AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Align Views

Mar 18, 2013

I have two seperate parts that I have laid out on a drawing. I wish to align these parts.... Is this possible?

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Revit :: Copy / Paste Align Views

Sep 20, 2011

is there a way to cut/copy a view off of a sheet and paste it onto another sheet in the same exact location (paste aligned)?
For example i have three elevations on one sheet...i would like to keep one on that sheet and cut and paste the other two onto another sheet in the same locations...possible?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Create Multiple Views Of Same Part Separated From Other Base Views

Apr 3, 2013

I am trying to create a second base view (using Layout/Create View/Base from model space). The problem is, I need it to be rotated from the original base view. However, when I rotate the part in model space, ALL of my views change. 

So I guess my question is, how do I create multiple views of the same part that are seperate from the other base views?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Sheetset Deleted Views Still Appear In Sheets List Of Views

Aug 29, 2013

i have views lets say 3 views on a sheet but in the list of views theres mores that appears maybe i inserted the extra views that are showing but i deleted them to put them on another sheet

the problem is they show up in the list of both sheet and i can't delete them from the list of the sheet that they were before

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align Model When Ucs Is Different?

Feb 13, 2012

how to align the model when ucs of diff. asm are done in diff ucs, aside from constraining the faces.

inv 2011
vault 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align Sweep Profile

Mar 5, 2013

I am having difficulty aligning the profile for a sweep feature.  I need the profile to be normal to the path, but aligned vertically.  In other words, the rectangular profile should remain "plumb" along the entire sweep.  Is there a simple way to do this?

I have shared the sample files, trying to use the profile in two different ways, through Dropbox (they are too large to upload).  I am using Inventor 2013.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align Model To Origin

Jun 29, 2013

How to align a model to the origin, and NONE of them seem to be correct. I am using Inventor 2013. I tried the move body command, however there is no part of the dialog box that lets me choose a face or plane to align to.

What to do when you import a model that is not aligned to the origin?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align View Options In IDW

Dec 27, 2012

I am detailing a drawing with typical hole dimensions on a piece of steel angle. The drawing is setup such that the fabricator will have two options for each end of the steel angle. I have created two parts with the two options per end and have placed them outside of the page for reference.

I would like to reference each end of each piece, so that there are four pairs of views on the page (the two legs of the angle at each of the four ends), aligned in a grid. I have determined the best way to do this is with detail views. (Using breaks causes the break sign to appear huge, given the large gap I want between views. Using cropped views does not make it obvious that each end is a cutaway.)

My issue now is aligning the eight views. I know of the align options (horizontal, vertical, and in position), but they align to the "origin" of each detail, which is the center. With the angles being the same size, this works fine horizontally, but vertically, the pieces will never line up exactly, which is crucial to at least lining up the two legs of a single angle. The best I seem to be able to do is get the detail sizes as close to exact as possible so the centers come close to lining up. Even creating a projected view from a detail treats the cutaway end as part of the geometry, making it look a bit ridiculous.

way to precisely line up the views? I have done extensive searching and am confident that there is no inherent way to align based on a point or edge (seems like a deficiency on Autodesk's part), but is there a way to move the origin of a detail or something like that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align CenterMark To Edge

Sep 12, 2012

I'd like to align center marks to an edge using the 2012 API in a DrawingDocument, but I can't find the right property?

The RMB > Edit > Align to Edge option is not to my standards, so I'd like to make something better.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align Part To Assembly UCS?

Jun 10, 2013

I want to add parts to an assembly and align them with the assembly ucs. The parts have a ucs placed on the with the correct orientation. The idea is to have all the parts in an assembly with the correct side up and aligned the correct way for router cutting.

Below is the code I have tried without success.

