Is it possible to automate the creation of a DXF file when you save or check-in a part file from inventor. I have already set it up to create a DWF file to a shared folder on our network but we also export to DXF files as well for use in our machine shop. As of now the only way I know of doing it, is to open the .idw file and save it as a DXF manually. How to set this up to automatically create one on save or check-in.
All I want to do is automatically generate a drawing for an assembly with sheets for the component parts. The assembly is being placed as an iLogic part if that makes a difference.
I have an iassembly which contains around 500 different members. There aren't any major differences between the members other than parts being Included/Excluded and parts being replaced by similar parts (this can all be done in the table as the parts are all created as one ipart family).
I need an assembly drawing for every member. As the drawings will be very similar, it is possible to just create one drawings then use 'Save as' and 'replace model reference' to create the whole lot. As this process would be very tedious and time consuming, I want to create a ilogic program or a VB macro to automate this process.
Basically i need a program that will...
FOR every line in the table (say 1 to 500)...
look at the currently active drawing...
replace model reference (for 2 views and a parts list) with the appropriate member (whos file name will match it's Part Number)...
save as with a file name that matches the current rows Part Number...
I am trying to create a lisp file to automate the placing of angular dimensions at all of the vertex's along a very long polyline. There are 500-600 nodes at least and we need the angle between the incoming and outgoing lines at every node.
Is there a way to automate this with a lisp file, or am i relegated to clicking 1800 times and waste 3-4 hours doing this?
We get these files quite often and this will be a huge benefit to us.
What was the last version of CS to include the creation of web pages as part of Automate in the File dropdown? I've tried to reinstall the original CS on a separate machine, which fails, since it does not make nice with my current version, and the Adobe folks are ABOLUTELY NO.
I have the following code to automate the insertion of several files iLogic.
Sub TestPlace(doc As String) Dim cm As CommandManager Set cm = ThisApplication.CommandManager Call cm.PostPrivateEvent(kFileNameEvent, doc) Dim cd As ControlDefinition 'Set cd = cm.ControlDefinitions("AssemblyPlaceComponentCmd") Set cd = cm.ControlDefinitions("iLogic.PlaceComponent") Call cd.Execute End SubSub InsertaIlogic() TestPlace ("ilogic1.iam") TestPlace ("ilogic2.iam") TestPlace ("ilogic3.iam") TestPlace ("ilogicN.iam") ...
I'm trying to write a program in C# to automate ballooning from a BOM.The routine must read the BOM and for every row it highlights in all the views the corresponding component.Then the user must be able to manually draw a balloon or balloons to the highlighted items.
When done the next row of the BOM is called, etc.I can choose to start with a BOM from our PDM system or the Inventor BOM, partlist or drawingBOM
I tried different ways but I get stuck on it.I even tried to select the nodes in the browser and called oNode.doselect, but then I can't get the proper type for the selected items to go further?
We would like to be able to export parts lists from our drawings into Excel, so we can build a master item list on a project to get purchasing information on long lead purchased items early in the design phase.
We are thinking of exporting the part list to an Excel file named the same as the drawing file each time the drawing is checked in to the vault. We will have another VBA routine that does some sorting and other magical things to build the master list in Excel.
Is it possible to automate dimensioning of drawing views?
Here's the situation: I have an Inventor assembly that's controlled entirely by iLogic. My users, who have zero Inventor training/experience (or with any 3D CAD software for that matter), pull up the assembly. They enter product related parameters from paper work orders into an iLogic form and hit a "Go Button". The assembly updates based on the parameters, suppressing and unsuppressing parts, features, patterns, and mates. This works great. They then hit a "Run Job" button. This takes them to an .idw where they fill out another form with order specific information and hit another "Go Button". This then cycles through every detail sheet and the parts list, deleting sheets deeemed unneccessary for the product, generating part numbers, exporting dxf's, generating an excel BOM, etc.
