I link an excel spreadsheet of text into my .idw files and I constantly have this issue where the text is crowded (see attached). I've tried changing the font, etc. but nothing seems to work. Every once in a while if I move the linked sheet within the .idw it corrects itself.
I'm using Inventor 2012.
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot
linked Excel file to Inventor 12 file parameters. Windows 7, Excel MS office professional '10. Linked excel file, here dimensions are driven by parameters which are driven by excel. toggled 'immediate update' Still - i have to open the sketch - it shows the updated number from Excel, but only on opening the sketch will it change the model to use the new dimension value.
I have a excel sheet linked to my inventor file and I cant delete it. I really only need to change the starting cell, but I can't do that either. It works on some parts to right click on the folder in the parameters window and then select delete or change start cell, but on others it doesn't work.
Got a new computer, put AutoCAD LT 2010 on the machine, justlike the rest of the office, but also installed excel 2010, when the rest ofthe office has 2007. when insertinglinked spreadsheets from the new computer, and we update the links on our oldcomputers, Acad fatal errors out. Thisis because of the difference in the excel versions correct?
I have set up some autocad tables that are linked to excel data( using relative path) in an Autocad Architecture project template. In the xref dialog box, the data links are show as relative path e.g. ..Standards excel file
After creating a new project from this template and right-clicking in one of the cells which have linked data and selecting "data links" and "open data links file" it opens the template excel file, not the excel file within the project folder.
If I use the xref command, select and right click one of the excel data links and select "open" it does open the correct excel file located in the current project folder.
The xref dialog box does show all the data links as relative path e.g. ..Standardsexcel file.
I have linked a table from excel into autocad 2012. I have selected "Start with excel formatting, do not update" in the datalink options. My problem is when I break the table the first table will keep my formatting changes - text height and alignment, but the following table breaks do not stay the same once I close and reopen the drawing
I have a new issue that I am unsure what to do about.
This has never occurred with previous version of ACAD and this is the first time I created data links with Autocad 2012, and I am using the same procedure that I have successfully used in the past.
I have data tables linked to excel spreadsheets. I used the "TABLE" button on the ANNOTATE ribbon to place the table, and the layout of the cells assumes the layout of the excel spreadsheet, which is what I want.
As long as I don't Scale the table, I can Update the data table links just fine.
However when I scale the table and then update table links, the table layout changes drastically, and is undesirable.
I have tried locking the cells' but that will not fix the problem.
I want to keep the layout of the table that is assumed when I place the table originally. Is there any way to lock it as such?
How to insert a linked excel table into my drawing, however I have not figured out how to add rows to the table, the option is greyed out. I can insert rows above and below the (inserted) table but not anywhere in the middle.
I've tried everything I can think of, even removing all the formatting in the .xls spreadsheet to no avail. The cells are unlocked, I can manipulate the data, but not being able to insert rows is really hindering the efficiency of using a data linked table.
We had a client who could not open our drawings that had linked Excel spreadsheets in them even though we supplied the spreadsheets. The drawings would crash AutoCAD when they tried to open them.
My solution was to open the drawings, pick on the Linked Spreadsheet OLE in the drawing, Ctrl+C (Edit > Copy) then I Edit > Paste Special > As Image. I would paste it in at the lower left corner of the existing spreadsheet.
I set the properties of the new OLE so the Lock Aspect Ratio was Off or No and drag the upper right corner of my newly inserted image to the upper right corner of the existing linked spreadsheet so it would be a perfect match.
I then erased the existing linked spreadsheet.
Now they can open the files and we don't need to include the spreadsheet when we send the files.
I just began messing around with linking excel and autocad (disappointed that you can't link to .xlsm but that will go on the wish list). I was wondering if there was already a post as to how to not lose your fields when you download from source. I have a table that has fields from my sheet set with drawing names etc...but everytime I click download from source it converts the field to plain text.
I recently decided to see how the AutoCAD tables work. I was very happy to learn you could link your Excel spreadsheets with CAD. But now I have a problem.
