AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive A Text Parameter?

Aug 11, 2010

Is there anyway to derive a text parameter? It's nice that 2011 gives you the ability to create text parameters but why don't they allow you to derive it to another part? What about deriving iProperties?

Using Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameter In IDW Text (Units?)

Nov 29, 2012

I have a model in imperial units with the parameter: Pin_Dia = 7mm.Now I'd like to use this parameter in a text field on a drawing, but its value will only display in inches.

(I don't know if it's called a field in Inventor, at least that's what the equivalent feature is called in AutoCAD.)I managed to fake it by creating a new parameter in inches: Pin_Dia_Metric = Pin_Dia * ( 1 ul / 1 mm ).

Now this shows up in the text dialog box as "7.0 ul."  It still displays correctly, since the text field only shows the numerical value, but I really don't want to clutter up my Parameters list with a bunch of duplicated values for metric conversions.

Is there a way to change the units for just this one text field?-Using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Why Text Size Not A Parameter

Mar 28, 2013

I have been diving into the world of iParts, iLogic and iLogic Forms and have found them to be very useful! However, I am shocked to see that Text Height is NOT a parameter. The parts I am creating have embossed text.  The size of parts range significantly so the size in text must also change. In making a Form, I would like the Text height to change based on the part being created. (ie if the part thickness is 1.5", I would like the text height to be 1" (Text Height = 66% of Part Thickness).  I was about to create a simple iLogic rule to accomplish this when I noticed that Text Height (from the sketch) is nowhere to be found. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Add User Parameter (Text Value)

Jun 10, 2011

Parameters with a text value, How do I add userParameter? In iLogic 
Examples. DoubleValue)

Sub Main()    

Dim oCompDef As PartComponentDefinition
oComDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
Dim oParams As Parameters
oParams = oComDef.Parameters
Dim uParams As UserParameters
uParams = oParams.UserParameters
strVal= uParams.AddByExpression!("strVal", 0.15, "mm")
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True
End Sub

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Text Parameter - Equation / Nominal Value

Nov 26, 2012

Is there any way in which the text of a text parameter, which is in the equation column, can be replicated into the nominal value column in the parameters table? I want to reference the value of the parameter in Custom iProperties but it always comes up as blank because it has no value.

I need it to update automatically, e.g not entering the value manually.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Export Text User Parameter

May 2, 2013

Is there a way to export a text user parameter?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Defined Text Parameter In IPart

Aug 17, 2011

I am trying to make an iPart of a fitting where I can change the "Body type" and it will change all the parameters associated with that body type through iLogic.  Really I am just playing around in iLogic to see if this is something worth learning.  Back to the point, I would like to change a  multi-value user text parameter through the iPart table but I cannot find the paramter in the parameters tab. 

Since it is a user parameter I thought it would be in the "Other" folder but it isn't.  I do however have the other multi-value user number parameter in that folder, which makes me think that maybe I can't use the paramter in the iParts table? 

INV 2012 SP1
Windows 7 64 Bit
ATI FirePro V5800
14.0 GB RAM

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Numeric Parameter Be Formatted In Drawing Text Box

Dec 4, 2011

In an Inventor Drawing (.idw), dimensions are formatted (i.e., as decimal or fractional) based on the style selected for the dimension annotation.  You can also force stacked-fraction formatting of specific numeric text within a text box.

However, text boxes don't seem to offer much control over retreived parameters.  When you insert a value from the parameter table into your text box or leader text, the retrieved parameter always gets pulled in as a decimal number regardless of how it was formatted in the part's parameters table.   

Are there any formatting functions that can be used within a text box or leader text to force fractional formatting for a retrieved parameter embedded within that text?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Multi Value Text User Parameter

Aug 26, 2010

I created a sketch that I would like to use in an iFeature.  The sketch dimensions are controlled with an ilogic rule referencing a multi value text user parameter, eg the text parameter pull down menu controls the size of the part.

Is there an easy way to get this parameter into an ifeature or derived part?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Model Parameter Text In Custom Symbol

Jun 27, 2012

Just installed 2013 Pro x64 and I'm doing a little testing. Using Tube and Pipe, I created a few mock pipe runs which are named according to a unique line number. When clicking on the Iproperties of any of these pipe runs, I can see that the value of model parameter "Part Number" now includes the name of the top level assembly and the line number, which is the name I assigned to the pipe run when I created it (see Fig 1 attached). Then in IDW I created a user defined symbol which contains text that I have directed to extract value of "part number" from the model properties, and fill in my symbol with that value (see Fig 2). The problem is, when I tag the pipe run with my custom symbol, the value in the symbol remains blank, instead of giving me the value of "part number".  WHAT am I missing??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Length Of Geometry By Text Parameter?

