740 mm. 18 mm short, or 2 sets of 9 mm (shown in the middle view) which represents the end cuts to the middle member in the RH view.
Why do we not have the "=" (equals) constraint option in 3D Sketch mode? It seems like a very basic need for a constraint. Is there a reason why one should NOT want to have an "equal" constraint in a 3D Sketch?
Does Inventor (2012) have the option to view sketch constraints as a list? I feel like I am playing pictionary trying to find out what constraint is what and what it is constraining and it doesn't work that Inventor stacks anything nearby on top of each other.
I've attached a file showing what the problem is, please don't judge the model tree. I was prototyping as I went so it is messy.
One of my frustrations with Inventor is the difficulty of constraining a sketch so that the solution is unique. It is an issue when alternate solutions appear while making adjustments.
As a simple example, suppose we have an adaptive work point. This point can be solved to be at a distance L from the origin, but could be in any direction meaning the part can rotate freely.
Instead of a work point, consider using an adaptive sketch point constrained vertically from the origin. When solved at a distance L from the origin, the part can rotate around the vertical axis (as one might expect when fixing two points), but it can also be flipped with the sketch point located in either the positive or negative vertical direction. Is there a way to ensure a solution is only found in the positive vertical direction?
When you're working on a sketch in the part environment the status bar shows the number of constraints needed to fully constrain the sketch. For example "2 Dimensions Needed".
How do you retrieve this value using Visual Basic Net?
I have a line that i would ideally like to divide into 3 equal segments. The divide command places points along the line, but I can't snap to them.
I know that I can place a block at each point which I could snap to, but is there a way of doing it without creating a block? Also is there a command that actually splits a line into 3 equal-length lines?
Likely a simple question; I have completed a part and because I am new, drew it a certain way to make my life easier. Now that the part is complete I would like to rotate the entire part (but not create a new solid) by 45 deg.
Autodesk for Inventor 2013, the ability to save while in sketch mode - if you're going to be spending a lot of design time sketching then this needs to be addressed so that the drawing is automatically saved. Otherwise if Inventor crashes (which it often does) while you're busy sketching away you loose your work.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
Is it possible to use the ""Centerline Bisector" command in the sketch enviroment. I want to add a centerline of a hole on a sketch on my part, but I only want to select two lines and have the centerline generated.
I know about the pink lines, green lines, and black line, but I recieved a part from another person and it had red lines for the sketch, how, what did he do to get those? He doesn't know how he did it.
How does one (in sketch mode) dimension from the quad of a circle instead of the center? Been dealing with it for a long time, no I am fed up and want to dimension from the quad.
In 5.3 I can create reference dimensions in sketch mode to my hearts content. They became very valuable as I would use them to determine placement of multiple features. Now, in IV 7, I have alot of trouble creating reference dimensions from adjacent features on the same surface. I have to change the way I'm working now and it has stumped me on a few occasions. is there a "new" feature I need to enable or is this the cost of progress?
I am using Inventor 2012 and have recently experienced a problem with the fillet not working correctly. I have a curve and a straight line that connect and when I select fillet it will allow me to select the curve but not the straight line. I have been able to do this in the past with no problems.
I'd like to be able to vastly increase the size of the triad in the 3D Sketch environment - when sketching the triad is tiny and does not increase in size when zooming, this makes snapping to its planes extremely difficult.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I am creating a block for my details. I want to be able to title my block and the the line under my txt will change it's length based on the lenght of the text. I keep playing with the constraints, but I haven't found one that is doing what I want.
I was giving a hand drawn wiring diagram (original.jpg) and it is a rats nest!!
I was asked to re-draw this and put it on our drawing template.
I have the plugs and terminal blocks drawn up and now I am about to attempt to add in the wires, but the sketch is so filled with dimension lines and values, it is going to be a task to try and make sure every line I draw is correct. This would be much easier to do if the dimensions could be turned off as the wires I am drawing will not be constrained.
I don't think there is layers options inside a sketch mode, or a if i start a new sketch I don't think I can project that sketch to the new one?
The only other options I can think of was to delete all dimensions and apply FIX constraint to everything! or
I guess I could have modeled the plugs and blocks in position and added them to the drawing, projected the geometry to a new sketch and added in my wires??