When i get some frames and need to use the feature NOTCH, is there a way to put one offset on it ? like we can do using MITER ?
The solution we've found here is in every member that we use NOTCH, we enter in the frame part and then use the feature THICKEN/OFFSET, this wey i can get the standard offset of 3mm that we use here for welding.
Or, if there is other easy way instead of NOTCH, to make one frame get to other with offset.
The image below shows what i mean, i need to get this off set in the frames on Z AXIS.
I created a custom profile, IS34, and published it successfully as a structural shape for the frame gererator. My problem is I get an error when I try to use the notch command in frame generator between two of these frame members. I have tried creating a custom notch in the profile definition, but this did not work either. I expected one profile to counter-profile the other.
tried to author notch profiles in the structural members for 2011?
The what's new states:
>Publish Notch Profiles
>The Notch command is enhanced so that you can define and reuse frame cross-sections. This is particularly >useful when you need a minimal gap between two connected frames.
>You can sketch a notch profile, extrude it, convert it to an iPart, and author and publish the iPart to Content >Center. Then you can apply the notch to cut another frame during the Notch process.
I have created a user parameter in a assembly, then creating a member with FG i use that parameter as member offset. The same with other members.
Changing from Parameters that parameter no update happen, I have tried rebuild all, refresh..no working. The only thing that works, is to use the "change" command , select my member(s) , change nothing, than ok.
Then it update.
Is it a software limit? A bug? An error in the workflow?
I want to link the thickness of the material used for a steel structure of to the offset of another steel structure that attaches to that it. I want to be able to change the size and material used for the frame and not have to continually change the offset of the piece attached to it. Is there a way to lind the thickness of one bar to the offset of another?
I am using MAYA 2012 on Windows 7. When I import audio (.WAV) it works fine, but if I offset it to a later frame the waveform moves to the right frame but when scrubbing the audio stays at 0. Making if very difficult to lip-sync. I have tried re-caching, playing the scene all the way through and all other options I have seen online.
We got a 3d printer and I've been doing a lot of basic designs, right now Im having an issue with trying to figure out how to cut a notch (if that is even the correct wording) in the edge of a plate.
I have a situation where need to frame a W14x30 into a W14x61. When I perform the Notch command, the W14x30 is only partially notched. The W14x61 is taller by .05 in. I tried to notch the W14x30 by ending it at the flange edge of the W14x61. I also tried to notch by ending the W14x30 on the other side of the W14x61, both attempts yielding no results.
I have a problem fo cycling dependency when I try to do a notch in a particular case.
I have this frame sample. I need to notch each frame parts. I realize 3 notchs, first one between 1 and 2, second one between 3 and 4. This two notch are realized without any problem.
When I try to do the last notch between 5 and 6 I have a cycling dependency error message. I don't understand why and how to solve the problem.
As i discovered, frame generator is a very handy tool to make a frame, and to connect beams to each other.
For a customer we need to build a large frame, The outer beams are connected directly to each other. The beams inside the outer frame need to have a gap because of mounting and welding.
What i am looking for is a kind of tool, where i can add a notch, and after the notch, shorten the beam with 1 mm at each side to make a gap, which is needed for welding.
Inventor gives an error if i add first a notch followed by a Lengthen/Shorten command. How to add a notch and a gap of 1 mm to a connecting beam?
I am setting up a family of parts that consist of a round disc with a fixed OD and a circular pattern of notches cut into the OD. The notches must go to a certain depth from the center, so those parameters are set. My problem is that I need to control the amount of material left between the notches, along the OD, after the pattern is done. Given the fixed parameters of the major OD, minor OD (3.5" in this case) and number of notches, the only way to control the amount of material between notches is to change the angle. When I set up the sketch to do the notches, I can only get a fully constrained sketch if I assign a specific angle to the notch. I need to be able to set it up so that the angle of the notch varies so the end result is a specifc amount of material left after the circular patter is completed.
In the attached PDF, I show what I have done so far. In this case the OD of the part is 4" and the diameter of the notch at it's closest to the center is 3.5". So basically, I end up with a driven parameter of 0.443. If I assign this value the parameter of d14, I need to make it equal to a ratio of another parameter (let's call it d15) so that d14 = d15*2.. This can only be accomplished by changing the angle.
In my family, the major OD and minor OD remain the same, but the angle must change to retain a specific amount of material between the notches when the number of notches is increased or decreased.
