AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive Style Is Always A Surface?
Dec 16, 2011
I have ipt file that I am trying to derive into another part file. The "derive style" is set to surface only. solid icons (top most row icons) are all disabled/greyed out. But actually the part i am trying to derive oesnt have any surfaces.
Why does inventor force the derive to be surface only?
If i continue to dereive, I am seeing that the "move bodies" icon is also greyed out.
Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013
We have found that after installing SP1 for Inventor 2013 is nearly impossible edit derived assembly. It takes very long time for open dialog of Derived assembly, without SP1 it takes approx. 2mins. for assembly of 20000 instances, with SP1 it takes more than 2 hours! This we are able to reproduce on each of our station. And more, there is still not corrected bug with save setting of hole patching range. This setting does not remember min and max value and after re open this dialog the range is set back to default value 10-9999mm.
I have tried ti disable antivir and all unnecessary services - no effect.
Inventor 2013SP1, Win7SP1 64bit, Eset Endpoint Antivirus 5.0.2126
I need to derive a part in a model (not assembly and as a separate solid), to remove it and make a cavity. However, I need inventor to prompt what file is to be derived through iLogic.
yesterday when I clicked on "Derive" while in a part file I would get a browse window to select the part I wanted to derive, after this a prompt would come up that asked if you wanted the part to be a surface or a solid, if you wanted to scale it, etc. For some odd reason today when I tried to derive a part it doesnt come up anymore. After I select the part it just gets inserted and to keep it I have to hit enter or right click and select "ok". Not sure why the prompt stopped popping out, havent changed anything.
Inventor Professional 2013 Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013
Is there anyway to derive a text parameter? It's nice that 2011 gives you the ability to create text parameters but why don't they allow you to derive it to another part? What about deriving iProperties?
There is an assembly in Vault that I need to derive into a single part to work with our CMM software.
When I try to open up the assembly from Vault, it opens up just fine, with no warning or errors or save prompts, so all part data links should be ok. However, when I try to derive it there is a part that will not come in. If I derive the assembly and keep each solid as a solid body, it derives just fine but that is not what I need.
Is there any way to troubleshoot why a file isn't coming in for the derive but works just fine with Vault? I can't attach the assembly but I will try to attach the process I have recorded and have a screen clip of the error message. Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
I have an issue with Shrinkwrap/Derive when using a Positional Rep.Open the derived part and try to change it to the "work" positional rep.Everything appears to work fine in the "master" rep.I have this problem in a few of my assemblies and was able to track it down to the positional rep usage in the derived part.
How can I get to the option of checking or unchecking the "use colors from source component" in a derived part? I have been looking through the API at the DerivePartComponentObject and see all the other options but the one I am looking for, where to start looking for this?
last week you drafted a mold for my plug part, but you didn't exmplain the steps I need to follow to create the mold using the derive command. Would you mind posting the steps for myself and other forum readers to follow. I guess my real question is: how do you create a 2 part mold using the derive command?
derive multiple solids from a part. I use the code shown below but it seem as I only can get the first solid in the part that I am trying to derive from.
''More Code''' ' Create a new part document, invisibly. oPartDoc = m_inventorApp.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject, , True) oPartDoc.UnitsOfMeasure.LengthUnits =UnitsTypeEnum.kMillimeterLengthUnits ' Derive the assembly into the part. Dim oDerivedPrtDef AsDerivedPartDefinition oDerivedPrtDef = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents.CreateDefinition(oTopDoc.FullDocumentName) Call oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents.Add(oDerivedPrtDef) '''More Code'''
How can I get all the solids from the part that I am deriving from?
I am attempting to create a packaging mold for an 'item assembly' which I have created in AutoDesk Inventor. To do so, in a new 'mold assembly', I made a solid rectangular prism with the assembly constrained in the middle of it. I then import this new 'mold assembly' through the 'derive component' option into a new part and make Inventor subtract from the prism the shape of the 'item assembly'. This gives me my mold, however I am not sure how I can erase the original 'item assembly' that was placed inside the prism (which is now a mold), for it still remains after the derive component feature has been executed. How I can remove it?
I created a skeleton and now i want to derive the sketches and planes to other parts. It worked for a while, but now it does not work!
The problem is when I create a new .ipt and then I would like to Derive an other part in it. I click on the file from the browser, it puts the part into the .ipt, well, sort of, it's like a visual effect, but NO Derive window appears afterwards, so I cannot edit which sketch or parameter or planes...etc.. I chose to actually derive to the .ipt.
I'm working on a bracket within Inventor, in order to get the head of the bracket correct (so that it will fit into a bar) I want to derive the bar and use it to cut the slots needed.
Although I have had some problems with this due to the bracket being sheet metal for bend radius reasons.
I am using inventor 2013, and I have some model and like the word say they are model that i will use as derive parts to machined or change depending on the model. then I make the IDW drawing from the derived part.
Most os this models are assemblies. what i want is to pass the model number to my IDW drawing of the derived, so i can see from which model the part is derived.
I am trying to take a 3" sq 11 gauge tube that will have a pie shaped cut out of the tube leaving only one wall remaining. The tube then will be bent until the two sections are mated and welded. The tube is going to be processed on a tube laser to have the features cut out.
The problem is when I bend the tube in inventor I need a straight version of the tube for cad/cam programming and fabrication and not have it affect the bend feature that is placed in the weldment. I do no want to derive a part and save a separate version in the vault. I would like it all to be in one model.
I try to create a view representation and name it "straight" and suppress the bend feature in the new representation but it changes in both representations of the part.
Is there a way to have two different view representations of the part (suppressed bend feature, unsuppressed bend feature) that I can switch between?
