AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Link Multiple Threads
Apr 10, 2013
I have a hole tapped from both sides. I did a hole tapped to a depth but drilled through and added a thread feature at the other end. I had changed the hole (from 7/8-9 to 1-8) but the note on the drawing was attached to the thread feature.
I would like to set it up so that the thread feature will automatically be the same as the thread on the hole. I don't get any errors saying that the hole is the wrong size for the thread, and both ends of the hole look the same (which I find somewhat disturbing).
I need to link the threads together. At the very least it should look wrong, and hopefully complain that it's wrong, but I would much rather have access to these features so I can control them better.
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Mar 28, 2013
This has to be a bug in the program. I created a part, added a standard 5/8" threaded hold in it. It looks great.
I export to STL thinking that I can print this part on my 3D printer. There are no threads, just a hole. What is wrong with the STL export?
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Apr 14, 2010
How do I represent NPS threads (not NPT) in IV?
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Apr 4, 2012
How to properly model a screw thread around the point of the screw.
I have gotten the coil to taper to the point, however, I'm unable to get thread to terminate properly.
Essentially, the pitch remains the same as it moves down the taper, but the major/minor is diminishing until it terminates cleanly at the point.
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Jan 22, 2012
Can I use diferrent types of threads (as variants), in one iPart/iFeature file, ex. M10x1.5 (ISO Metric profile) and G1/8" (ISO Pipe Threads)? Look at the file in attachment and correct it if possible.
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Oct 29, 2011
My part does everything I want with threads but the other option I need to program is a straight hole with no threads. I assume I can do this with Param for the existing hole but not sure what it would be called? Is there a list or method of determining what these parameters are called so I'll be able to find them in the future?
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Dec 3, 2012
I am looking to add Acme screws to my project file - I am using the thread sheet from this thread. My question is, can I add these threads to my project as I need to be able to edit this project on multiple computers (the project is synced with git)?
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Oct 6, 2011
I have made threads with the standard thread tool (that doesn't seem to make 3D threads but instead pictures of threads) into solid and once I export the STEP file and open it in Solidworks the threads are missing. I have to export the drawing to STEP for machinist that uses Solidworks. How can I include the threads into STEP file?
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Mar 13, 2012
IV 2012.I need to make a non-standard thread to mate with a purchased component. Is there a way of creating it in my ipt file so that the hole and thread tool in the idw pulls the correct data?
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Jun 10, 2013
I've been trying to make a male and matching female screw and fitting for attaching two parts that will be 3D printed. However, whenever I export the part to an .STL file, the threads do not show or print properly.
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Jan 6, 2012
I'm working on some bottle concepts and I have a need to model standard plastic bottle threads. These threads are designated by a diameter in mm and how many threads are on the bottle. Example: 33-400 The 33 is the diameter and 400 refers to a single turn of the cap. Manufacturers like Aptar make bottle tops of various types to fit this spec. I happen to be looking at dispensing lids (think Heinz Ketchup bottle). While I've found specs for Major diameter, Minor diameter and TPI, I have found precious little that describes the thread shape itself. I've tried to reverse engineer a sample thread from... you guessed it.. a Heinz Ketchup bottle. I feel that my venier caliper and micrometer are not doing this effort justice.
Looking for DWG file or Inventor model of the thread profile?
I'm using the coil command to create the thread on the bottle neck. It works okay. An issue arises with the thread termination. The threads on the bottle itself "chamfer" into the bottle neck. While I don't think I can do this with the coil command itself, how to create the "lead-in" for the plastic thread.
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Dec 11, 2012
We want to substitute drawings with a color-palette. This means, we have to set different colors to different kind of features ( i.e. H7-fitting to red, thread to yellow, ....). We do this manually by now.
I mean, if on makes a fit-hole then automatically it appears in red. All threads he makes are in yellow and so on. Is there a chance to make a feature-based color-table in inventor and if it is so.
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Jan 11, 2013
I have an assembly that is made up of 3 unique parts ( 5 parts total). These parts and there features are to be laser cut, then assembled and welded along the outer perimeter in the small chamfer. I have designed the parts to have 5/16 holes, which will be later tapped to 3/8"-16 UNC after assembly.
Once these parts are assembled, I don't understand how I can change the holes to reflect this. Meaning I want the parts to be pre-drilled(laser cut) with 5/16 holes, but I want the assembly to then have 3/8-16UNC holes.
The hole command will not let me select the existing hole features in the assembly and add threads. What is the consequence of inserting a 'new' hole with 3/8-16UNC threads over the existing 5/16" holes in the assembly?
Is my workflow incorrect? should I have the parts modeled with the tapped holes and just make a note on the drawing to not tap these holes until assembly? how does that affect the laser cutting?
