I have made threads with the standard thread tool (that doesn't seem to make 3D threads but instead pictures of threads) into solid and once I export the STEP file and open it in Solidworks the threads are missing. I have to export the drawing to STEP for machinist that uses Solidworks. How can I include the threads into STEP file?
I can use the program and quite happily create components, sub assemblys, and master assemblys.Our company still doesn't have ANY 3D FILES. I have been tasked with eventually creating a full range of end product drawings as Step files. They are wanting BIMS. I see this a step to far atm.....
With the products that manufacture inhouse (industrial / comercial boilers) I have produced each individual component within the boiler to eventually aid to manufacture and bombs to intergrate with SAP.
With doing this every boiler I have done in inventor all the components are there and easily accessable. Am I right in thinking it needs to be exported as a step file to lock everything within the master assembly.
When I have exported it to a step file, when it comes to importing it into an assembly file the components are still accessable when expanded in the menu at the side. Is this because im opening it on my computer or have I done something wrong.....
Can I use diferrent types of threads (as variants), in one iPart/iFeature file, ex. M10x1.5 (ISO Metric profile) and G1/8" (ISO Pipe Threads)? Look at the file in attachment and correct it if possible.
My part does everything I want with threads but the other option I need to program is a straight hole with no threads. I assume I can do this with Param for the existing hole but not sure what it would be called? Is there a list or method of determining what these parameters are called so I'll be able to find them in the future?
I am looking to add Acme screws to my project file - I am using the thread sheet from this thread. My question is, can I add these threads to my project as I need to be able to edit this project on multiple computers (the project is synced with git)?
I have a hole tapped from both sides. I did a hole tapped to a depth but drilled through and added a thread feature at the other end. I had changed the hole (from 7/8-9 to 1-8) but the note on the drawing was attached to the thread feature.
I would like to set it up so that the thread feature will automatically be the same as the thread on the hole. I don't get any errors saying that the hole is the wrong size for the thread, and both ends of the hole look the same (which I find somewhat disturbing).
I need to link the threads together. At the very least it should look wrong, and hopefully complain that it's wrong, but I would much rather have access to these features so I can control them better.
IV 2012.I need to make a non-standard thread to mate with a purchased component. Is there a way of creating it in my ipt file so that the hole and thread tool in the idw pulls the correct data?
I've been trying to make a male and matching female screw and fitting for attaching two parts that will be 3D printed. However, whenever I export the part to an .STL file, the threads do not show or print properly.
I'm working on some bottle concepts and I have a need to model standard plastic bottle threads. These threads are designated by a diameter in mm and how many threads are on the bottle. Example: 33-400 The 33 is the diameter and 400 refers to a single turn of the cap. Manufacturers like Aptar make bottle tops of various types to fit this spec. I happen to be looking at dispensing lids (think Heinz Ketchup bottle). While I've found specs for Major diameter, Minor diameter and TPI, I have found precious little that describes the thread shape itself. I've tried to reverse engineer a sample thread from... you guessed it.. a Heinz Ketchup bottle. I feel that my venier caliper and micrometer are not doing this effort justice.
Looking for DWG file or Inventor model of the thread profile?
I'm using the coil command to create the thread on the bottle neck. It works okay. An issue arises with the thread termination. The threads on the bottle itself "chamfer" into the bottle neck. While I don't think I can do this with the coil command itself, how to create the "lead-in" for the plastic thread.
We want to substitute drawings with a color-palette. This means, we have to set different colors to different kind of features ( i.e. H7-fitting to red, thread to yellow, ....). We do this manually by now.
I mean, if on makes a fit-hole then automatically it appears in red. All threads he makes are in yellow and so on. Is there a chance to make a feature-based color-table in inventor and if it is so.
I have an assembly that is made up of 3 unique parts ( 5 parts total). These parts and there features are to be laser cut, then assembled and welded along the outer perimeter in the small chamfer. I have designed the parts to have 5/16 holes, which will be later tapped to 3/8"-16 UNC after assembly.
Once these parts are assembled, I don't understand how I can change the holes to reflect this. Meaning I want the parts to be pre-drilled(laser cut) with 5/16 holes, but I want the assembly to then have 3/8-16UNC holes.