After inserting the table it refuses to use the table style I have set up. The fonts do not want to change at all. I can change the colour of the text, but not the font.
I have been using a lisp routine to strip formatting from a linked excel sheet. (stripmtextV5) .When I try and run it on a sheet today it says some cells are locked. I've changed the cell format in the excel file to unlocked. I have unlocked the cells in the linked table. Yet it still says that some cells are locked...I have even picked in each cell to verify each one is unlocked.
I've started using tables linked to excel files for drawing index on cover sheets. My problem is when I delete or add lines on my excel sheet it changes the format on some of the cells changing font size and justification on some cells of my table. The changes to my table seems random.
My goal is to open have people go into a central assembly file, type in their specific parameters and the various part files update within the assembly. I wish to do this without the need for an excel sheet, but when I try to link the parameters from the assembly file to the part files, it will not allow me to insert these parts. I get an error about an "assembly can not be placed into itself."
Iparts will not work as this has an infinite amount of sizes.
I'm linking an excel file to an .ipt file with iLogic code determining if the Material type is a certian value it will find the correct material thickness. These file work great when working on them thru Vault but when I "Save As Template" and create this file where our other template files are located (not Vault) this fuction does not work. I have realized that I had to place the a copy of the excel file in the same file folder as the template ipt, but even this does not fix the issue.
I recieve this error:
Error in rule: Material, in document: Part6
'MWW Materials (Inventor).xlsx' could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is correct.
If you are trying to open the file from your list of most recently used files, make sure that the file has not been renamed, moved, or deleted.
It seems completly countintutive that just saving the file as a template file would cause this not to work when all files that are required are located in the same file folder. Maybe I need a reference to the excel document within the iLogic code.
i have deleted the excel file from the ipt file but when i open the part file it is still looking for the excel file. i am using inv 10 sp1 and excel 2000
I have used the command "insert object" to embed an excel sheet. I can see in the modelbar the new stage called "3rd Party", expanded I also see "Embedding 1". If I use edit I can see my excel sheet. So far good.
My next task is to create a Rule to recall cells in the sheet. I use the command CellValue (embedded) to pick my cell value. My problem is that then I close my rule-editor I got the error:
Error in rule: Rule0, in document: Box test.ipt
GoExcel: 3rd Party worksheet not found: "3rd Party:Embedding 1", Sheet: "Sheet1"
It seems like I´m not able to recall my cellvalues.Whats the difference between embedding a excelsheet as above or use the add link command i Parameters window?
I have AutoCAD 2013 and often "paste special" excel files that automatically update when the excel file changes.The problem I'm running into is I work with a person who has uses an older version of CAD 2004, so I always save to the older format for him.
When I etransmit, I be sure to add the excel file, but when he opens the dwg, only the outline of the excel appears in his dwg, no content.
A local search of my HD and a search on the subject here returned with zero results...
Where does one find the Inventor Sheet Metal Rules excel table for 2012 on a Windows 7 system?
All the documentation says it's located in the Documents and Settings directory, but Windows Vista eliminated that folder and thus it is not in Win7 either.
I can find the SheetMetalRules.xml file, but I need the excel table for modification.
in inventor 2009: i linked parameter of 3D design from excel file. If i change the value on excel file --> dimension of 3D design will change. It work fine.
So, in inventor 2011, i can not do it: when change the value on excel file, 3D model does not change dimension.
I have a general table in my engineered print. It consists of basic columns with text. How can i have Inventor refresh the data if i change the Excel without having to delete and re insert a table ?
when i try to link an excel file to the parameters dialog box i get a message telling me it is "NOT IMPLEMENTED". i just upgraded to windows 7 because it is now supported by autodesk.
I linked an excel (2010) file with an inventor (2011) .ipt and none of the parameters are showing inside inventor. I was leaving the file external but I embed it also as a trouble shooting step and nothing still. I have no spaces in excel sheet. Is there something special i need to be doing inside excel or inventor?