Mar 15, 2013

I need to change the length of geometry by a text parameter.How to do this?

I tried this:

If widthselection="420" Then
ElseIf widthselection="620" Then


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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Parameter Driven Text Height - 2012?

May 15, 2012

We are having issues with text height and variations depending on how the text is added.

I am currently adding etching to sheet metal parts by using the user parameters (which are driven by 3rd party source, excel file) and using a cut extrusion -1mm.

We have developed a marco which detects the shape of each letter and adds etching to our sheet metal program manually. We do this to get rid of the double lines when you cut text into a part. Our process is design in Inventor, unfold then convert to DXF 2004, where we import to our SM programming package (Radan).

I have noticed that when using 10mm simplex if the text is driven by parameters and 10 point text is selected the charecter height is 9.9928mm, however if the text is added manually it measures 10mm exactly. Why is this happening? It is probably of no concern to most, but we would need to add extra charecters to our macro to account for the descrepency, and in turn would take the macro longer to run.

When the text is added by user parameters, you can briefly see the 10mm text height flash to 9.99mm when finishing the edit sketch. Changing this to 10mm again has no effect.

what is causing this, or have any alternative ways of adding 10mm simplex single line etching to a dxf from an Inventor 2012 SM part?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export To DWG / Missing (Part Number) Text Parameter

Dec 3, 2012

I'm using the "Part Number" parameter inside a block of text in my drawing, but when I export it to AutoCAD DXF 2010 format, the text in the exported file shows up as "<PART NUMBER>", instead of displaying the actual part number.

-Using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IV2012 Sp1 - Delete Unused Parameter Takes 4-5 Seconds Per Parameter

Dec 23, 2011

I have user parameters that are no longer needed and are not being used anywhere.  They each takes 4-5 seconds to delete, prior to 2012 this would happen instantly.

IV2014 SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T7500, Geforce GTX 480, DirectX11 306.97
SpaceExplorer 4.04, 3DxWare 3.12.2
Twin Intel Xeon E5506 2.13GHz, 12GB RAM, Win7 Pro SP1 64bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Model Parameter To Reference Parameter?

Oct 2, 2012

I need to convert a model parameter to a reference parameter thru the API.

I saw this item discussed in the group before, but I cant find the thread.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive Assembly In 2013 SP1?

Sep 24, 2012

We have found that after installing SP1 for Inventor 2013 is nearly impossible edit derived assembly. It takes very long time for open dialog of Derived assembly, without SP1 it takes approx. 2mins. for assembly of 20000 instances, with SP1 it takes more than 2 hours! This we are able to reproduce on each of our station. And more, there is still not corrected bug with save setting of hole patching range. This setting does not remember min and max value and after re open this dialog the range is set back to default value 10-9999mm.

I have tried ti disable antivir  and all unnecessary services - no effect.

Inventor 2013SP1, Win7SP1 64bit, Eset Endpoint Antivirus 5.0.2126

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive Part Using ILogic?

Nov 10, 2011

I need to derive a part in a model (not assembly and as a separate solid), to remove it and make a cavity. However, I need inventor to prompt what file is to be derived through iLogic.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive Prompt Not Working?

Feb 10, 2013

yesterday when I clicked on "Derive" while in a part file I would get a browse window to select the part I wanted to derive, after this a prompt would come up that asked if you wanted the part to be a surface or a solid, if you wanted to scale it, etc. For some odd reason today when I tried to derive a part it doesnt come up anymore. After I select the part it just gets inserted and to keep it I have to hit enter or right click and select "ok". Not sure why the prompt stopped popping out, havent changed anything.

Inventor Professional 2013
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive Style Is Always A Surface?

Dec 16, 2011

I have ipt file that I am trying to derive into another part file. The "derive style" is set to surface only. solid icons (top most row icons) are all disabled/greyed out. But actually the part i am trying to derive oesnt have any surfaces.

Why does inventor force the derive to be surface only?

If i continue to dereive, I am seeing that the "move bodies" icon is also greyed out.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Derive Vaulted Assembly

Oct 24, 2013

There is an assembly in Vault that I need to derive into a single part to work with our CMM software.

When I try to open up the assembly from Vault, it opens up just fine, with no warning or errors or save prompts, so all part data links should be ok.  However, when I try to derive it there is a part that will not come in.  If I derive the assembly and keep each solid as a solid body, it derives just fine but that is not what I need.

