AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Project Geometry Of View In IDW Environment
Mar 21, 2012
I am creating a view, then a sketch on the top of the view. I should be able to project geometry of the view onto the sketch, for some rason Project Geometry icon is grayed out.
When I create a new sketch on any given view and utilize the 'Project Geometry' command, not all geometry will project onto the sketch. It seems random; I've tried multiple times using different orders in which to choose the geometry. Sometimes certain geometry will project, sometimes not.
I am trying to use a Windows environment variable to point to my root directory where the projects are stored. When I type %MYINVPROJECTROOT%/newproject/... into the path of a new project, it seems Inventor is unable to resolve the path.
We use SVN to collaborate, hence, instead of forcing everybody to the same folder structure, we keep everything in SVN and people just need to set an env var to point to the respective folders where they checked out their working copy. This is especially useful when working with branches, etc. All other engineering tools seem fine with this (MATLAB, Labview, Maple, ...) only Inventor seems to fall behind.
I am designing a vacuum part in Autodesk Inventor, which is essentially a long cuboid shape with various valves and spaces for windows along it's length (see attached pic). Upon finishing the design of this part, a few details need to be changed - one being the fundamental shape of the object. It now needs to be a larger square section attached to a long cuboid section (as I found out the valves on the right hand side of the drawing are around double the size they are in this drawing). Rather than restart the project from scratch, I would like to only modify one of the ends to be extruded out into a square shape, or something like that. My first idea was to use the split command in order to split the faces into what I did and didn't want to change, but upon starting this, I don't think this is the best way.
Is there a way to hide project geometry from model sketch? I am modeling a sheetmetal part where I need to sketch centermaks, part number etc. for laser cutting. I want to use xy planes for symmetry reasons when sketching, but I don't want them to appear in dxf. This is a problem if I create a dxf directly from the model.
Usually I create dxf files from drawing by adding new sheet where I create flat pattern view from the spesific part (excluding machinigs etc, only thermal cut boundaries visible). In the drawing I am allso able to show model sketches and hide unwanted project geometry. Is it possible to include these sketches to dxf?
I'm trying to project an edge of a cylinder in a "detail" view. Here's the process I'm taking. Click the view and pick "create sketch", then I pick "Project Geometry". Then I pick the edges of the cylinder I'd like to project and it only projects one side. I can select the edge, but when I right-click and pick done it won't project it. It appears to me that it's only allowing one edge of the same object to be projected. I've tested other objects and it seems to only do this with cylinders.
Have been using Inventor for 6 months or so after being on Solidowrks for many years.
With the settings I have from the start I have been avoiding using adaptivity because it causes more problems than it seems to fix. Just ran into this problem a few minutes ago.
Basic rect angle iron frame, put holes in them for fasteners. Created the cover and constrained it to the frame assembly. Used project geometry to locate all the holes in the frame onto the cover. Use the "Hole" feature and everything is good with the world.
Then changed the side pc of the frame, shortened it by 1.25 inches. Would not update until I deleted the cover and the fasteners. Even then I had to go thru all the constraints I used, edit them back to the number I had used. Once I did all that the frame was the correct size.
I must be missing something serious, it has to be easier than this to use adaptive parts.
I'm sure this has been asked many times but none of the queries I used brought up a similar question. My issue is that I recently spent a lot of time annotating a detail view with leaders attached to geometry, leaders not attached to geometry, and sketches constrained to geometry projected from the view.
I made some modifications to the model which didn't re-locate any of the components that I'd annotated, but somehow the detail view got shifted, and all of my leaders are pointing to the wrong place and the parts of my sketch that weren't constrained to geometry are in the wrong place as well. Some of the leaders seem to have held to their posts better than others, but for the most part my annotations are worthless and will need to be re-done.
I'm using Inventor 2012, and experiencing some trouble with certain types of projected geometry that I'm using in a sketch associated with a view in an .IDW file - but only when the view involves a break (or breaks).
I'm generating section views to show the layout of hole details at various axial locations along the part. When placing a section line, I can't "pick up" any appropriate locating geometry from the view. So, after creating the view (using just a vertical section line), I edit the sketch that defines the section line. Project some geometry (the edges of the holes, in the attached example), draw some additional geometry constrained to that, then constrain the section line to that. That works fine; if I move the view around, the section lines stay attached to it. This is what is shown in the attached "before break" picture.
