AutoCAD Inventor :: Cable Assemblies / Make The Wire Routing Look A Little Neater
Mar 1, 2012
Many times, we run several individual wires from one device to another. They are not grouped in a cable jacket or anything just individual wires. I was wondering if there is anyway to make the wire routing look a little neater as right now I have to tweak each wire one by one and many times it looks like crap. Can I use a segment for this and then just turn off the visibility of the segment or something? I just want the wires to look neat running from one place to another and there must be a way to do this?
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Apr 20, 2012
I work for a company that does custom electrical enclosures and we use a 2010 version of inventor professional. What would be required to run wire in assemblies easily and also output wiring diagrams?
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Feb 28, 2012
I am working on a assembly where a cable wrapped around a drum is animated to rotate with the drum, and there is a longer cable coming off of the rotating cable wrap, this longer piece goes down to another cable on a roller assembly. I have edited the assembly to work without the actual cable drum and without the roller assembly ( I wasnt allowed to share those models ) There are now two cylinders in place of the cable drum, a Grounded center to hold everything in place, a Rotating center which is animated so the wrap can rotate.
My problem is when the part named "Drum to Roller" is a lofted cable with angled ends to meet the "Drum wire wrap" at one end and it meets the "Radius cable ends" at the other end. I need the "Drum to roller" to stay constrained to the "radius cable ends" as well as the "drum wire wrap" ... and after being constrained still animate.
I have set up the animation and you will see that the "Drum wire wrap" is animated to keep the end vertical , the animation is set up to look like the "drum wire wrap' is un-raveling cable and the "drum to roller" is to be what un ravels.
I need to find a way so that the "drum to roller" translates down and over , staying constrained to the "drum wire wrap".. You will see that so far it does not.
I have attached two links below they include the two halfs of my assembly, place all the files in the same folder so you wont have to search for them manually.
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Jun 6, 2013
Some of the edges are very pixelated and I need this icon to be very high quality. What is the best way to do this?
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Nov 15, 2012
It is a while ago since I used Inventor, so i'm now just practising a bit to get the hang of it.
As a start a cable stayed bridge looked fun. So I made the towers and the roaddeck. But now comes the tricky part, and that are the cables themselves. When I started I just thought I could use the 3D sketsh feature. But as it turns out, that feature is not available in the Assembley environment. I could just make the cables as a Part and then insert them in the assembley, but that is to much work. As you can see from the pictures below the holes I made in the towers to accomodate the cables do not line up with the edge of the roaddeck on which I want to secure them. So the cables make to much angles for me to make the as a part. And besides that, I just think it could be done more easily.
Below you can see the images I made of the bridge so far. The first one is an overall image, the second one shows the tower with the holes (if the holes won't work, I can always make something else), and the third image shows the area on which the cables will be attached to the roaddeck.
Can this be done in the Assembley environment?
Note: I planned this to be a cable stayed bridge, not a suspension bridge. But tips to make this into a susension bridge are welcome as well.
For the record: I'm using Inventor 2012
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Dec 5, 2012
I am trying to make a model of coil cord cable (looks like phone cable) in the autodesk inventor10. I know to make a model of the coil cord when it is straight, but how can i make the coil cord model when it is folder.
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Sep 19, 2013
how to mesh wire together in a pattern on a pole of say 60mm diameter and 1 metre length?
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May 29, 2013
How you can keep constraints active in sub assemblies so that when I am moving a subassembly the extra movement say in a transitional constraint is able to move so I can see if the total movement allowed is to much?
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Nov 27, 2012
How is it possible to have a part in an assembly and then remove it when it is not required?
I have a Skeletal assembly of a cabinet with hinges on the left hand side when facing the front. When a customer requires the hinges to be on the right hand side, I need to make the lock keep disappear from the Right hand side panel sub-assembly and make it appear in the Left hand panel sub-assembly.
At the moment, I have the lock keep, the BOM structure in the file is Normal, this is overidden in the assembly to being Reference for the first instance, the lock keep is fully constrained in both sub assemblies and both are in an array of only 1. I increase the value of the array from 1 to 2 and by a distance of zero(0), the newly added part would have a BOM structure of Normal, consequently it would then appear on the BOM. This method was something I last used when using IV2009, it was a method I used to control both visibility of parts in assembly drawings and on BOMs.
I'm now using 2013 and arraying a part with a overidden BOM structure of Reference makes the new part a reference part aswell even though the file itself is BOM structure of Normal.
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Oct 4, 2012
How do I make referenced components from parts and assemblies? (I searched the web and it said that that you can change it in the iProperties by selecting the Reference tick box under the occurance tab - but no such thing exists in Inventor 2011!
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Mar 13, 2013
I'm trying to make a few assemblies inseparable for a parts list in a Drawing, but I can't seem to make it work.
I know I have to do this in the Bill of Materials menu, but for some reason the part I want to make inseparable is greyed out whiles the one that is just one part isn't.
My only option right now is to make it a weldment which works but not ideal, because now the material isn't correct.
I'm trying this on the assembly in the picture.
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May 4, 2013
We use a similar sub-assembly in almost every assembly we design. So what I would like to do is make a template from this sub-assembly that I can make adaptive, constrain to the proper parts and have it resize to the main assembly. I've been trying to do this for a few weeks now with little success.
I have seen tutorials make adaptive part templates but never adaptive assembly templates. Is this even possible?
I know you can't make individual parts adaptive to multiple assemblies without saving each part as a different file and I think that's where my problems are coming from. Even though I save the template as a different file is it still referencing the original adaptive part in my library folder? If so, is there a way I can make it not do that? I may be way off base there too I don’t know.
