AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Surface Style - Line Component Length
Jun 20, 2013
I have surface style (could be slope or spot elevation) with a 2 line component, and text component above and below the line. I'm trying to create on style for many options. I'm using c3d 2013, but moving to 2014.
I would like to do the following after placing the label:
1. adjust the length of the line component. (ex: as I rotate the lable, the length of seg 1 changes )
2. turn off one of the line component
3. adjust the angle of one of the line component.
4. when drag, the length of the line changes to a new value.
and while I'm asking, is there a way to move/rotate/drag the syle to a percise distance. I want the leader to be 1 unit long at 30 degree angle.
Has instances where you set your tolerance for the maximum triangle lenth to say 50m to reduce the amount of triangles along the edge that run at long distances. When I do this I end up with multiple surface holes and I'm not sure why as there are points in the area.
I thought well maybe it's because i should've reduced my max triangles first then added breaklines. Would this matter? I also thought I could add a line to the surface to fix the holes vs. deleting surface lines along the entire edge of a surface for many many miles.
Can this be done? I want to go through the DrawingView Object to get at a subcomponent of an assembly and either set that component to have hidden lines (where needed) or no hidden lines.
Cannot delete label style component. This is for line annotation labels.
I created a child BRG-ONLY from a BRG-DIST and it will not allow me to delete the distance component. The red X is faded and not clickable.
This is my second day with a new company, and when somebody else created a similar child style apparently they could not either. The just made the distance component invisible... which I guess works almost as well.
How would I be able to pick a specific component to make sure I can delete it?
I needed to remove a feature line that I used as a break line when creating a surface. When I removed the feature line from the definition of the surface, the grading did not change. It appears the points created by the feature line remain which is why grading didn't change. The only work around was to delete these points.
I noticed the same thing happens when I removed the surface boundary and inserted a new boundary. why these points remain and how to remove when I delete boundary and feature line from surface?
I'm playing around with render materials and have the material assigned and the surface style to show only triangle in model view. When I go to Realistic view style should the not show?
I customized a surface style to show relative elevations, with lighter tones representing higher elevations, and darker tones representing lower elevations. With a single glance, I know the high and low spots in my project area.
C3d provides several default surface elevation styles. None of them comes close to providing the instant, data-at-a-glance information that my customized style does, which I use to design stormwater systems. Again, it's really useful to see, with one look, where the high and low spots are in my project area.
I can't figure out how to export, transfer, copy, whatever, my customized style from one drawing to a new drawing. If I want to see my customized style, I have to recreate it from scratch in each and every drawing where I want to use it.
How to transfer a surface style from one drawing to another? By the way, I tried opening up both drawings, with both toolspace/settings windows open. Tried dragging and dropping the customized style to the new drawing. Didn't work.
I have a surface with all sorts of heights, and want to add color to different heights. Getting the color there is not that difficult, but how do I swap them around? i.e. red is 'low ground' and blue is 'high ground'. In Holland we use it the other way around though, so blue should be low ground and red high ground.
Where exactly do I change this? I've tried it in the surface style tab, surface properties tab, analysis tab, and some others, but no success so far.
A way to associate a default profile style with a surface. In other words, I would like to set a different default profile style for each surface. Same could be true for sections.
For labels, is the font decided in the general tab under text style or in the text component editor under the format tab? Are there overrides? There seems to be multiple locations for fonts choices when creating a label and I can't find a nice black and white answer.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
I am creating a block for my details. I want to be able to title my block and the the line under my txt will change it's length based on the lenght of the text. I keep playing with the constraints, but I haven't found one that is doing what I want.
I am looking for either a corridor style or surface style to display slopes while in plan view while working on a corridor. I know you can turn on slope arrows as a surface style, but I am actually looking for the grade to be displayed next to a slope arrow. Hopefully I am explaining it properly.
I just am looking for a better way to spot errors before putting surfaces into machine control without checking station by station in the section editor.