Dim oAssm As Inventor.AssemblyDocument
Dim oOcc As Inventor.ComponentOccurrence
Dim oMatrix As Inventor.Matrix
' Open an assembly template
oAssm = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oTDir.TemplateDir & "Standard.iam")
' Add the part to the assembly


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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get IDW Views To Name Themselves

Jan 19, 2012

How could I get the idw views to name themselves? Instead of  ” view 1”,  “view2” why not have it name itself the file name,  the same goes for a parts-list added to idw sheets? When slow clicking them to rename they already have the file name referencing the view or parts list. I have multiple views and multiple parts list on many sheets. Re-naming them is starting to get old!

I took a quick look at “ILOGIC” because that’s my “ILOGIC” speed and nothing jumped out at me.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align Leaders In Drawing File

Jun 14, 2013

Is there any way to align leaders in a drawing file?  I can't even seem to get a "tracking" line so I can manually align them.  

Dell Precision T3500
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @2.8GHz
ATI FIrePRo V5800 (FireGL V)
12 GB Ram
64 BIt OS

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Align Multiple Parts Lists

May 22, 2012

Is there a way to align multiple Parts Lists?

I have an i Assembly with 7 distinct members.  I have a parts list displayed next to each member.  I had no problem getting the views to align, but am running into a wall with getting the Parts Lists aligned (other than just eyeballing it).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensioning ISO Views

Jul 11, 2013

Is there a way to change the way the dimensions text shows up at arbitrary angles and make them all uniform?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Distance Between Two Views On IDW

Oct 6, 2011

Is there a way of dimensioning the distance between the views on a .idw?

I have a series of drawings to make, that consist of two view each. I need to make them as consistant as possible, as far as the distance from view to view, accross the drawings.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Section Views

Nov 23, 2012

So I am trying to create section views that detail the correct assembly of two parts.

These parts are welded on top of each other so its important to have clear understanding of how they fit together.

So imagine a pipe bent in the shape of a circle, in the horizontal plane, then holes drilled into the top (vertically) and then another pipe fitting in the holes and being welded together. This is what is happening.

So I am trying to create a section view of one of the holes with the welding information.

When I go to create the section view, I draw a line that would pass through the center of the large horizontal circle (but doesnt) and the center of the hole I am trying to detail and through to the outside of the horizontal pipe.

Now with this line I should get a view of the assembly exactly perpendicular to the line from that point. This is what is called "Aligned" in Inventor and what I was taught as a "Section View". However, this is not the case at all. I get what is called a projected section view.

find a way to get an "Aligned" view of this without sectioning the entire assembly. I just want the small bit necessary to show the relevant information.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Line Up Views

Oct 16, 2013

Let's say I have a flat pattern view of my part and the bended top view of the same part on the same drawing and I want both of the left side of each to be in line. (The right side shortends after the bends occur but the left side is not changed at all)

Work around:

1. Export to autocad and line them up with the osnaps, etc

I know how to sketch per view and project geometry but thats still on each view and when I try to line them up I am using my eye. Is there a better way to line both up even though their on different views?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Overlaying Two Views

Feb 12, 2013

oBaseView = osheet.DrawingViews.AddBaseView(otargetDoc, oPoint1, DrawingViewScale, kFrontViewOrientation, kHiddenLineDrawingViewStyle, "Default")oDraftView = osheet.DrawingViews.AddAssociativeDraftView(otargetDoc, oPoint1, DrawingViewScale)

 I have one base view and one draft view created all at point1 with the same scale. It seems to me the base view's center is at point1. But not that of the draft view.

Just wondering how to overlay them to looks like one view with the same origin point. Or what coordinate I adjust, so I can draw on draft view, but looks like I was drawing on the base view?

Some additional lines are needed in drawing but can't get from projection of a model. 