When I apply a break to the drawing, though, the section lines don't follow the changing view. They stay right there, as if the view had not been broken at all. This is what's shown in the attached "after break" picture. Move the view around, and they track with it - but always staying the same "real" distance apart from each other. It is as if that projected geometry were completely ignoring the break.
I observe something similar if I start with an IDW view with one or more breaks, then create a sketch associated with the view. If I project geometry, some of it projects where it should, but other geometry projects elsewhere on the page - as if no breaks were present in the view.
The part I've shown here is something I put together as a simplified example of what I'm observing. The part I'm actually trying to detail is more complicated (many more details), and much longer (so breaks are a requirement to put it on paper).
I am updating a lot of parts before putting them in a "vault" Is there a way to list the I properties and document settings of all parts and assemblies in a directory rather than opening each part individually. It would be great if I could make edits that way as well. (for example change a status to released or a BOM to purchased.
I'm using C3D 2012. I created a profile view for a straight horizontal alignment. The band label for the horizontal won't appear for this particular straight aligment. I have a few other alignments that has curves in it and the profile view displays the labels fine.
I tried to create a new straight alignment again, create a profile view but I get the same results.I also tried it on a new drawing using the NCS metric template with same results.
I can think of (if this is a bug) is to extend my alignment by say 0.1m and add a new IP at the correct alignment end, mask that on plan and end my profile view to the right length.
When opening an assembly document via the API (inventorApplication.Documents.Open("path-to-document")), the browser pane and ribbon look like no document has been opened, even though the active environment (inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager.ActiveEnvironment.DisplayName) is "Assembly".
I´m drawing a component which does not fit within the drawing sheet. How can I reduce its space on the sheet, while keeping the dimension equal?? I know I can use a Break, but I really can't suceed into using it.
I am using the Student version of Autodesk inventor 2013.I was able to use the simulation, stress analysis features for a period of 10 days from the day of installation but its not working now.I have tried reinstallation also. I am using a registered version only.
I have an assembly which is made with a sub assembly. The sub assembly has iLogic code that both resizes it's parts and suppresses parts that arn't needed after a change in length.
I have a bunch of parts that are almost identical except for a few minor changes each time. Most have already been created in Inventor. My problem is that I want to rotate the part so that a face that was once along the XZ plane will now be in the XY plane. Is there anyway to rotate it like this? I would like to do this so that when I bring it into Mastercam, I don't have to rotate it each time.
The individual (environment) icons, i.e.; iam, ipt, idw, ipn doesn't show up anymore with my Inventor 2010. When I open Inventor, there is only one common icon shows (I) for iam, ipt, idw etc. How can I make the individual icon visible gain?
I would like to change the color of the sheet in the drafting environment to white. At the moment it's a light tan or light yellow color; the default. How do I do this?
In the Inventor 2012 drawing environment when multiple objects were present I would pause the curser and use the wheel on the mouse to select the object and click the green check mark to dimension a part.
In Inventor 2013 the objects will scroll using the wheel but the green check mark don't show up. How can I select the correct object I want to dimension to?Has the behavior of the select other function changed in Invnetor 2013 or is this a bug?
I'm dimensioning to a mid point of a line that has a center line over it.
Where can I find sheet metal.ipt template for Inventor LT 2012 ?
I seem to be failing to get "off the ground" here ... The "Sheet Metal" tab at top will not appear. Also, the "sheet metal.ipt" template is not in my files. Should I do a complete deinstall/reinstall? This is my first (or should I say, zeroth?) attempt at sheet metal, so I seem to be crawling on all 4's.
Why is access to the Content Center only available in the Assembly Environment?
Surely I can't be the only one that could benefit from access to the library when creating a single tube or beam or angle bracket the part environment.
Where is the setting to control the size of dims in the IPT sketch environment. The arrow sizes are OK, but the dims are so small they are unreadable to the point of having to double click on the dim to get the actual value.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 / Win7-64 EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel 950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller) Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82 SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11