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Oct 3, 2011
I am working in an Inventor Assembly .iam, I have about 250 fasteners (screws) that are constrained to a flat washer and lock washer. I would like to put them in as a single unit (sub assembly if you will) and then promote or explode them in the top level so that my bom has 250 screws, 250 washers, and 250 lock washers all at the same level, not associated to one another except thru the constraints that were entered in the original assembly. I have tried Promote but that doesn't work because it removes the washers from the original file and I end up with only 1 instance of the assembly. Am I approaching this incorrectly? Is there a better way? I run across this scenario with different components quite often.
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Mar 8, 2012
If you have created a sub assembly and inserted it into an upper level assemby, is there a way to bust up the sub assembly at that level?
The issue arising is the individual components need to be called out on the upper level, but in the drawing are all showing up as the same balloon.
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Oct 19, 2011
How to make 3D shielded cable? We can use HATCH make it in 2D but how about 3D?
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Sep 7, 2011
how to draw the intersection wire like a half circle passing over the other wire.
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Jul 12, 2012
i have a valve vault assembly that i am creating that has two headers running through a large cylinder vault. how i get a total BOM if i were to create the header assembly file separate from the the total vault assembly file. is there a way to explode the header assembly bom when i do the drawing.
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Jun 29, 2004
I need to make a wire that wraps around a globe. I have tried different ways to do this but it does not look good at all.
But im looking to make kind of a braided cord/wire that wraps around the globe.
Can i make that in photoshop? or do i need to learn 3dstudio max?
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Apr 3, 2013
I'm working on an idea for a brand and I can't for the life of me figure this out. You know how you can strip the insulation on a wire and twist the copper together?
Example: [URL]
How would I be able to reproduce something similar in Illustrator? I've been racking my brain and scouring the web for hours today and it seems that not too many people do this. I was even looking for tutorials on how to make a barber pole sort of effect. No dice.
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Sep 18, 2013
How are people modeling curb inlet bypass flow? When I first got into using SSA, I looked on-line through some AU handouts and blogs etc. I learned to model on-grade inlets using direct bypass links. I would create one that linked upstream and downstream inlets. It appears that hydrodynamic routing is the preferred option for modeling pipe networks with storage nodes, and the direct links don't work due to error 134. It would seem that the logical fix for this is to model all gutter bypass as user defined open channel and create a channel section that matches the road and gutter section. Is that correct? Also, how does the software view a direct link versus open channel?
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May 2, 2012
I have discovered a 3D polyline cant be joined to a 2D polyline and when i exploded 3Dpline then flattened it ,as recommended elsewhere on this forum,it seems its shrunk in length.The NC router I have access to has to use 2D polyline for the path of the cutter.wish i could simply fed the 3D object into the NC router software and that was all i had to do.
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Feb 20, 2012
I have these cable segments in my models. The problem I have is that when I render them or zoom out all of the work points and segment points become visible. It's only when zoomed in that they disappear.Look at the attached images for an example.I would really like my rendered videos to not have bright yellow spots.
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Jan 30, 2012
I might be going mad but I seem to be missing Cable+Harness tab from the ribbon!!! Pipe+tube is there! but I seem to have lost the ability to do cable
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Sep 30, 2011
I’m working on a project where I need to make a cable that is adaptive to 4 wheels, where 2 of them is moving.
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Feb 17, 2013
We work on animal designs for our jewelry. We would like to make lines going around the designs like a frame that would look like a rounded wire or pipe.
Handcrafted unique jewelry created in animal, wildlife, flower and western designs.
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Dec 19, 2011
I have created a cable/harness in my assembly. I have to edit the cable to change visability to centerline display in order to turn off visibility in a drawing view. The issue is that on one sheet of my drawing I need to show the cable, but not on the others. As soon as I turn the rendered display on, the cable shows up on all sheets and the visiblity command has no affect. Is there a hotfix for this? I don't remember a problem like this in 2011.
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Jan 17, 2013
I'm creating a wire assembly and i already have in me a length for my wire.
How can I apply this in my assembly for Inventor? It seems only the diameter can be specified but not the length.
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Jul 19, 2013
I would like to include Terminals and other virtual parts in het BOM on my drawing. For this I need to generate a report. I have defined my own virtual parts but somhow their properties are not accessible. You can see 88 items but this is the total of all segements and pins. Somehow partnumbers show as "---". I have included the report configuration file I am using.
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Nov 26, 2013
When I try to create a custom ribbon cable I get a message that reads:
"The cable and harness library is being edited by another user or is marked as read only. The Cable and Harness Library will be opened in read-only mode. No changes can be made to the cable and harness library, but wires and cables can still be inserted into the harness assembly."
In my project file I made "use style library" to = Read-Write
System Specs:
Windows 7 Pro
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Autodesk Vault Basic 2014
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Nov 5, 2013
I have a bit of problem that've been cracking my head. I create a wires, segments using cable harness environments in Inventor. After I created those, I want to see rendered image, but only centerlines appears. I have already change the harness settings into real image(rendered) but still centerlines appears.
Weird thing is that I create other assembly, it all works perfectly. But I cannot recreate my design, it is already so much work.
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Apr 18, 2012
How do I ad my own terminals, seals etc. under Connecter Pin Propertiesvirtual parts, and how do get this information on the nailboard.
Alternatively, I would to put this information(seals and terminals that are to be used with the connector) directly on the connector that i publish to content center, some sort of property/text, that I can retrieve on the drawing/nailboard.
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