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Aug 3, 2013
company needs a very elaborate parts list on the drawings regarding different custom properties of parts (so I created new parts to easily add these custom columns...without screwing up parts in the content center somehow).
I needed to get things up and running quick so I imported a good handful of bolts and nuts from McMaster Carr.
the threading on the bolts is so detailed that it's really cluttering up the drawing views with extra line geometry (basically black blobs wherever bolt threads or hidden bolt threads are located) there any way to lower the detail of objects, say just to show the outline of the bolt and it's "perimeter" thread outline...but not show the individual threading across a bolts face?
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Aug 10, 2012
Some images in threads are now showing up with the lower portion of the picture blacked out. Its like there is a limit on how large the image can be. Many times what the posting memeber is trying to show is blacked out.
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Apr 8, 2013
How to make the threads match on a male and female part. Using a tap size chart, I made a hole 31.5 mm in diameter. Then I added interior threads with a tap size M33 x1.5. How do I determine the diameter of the male part before adding threads? Would it also be 31.5 mm? I plan on 3d printing these parts, so I've also been using the thread modeler tool.
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May 2, 2012
I can't tell if this is a bug or a "feature."
I have created a custom thread.xls table so that thread callouts are in decimal format per ASME B1.1.
When I use the Hole / Thread feature note in an .idw, the thread class will not show on an external thread. If I change the format to not use Custom Thread Designation, the thread class appears. If I use the Custom Thread Designation on a threaded hole, everything works fine.
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Jun 3, 2013
Currently. I use datafield to link room names at different scales (1:100, 1:50,...). Do we have the method to link these from multiple drawings?
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Jun 17, 2013
C3D 2012 SP3..I want to label the subassembly I have created. It is easy enough to create the label style and apply it through the code set styles. I want to drag the labels for pavement depth, creating a leadered situation. Why does the program create multiple labels for each marker or link? Can this be limited to one lable for the marker and link?
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Jan 4, 2012
Is it possible link one view into multiple sheets? I would like one key plan to appear in all of the plan sheets.
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Feb 6, 2013
I created a clothing price tag design (consisting of some vector artwork, text, and a raster image as a background), and now i'm attempting to create a grid layout of the tags for print (20 tags on a letter-size page i can print using a desktop printer and cut apart manually).
Sounds simple enough, right? Just duplicate the artwork 20 times. Easy.
But here's the catch: 20 copies of the artwork (i.e. 20 copies of every point, line, object, and image) makes for a freaking huge file, too big for the printer to handle. It gets acceptably smaller if i save it as a PDF without preserving Illustrator editing capabilities, but then that defeats the purpose; i need to be able to change the prices at will.
Now, it would seem to make the most sense to save the individual tag design as its own AI file (let's call it ''), then simply Place into a new file as a link, and duplicate it 20 times to create the print layout. Theoretically, i would only need to edit the artwork itself once (to change the price, change a color, etc.), and the changes would be automatically applied to my layout file. However, this is apparently too much to ask: each time the linked artwork is copied, it creates a new, separate link. To further frustrate things, when i edit the artwork file, i then have to update all 20 links manually, meaning that 20 different times, i get an Open File dialog, and have to select 20 separate times. In the end, it's an exercise in extreme redundancy, and the file size of the layout isn't made any smaller.
Is there something i'm overlooking, or is there really no better, more efficient solution than just making 20 copies of everything and ending up with a file size of 80-90mb?
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Jan 21, 2014
I have been looking for a solution to automate a printing and ordering process. I have a design template with 2 pages both 8.5x11 in size. One page represents the front and other the back for double sided printing. I have 6 different images per sheet so in my links panel I have 12 total links, 2 of each. I was wondering if there is a script to update all the links with the same filename with other image? Currently I have to search through all the images and update each one.
I have 6 artboards dividing the 8.5x11 sheet proportionatly. Each artboard represents a different order. Is there a script to write the linked filename to the bottom corner of each artboard?
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Nov 8, 2012
To create realistic threads, I simply sweep the thread profile along a helix with Align set to “no”. (This actually creates the negative of the thread, which must then be subtracted from a cylinder.)
When I attempt to follow the same procedure using a conical helix to produce tapered pipe threads, however, it does not work. When I set Align to “no”, I get an error message saying “cannot sweep the profile”. If I try it with Align set to “yes”, the profile is twisted and the result does not look like threads.
Any way around this issue, or is this a fundamental limitation of AutoCAD?
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Oct 7, 2013
I have a logic problem in my code that I need solving,
here's the bit of code which is supposed to set the text, image and link for a symbol used multiple times on the Stage.
var names = ["melz", "brom", "calm", "micj", "mick", "brir", "mato", "brym", "azin", "hugh", "nicl", "bonr", "lisa"];
var name = null;
for(var x = 0; x < names.length; x++){
name = names[x];
var initials = (name[0]+""+name[3]).toUpperCase();
var cursymbol = sym.getSymbol(name);
The text and image code work, however my problem is with setting the link. It always sets all the symbols to the last name in the names[] array. What I want it to do is to set the link to the personalised name in the array. So the HH button will link to hugh.html and the BM button will link to brym.html etc.