This works great as well. The problem is with the dimensions. They blow all apart when the model changes. I know I can run some API code to delete dangling dimensions, but is there away to programmatically create dimensions so I don't have to rely on my users remembering what needs them? I've played around with using model dimensions, but I find that they stay and remain attached even when their corresponding feature gets suppressed.
Is there a way to change an iProperty, specifically the iProperties->Project->Project field for multiple parts automatically.
I use the iLogic Design Copy Tool to copy over an entire project, and for the most part the only changes is the project number.
I didn't see a way to change this in the Design Copy Tool, possibly there is some other tools that can do this that I don't know about. But if not, I am assuming a small script (VBA??) would be required to do this? whether it is in Inventor or just an outside program to carry out this change.
I found this old thread, but it seems that people just found another way to do this?
My workflow would follow something like this:
-Use iLogic Design Copy Tool to copy over project to new folder
-Open up full assembly
-Run rule or script to update all parts in assembly with new Project iProperty
-update the drawings as I need, (they will all need to be reviewed as some parts will be modified anyways)
I would like to use Drag2PDF to create my PDF, and I want to automate the printing process. I want to print all sheets as a one PDF file. I have created a simple C# code, which prints to PDF, but I have one problem... When I submit the print a dialogue will appear (from the Drag2PDF) which asks for the file to be saved (location and name) How can I automate this?
I may not use pdfAddIn.SaveCopyAs, it makes my PDF not good.
I have been looking at posts on automating pdf creation but have seen a lot with programming / VB involved but would like to avoid that if possible. I have also seen one's on batch processing but would like to do them as needed / completed.
I am trying to somewhat automate the pdf creation process. Having them save to a specific spot / folder and having them 'plot' the same view to the pdf would be very beneficial that way we don't have to select print, print to pdf, print this view with these details, save to this folder location. etc.
I have a 32 page Inventor DWG file I am trying to convert to a DXF file. Unfortunately when I do a save copy as DXF,
I get 32 individual DXF files. I would like one file with 32 different pages just like it was made in Inventor or just like it is done in Autocad where you have one drawing with the tabs at the bottom. Is this possible to accomplish in Inventor?
I have tried to create deployments on the network for my products but I keep getting a "copy function fails" error once I start it.
When you first start to make a deployment it asks for a Administrative image path which I have been point at a network location (\serverpath, etc). I did make sure that the path length was less than 73 characters (due to a previous error).
It was suggested that I make the deployment on the local machine and then move it to the network location?
However, it does not appear that you allowed to pick a local directory for this (see attached).
I just installed the trial version of Inventor pro, 2013. I'm having a problem with the view changing on creation of a sketch. It goes to the home position. The "Look at sketch plane on sketch creation" is un-ticked in options.
Click on Component->Create. Once the Component is created, click 2D Sketch. View spins to the Home position. This is really annoying. I learned Inventor 2010 in school. I don't remember this ever happening.
If I select a plane from the browser prior to clicking the Create 2D Sketch, the view remains the same as expected. This is only a problem if you want to create the initial sketch using a face of another part as the sketch plane. Is there an option I'm missing?
I've been making iLogic assemblies with hints of VB for about 6 months now. My Boss has asked me if I can write code that will effectively create drawings automatically.
What we would like to create is a rule, which when run, creates a new drawing file, places the active assembly in a base view, then place a Left, Right and Top view of the assembly and place a parts list in the top corner. Dimensions are not really important at the moment, as the sizes of the parts are in the description field and the drawings are used for assembling the product only.
We are having a pretty large annoyance where anytime you open a part with a decal, a message comes up saying there is a newer decal, and asking if you want to check out the decal. From digging a little bit I have found that this is caused by the decal being linked to the image. I however have not been able to find a way to break the link on an already created and vaulted part.
Is there a good source of material mechanical properties on the internet? I have been creating a custom material library with the materials I normally use and I've just been duplicating a material from the supplied libraries to create mine with a name change only. I'd like to include the correct mechanical properties if I could find a source of information that has all the properties in the format that the Inventor 2013 materials editor requires.