Is there a surface setting / style option where contour labels (elevations) will display at some specified interval as part of the surface rather than going through and adding them as labels afterwards? Seems like a rudimentary operation, where the labeling can be so scattered and random.
I've created a triangulation volume surface to compare two surfaces. Under the analysis tab in Surface Properties I have banded my levels in metre intervals and coloured the bands accordingly. I would now like to display the 'banding' in my drawing. Under the information tab I should be able to select 'Elevation Banding (2D)' as a Surface Style, however this is missing and I can only select 'Standard'... How to get this selection back.
Is it possible to change the length of a line based on the length of an attribute?
I'd like to make the line a MINIMUM length of X" (I haven't decided how long yet--but know I'll need a minimum). But then after the user fills in the attribute, I'd like the length of the line to change to the length of the attribute plus a small amount (again, I haven't decided yet how much extra).
I was wondering if there is a way with DB's to have a line "follow" or "grow" with the content/value length of an attribute. Maybe some method of linking the attribute width to length of the line? Essentially, it would work just like turning on the underline setting when typing in mtext editor (or any program with an underline option for that matter), expect that the line could be placed anywhere, and would not have to reside directly below the text.
I'm using 2D solid level band surface styles when generating simple flood maps - In order to manipulate I generally have to extract the surface objects (faces or hatches) which gives me a single face or object per triangle within the surface.
I then try and get round this by using a combination of various Lisps and Union to wind up with a single boundary that I can then use in ordinary AutoCAD and 3rd party software. However on big surfaces this is killing me as I have 50k+ triangles, so 50k+ faces or individual hatches, so its causing 15min long unresponsive stalls on my PC.
What I'd like to do is simply export the boundary of each level band to a polyline, or even better to extract the whole solid band as a single hatch object. Is this possible within C3D as it stands, or is there a lsp out there
I have an alignment with horizontal PVI points that are coincidental with COGO points. I want to display in a profile view, a surface elevation at the alignment PVI points in a band style. Is it possible to do this? If so, how?
I made an alignment of road, inserted with sample line, then i made a profile. But on the sample line on profile, there is not a data of height and lenght of profile. How to get those data in road profile. I can manually draw that, but i think there is an easier way?
I am looking for a Line Label Style Expression which will perform a rounding function on distance labels that display my "General Segment Length" value.
What I need is to be able to remove "Trailing Zeros" from my distance values, so that if precision is set to say 0.01 and my distance value is measured as 45.5, I do not get 45.50 but 45.5.
I created a label for retaining wall that takes the z value from the start and end of a feature line. Works great except that it isn't dynamic. I have created the feature line in a grading sheet where the surface is data shortcut into it and I'm just using grips to make sure the ends are on the bottom and top of the retaining wall. Is there any way to dynamically pin/tie the feature line to a surface that has been data shortcut?
I am trying to figure out how to change the labeling of my sample line style from (<[Sample Line Number(Sn)]> which out puts a count of 1,2,3,4 etc to output A,B,C,D etc.
This has got to be something simple, but I can't get my head around it. I want to take a feature line that has been created by the "stepped offset" command and change its style, in LISP, of course. I have the entity name and have dumped the object, but the style of the FL is not one of them. It shows up in the properties box, but how do I get to it to change it?
We are upgrading from LDD2008 to Civil3D 2013. I'm working on a Civil3D template
I'm setting up line and curve label style. Oringally we were going to have one set of line label style. Ex. Bearing Above or Bearing Below. After seeing that the line labels does not look at the current text style we decided to make copies of the original label styles based on Text Styles.So now I have Bearing Above60, Bearing Above100, etc. I named them based on the Leroy styles and sizes.
After editing each one and changing the Text Style each one looks at, it is not using the Texting Style i assign it. I'm doing this in the General Tab and Text Style for each label style.
i guess I should have tested before creating all them to find out it didn't work.Does it need to be done somewhere else or is do I have to do something with the overall label style overrides?