Is there an iLogic rule I can write to control this?
I created an extruded aluminium profile (attached file: Item Profile 8 80x80) which I published into the Content Center. When using this profile in a frame design, and using the Trim To Frame command, the profiles are trimmed at a weird angle (attached pdf file).
I come across this problem from time to time and generally either just ignore it, if the detail is destined for in house manufacture, or alter it in autocad if it's destined for exterior suppliers.
Our guard frames are manufactured from extruded aluminum section (made by a company called palletti) I have when needed created a new frame generator frame member for each new x-section that we wish to use. I then draw a 2d sketch for the base frame skeleton and then a 3d sketch for all the frame work above. This I then use in an assembly to create the framework. This framework assembly then goes into a second assembly where the framework is then adorned with all the accoutrements that make up a guard frame that we can then order as an assembled frame, panels feet, hinges et al.
When placing the views for the detailing of the second assembly sometimes the view will show the wrong length for one or some of the frame members.
;note how the left and right views are different and how some of the frame members are elongated on the lh view.
I'm guessing its because of the home grown frame members but all seems to work well other wise and this only happens infrequently.
HP z210 16Gb ATI FirePro5800 Autodesk Produst design Suite 2012
I need an offset lisp routine to offset a selected line a set distance on each side of the selected line and change the layer of the offset lines to the current layer, and then keep prompting me to select the next line for offsetting until I'm finished.
I am trying to create a station-offset label style that will drop the trailing zeros in the offset section - e.g. 15' instead of 15.00', but if the offset is not at a whole number, e.g. 15.01, etc. it will display the entire offset.
I created two expressions: IF(OFFSET-TRUNC(OFFSET)=0,.1/12,.00000001/12)
and this one: IF(OFFSET-TRUNC(OFFSET)!=0,.1/12,.00000001/12)
I then created two offset components, one called truncated, and one called full, and assigned the heights to match the expressions.
I have attached the file, the style is ACHD-Sta Off-Rt [copy]
I drew the first sketch. i want to insert an offset plane. i use the plane tool, mark 2 sketch entities and a plane is formed. i move it, but it moves only on the plane of the sketch, the dialog box for the distance doesn't appear.
In Inventor 2012, if I offset a curve and then constrain the offset to the correct dimension, it always moves the original curve and the offset curve becomes the "fixed" curve. How can I change this?
What I have is a round part with a few features. I drew it in Inventor until I got stuck with the last feature, which happens to be a hole, on the OD of the part that is at an angle (don't care what angle so long as it doesn't intersect with the hole next to it).
I have screen shot? both the mechanical 2D version and my 'so far' Inventor version, how I can go about modeling this feature?
Btw, the hole this has to connect to is the one highlighted green in the bottom pic or the only one dimensioned in the top pic.
All previous releases of Inventor before 2013 would display the name of the parameter that controls the offset value of a plane. While editing an offset plane you could see the name either in the title of the pop up or by holding your cursor over the parameter value. In release 2013 I have been unable to find the parameter name anywhere when editing the plane. I have a lot of equations in my models. Being able to track down bugs is difficult enough without not knowing what parameter I'm looking at.
Is there a setting I need to turn on/off to get the parameter name to display again?
I have an assembly that I am trying to offset surfaces from other components to create a different part. I have this part inserted into the assembly (only planes and axis exist on this part for now).
When I try to edit it in the assembly, and select "Copy Construction" from the surfaces menu it will not select the surfaces I need. First is this the correct command? This looked like the closest to an offset surface command.
If not, what is the correct command?
I should also add that this assembly has welds in it, if that makes any difference.
I need a pit configuration, and I use the offset command to offset a base polyline to first 10 m and then 3 and so on.. is there a way to do this in an automatically way, that you can choose the lenght of the offset for each "offset" (i.e. 1st 10 m, 2nd 3, 3rd 10 m, 4th 3 m, and so on. I am actually using civil 3D.
Anyway to change the Offset from the out of the revision tag/box edge to the edge of the text instead of leaving such a large gap I want to make it smaller less obtrusive(smaller) and I have tried changing the text size but it doesn't change the offset it changes the text size to small but the outline still remains the same size , I cannot find a location to make a new style that also ties to the revision annotation table in the drawing , I have attached a sample for you to look at what I am trying to change.