The hole command will not let me select the existing hole features in the assembly and add threads. What is the consequence of inserting a 'new' hole with 3/8-16UNC threads over the existing 5/16" holes in the assembly?
Is my workflow incorrect? should I have the parts modeled with the tapped holes and just make a note on the drawing to not tap these holes until assembly? how does that affect the laser cutting?
company needs a very elaborate parts list on the drawings regarding different custom properties of parts (so I created new parts to easily add these custom columns...without screwing up parts in the content center somehow).
I needed to get things up and running quick so I imported a good handful of bolts and nuts from McMaster Carr.
the threading on the bolts is so detailed that it's really cluttering up the drawing views with extra line geometry (basically black blobs wherever bolt threads or hidden bolt threads are located)...is there any way to lower the detail of objects, say just to show the outline of the bolt and it's "perimeter" thread outline...but not show the individual threading across a bolts face?
Some images in threads are now showing up with the lower portion of the picture blacked out. Its like there is a limit on how large the image can be. Many times what the posting memeber is trying to show is blacked out.
How to make the threads match on a male and female part. Using a tap size chart, I made a hole 31.5 mm in diameter. Then I added interior threads with a tap size M33 x1.5. How do I determine the diameter of the male part before adding threads? Would it also be 31.5 mm? I plan on 3d printing these parts, so I've also been using the thread modeler tool.
I have created a custom thread.xls table so that thread callouts are in decimal format per ASME B1.1.
When I use the Hole / Thread feature note in an .idw, the thread class will not show on an external thread. If I change the format to not use Custom Thread Designation, the thread class appears. If I use the Custom Thread Designation on a threaded hole, everything works fine.
I have a Command Method which has a loop that opens and commits transactions until the user is finished with it and exits.
I would like each transaction to be undone separately but the undo command undoes the CommandMethod (along with all the transactions that occurred while in the loop)
Do I need to use the COM StartUndoMark and EndUndoMark to get this working?
I have somehow reversed the process of changing a sky in my photo so that when I get to the point of painting in the sky from the 2nd photo, it is painting with white (not black) that brings out the background I want on the original photo. Where have I gone wrong? Is there anywhere I can go to find a detailed step-by-step process for doing Layer Masks?
How do i export a .iam to STEP or STP or IGES without the three being expordted? i dont want the costumers to be able to see the anything in the three but 1 file (base1 or something).
What i do today is, i make a new part and derive the .iam file and then export it to step but this is getting hard to do when you have many .iam files.
We have a minor issue with STEP translations. We keep our templates on the network, and they have a lot of customized settings. Everything is fine until we try to translate a STEP file, then Inventor wants to use the templates on the "C" drive (the ones that came with the software).
Is there a setting I can use to make Inventor use the templates on the network? I've got my "Files" setting in the "Options" pointing to the templates on the network, but Inventor still uses the ones on the "C" drive.
Basically, my school has the 2012 version of Inventor while I have 2013, and I was wondering if I can still use STEP files in an assembly, and also in my drawing sheets.
Following is possible using AutoDesk Inventor Apprentice (C++ Project)?
I want to be able to select (using the File Open dialog box) a "Step" file that I have downloaded from my supplier, then convert it to an IPT file (NOT AN ASSEMBLY!!!), automatically.
I followed up their way as URL....but still I cannot get correct solid model when I try to convert attached STEP model to IPT. I just can get surface model, but I do not solid one.
Convert file in STEP format do Inventor? I need to have box but it imports only as surfaces. When I want to stitch these surfaces an error appears that says that I have crossed surfaces.
For a client we maked a model in 3dsmax. But now they have to produce it in the factory. They need a STEP file. I added the file in Inventor. But its not a solid 3d body. But I have never worked with this program. How to make the STEP file? URL...
We had a CAD designer create a 3D drawing for us. I am pretty sure he did it in Inventor. We only have Inventor LT here. I am so lost its not even funny and my boss is breathing down my back to get this done. How in the heck do I convert the .dw file to a .step or .iges file!?