Is there any way to troubleshoot why a file isn't coming in for the derive but works just fine with Vault?  I can't attach the assembly but I will try to attach the process I have recorded and have a screen clip of the error message. Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shrinkwrap / Derive With Positional Reps

Aug 26, 2013

I have an issue with Shrinkwrap/Derive when using a Positional Rep.Open the derived part and try to change it to the "work" positional rep.Everything appears to work fine in the "master" rep.I have this problem in a few of my assemblies and was able to track it down to the positional rep usage in the derived part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive Part Color Options?

Mar 22, 2011

How can I get to the option of checking or unchecking the "use colors from source component" in a derived part? I have been looking through the API at the DerivePartComponentObject and see all the other options but the one I am looking for, where to start looking for this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Mold From Derive Command?

Feb 17, 2013

last week you drafted a mold for my plug part, but you didn't exmplain the steps I need to follow to create the mold using the derive command. Would you mind posting the steps for myself and other forum readers to follow. I guess my real question is: how do you create a 2 part mold using the derive command?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Derive Part From Two Other Parts (sketches)

Aug 12, 2013

I often use a number of parts with only one sketch in them as templates for other parts.

I have for instance a template part with a top view sketch and a template part with a side view sketch.

Mostly I can use one of these template parts to derive my parts.

But now I want to creat a part that needs both the top view and side view sketches. So I need to derive from two different parts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive Multiple Solids From A Part?

Jan 24, 2013

derive multiple solids from a part. I use the code shown below but it seem as I only can get the first solid in the part that I am trying to derive from.

''More Code'''
' Create a new part document, invisibly.
oPartDoc = m_inventorApp.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject, , True)
oPartDoc.UnitsOfMeasure.LengthUnits =UnitsTypeEnum.kMillimeterLengthUnits
' Derive the assembly into the part.
Dim oDerivedPrtDef AsDerivedPartDefinition
oDerivedPrtDef = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents.CreateDefinition(oTopDoc.FullDocumentName)
Call oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents.Add(oDerivedPrtDef)
'''More Code''' 

How can I get all the solids from the part that I am deriving from?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive IMate From Multi Body Part?

Jun 15, 2013

How to derive only referenced imates to the solid from multi body part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Mold Using Derive Component Feature

Apr 7, 2012

I am attempting to create a packaging mold for an 'item assembly' which I have created in AutoDesk Inventor. To do so, in a new 'mold assembly', I made a solid rectangular prism with the assembly constrained in the middle of it. I then import this new 'mold assembly' through the 'derive component' option into a new part and make Inventor subtract from the prism the shape of the 'item assembly'. This gives me my mold, however I am not sure how I can erase the original 'item assembly' that was placed inside the prism (which is now a mold), for it still remains after the derive component feature has been executed. How I can remove it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derive Part Windows Doesn't Show Up

Sep 4, 2012

I created a skeleton and now i want to derive the sketches and planes to other parts. It worked for a while, but now it does not work!

The problem is when I create a new .ipt and then I would like to Derive an other part in it. I click on the file from the browser, it puts the part into the .ipt, well, sort of, it's like a visual effect, but NO Derive window appears afterwards, so I cannot edit which sketch or parameter or planes...etc.. I chose to actually derive to the .ipt.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cutting (derive) Sheet Metal Object

Sep 30, 2013

I'm working on a bracket within Inventor, in order to get the head of the bracket correct (so that it will fit into a bar) I want to derive the bar and use it to cut the slots needed.

Although I have had some problems with this due to the bracket being sheet metal for bend radius reasons.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Parameter For End Value Of Parameter Animation

Dec 19, 2011

I got a deadline for my project, but I got a big problem:

"I cannot set the "parameter" for the End Value in Parameter Animate dialog"

For easy understand, let's see a example:

1. I got a part which has two parameters named: "A" and "MaxA"
2. I animate Favorited parameter A.
3. The End Value is MaxA_ (Everything is ok)
4. I finish Studio environment, then I change parameter MaxA_ from 200 mm to 400 mm
5. I turn back to Studio environment, the End Value now is "200 mm" (I want this will be MaxA_, so I can animate the flexible parameter). 

show me how to keep the end value will be "MaxA_" after I change parameter? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pass Properties From Assembly To Derive Part To IDW Drawing

Aug 10, 2012

I am using inventor 2013, and I have some model and like the word say they are model that i will use as derive parts to machined or change depending on the model. then I make the IDW drawing from the derived part.

Most os this models are assemblies. what i want is to pass the model number to my IDW drawing of the derived, so i can see from which model the part is derived.

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