For now I'm going to play around a bit and see what happens.
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Nov 7, 2012
How to use sweep to successfully put threads in a hole. Attached is the drawing with a helical coil and an object in two different orientations (A and B). To the right of that, you can see the path they took for each. The object rotated from the original position before following the path. Tried changing the position of the object to sweep, but either it sweeps it 180 degrees from what it is already doing (still wrong) or the program says it is invalid and won't do anything till I put it back in the original rotational position and try again.
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Apr 26, 2012
I heard that AutoCAD use Mental Ray render. How many maximum parallel threads can use this algorithm? I want buy new graphic station based on dual-socket Intel Xeon (each CPU has 6 cores with Hyper Threading technology). Thereby a computer will be equipped with 24 logical CPUs.
Can AutoCAD 2012 fully utilize such a performance for parallel computing when render?
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Oct 4, 2011
How to construct Type U Threads in rectangular view.
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Dec 26, 2011
I'm messing around with tables and data links, practicing. I copied a range of cells in Excel, and did paste special to create a linked table.
Now I can delete the table object, but I cannot delete the link, cannot detach it.
When in Data Manager if I right click on the data link and click delete I get the error message "The data link is being used and cannot be deleted".
I have tried detaching, and the detach does not seem to take.
Now also, the table will not update from the source xls.
Win XP, AcadLT 2011, Office 2010. Using compatible setting for saving spreadsheet, for Office 2007 (not xlsx).
If I create a linked table by starting with the Table icon, choose "from a data link", choose the excel spreadsheet, etc., then I am able to later update the table from the spreadsheet, detach, delete the link, etc. But I can only delete the link if the table is not selected when I open the Data Link Manager.
But the one that was created following the directions from the Autocad video, with the copy, paste special, that link will not detach nor delete.
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Oct 4, 2012
I understand how to link a 3D.dwg with a 2D.dwg, but what I'm having trouble with now is linking the data,
is there anyway to create a table and link data directly from the .ipt to the .dwg that would update when I edited or revised the .ipt. I know that you can do this by exporting the parameters in an excel file then importing them to the .dwg but once I do that there isn't anyway to auto update the data....
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Jan 26, 2012
(Inv Pro 2012, XP64, Vaulted Project and Content Center)When I'm placing hardware, the Autodrop function is really convenient. Even better when the "multiple" pickbox is active, which from what I understand is when Inventor finds similar features on the same plane that the selected autodrop component could potentially mate to.
This is a huge time-saver, since I often have lots of bolted joints that all terminate on the same plane. Sometimes however, even when the parts lie in the same "plane", the plane isn't contiguous in that a feature breaks it across. No biggie, it just means I have to do two or three "multi-autodrops".
Once I put washers at the back side of the connections (which multiple works like a charm on), all of a sudden when I go to place nuts, each washer surface is now it's own plane, and multi-drop no longer recognizes all the other parts. This can be a real pain manually placing 30 or 40 nuts at a time.
I think the "Bolted Connection" option might work, but I really don't have a need to store all those subassemblies, name them, keep them vaulted properly, etc. That would be almost as much of a headache.
Also, most of the features that I'm connecting through are created as Hole features and as "nominal" oversized bolt holes as Inventor suggests when the "clearance hole" option is used for hole creation (not randomly extruded islands), but they aren't patterned as they don't follow a prescribed circular or rectangular pattern.
Am I missing something that I can do (like something stupid simple such as holding down the "alt" key or some crazy thing like that) that will allow inventor not just to suggest CONTIGUOUS planar features, but also CO-planar features so I can place all these nuts at once?
Short of creating a custom Content center part that consists of a nut / washer assembly I can't think of anything. And creating and publishing the nut washer assemblies will eat up some time too, since I have about 50 different combinations (some SAE washers with normal hex nuts, some SAE washers with ESNA hex, some USS washers with jam nuts, some USS Type B washers with all-steel locknuts, etc...)
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm designing a part that in Autodesk Inventor 2013 that is constructed from several layers laminated together. I have 4 layers:
F (front)
M1 (middle, variation one)
M2 (middle, variation two)
B (back)
The final solid will lhave 17 layers laid out like this:
F | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 ... | B
I currently have a part file containing
F | M1 | M2
What's the best way to create this solid if I want to a) keep all instances of M1 and M2 in sync, and b) make it easy to work on all 4 layers. Do I have to export F, M1, M2, and B as individual parts and import them into an assembly or can I keep them in one part file? I really like the ability to be able to work on all the solids at the same time because they're visually dependant on each other.
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