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Illustrator :: Paragraph Align Left Acts Like Align Right

Apr 30, 2013

Occasionally paragraph allignment works opposite for left & right align, usually on Illustrator documents with Russian type.
In additon on center align text I set my cursor to input a period at the end of a sentence, and the period instead gets added to the beginning.
In character palette language is set to English USA, this is point text.
I created a new point text and this is happening, if I paste text from another document alignment works fine, font is Arial black but happens with all fonts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align Dimensions (ordinate) Using Arrange Command

Nov 13, 2012

i am using inventor professional 2013.iam trying to align dimensions (ordinate) using ARRANGE COMMAND but not getting the result i desire.

i tried arrange command but it always aligns with respect to the square brackets .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Align Object 90 Degrees Relative To Ground

Jan 17, 2013

how to align an object 90 degrees relative to the ground.Also how can draw a 350x350mm rectangle without using the dimension tool to check the size of the rectangle every time I resize it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Align Model View Parallel To Axis

Jul 8, 2013

My part is at an arbitrary angle relative to one of the planes and i cannot align the view in a drawing to be horizontal.I try to make a view, in the part file, in which the model will be horizontal, but there isn't any precise input for views.

I used the Look At tool to look at one face and all i need now is to rotate the view 90 degrees round one axis, but when i touch the line of the compass in the Constrained Orbit command the view jumps back to some position.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Views In IPN File - Not Possible?

Oct 19, 2012

When creating Views in .ipn files, using View Reps from .iam files, you get "Options" window where you can check Associative box, or leave it unchecked. How do yo get back to this window once the view is created?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Views Scattered

May 21, 2013

I have a problem with one of my Inventor DWGs.

It seems that whenever I save the associated model, there is a chance that it ruin the drawing by scattering views, dimensions and sketches randomly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Views Created With DWG

Oct 5, 2011

We recently started using Inventor DWG files (shifting away from IDW).

Part of the process for one of our programmers is to open a DWG file using AutoCAD Mechanical 2012, delete all unused dimensions and views, and use the remaining view to program his CNC machine. We are finding that this is not possible to do with the new format Inventor DWG files, as the views are not able to be selected.

What is the AutoCAD 2012 procedure for deleting views created with Inventor DWG?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extracting 2D Drawing Views

Aug 10, 2012

I want to extract 2D drawing view of the attached model.  I tried but could not succeed because most of the sketches are on the angled user defined work planes.

See the following links, I did the same for some of my other models:-

[URL] ...

[URL ...

How can I show the modelling process of this model with 2D drawings? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Section Views In Colour

May 20, 2012

I create muliti solid parts.  In the .idw view I want the section views to have same colour as the model.  Is it possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Turn All Plane Views Off At Once?

Jun 17, 2013

I have a part given to me from a customer that has ALL custom planes turned on. This file is large and has many assemblies, part, sub assy's.... too much to go thru one at a time. Can I turn all 'plane views' off at once? Why? Because I find it messy... no other reason.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Formatting Text Under Views Using VBA

Oct 21, 2013

I have an IDW file that has a corresponding .IPT Everytime you import a .ipt onto a sheet, a text accompanies it. I want to write a macros to edit this text.

As an usual practise it gives "VIEW, DESCRIPTION and SCALE" . 

Instead of VIEW , I want the code to pick something from the i-properties.

Eg. Instead of VIEW, it shopuld write the STOCK NUMBER from the iproperties of the part.

Is this possible ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Dimension Drawing Views

Aug 31, 2012

I am using Inventor 2013.  For some reason I cannot dimension some of the model entities in the drawing views in an idw file.  I can retrieve the model dimensions but it is usually easier to create the dimensions I need in each view.  I can select the line, curve, etc. when dimensioning but nothing happens.

After I think about it.  What I cannot dimension are lofts that I created with rails.  These rails were made up of lines and curves, not polylines.  How do I get the sketches for the rails I used for lofting to display in the drawing views so I can dimension those sketches.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Exploded Views

Jul 11, 2012

How to edit the explode steps in an explode file?  I have created an exploded view of an assembly, only I have edited the assembly by adding a whole bunch of fasteners etc.  Now I want to go into the explode file and add the extra components to the related exploded steps - only there is no steps to add the new components too, each component is on its own.  The functionality I am talking about is a sw thing and there is probably another process to do this, or a work around.

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