Has seen that even if a work plane, work axis or other work feature is created during a transaction, the screen will still update? The actual features I create using these work features within the same transaction still work just fine.
I am looking at moving from controlling my Styles in template files into a Style Library. So how exactly would I best do this? Create a new Style Library in the Style Library Manager, set it in "Style Library 1" (this makes the new Style Library "active", yes?), open my template files, and under the Manage tab, "Save" the document styles to the new Style Library? Should I then delete my Document Styles from the template?
When you get a new release of Inventor, how do you generally go about pushing your Style Library into the new release? Do you just copy-paste the old Style Library from the old release "Design Data" folder into the new release "Design Data" folder? Do you start a new Style Library in the new release, compare to the old Style Library, and push the old into into the new?
In the initial part of the simulation promotional video [URL]....
the internal space of the valve is selected by first selecting faces, then selecting Part Priority and then Isolation, producing the combined total flow volume space. Despite repeating this procedure many times I find I am unable to create and isolate the required volume space. The inner surfaces of the valve are selected but when selecting Part Priority, part of the valve solid part highlights and the selected inner valve surfaces disappear.
I have managed to derived the volume space by subtracting a new derived part, however the example provided in the video suggests the process of defining the air space can be achieved a lot quicker.
A colleague & I have been trying and failing all day to create a punch tool from scratch. I did however manage to modify the geometry of the Dimple & Hole example here:
how to a) build the iFeature correctly and b) how to then extract it so that the orientation is not FUBAR when you insert it using the punch tool.
Attached are the dimensions I need. This shape when revolved about the centreline should produce a 'dimple' effect in the sheet metal part.
I'm having a bit of trouble creating a new parts list style. I really want to have two styles to choose from in all three of my .idw templates. I understand how to create them but I can't save them to the library.
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
I'm trying to automate the drawing-creation in our company. Steps I've taken:
- create new drawingdocument with template - Save new drawingdocument
Problem: Creation of new document works, but the next step, saving it to a specific location, fails. Error handler is initiated and displays error: Invalid procedure call or argument.
Dim DXF_DWG as DrawingDocument'Create new drawing based on templateSet DXF_DWG = ThisApplication.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kDrawingDocumentObject, ThisApplication.FileOptions.TemplatesPath & "Folded and Flatpattern DXF.dwg", True) 'Save new drawing to specific locationCall DXF_DWG.SaveAs("C:TempTest.dwg", False)
As told, the VB-code raises an error on the last command. What am I doing wrong? What are the correct steps in VBA to create a new drawing document based on a template and save the newly created drawing to a desired location?
I just installed Inventor 2013 (First Mistake) and when I attempt to creat a breakout view, Inventor crashes. The folks at Autodesk are blaming this on my machine running multiple threads. Aren't all modern computers supposed to be running multiple threads?
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
We have a large assembly that we've been trying to get details views off of and it's taking anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes to create each detail view. IDW. We're using LOD and derived assemblies as it's 5000+ parts, but Inventor is simply bogging down and sucking system resources in the creation process. I've used every trick in the book that I know, butIt's taken me all day to get one drawing done.
Which one of these methods insures that there will be no error, or bug on closing the sketch profile in all the future versions of inventor? One is simpler than the other (no line on top of line, no need to make extra construction line). I'm fine either way, i just want to know which one is the SAFEST FOR LONG TERM PART FILE STABILITY.
I'm currently working on a model and it annoys me a bit that whenever i create a new Sketch a Center Point is created automatically (okay thats quite useful for the first sketch) and when I create a sketch on a face of an extrusion, the shape of that face is automatically projected as lines in my new sketch.
Usually I don't need that "projection" - is there a way to disable this feature?
I'm using Inventor Professional 2014 Student edition.
PS: I just noticed that I can't snap to center and corner points after deleting the projected shape.