When we send 3D models to customers, we always derive the assembly to make it 1 solid part, so the customer cannot disassemble it to copy our product, and then save it as a step file.
I want to Derive an assembly to a part and then save it as a *.step file with an ilogic rule.
I worked out the last part, but i cannot find the Derive assembly code anywhere.
Im not an experienced programmer, i can only Copy paste, so if the solution is already posted in a simular rule, i will not be able to pick what i need from the code
I have a multi body part with an extruded cut through all solids. Each solid is derived out to its own part. I edited the extrude feature in the multi body part and removed one solid from the selection set. The cut was correctly deleted from the solid, but when I open the part its still there. The only way to make it update correctly is to manually edit the derive feature in the part. Caught it just before it went off for cutting. 2012 SP2, all hotfixes, win7 64 bit.
I have a surface model of a bin that I am going to use as a master for deriving sheet metal parts for each side of the bin. After creating Sketch 9, which defines the mating flanges of the sheets, I repeatedly get the error noted in the subject when I try creating a derived part from this file.
I narrowed the problem down to the sketch block I used to define the square holes or more specifically a dimension that appears in this sketch block. I originally drew the circle with the square around it within Sketch 9 and then used the Create Block command. Then I patterned the block along the edges and made the pattern symmetric about the mid point of the edge and placed the hole half way out on the flange. (Flange width is set as a user parameter "FlangeWidth"(1.5") and distance to hole is "FlangeWidth/2" or even just a raw value of 0.75").
Now once this dimension is added to the sketch it will also appear in the block editor for the 5-16 Carriage Square block. If this is deleted from the sketch and the block definition and the pattern of holes are left unconstrained in this one direction a derived part can be successfully made. BUT if a dimension is added to the sketch it will trickle down to the block definition and now a derived part will fail...
I realized that my holes are to be on the midline of the flange so I can constrain them there without a dimension and so I can work around this. I just didn't think dimensions to geometry not included in a block were added to the block definition.
I'm playing around with render materials and have the material assigned and the surface style to show only triangle in model view. When I go to Realistic view style should the not show?
I customized a surface style to show relative elevations, with lighter tones representing higher elevations, and darker tones representing lower elevations. With a single glance, I know the high and low spots in my project area.
C3d provides several default surface elevation styles. None of them comes close to providing the instant, data-at-a-glance information that my customized style does, which I use to design stormwater systems. Again, it's really useful to see, with one look, where the high and low spots are in my project area.
I can't figure out how to export, transfer, copy, whatever, my customized style from one drawing to a new drawing. If I want to see my customized style, I have to recreate it from scratch in each and every drawing where I want to use it.
How to transfer a surface style from one drawing to another? By the way, I tried opening up both drawings, with both toolspace/settings windows open. Tried dragging and dropping the customized style to the new drawing. Didn't work.
I have a surface with all sorts of heights, and want to add color to different heights. Getting the color there is not that difficult, but how do I swap them around? i.e. red is 'low ground' and blue is 'high ground'. In Holland we use it the other way around though, so blue should be low ground and red high ground.
Where exactly do I change this? I've tried it in the surface style tab, surface properties tab, analysis tab, and some others, but no success so far.
I am using ACA 2011. I have a rectangular building with a standard 8" CMU wall pattern. I need to edit that pattern so it reflects a 10x8x8 CMU block. What is the proper procedure to set up a new wall style or can I just tweak the 16" length to show as a 10" length block in this file?
A way to associate a default profile style with a surface. In other words, I would like to set a different default profile style for each surface. Same could be true for sections.
I set up our company log which gets embossed on most parts as a sketch block in an .ipt. The .ipt contains nothing but the sketch block. To use it, the designer only needs to derive the Logo.ipt file into their part and then use the scale setting to set the derived block to the desired size for that part. The result is a scalable set of line geometry that can easily be used for extrusion or emboss that is standard for all users. It works beautifully, that is until you try to use it in a sheet metal part in 2012.
For some reason, when this same part, which works perfectly in normal parts, is derived into a sheet metal part an error pops up stating that, "Selected part does not have any geometry that can be derived." Say what?
I was able to find a workaround by directly copying the block into the sheet metal part, but you no longer have the ability to go back and scale it if needed. Even more strange, when the block was copied over, it could not be deleted from the new part.
Is this just a bug with 2012? Why does it work in a normal part but not sheet metal?
I read that it's not possible to import a style (styxml file) into the style editor through the API, there is no dedicated command.
However I'm wondering if there's a a way to have the internal name corresponding to the button as we can do for the ribbon buttons (there's a sample code which does this).
So is it possible ot get the internal name of a button inside a dialog box (style editor here) or is it really hopeless to think I can import a style with a macro ?
I am looking for either a corridor style or surface style to display slopes while in plan view while working on a corridor. I know you can turn on slope arrows as a surface style, but I am actually looking for the grade to be displayed next to a slope arrow. Hopefully I am explaining it properly.
I just am looking for a better way to spot errors before putting surfaces into machine control without checking station by station in the section editor.
I have surface style (could be slope or spot elevation) with a 2 line component, and text component above and below the line. I'm trying to create on style for many options. I'm using c3d 2013, but moving to 2014.
I would like to do the following after placing the label:
1. adjust the length of the line component. (ex: as I rotate the lable, the length of seg 1 changes ) 2. turn off one of the line component 3. adjust the angle of one of the line component. 4. when drag, the length of the line changes to a new value.
and while I'm asking, is there a way to move/rotate/drag the syle to a percise distance. I want the leader to be 1 unit long at 30 degree angle.
Is there a surface setting / style option where contour labels (elevations) will display at some specified interval as part of the surface rather than going through and adding them as labels afterwards? Seems like a rudimentary operation, where the labeling can be so scattered and random.